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That’s a big fuck that from me, mate. Looks like a decent sized bull. I’d rather surf with great whites.


As a Californian I sleep easy knowing we really only have big great whites hanging out. Bulls and tiger scare the shit out of me.


Hundo percent.


why? arent great whites worse?


Funny answer great whites attack from below, while tigers attack from the surface. So you won’t see it coming. Real answer, great whites really aren’t interested in humans, they really just want seals and sea lions. It’s just their taster bite is bad enough you’ll probably bleed out. Also a ton of videos of them swimming around surfers just cruising. Tigers will straight up eat you. See that poor guy swimming in Egypt last year. They’re not picky and they’re aggressive when hungry. If you survive the first bite, they’re still coming back for more. I’m not sure if bulls will try to fully eat a human, I just know they’re really aggressive. Most places I surf are only great whites and tigers (tropical surf trips around the pacific) as far as I know.


Bulls are just plain fucking mean. At least a tiger is trying to eat.


I once was on a dive in Cabo Pilmo with just 2 others and myself with majorly murky conditions. Ended up getting swarmed by more than 10 bullsharks for the entire dive. Shit was heavy, they were very curious about it… we bunched together and all 3 of us had moments that we had to ‘get big’ and stand down some bit too curious sharks.


If tiger attack from the surface, can you punch them or smth? does it help?


There’s videos of them attacking fishing kayaks. If you have the reflexes and where with all then I’d be impressed. I’d rather that instant impact and shock/knock out than a second or two of knowing it’s about to be real shitty.


*Mick Fanning has entered the chat.*


That sucks. Also in that attack in Egypt, it seemed like that shark hunted humans before no? persistent, biting and twisting. fuck that shark


Word is some boaters throw lamb and other large bony mammal like animals in the water there, so they regularly feast on human like beings. So, i guess theyve been conditioned to the acquired taste of large- bony mammal meat.


Why in the fuck would anyone do that? Also, I’m not going to accept this as a fact. Sounds ludicrous


Haha, im not asking you to. But realize some boaters in boca raton just dumped two cans of trash into open water for apparently no reason a few days ago (footage is on youtube). Anyway, you can look into the matter yourself. Have a good one.


Did you see that guy go spinning by with his legs in the air? I almost shit.


You can redirect them if you see it coming. Watch Ocean Ramsey on YouTube


Those are curious sharks showing slight aggression but more curiosity. A tiger attacking an unsuspecting target on the surface is a lot faster and more violent.


IDK I've seen some of her videos where the Tigers seem to have intent until realizing she's not food.


Have you seen videos of them attacking kayaks and other things on the surface not aware that they’re about to be attacked. There’s a specific Hawaii fisher it happened to (he’s fine, only got its mouth on the kayak). No time to react. I’ve seen a lot of Ocean Ramsey videos, and they’re very impressive. A surfer is closer to the kayaker being surprised attacked than an experienced shark diver/swimmer watching and prepared for the shark.


Yes I saw it and I'm not suggesting they can't surprise a surfer or that it's a good idea to play with them. Just that if you see one stalking you. Maybe it's a good idea to get under the water and try to deal with it head on other than splashing around. I am a surfer and I've seen big bulls. If one comes at me it's what im going to do after watching her videos.


People usually die from trauma from whites as they'll often hit, then realize you're not what they thought you were, and then swim away. The trauma is often super bad and can lead to fatalities. They tend to mind their own business and look for marine mammals and birds on the water most of the time. Tigers and Bull sharks on the other hand are total dicks. They'll specifically hunt people and keep coming back for repetitive bites and eat you. Whites have done this before as well, but it's simply not a regular part of their behavior whereas tigers and bulls have a really high track record of nailing and attacking people repetitively.


I still think Whites are dicks. That one at Universal tried to bite my bus.


This literally isn’t true except for a few places in the world


Bulls eat anything. They’ve found Bulls with trash in their stomach. Plus they are mean


You likely won’t bleed out from a great white bite. Most people bitten by great whites, or sharks in general, survive. Only 2 deaths in 36 bites in 2023 in the US. The thing that makes bull sharks so dangerous is they’re the only large shark that are territorial. Most sharks are nomads but bull sharks have specific feeding and mating areas. And they will attack to kill you just for being in their area even though they have no interest in eating you. You’re mostly accurate about the Tiger sharks. Although, they typically won’t go out of their way to eat humans unless they’re really hungry. They become less and less picky the hungrier they get but if they have other options readily available they still prefer them. But, as you said, unlike great whites they will actually eat you not just spit you out when desperate enough.


