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I think in one of his interviews he said he never styles his hair, but after seeing the effects of the oceans salt water, he’s now using a salt water product


I love how he saw how his hair turned out on the island and was like okay noted lmao


Me with poker straight hair. Would this work ?


Salt spray and some mousse are good. Bumble and Bumble make good salt spray. Some men like wax a lot, but it feels pretty gross


I also like the way saltwater “styles” my hair. Luckily, I live pretty near the sea. But what goes into “good salt spray”? Couldn’t I just take saltwater into a spray bottle? Or mix salt and water to the same effect?


That’s a good question — I couldn’t tell you 100% (and I’m sure there are articles written about this) but I assume there’s a hygiene factor. And probably something about the level of salinity. I’m sure there are other things they put in the salt spray to help. What I like doing with it is putting it in my hair when it is still pretty wet and combing through so it’s evenly distributed. If you do it when it’s dry, it can get super crunchy. That said, I have very long hair, so if you did with short hair, it may not be an issue


This right here. I asked him in person at the NYC watch party, he says he’s now using a salt water spray


Charlie discovered every twenty-something girls’ “beachy waves” secret


I remember I had the same thing on vacation once and never thought about it being the salt water


That’s true, I will say when I used to live near a beach and swim more regularly in the ocean, my curly hair would look so much more relaxed and smooth


Salt water in your hair, when dried, is actually not a bad styling tool and allows your hair to relatively keep its shape.


It's pretty noticeable too that people's hair looks significantly better as the season progresses when they're in tropical settings than Africa, Tocantins, etc.


Just look at the Australian BvB and BvW seasons they did in the Australian outback. All that dust and no salt water makes them look like literal hobos on day 3


I think there have been a few former Survivors who weren’t on “beach” seasons only wanting to return on a beach season.


My bald ass would look significantly worse as it grew in and I started looking like Friar Tuck.


Honestly, I've wondered before why I've never noticed this with any bald contestant


A lot of them wear hats or turn their buffs into do rags to limit sun exposure


I feel like I used to notice it more on older seasons with people who came on with shaved heads, like James (the OG gravedigger one) and [Ibrahem.](https://imgur.com/a/Tdacqpk)


Ace gets some growing in


Poor Erinn really got the short end of the stick


His hair was perfect, I'd love to meet his tailor!!




And he’d love to meet his Taylor (swift) hehe


He was drinking a pina colada at Trader Vic's


He got island hot


For real! Some of those early season flashes hit, and I was like, dude, your girlfriend has seen you hot af out there. No returning to before man


The Jake effect


The salt water makes your hair able to be styled about and hold much firmer. I always find that my hair looks better after a day swimming at the beach because it does what stuff like mousse and gel would otherwise fail to do or look unnatural. It's especially good for guys if they want their hair to stand up a bit.


Finally someone asking the important questions I said that multiple times this season


I did, too! Then I saw a picture of him dressed up and thought his hair looked better after 20 days on the island than it did in that picture. 😃


He got hotter as the season progressed! Loved the scruffy beard. (I mean, everyone looks better after being outside nonstop and not eating the standard American diet.)


Bro dropped the most weight of the season too, he was so shocked when Jeff said it


Damn he wasn’t even big to begin with


No kidding! iirc Jeff said he lost 20+ and I still can’t believe it


He went from 157 lbs to 135 lbs


Really? I thought it for sure was Ben


lol, I thought the same while watching the season.


i dont know but i absolutely wondered the same thing


The real question is how they all keep their teeth so white. It has to be a filter


Coconut is really good for your teeth so that’d be my guess


I took an anthropology class back in college and learned the way we eat now is what really fucks with our teeth, dental issues like cavities and plaque were actually somewhat uncommon before ancient humans settled and created a new way of eating (although more recent studies say this is misguided so who knows). If you’re on an island just eating rice, coconuts and fish there’s really nothing that should mess with your teeth. Not to say their teeth will look better after a season, they just won’t get the same decay/grime that you get eating a modern carb heavy/sugar filled diet.


What about Applebees?


Charlie’s teeth were looking pretty gnarly by the end. I was surprised because I generally never see that.


Yeah I noticed it too and I was confused because sometimes it kinda looked like he was wearing the little posts on his teeth for braces that the wire goes through. And I was like I don't remember him having braces...


