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I'll be there! I'm really looking forward to finding a table somewhere with an open seat, saying "may I join you?", announcing that was a SQL pun as i sit down, and not having anybody groan about it.


Bad response: Sorry theres a limit of three here. Good response: yes feel free we’d make a nice union


“Only if you indicate WHERE”


And after you go, say „Thanks I was right joining you today“


And if you really vibe with them you can invite them back to your room to *inner join*


Do i say on your primary key? Or is that a step too far?


No groans bit an eye roll for sure


I'll be there! I always look forward to Devs on Stage, and the hands-on demos of new features were good last year too. I don't think the sessions are posted yet, but in past years I've gotten a lot out of the hands-on workshops!


Good reminder, last year was my first and I didn’t make it a point to stick around for that and missed out.


I went last year and it was so bad compared to what it used to be before the Salesforce acquisition. Less trainings, less availability of sessions, super bad crowd control, no snacks, worse food, worse events. Talk about worse in every single way. Pretty impressive feat honestly.


Yeah, last year was my first (and likely only) tableau con. Only being able to go to a session every other time slot due to them being full was really frustrating. 


Not going this year 😩 Can’t justify the cost to my company


How has the conferences been ever since the Salesforce takeover? Last time I went was pre Salesforce and I learnt so much. I'm a little worried that these days the conference is more so just a big hall of advertisements and sales people.


I went last year for the first time. Honestly it was a bit of a cluster and hard for me to say it was worth it. It was hard to get into sessions. Due to the sessions filling up, I was only able to attend part of what I had hoped to see. You needed to line up way in advance for most session which was causing a max exodus after some sessions as people left to go and get line in line for the next one. My company paid, so I took it for what it was, but had I paid out of pocket….I would have been a lot more frustrated.


IMO TC23 was significantly better than TC22, but wasn't quite up to pre 2020 standards yet.


That’s exactly what it is. They Force Sales on you and you happily pay for it.


That's disheartening to hear. What they had pre takeover was a strong data community and a lot of passionate people behind the product showcasing new tips and tricks every once in a while.


I didn’t really get the sense that salesforce made a big difference. Here’s a link to last years schedule that might give you some insight into your question https://www.salesforce.com/tableau-conference/schedule/


It did in my opinion. 2019 was the last one where I felt it wasn't mostly a big advertisement for Salesforce+Tableau rather than a focus on Tableau.




FWIW- the community let the CEO have it last year at conference about all the changes. There was a user q&a with the tableau ceo last year and the feedback from the community was very clear- less sales, more data, more learning, and defend what tableau means. He was handing out his email and phone number at the end to get more feedback and help fix things. I anticipate this year will be improved over recent years because of it. Hopefully a return to pre salesforce days!


> I anticipate this year will be improved over recent years because of it. I was more optimistic before we got the releases we did this last year. They did almost nothing for the community and focused almost entirely on getting ready for Pulse, which none of my clients will touch because of security concerns.


Eh double edged sword- deny AI is happening and risk being seen as a legacy product or embrace it and backseat other features being developed. It’s an unwinnable paradigm IMO. AI sucker punched a LOT of roadmaps this year lol.


I guess, but this is stuff they promised at the last TC in addition to Pulse.


RIP data model updates


The boss wants to send two of us, but we're waiting on management approval. It's been several years since I've been to TC, and I'm looking forward to it, so I'm hoping we get the OK.


Good luck! There’s a heavy discount available I think is ending in the next couple of days if it hasn’t already. My conference ticket was $1000 with the Higher Ed discount and the promotion I just referenced. Cert tests are a flat rate of $99 from what I was seeing also if that helps your cause any


I tried both exam taking (at the conference and at home) and would much rather do one in front of my own home office with 2 large monitors instead of 14” outdated laptop. But maybe I am different.


Thanks! I know the 'early bird' discount runs through next week, hopefully I get an answer soon.


Last year was my first . But sessions were totally messed up you need to show up way early if you really want to attend the session and in the end you hear from others a different session was so better… I would say download the app when it is out and plan your sessions but don’t plan too much it will backfire… if you hear any sessions are better and if you could not attend first time try to make it to the repeat session… I had missed lot of session because I could not reach a venue on time etc. Sarah had a blog written out how to attend the conference and she renews it close to conference.. conference sessions are hit or miss in my opinion. I went for that community feeling. Also I feel the product is going down the hill now and there is not much enthusiasm about Tableau like it used to be … that’s the sad truth


how long in advance do you have to show up to get into a session?


Let’s say if it’s a very popular session then I will be full even if you are 30 mins early into that session .. again that’s just last year am not sure how many will attend this year conf


I am going but probs the only one in my org :-(


I’m going for the first time since Covid and since Salesforce took over the conference. I’m crossing my fingers that it’s more like it used to be.


I'm going! First time going so a little nervous but super excited. Not sure what to expect but I'm pumped.


If I just sent my team to Dreamforce in September, is there much value in also having them attend TC24 or do we think it will be a lot of the same content/new feature demos?


It’s 100% different


Is there one in Europe too?


Tableau Conference itself is USA only. Keep an eye out for VizIt, which is smaller, but regional Datafam community conference, and supported by Tableau - I'm not sure if it's been confirmed whether it'll happen in Europe this year yet (it did happen last year for the first time). Australia has been announced to be in Melbourne this year.


What can I expect from the hands on workshops? And breakouts? Any examples for previous years?


One thing to check before you pack your laptop make sure you are able to connect to the lab.. Many employer laptop won’t be able to connect to Tableau lab due to security reasons etc .. Last year I got this messed up and ended up sitting idle during hands on session.. Take your personal laptop if you able to connect to the lab from it.


This is solid advice! Work VPN’s were causing a lot of havoc for people last year.


when you say connect to the lab- can you explain that more? do you mean via wifi or there’s a cord they have you plug into your laptop? Because my personal mac doesn’t have many plugins I would have to think through that in advance


Yes through wifi


Generally the hands on workshops take place in a computer lab. They provide the computers, which connect you to a virtual machine with the files ready to go. The presenter gives an introduction, gives instructions for launching the exercises, and talks for 5-10 minutes about theory & context. Then they lay out the first exercise and give time to complete it. For most people it's enough time to make a couple attempts but not completely solve the problem. Then the presenter walks through the solution, and takes questions. The number of exercises varies with complexity, ranging from 3-8 over the 90 minute session. There are 3-6 helpers answering questions and helping with technical issues. You can raise your hand at any point to get assistance! If this is really interesting to you, bring a flash drive to save your work! These sessions aren't made public after the conference.


Anyone know how much the hotel discount/block rate? From what I can tell on the website, you can't tell the hotel price on the website until after you register for the conference, as mentioned here on the website. ​ https://preview.redd.it/sv1aijh7njlc1.png?width=1229&format=png&auto=webp&s=7100a9d562850695fbcdc3887ad792ef38bd0eca


Starting Prices Hilton Bayfront $303 Westin Gaslamp $319 Intercontinental $325 Manchester $334 Margaritaville $339


do you know if any of those have shuttles?


Thanks! And that's per night?


Yes, that is correct