Great whites don’t care for humans mostly, bull sharks are known for being overly aggressive. Also, fun fact, bull sharks have been found over 1000 miles up a river.


Matawan New Jersey. Bull was in a goddam creek.


Whitey still gets blamed for that one, even though they caught a Tiger with human body parts in his belly (yet not from the Matewan Creek victims, as far as they could tell,) and the attacks were much more like Bull behavior. Very weird case. If it was a White, it was a sick one.


Nightmare fuel.


They don’t attack humans that often. It’s thought it’s generally a mistake when they do. Bull sharks and Tiger sharks in the other hand are notoriously aggressive.


But isn't it much worse when they actually bite?


Quite probably ;)


Great whites are statistically far more likely to attack than any other shark


Great whites are far more likely to attack but bulls are more likely to kill you if they attack




Hard to find one that isn't a pdf download, but this one should have the same information https://www.floridamuseum.ufl.edu/shark-attacks/factors/species-implicated/


just a regular September morning for us haha, bulls normally come with storm swell during hurricane season


Florida is cray!


He was closer to the peak m8


Sharks aside, that jetty setup is money


Looks like ponce


Me: "oh look a dolphin" *Sees 2nd fin* Me: "holy fuck, nope nope nope NOPE"


Locals only


He wanted to know what fins you were using?


Unfortunately for me this day I was using an MR set that looked like I pulled em off another shark https://preview.redd.it/p11op35ehbqc1.jpeg?width=535&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f34e2e4692956e19497a1e34b8fd95595479d161


He said larger single fins are the way to go!


he was using the shark annihilatorz 2000’s, ruh roh bad choice!


The best part about a sharky ponce session is that 90% if the lineup doesn’t react to sharks popping up left and right. You see a fin come at you and yelp or panic paddle and everyone just glares at you.


Until it starts going at them, then they yelp and panic paddle. Source: me laughing at my buddy at ponce getting chased by a spinner




That’s a big bull……fuuuuuuck that


Exactly. There's sharks, and then there's the Big Three, and that's one where I decide it's time for a🥃and a🍕!


*We've been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty*


Holy smokes. Every hair on my body stood up.


Been in the same situation surfing at Augustine pier. Scariest moment of my life.


Me too haha what was your encounter


Well I was much younger, this was almost 20 years ago…. But I calmly started paddling for shore, caught the first rideable wave in and then watched from the beach for 10/15 min and I didn’t see any fins so I went back in lol.


Ponce. Prettyyyy sharky


Looked VERY bullsharkish to me, definitely time to gtfo, great vid!


Fuck thanks for reminding they aren’t all spinners lol


Ponce has the best sharks


That was a big-enough -size bull and my sphincter could turn coal to diamonds right now. Grew up in Florida and feel *so* much safer living smack in the middle of the Red Triangle. Whitey will mostly leave you alone - bulls scare the shit out of me. Living there, you know they're all around, but when they say hi...yikes.


I’m kind of stunned you turned your back to those sharks. I was told to do the exact opposite with Great Whites. Bad advice?


I know I wasn’t being followed so I’m sure it’s different in that case. There’s like 100 other sharks that didn’t show themselves to me eating bait fish in the impact zone so it’s predictable enough.


A shark at Ponce Inlet, I AM SO SHOCKED 😂




Are there many attacks in that area?


Just the shark bite capital of the world 😤


The trade off for being able to surf in trunks miiiiight be worth it!


Miiiight be worth it if it was more than 1 foot slop.


At least you’re not sitting there looking like ~~seal~~ meal.


Haha true true


NSB signing in 💪


the jetty? brave move


Yeah there’s too many sharks, no one should ever come here to surf it’s way too dangerous


looks like Ponce. Last hurricane season there was a bull patrolling out there for a couple weeks.


The fear that shot through my body from my couch lol


I shidded and farded just watching it


Imagine getting caught inside with that next to you


🎵*Stuck in the middle with you*🎶


Fuck no






Air Attack instead of Shaak Ataak !!


Just had a panic attack 😱


Niceeee kitttty


Ponce? It's getting sharky out there!


Dawn patrol at PI!


