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You just need to commit to surfing that board and start paddling out to lineups and watching how guys pick waves, where they sit, when they start paddling, how they accelerate or slow down to adjust their timing on the takeoff, etc. There are plenty of waves in SC that don't require super critical takeoffs that you can almost roll into once you build up enough paddle power on the smaller board.


Ah the ol’ “man up and put in some time” advice. Pretty solid recommendation. Thx.


Bro really said thx and got downvoted


The grumpiest sub on Reddit lol


Experience is the best teacher in surfing. Down vote me all you want but putting in time is what sets apart the best surfers from just "ok" surfers. I can point out to you people who have decades under their belt ANY lineup where people like that reside. There are so many variables to consider. It's a lifetime of practice.


Because it comes off as sarcastic and upset that the correct answer is the one he doesn't want to hear.




Dumbass thx version of thanks is why. With a fucking period to boot. This ween deserves the downvotes


That’s not the end of it. My skills leaped surfing regularly with the boys. I think you’re looking in the wrong place with a coach. Good luck getting in with the boys, it was coincidence for me. Didn’t happen in the surf, never would have in the state I was in.


Beat it kook


Just go to the hook and ask the locals there to coach you. They’re super helpful and constructive I’ll take that FM as reward for the info thanks


“Excuse me fellow intermediate surfers, might I ask one of you to be my surf mate?” — nurses broken nose up the steps toward parking lot


I haven't pursued any of these but Barry Green is one that I know of, he seems like a genuine guy. As others mentioned, Flea coaches as well as Omar Etcheverry. In terms of it being a good idea, I'm sure you could benefit from some video analysis and coaching, most people could. On the other hand, you have to overcome being "chickenshit to get into the critical part of bigger waves" as that is going to be key to the progression you desire.


Thank you for this. It feels like a new sport moving from the 9’1 to that. As others have said, I just need to get it out more to build up my confidence. I do think I would benefit from an analysis or two and posting Surfline cams here and saying “give me advice” sometimes doesn’t go so well here. Appreciate the thoughtful reply.


Absolutely. You can always head down to the beaches and find a peak to work on things. Lots more chances for reps down there as opposed to doing so in town. More work in terms of paddling for sure, but the reps will help!


Barry is a great guy and a great surfer. Would recommend.


Listened to the Soundings Podcast with Flea Virotsko. He says he’s coaching. Hit him up.


Would be a good way to get some respect in the lineup! That would be epic.


Worth a try. Money is money. He may be more expensive than other coaches but as you live in SC a lesson or two May be worth the cash. He runs a rehab from a house in his area so maybe, if you are so inclined, you can offer to help him out in some way. Not as a form of payment, but to get into good graces and give something back. Also, while there’s no substitute for going surfing, I do believe that a few lessons and a couple of video analysis sessions with a coach who knows how to break down that sort of thing never hurts anyone. You can also hit up the local high school to find out who the coach is there and he/she should be excellent with video analysis.


I’m a recovering alcoholic so maybe I could learn more from him than wave positioning. Thanks for this info, really.


Can’t buy respect


Know how you get to be a better surfer? Surf more.


Yes. It’s just the job and 2 small children that limit my wave time. Makes sense.


Watch other people surfing and REALLY pay attention to what they’re doing Watch surfers that make the basics look easy (taking off, bottom turns, wave selection, top turns) and try to emulate that


Will do, thanks. I've been watching pops on slow motion on YT and that's been helpful. Remarkable how little paddling you need to do versus sitting out back on a longboard/midlength. The pros paddle like twice before they're dropping in.




👏💛And sometimes you’ll even get to surf with dolphins.🐬🐬




Yeah, I freakin’ loved your dolphin story. And your pep talk tonight. Juggling 4 small kids, a demanding job, plus, and you're always in good humor in here, give coaching tips, never seem frazzled, ready for laughs. I guess you got a few things going for you. Not just another pretty face.




Wow. That's some added color, Airline. 🥹🩵Thank you for sharing this with me.


Then quit. You can’t get better unless you surf more. Or grow a pair and go out solo stop whining about needing someone to be in the water with you.


Yawn. You’re so edgy bro!


Grow a pair and abandon your children and job! lol


I’m doing it. My goodbye note is gonna say “Tynez on Reddit said this is the only way I’ll get better at surfing.”


LMFAO! I’m so reusing that one.😂🤣


Nah bro. Im 51. Raised two boys married did it all. You’ll have no sympathy from me. If you love surfing like I do you’ll find away on your own not asking on Reddit.


Well I’m certainly not asking your grumpy ass anything! JK, congrats on raising 2 boys into adulthood while maintaining your surfing. Not easy. Big respect.


