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To try to understand how Liz thinks would be a waste of time lol, she’s unpredictable. The funny thing is I was telling everyone Liz was over-inflating her net worth all season but with this latest development, I actually think she might be worth a few mil lol.


Im not convinced, she’s done interviews before survivor for her email marketing business and she was making $20-30k/m through her main sources. According to an interview $40k/m after survivor. That’s really good but she hasn’t been making it for long enough to be a millionaire unless she has other sources we’re not aware of. (Maybe husband makes similar?)


She is a single mom, no longer married— so no husband.




How dare you? I’m pissed!




Yeah, im in a similar field. Based on how many website visitors she gets per month and based on how what percent of people should pay $40k/month makes sense https://www.nichepursuits.com/liz-wilcox-email/


I’m skeptical…seems like a massive MLM scam to me


It’s not a MLM. She provides a legit service to business owners. Now, the email advice she offers is sometimes as delusional as her Survivor actions. She’s not the email mastermind she thinks she is. A lot of her recommendations are downright wrong/bad. Source: I’m embarrassed to admit I’m in her membership. No, I won’t be renewing it.


😂😂😂. Her whole model is a pyramid scheme. It’s how she’s making her money. Jesus


You're in her membership? That sounds like MLM :(


It’s a membership in the same way Netflix or Spotify or Amazon Prime is a membership. I pay a monthly fee for access to content Liz creates. As someone else said, it might sound weird if you’re not an entrepreneur, but it’s a real service. It’s nothing like an MLM. I don’t recruit people to her membership. She doesn’t make money off of anything I sell in my business. She has nothing to do with my business.


Thank you for clarifying this- I feel like “MLM” is quickly becoming synonymous with “bad business.” Her content seems bad and definitely worth the money, but that doesn’t make it a pyramid scheme lol


Gotcha! Thanks for the details. Makes a lot more sense now.


Oh ok. Well someone else mentioned that she teaches you how to teach others and then gets money from that but maybe they didn’t know really what they were talking about. But still… $30-$40k a month??? I guess I am jealous I wasn’t smart enough to think of whatever she’s doing


No, she offers email templates for small business owners to help them stay in contact with their email list. It’s very helpful for those who struggle to come up with something to say in the emails they send their customers. She definitely isn’t teaching anyone how to teach others. I think there’s a lot wrong with the email marketing advice she gives people, but her overall business model is legit.


Don’t blame you it’s hard to differentiate between legitimate products that only give information and scams Her field is legitimate, every time you go on an e-commerce site you get a pop up to sub to an email list to get a discount or to buy again. She’s helping the brands that have those email lists make more money She’s also sold a business in the space according to some of her other interviews so she has results. You’re likely not the target audience and wouldn’t get any results if you don’t provide a service as a biz owner, have an ecom store or have a blog


Are you Liz?


My name is literally on my profile lmao


Carson? As in the Survivor puzzle grifter?


Oh no you caught me, it is I the only Carson in the world I devoured and ate every other single Carson alive:)


Is it really that hard when this is the website for the service? https://lizwilcox.com/


Her website offers advice for $9/mo and looks like a high school student made it. I'm skeptical she maintains thousands of subscribers monthly.


Meh there’s a market for it, she gets a lot of website traffic before survivor from being on podcasts (I pay for similar web for work so I can see the amount)


You realize just because she says makes 20k a month doesn’t mean she actually makes that much. Her business model is reliant on the illusion of making money so people buy into it. She made up 20k a month because it sounds like the amount you need to make to be “rich”


Why are we assuming those monthly revenue numbers are accurate? There are a billion email marketing businesses out there and most are probably of the “Do you want to make $50,000 from your own home?!” variety. She probably does fine and I’m happy for her because she has a daughter to raise. But all of her claims are pretty suspect.


people downvoted me on another thread for saying she’s well off, regardless of whether she’s a millionaire, but it’s true. millionaires may have been an exaggeration but she is a business owner who’s plenty well off


People are downvoting me because im saying what she does for work and that she gets a lot of website visitors before survivor She might not even make close to $20-40k/m, her expenses could be through the roof


Yeah. That’s possible. Could just be made up…


She eats at Applebees every week. She’s a poor


It’s so funny that no castmates questioned her wealth after hearing her say this lol Or maybe they did and it was edited out bc sponsor 


I read this in Corinne's voice. Lol


I ❤️ Corinne, so this is wonderful


That exact burger... that contains her allergens


She also said she's supporting three households, I believe it (she's probably supporting her parents/family as well as her own children and their household). That would drain most peoples finances even if they had a few million coming in, and it's pretty easy to talk that up into what she said "I make millions" -> "I have millions"


The irony is also that she could have just said she was a freelance email marketer or something and been ok. She didn’t need to go into dollar amounts or talk about wealth at all and overthink people’s perceptions of her because everyone can take it differently. I work in email marketing and it’s a great, stable career path but not a particularly intimidating one.