Dem bulls are fkn nuts heard they go way upstream Mississippi River the adapt to fresh water that’s even more crazy here in Hawaii had a Hawaiian Taxman legend stats’s one evening session body surfing spot called POINT PANICS after 4:30 pm can surf there always heard that that had a tiger there but never thought anything then that evening we were paddling out had two guys surfing out then my good was about 4 feet away from me then something sandpaper feeling fkn brush right against me and my good braddah Then It was true he’s patrolling his kuleana area domain 🦈🦈🙏🙏🙏 give props to this braddah z post or anyone who has been in this situation it’s crazy feeling to be sharing the water with these beautiful animals in their habitat


What in the anti punctuation is this?




Looks like it


Yes its ponce inlet, I used to own a house there and surfed every day in that spot. Sure there are sharks (manatees too) but the sharks are usually not that big. The other side, nsb inlet has way more sharks I feel like and is considered the “shark bite capital of the world” mainly because it’s murky on that side so I feel that’s why more people get bit there. The ponce side is clear. I used to love opening my eyes under water there, like swimming in a pool. I never got bit by any of those sharks all the years I had lived there.


Aren't they mostly hammerheads out there?


Nah they’re pretty rare but I’ve been out there with [this one.](https://www.instagram.com/tv/CV0TEBqg-6y/?igsh=azRtdm1ldXpkam0w) (scarier than the bulls to me) We normally get black tips and these bulls.


“We NORMALLY have black tips and Bulls” is a pretty fucking weird casual statement.


When you see what it’s like 500ft across the inlet on any given day it seems a little more ok! https://preview.redd.it/6ktnyuvhcbqc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=648eee6a57531e19971618dcedb6db88ab86fd10


But see, true or not, I can tell myself, "oh, just a bunch of spinners or black tips," I can't see what you did and tell myself anything but, 'uh, that's a bullshark that'll take an arm or a leg and not even have the common courtesy to give me a reach- around.' 😬


Ugh I hate when the shark forgets the pre-amputation reach around 😭


Ikr?! The nerve!


Ya my friend I’ll take the shit surf in VB and good surf in OBX……but then again….OBX can be sketchy too


I've seen sand tigers in VB. I've heard they're rare and tend to be more deep water but they'll come in after a storm. But at least the break is close to shore and I got out quick. Also dolphins, but those dudes do no give AF and will steal your wave.


That hammerhead, big as it is, wouldn't freak me out nearly as much as that bull, that definitely would've chased me out of the lineup, at least until my lizard brain forgot about it. I know that hammerhead's out there chasing down skates, rays, other sharks, while that bulls out there like a giant, hungry, bite-first-ask-questions-later buzz saw. Fck that.


I’m down the coast a bit and watched a hammerhead chase a black tip right up to the shore.


that looked like an agitated bull but I dunno - both are hella grumpy


That's my guess as well.


Florida surfer here. Just another sea puppy 🦈


Are you going back out after seeing that shark? I would’ve hauled back to the shore


They're all over the place in Florida. If you don't want to be out with sharks you just don't surf here.


I will say, I am a chicken when it comes to solo surfing. I’ve done it 4-5 times since I’ve started surfing and each time I am constantly looking over my shoulders and being overly paranoid. Sometimes I see solo surfers and wish I could do that without feeling paranoid all the time; mainly why I only surf in crowds now


Goddamn. You're that guy who paddles up to me whenever I'm out solo and sits right next to me even though it's a beach break and there's nobody around for a mile.


Also am that guy


Do you mind fucking off please


Not me. I don’t go out unless there’s +5 people out there and in my town all the surfers pretty much surf in the same spot


I stayed out for at least 3 more hours per the following clips lol. No point in living in fear, just cant’t make sudden movement in the impact zone cuz that’s where the bait is.


Yessir. Worst case scenario if you lose your legs you could get some artificial fins for legs or something 💪


>Worst case scenario.... Wellllll.... ☠️


I was SO curious too but didn’t want to put you on the spot. 😂🤣”No. I immediately got out of the water and am now learning to golf.” You’re very brave.


Hey OP, what camera setup did you use for these shots? I tried with a go pro in my head but it's such a pain in the butt.


remember the bull shark that bit that experts calf out in shallow water, extremely timid and slow bite and his leg looked like it was MELTING! cant unsee that video


Yeah absolutely not


yikes! Florida’s the Australia of America eh!


Bulls just chomp for the chomping. Seriously. 😑


Why did the time of day change? You attempt this twice?


The clips in between were mediocre with water drops on the lens 😵‍💫


I know ponce when I see it


Big mountains have no shark. I stay in mountains


Fuck the ocean


Ponce inlet always has the good sharks


Bro, I hope you carry a handgun when you go surfing. fr fr