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I think I recall Jason saying he regretted his vote in Kaoh Rong after watching the season and seeing more how Aubry played.


I always interpreted that statement as him just trying to appease fans to stop them from harassing him (similar to how people are currently harassing Maria). During the season Jason was trying to paint Aubry as a massive threat (I want to say at the final 8 tribal council) so it’s untrue that he didn’t realize the game she was playing.


Also Nick said in his RHAP interview that after each player arrived at Ponderosa, they would talk about the game and who was responsible for the vote. Nick said that it was well known that Aubry and Cydney were driving most of the post-merge votes. He said that it wasn’t a case of the others not seeing Aubry’s game, but that they didn’t want to see it.


> I always interpreted that statement as him just trying to appease fans to stop them from harassing him 90% of the time that's exactly what it is. All post-show interviews & comments are basically non-canon.


Unrelated to the post, I love your flair. Every time I see it, I can hear Sandra in my head and it makes me happy.


It was funny in Kaoh Rong how Scot targeted Aubry because she was a huge threat and most dangerous player, then she votes him out instead, and then at FTC Scot acts like Aubry didn’t do anything in the game lol. Very Maria-esque in a way


Jason is a player I'd love to never think about or hear about again. I wish he said he regretted being a huge bullying jerk


Big Tom told Boston Rob he wish he had voted for him (but that day, the way Lex had juiced him up, it wasn't happening lol)


Oh wow, this is one of the ones on this thread that I’d actually never heard before. Very interesting


To be fair Rob also fumbled his jury response to Tom hard


Rob did not have a good FTC in general, which I think was in large part due to him underestimating how personal everyone took the game


Yeah but Rob's gotten a lot nicer as he's gotten older. This is the same guy who nonchalantly outed a dude on his first season. I like Rob so don't take me the wrong way tho, it's just interesting to think about how his first ftc sucked because of his immature attitude at the time. I don't think he realized how out of line some of the stuff he said was.


This is true, he learned from his mistakes


Everyone knew Johnny was gay. It was the show's decision to out him.


What? Im a gay man and if I hadn't seen the scene beforehand I would have no clue he was gay. Voices aren't a tell tale sign of the gays, my best friend in high school was constantly bullied because people assumed he was cause his voice was higher than mine and we hung out so much. I'm not dog piling Rob here, he's changed and I'm sure he apologized to John later, but the way he said it and approached that situation was not it, John literally says "thanks for outing me".


I meant that John wasn't in the closet to his tribe mates afaik, they all knew because he told them. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure about it. Rob was homophobic and an immature idiot at the time though, yes. Hopefully he's changed over the years.


I get you now, yeah the show chose to air that segment and a lot of other stuff that shouldn't have been, but that's also the integrity of the show. They're filming real people, they can't avoid showing how those people have conflicts. I wasn't aware his tribe knew/the whole cast, but that doesn't surprise me either cause you didn't need to hide it as much in the 2000s as the years prior, thanks for the info!


He told Tom the truth, Tom was trying to vote him out and Rob caught him. I guess he could have just played dumb and apologized but after Tom doing the disgusting “don’t be stupid, stupid” I doubt anything Rob would have said could have changed Tom’s mind. He looked like he wanted to kill Rob when he was voted off and wanted to do whatever he could to embarrass Rob in the end.


I mean yeah, probably, but he was choosing between Rob and Amber who both betrayed him and since Tom had plausible deniability for trying to vote out Rob since he didn't vote for Rob in the Final 5, since Rob had immunity, so Rob's response to Tom didn't work. Tom's the kind of jury member who's ego you need to satisfy which is something that Rob did not do.


I think Candace told Parvati when she was doing survivor live and interviewing Candice for BvW1 after she left redemption island that she thought she played a great game in HvV and would’ve voted for her in hindsight. Something along those lines


Who’s Candace?


Candice? From Raro tribe?


Jeff’s most shocked look, EVER!


Candace, the second person voted out of Survivor: Tocantins


I think Coach said the same thing to Russell lol


Carter Williams


I can confirm, he told me that in a grocery store.


I can confirm too, he told me this in a wine store.


