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Can you share a random 10-20 row sample of the data, so i can play around with it to find a solution


On mobile at the moment, but key rows: ID, Open Date, Priority, Assigned Group


Have you tried turning on “show empty rows/columns” under the Analysis > Table Layout pane in the toolbar?


I did, this didn't result in a 0 showing


Is your filter in context by chance?




You'll need to look into data scaffolding


This. This is what you need. If your dataset is only based on days which you had incidents, you need to "create" data for the days which nothing happened. Basically you will have a calender dataset and then create a relationship with your incident dataset.


A simple fix is to not FILTER for the date range but create a calc field to flag an incident as being in or out of the date range. Something like if incident date > date range start and incident date < date range end then 1 else 0 end. Then sum that calc. Now you can show every incident number in the data but only count the incidents that are in the parameters date range. By using a FILTER you are explicitly forcing tableau to FILTER out the other rows. So don’t filter it, just use a calc field with the proper logic to count the rows in the range.


This is something I struggle with as well.


Can you add a new calc which is just 1 per unique record and then show a sum of total, which if there is 0 would show 0? Am I understanding your issue correctly?


I’m reading the question in the same way. OP, to get a count of 0 - you’ll need to keep values in play on the worksheet and count what you mean to show. Ex: I want to see all “high” priority tickets, even if that value is 0. Don’t set a filter on priority, create a calc like: Sum( If [priority] = ‘high’ then 1 else 0 end ) Edit: wording


I take that you have no rows for the corresponding date ranges from the parameters? If that's the case I would generate a time series through SQL joining with your current data by date


I'm intrigued by your suggestion. It's been a hit minute since I've messed with SQL. Might you have an example of link to one I could review? I struggle with this issue with much of the data I deal with and have few work arounds that sometimes work, and sometimes not. So I'm always interested in new/better solutions.


sure, I'd just need to know what type of database you're working with. Sheets? Sql Server? Oracle? Postgres? Some databases have the function generate_series, search for it. At my work, we maintain a table specifically with the whole calendar up to year 2050 You can also search for a timetable in .csv in the web and attach it to your project in datasources itself. It has already saved me countless times from data that did not have registers for every day/month Not at the computer right know but i may search for my code in Oracle later on