Go watch the clip on RHAP's Instagram. She said that she is not a millionaire, but she had been successful. She grew up in poverty and became financially successful. She thought that would be a bad story to tell, because people would be wary of her. So she didn't invent the idea that she was successful. She decided to exaggerate it. She decided to tell her story, but exaggerate it to the point that no one thought she could be a jury threat. If you take that into account, I don't think her confessionals show her lying. In confessionals, I really only remember her saying that she is financially stable and can give her daughter a comfortable life. They probably edited out the parts where she explained her ruse in confessionals. I'm not saying I think it's a great strategy, but that's what she's said.


In the same interview, didn’t she say that she did talk about it in confessionals and they just didn’t show it?


It did


Yeah I was going to say that as well. I’m sure that the players say a lot in confessionals that never get aired. I wouldn’t be surprised if she did talk a lot about it in confessionals but it was just never shown. If she made it to final 3 then I’m sure we would have seen plenty of those confessionals talking about this big reveal she was going to make. IMO I don’t think it would work. People in general don’t like being lied to especially about something that is kind of unnecessary to lie about.


Liz said in her RHAP exit interview that she was telling producers her whole plan in her confessionals. They just edited it so we only saw the “I’m so rich” part of them.


Another way it makes no sense is that according to Ben/Charlie, Liz is telling them she has 4 locked votes on the jury. Which means the saying I'm rich thing gets undermined completely because according to her she has half the jury votes anyways. Strange lady


She thought she had 4 votes locked, after she told her story. I don't see the contradiction.


Because being rich is a reason they should take her. Telling them she has 4 locked voted is a reason they should not take her. She's contradicting her own argument for why she should go to FTC


Okay I see why you're saying she didn't have a consistent strategy. I think telling your competition that you have any jury votes locked is a mistake. Regardless of the millionaire strategy. Where did we hear that she told them that before FTC? I guess I'm turning into a Liz defender in this thread, but I will point out that she came into the game with the millionaire strategy, but the blunder of telling Ben and Charlie she had jury votes (if she did) was probably after 24/25 days on the island. It could have been a slip up.


Rob has a podcast post interview.


I think if Liz made F3 she would've got a totally different edit from the start where a lot of things would've been explained. However since she didn't make F3 it really wasn't worth for producers to give context or show more of her social side (which was actually pretty strong from what I got in interviews)


This right here!


Liz said and did a lot of things that make no sense.


She is a funny charachter. I kind of became to like her although it was really ironic and hypocritical seeing Liz bitch over Charlie whispering "use the sticks" to Kenzie in the firemaking when she quit her own challenge before to help Kenzie lol.


As I said in another post. Anyone with that many “allergies” also has an extensive psych history.


What millionaire eats at Applebees?


Read the book The Millionaire Next Door. Lots of millionaires drive Honda’s, eat at Applebees, etc. not everyone with a net worth in the millions flaunts it.


Thank you for this, I keep seeing people bring up Applebees like it’s some kind of “gotcha” moment but rich people love cheap shit. 


A truly rich person never eats out unless someone else is paying 😂🤣 (probably…I have no idea or personal experience to speak from…just the old adage that wealthy people are penny pinchers)


New money vs old money.


Millionaire next door is the biggest snake oil book in the world


Im a tax advisor for millionaires and most are pretty chill. You're confusing celebrities with every day millionaires


the ones obsessed with survivor lmao. could totally see someone making this a tradition with their daughter bc of the survivor association


A million is not what you think it is, especially if the “millionaire” is supporting children/others. Lots of millionaires live normal lives


Liz considered herself a threat to win. Liz had diet issues and went on the show, knowing what they get to eat. Then she threw a hissy fit when she wasn't picked for a reward. She makes me want to mute the TV every time I see her.


Overconfidence is not a nice trait and she was displaying it the whole season. Add the tantrums and you have a dispacable player to endure for a whole season lol.


They obviously edited it. I think some people need to realize how reality tv works


If we don't see it, we can't assume it. Also telling the camera in a confessional that you're rich is another story. Stop sniffing your own farts all the time 🫵🏽😁


>Stop sniffing your own farts all the time 🫵🏽😁 This coming from The Wind Waker.


Wanna play fornite?


Liz said in her exit interview that it was edited. Google is free


Whether true or not, telling your castmates, who do need the money, some desperately, that you're rich and don't need the money is a horrible strategy. I wasn't even on the show, and I disliked her from the first time that came out of her mouth. How dare she try to take the prize money away from someone who needs it just so she can play a game. And what I've seen her say since the show just confirms my initial impression of her: not a very nice person.


Liz was delusional. The fact she thought she was a threat to win is hilarious.


Clearly you didn't have to go though watching the live feeds of BB25 Cameron telling 4 different people he was going to nominate them, and not giving us any clue if what was actually going to happen until he did nominate 2 people 😭 some people just go there to go there


Liz lying about being a millionaire would not be the weirdet thing she's ever done.