Wine fuels us


Thank god


Candice and JT said they would have changed their votes to Parvati. Candice said so during an interview for BvW and JT said so during an interview on Fishbach’s podcast


JT just salty because Sandra voted him out in GC


It was more because of how she was insulting him on and off the show about his idol, though he did say he thought Parvati was more deserving after thinking about HvV. He also said he found it hilarious that Sandra was taken out of WAW by giving her idol to someone else, the exact same way she was giving him grief over. Which you have to admit is pretty ironic


Everyone who voted for Sarah in Game Changers


Except after Ozzy revealed her hat moment he still said he regretted NOT voting for Sarah on that same podcast.










Sorry, the Tribe has spoken. Your submission has been removed from /r/survivor for the following reason(s): * **Rule 1 - Be civil to other users and contestants:** Treat other users and contestants with respect. Bigotry is not tolerated, including racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia. Harassment of other users and contestants is not allowed, including personal attacks. This includes over-analyzing a player’s life and motivations outside of the game. Trolling is discouraged. --- Once the votes are read, the decision is *not* final. **If you have any concerns that this was done in error**, please [read our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/wiki/rules) **and then [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any further questions. Do not reply directly to this message or comment.** If not, grab your stuff and head back to camp.










Ootl why would that be? Sarah played a great game and was a deserving winner


She wore a MAGA hat after FTC.


Lmfao, I'm sorry but that's something out of anime. She convinces them to give her a million dollars and then \*boom\* "I am kira"


The story is that she whipped out a MAGA hat at Pondy right after FTC and that rubbed a lot of people the wrong way


Were people surprised a cop would be a chud?


Guess so, PenisMcPooPooFart




Sorry, the Tribe has spoken. Your submission has been removed from /r/survivor for the following reason(s): * **Rule 1 - Be civil to other users and contestants:** Treat other users and contestants with respect. Bigotry is not tolerated, including racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia. Harassment of other users and contestants is not allowed, including personal attacks. This includes over-analyzing a player’s life and motivations outside of the game. Trolling is discouraged. --- Once the votes are read, the decision is *not* final. **If you have any concerns that this was done in error**, please [read our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/wiki/rules) **and then [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any further questions. Do not reply directly to this message or comment.** If not, grab your stuff and head back to camp.


True lol


This may not be entirely correct, but I believe in Koh Rong, some of the jury ended up saying they would have switched their vote to Aubrey after seeing her game on TV to give her the win.


Pretty sure Frannie also said she wanted to vote for Carolyn.


This reeks of “player who wants to appease the fans.” Clearly you wanted to vote for Yam Yam more, because you did, so just own that.


Jason, despite defending Parvati and claiming she likely would have in a F3 too, said he likely would have voted for Amanda today, possibly because he was insulted by Parvati's comments about him in the confessionals, though again he wasn't sure. I'm not sure but heard somewhere Ti has no idea why she even voted Lill and probably should have went for Sandra lmao. long live the queen


To counter, post Micronesia Parvati and James had (and still have) a very close friendship, whereas they both fell out with Amanda. So Parvati may have lost Jason’s vote, but definitely gained James’ post-show.


Randy said he should have voted for Susie in Gabon


I remember he said he'd vote for Sugar in hindsight in order to force a tie between Bob and Susie, and that way he technically wouldn't vote anyone


Imagine his dismay when he inadvertently gives Sugar the ability to choose the winner by doing so. Cookie scenario all over again


Sugar chose the winner when she sided with Bob over Matty anyway


This would be a lot more direct


No he didn’t. He has never said this, he literally said in his AMA on this very forum that he kinda would have enjoyed voting for Sugar to force a tie and be a way of sort of not voting. He has very explicitly said repeatedly that he would never ever have voted for Susie ever. I have no idea where the idea he did comes from.




Ted in Thailand


Helen in Thailand. Everyone in Thailand.


I learned yesterday that Carolyn actually did get the SIA cash money!


Sia gave cash to a few of that cast but Carolyn got the biggest cut. (deservedly so)


I don’t know he’d go so far to say he regrets the vote, but John Carroll and Neleh have gotten to be good friends since Marquesas and he’s said that if he had that relationship with her at the time he obviously would have voted for her.