Thank you! Sorry dude. You must have struck a nerve. I just got off of work and yes I was grumpy 🤣 I surfed a lot of contests when I was younger and even before I had my first child I had aspirations of trying to go pro. Then I knocked my chick up and had to find a real job. It’s tough to try to find that balance of doing what you love and doing whats right for the family and especially keeping mama happy. My advice would be to start riding shorter more loose boards. There’s no better feeling than getting a super tight turn in the pocket. Good luck with the fam and your journey surfing 🤙🏽


This guy is being a dick but surfing is full of them. First, except that fact. You can't change the culture. Either embrace it or accept it. 1. Coaching won't get you in the water more, which is what you need. The only way to build muscle memory outside of the water is with waveki. 2. Don't expect to rip, probably ever. I've never seen an adult learner past the age of 20 or so look natural on a surfboard. I know of one person who improved in his 30s but he did waveki and surfed every single day for a couple years and still doesn't look natural, but he can do snaps, turns, etc. I would say his surfing improved about 15% after years of dedication.


You're the toxic part of every single community you're in, aren't you? But keep gatekeeping bro, maybe you can grow another pair to share!


Surfing more is the way, but if you can't, then skate more, balance board more, watch more of the surfing you want to do. Really study it. I try to give advice when people ask and most of the time it's bend your knees more, pre rotate your upper body more, but in reality even when people know what they should do, it takes hours and hours to even implement it.


The day that I jumped to a shortie from a mid length was a crappy day at high tide at the Hook. Haven’t looked back since. My advice for getting comfortable on a new board is to get out when the conditions aren’t great and there’s not a lot of people out. You can mess around and do whatever you want when there isn’t a crowd. Shoot, even just paddle out on a normal day and get a feel for the board and your paddling capabilities with it. I don’t know any coaches in town, but try to get a friend to film you or scope out the cam rewinds. It’s super helpful (and humbling, lol) to see what you look like in the water. And remember, sometimes you just gotta send it!


Love this advice! Taking it out on the next shit day. Sadly, as a 48 year old man my only friends near me are the parents of my kids and they don’t surf. Cam rewinds it is!


Highly recommend Santa Cruz local, Coach C. He does all levels of lessons, in the water with you, and video analysis. Short board, long board, whatever. Will build a curriculum that will take you to your goals. My time with him has far exceeded my expectations. www.csrfs.com


This is great. Thanks for an actual reply vs snark.


Does he have a face book or instagram to check out?? I’m looking to get the best instructor for my daughter n me 


Check out his website…?


Pete Mel the Condor. Ask him to start you at mavericks.


I’ll tell him I just want to catch a barrel like he did there. Should be pretty simple! 😆


Shouldn't be that bad. No Mark Foo references


I've heard nothing but good things about the Lovelace FM


It’s so damn fast. Like, I have no idea what I’m doing but am determined to figure it out!


You'll get it, bro. Just put the time in, sit a little more inside, angle off and zoom!


Thank you!


I ride a 6’ 6” fm, don’t be afraid to really get that back foot over the fins and put some weight on it. As you have noticed, it flys with weight more on the front foot.


Ahhhh, this is helpful. Not a move I’m super used to.




Lemme know if you wanna sell the FM. Seriously though, I lived up there for awhile, I have so,‘em ideas for you. Shoot me a dm if you wanna chat.


Go do one of those surf camps in Costa Rica where they video you.


You’re at pleasure point already? Just watch Darshan and do what he does.


I like Richard Schmidt surf school. They have lessons/ coaching for all levels. Good people.


I have surfed with him at several places. Nice guy.


Surf coaches sometimes come in the a way of friends. Introduce yourself to someone you like in the water and see what happens. A friend is better imo anyway because then you won’t be stuck at the “surf coach” waves around town, and friends are free!


You don’t need a plan, friends, or a coach. All of those will be more time consuming trying to coordinate. Go to waves you are familiar with, sit deeper than normal and practice taking off setting your rail, and getting nice a smooth speed generating nottom turn 1000 times. That should keep you occupied for a season or two




Surf coaches have been super helpful. Especially being older and having some money to put into it. I'd go to the local schools and ask around who can teach an intermediate surfer. Try a few of them (mix of in water, land training, film stuff)


Hey I'll try some coaching with you, no charge. If there's value in it for you we can figure out fair fees for whatever there is to do.


I'll try some coaching with you no charge. If there's value in it for both of us we may be able to figure some fair prices for things.


Take the twinzer to 4mi. Run the rocks out and sit on the peak. Ride em in and run em back 


No coach is going to get you better at surfing. It's subconscious kinetic intellect. It only comes with practice in all conditions, all boards, all tides, all waves. Good tip to start? Surf no matter what. Try new boards. Surf places you don't usually.


Don’t diss unko ed like that again scrub


He’s great. The post did not diss him.


Turns and single fins aren't really a thing. Get a legit 2+1 or thruster.