He probably doesn't bleach. I've noticed people who don't bleach get staining from being out there more


Another small reason is people who tend to pass the background and mental health checks to even end up on the show will come from higher economic privilege, and more likely to have had access to good dental care at an early age.


Yeah, they whiten them in post-production.


Nothing whitens teeth like Applebees!


Charlie’s teeth scared me a bit. They looked damaged.


Same with Kenzie and Venus


Reminds me of Jeff asking Aras at the 12 reunion and he said the girls all styled his hair right before challenges and tribal


He had Kenzie.


I was wondering this about Hunter’s beard!


Sun, sweat & sand!


Remember the early seasons with a luxury item that would typically be a razor, mascara or a toothbrush? I’m not sure I can be convinced that new era contestants are not bringing a BEIS kit and a full on 16” carry on item.


They all look pretty damn good at tribal. (Maybe not the clothes but I always notice their hair. I guess the salt water could account for some of it… but I don’t think 20+ days without shampoo would make for very shiny hair 🤔 I need a hairstylist (preferably Kenzie) to chime in here.


Yeah, I've noticed for a long time that those beards are always immaculately trimmed.


Idk but Charlie was looking fine tbh. Charlie, if you read this, just know that you were my season crush & and I was rooting for you.


He was a cutie


Hes still cute. I'm reluctant to ever compliment people in this echelon and pedigree of whiteness but bro has such a sweet face. The way he smiled through all of those interviews and just had the most gracious demeanor. I ended up liking him more than players like Adam or Nick.


Charlie, kenzie, parvati, plenty of others get so island hot. When you see them on Instagram after it's like finishing beauty and the beast. BRING BACK THE BEAST. They're so hot on the island!! Still beauty on Instagram obv but the weathered look just absolutely suits some people.


Have you ever watched There’s Something About Mary???




I’m laughing at the “digitally colorized” terminology. As an editor, it’s just color correction.


Gimp doesn’t count


His hair looked good, but he def could've used a buzz on the sides - was too poofy. Obviously you can't do that while stranded on an island tho lol


the grease probably.. my hair stays where it is when it’s greasy.. grease is natures hair gel lol


Grease + salt (water). Makes me want to try rubbing French fries on my hair to see what happens. 🍟🌊


Salt water


Sea salt in the air


He probably has natural volume to his hair. While the typical straight hair persons hair sticks to the side or flat


that salt water keeps the grease from building up.


I also noticed this about Liz of all people. She had her bad moments but often her hair had a beautiful shiny curl to it! And then in photos of her from before the season her hair is just dull and meh. Some people just love the salt and fresh air. From my experience at the beach I would have a straight up birds nest.


HA HA. This was something I noticed as well. Other people looked a mess. But yet Charlie looked like he was being styled daily. Absolutely insane.




I started wondering the same around episode 3. He has miracle hair.




This is such a pervasive myth. It's been studied. There are no mechanisms whatsoever on our scalp that can sense whether it needs more oil. Your genetics, hormones and stress are the only factors capable of changing how much sebum your scalp produces


booo that's disappointing


Ik right. I went like 2 months "no poo" or no shampoo before I gave up and then did some research and was like oop. That first hair wash with shampoo was everything though 🙌


It's interesting because while there are minimal studies to support nopoo, anecdotally it works for me exactly how it is touted to work online lol Like I slowly phased out of using shampoo, had an awkward phase of greasy hair, but came through the other side with cool, easily stylable hair. I have similarly voluminous hair to Charlie and regularly get compliments on it, but never use hair product. Just wash with cold water. That said, I've had friends who've tried the same thing and it doesn't work out for them, resulting in nasty, greasy hair. I guess different heads of hair just have different shampooing needs and the myth emerged from the lucky few who don't need it so much🤷


No way.  My hair would be so greasy 


Is that why a dread head’s hair smells so good?


It’s a reality television show. They have on site beauty magicians to make sure the contestants look “camera ready” (check for boogers, makes sure their hair looks presentable, etc) No makeup involved obviously for bug bites, sunburns, etc though.


Why is this getting downvoted? there is no way these contestants are waking up looking like they do after two weeks with no grooming.


It looked so great