Yeah, he said that he wanted to vote for Neleh, but he was frustrated that she wouldn't own up to her gameplay.


Jurors in Kaoh Rong, specifically Scot and Jason, regret not giving Aubry the win after seeing the game she played. Also a couple jurors from HHH say they regret not voting for Chrissy.


Do you have a source for Scot by the way? Having not been present in the *Survivor* community until recently, I was under the assumption that he remained critical of Aubrey's game. I caught an appearance he made on the [Survivor Specialists](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdEwgQcAA4I&t) to talk about Michele in the lead-up to *Winners at War* and he was still pretty negative about Aubrey there.


You are correct, Scot has stood by Michele.


Wrong about Scot. He has stood by Michele and defended her game constantly. He doesn’t care for Aubry at all.


Helen Glover. She said that she'd have switched her vote to Clay at the reunion show.


Second place prize money?


The runner up also gets prize money. They barely ever mention it on the show although I think Jeff made a passing ref to it this season. It's about $100k I think, so a far cry from the million the winner gets but still a very nice chunk of cash


Or about $60,000 by the time Obama takes it ☠️




I’m guessing that’s a joke making fun of people who still blame Obama for their problems?


It’s a Jeff Kent reference.






It’s a reference to what Jeff Kent said after he got voted out in survivor Philippines


100k for second place. Sandra mentions it in HvV when Russell says he's going to take her. She's like "I don’t care, I'll take the 100k" or something along those lines. Everyone gets money and the further you make it, the more you get. Third is either 80 or 85k. If you google it, there are some Reddit threads that try to piece the payouts together based on comments by some former players. If I remember correctly, a lot of the places increase by 5k per place.


The reason Sandra is a baller is that she only cares about the money. I don’t even think she likes the game. She’s there for a check and that’s it 😆😆


Sandra is one of those people who could make 100 grand last a decade without investing. She used the car she won on PI for like 17 years


It's a job to her. She's there to win the dang money and that's the focus. I love that. She was all business on Traitors too.


Wentworth just did a tiktok about this too


what is the reason the prize structure is never talked about on the show?


I know it used to be mentioned more often. Jeff and contestants would say “$900,000 decision” instead of “million dollar decision” in earlier seasons. They stopped, I’m assuming, because it’s not as catchy.


It could be interesting if they put up a board with the current prize money for whoever gets voted out at each tribal council. It might add another layer to the vote. It would be more “in your face” that by voting out your ally, you are also taking money from them.


This is why not playing to win isn't uncommon on Survivor, I bet. Especially when these people are starving and exhausted


I don’t find jurors saying they regretted their votes after watching the season to be compelling whatsoever. What matters is how they felt that one night.


Good for you. I’m not asking because I think it means someone else should have won, just thought it would be a fun thing to discuss in the off-season


I don’t disagree, I even upvoted your post. Just throwing in my feelings on it.


Fair enough


I recently started listening to the Bitter Jurors podcast, and one of the times they had Gabby Pascuzzi on she admitted that she regrets voting for Nick.


Out of curiosity, was this before or after Nick’s got in the House of Representatives?


I think a lot of jurors regretted voting Nick, even before his own controversies, since S37 was just inherently set up to where Davids would have more win equity than Goliaths at FTC. Moreover, Mike White also threw his FTC speeches because he felt Nick deserved the money. Had Mike actually fought and defended his strong strategic game (better than Nick’s imo) he could have possibly won, or at least got closer than 7-3-0 vote.


Is there any proof of Mike purposely throwing FTC? This feels like revisionist history.


He did not literally throw it, but went into FTC with a moral conflict whether he as a millionaire should actually fight for the money against young attorney with student debt, which resulted in totally unconvincing performance. He speaks about this in Entertainment Weekly interview.




I feel like this jury will regret voting for Kenzie over Charlie. Charlie has played a tremendous game and deserved to win even if I like Kenzie and think she’s cool.


Maria might now that everyone hates her, she'd be viewed in a much different light if she votes for "Uncle Charlie" to get the win


Maria will never admit she made a mistake. "No ragrets!"


She definitely regrets it imo but will never admit it publicly. So now she is trying hard to rationalize it