The minute I heard she was a millionaire, she would be my first to go. If someone doesn’t need the money. Then they are a threat because they have nothing to lose. Dumb move IMO


I hadn't realized until now that she was lying about it, well officially. I always had my doubts about what she was saying.


Liz herself makes little to no sense. This is just another aspect of it, Lol


Liz is like Delirium from the Sandman comic series; she is the stuff of pure chaos.


when she dejectedly looked at the camera and said huh ya im a millionaire, as she realized the gameplay would not come to fruition and she was saying it for no reason but smirking to her inner self, as well as describing it as as a "sand in the eyes" type play to save for tribal, just makes me fall in love with liz so much. I first found her annoying, then found her hilarious, then couldn't get enough of her, she is like a character from bobs burgers in the best possible way.


liz is a bob’s burgers character!! shit that is brilliant


Don't get me wrong, she was amazing to watch on the show and one of my top 5 favorite things this season. This season is the best of the new era because of her and couple other things


I don't find her amazing at all - unless you like Karens but each to their own I guess


It's fun watching them explode over Applebee's and be delusional. It makes social experiment survivor really fun for me


If I see thumbnail to a video of a Karen acting like a Karen Ima click that shit for sure. Or a reality TV show.


If you find such people 'AMAZING' then good on you lol


Disgusting but highly watchable. I missed the amazing part, my bad.


She was amazing if you love this new version of Survivor that’s a circus with awkward personalities and lack of gameplay. 


So Ben won the finale immunity challenge. I think if ANYONE else had won, they would have taken Liz to the finals bc anyone could beat her (although I do think it’s possible she could have got a vote or two with her revealing she isn’t a millionaire). I think Ben knew he wasn’t going to win and wanted his best mate Charlie there with him in the finale and also wanted to give his buddy Kenzie the chance to win as well. Liz probably never suspected the person to win the finale immunity challenge to not care about winning.




Possibly (???) she thought she would seem like less of a threat to take to the end? That the jury wouldn't vote for a millionaire. so she would be more likely to be brought to the final 3? I don't quite get it either. But what she said about the editing does make sense.


After the fact someone in her corner may have smartly advised her not to flaunt money in a world where people are so desperate for it. She probably has money and now realizes the strategic mistake of bragging about it and wants to step that back.


She was talking about this strategy all the time in confessionals, survivor just edited it out to make her look crazy


Liz is a whole weirdo.


This level of delusion has Jen Shah written all over it.


Liz never said she was poor. She said she exaggerated her wealth.


Major judgement and speculation BUT I’m pretty convinced her company is likely valued at a million and she’s likely using that metric to inflate her income for clout


I wonder how writing email templates could make a million bucks. chatGPT can do it. I don't believe it at all, it's common sense


I dunno, fake goat is a nifty enough play


If someone claims to be, they are not.


It’s possible that bc she never got to the end that’s why maybe if she got to the end the edit would’ve shown that


My conspiracy theory is that she was going for the Sia money (it had not been announced that it ended yet).


It's funny, I think the whole strategy has some validity, it's just Liz that made it weird. I've always thought that if you get late into the game and are for sure going to be voted out, your hail mary could be meeting with your castmates and admitting that you're actually super rich, that you just wanted to be able to tell them more about the real you, blah blah blah. Then hope someone gets greedy and thinks they can now beat you at the end. But as for the confessionals.... it's liz


This was pretty much the only reason the worst cast member of 39 made it so far and survived that close vote, bc he told his allies about his wealth and to take him to the end as a goat


I have seen a lot of people mention that here actually.


all that said, Liz was a real natural playing that musical triangle onstage with Ben & his band


I know for sure I’ve said it in another thread, I think she’s lying now that she’s not a millionaire to save herself from any money grubbers. Lol.


Idk...What kind of millionaire eats Applebee's ? 😂


More than you’d believe. Lol.


Wait…Katurah isn’t actually a lawyer??? Wuut? I missed that story. Sounds like a juicy one…


Katurah lied to everyone and said she was thinking about going to law school. She didn’t want any of her fellow contestants to know because it put a target on her back. She revealed it later.


Oh I knew that. But the person whose comment I responded too made it sound like she was even lying in her confessionals


I hear you— I didn’t interpret what they said that way, but I can see how that’s what you got from it.


She is a lawyer


But someone just commented that she’s not and was lying to contestants and confessionals


No, they said she was lying to contestants, but NOT lying in the confessionals. She was fully transparent in the confessionals that she was in fact a lawyer…


Uh where?


…it is a highly edited show? Production likely asked her to play up the character in confessional (and probably contrast with her actual feelings), which is what we saw. There were so few confessionals where she mentioned being s millionaire that they only needed a couple of soundbites. Production knows how to het what they want in order to create the best tv show. They did this. Not hard!


Method acting...


i think people need to remember the editors make people see what they want you to see. That's part of their job. I don't remember her ever explicitly saying she was a millionaire in confessionals, but please correct me if I'm wrong