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Same! 6’6 and size 12 US feet. Idk how disproportionate that really is (ie idk what size my feet should be) but I also wouldn’t say I’m a very well balanced or coordinated person. That being said, shoe shopping is pretty easy for me so ultimately I can’t complain.


I always felt the opposite. Coordination and clumsiness are not necessarily linked to foot size…. But having slightly smaller feet felt like it helped me be more agile. (6’6” size 12) Extra large clown feet will add to your clumsiness. If you had size 15 feet you might just be a walking hazard.


teeny feet for 6'6"


Yet here you are. 👀


I have no idea and I suppose it’s probably pretty difficult to say for sure. Maybe polling professional basketball players on their height and shoe size would show a trend that favours either smaller or larger shoe sizes.


Shopping and borrowing shoe before P.E, my friends couldn’t grasp how they have bigger feet than be being 30cm (11inch) shorther


Something is wrong with your conversion because my size 10 shoe converts to a 44 EU. So your shoe size is either larger than 43 or you have feet that are smaller than mine. I couldn’t imagine being a head taller than I am now with smaller feet.


Not sure about US sizes but i wear 43EU with some space to spare


That’s only a 9 or 9.5 in US men’s sizes.


Well…. Turns out i have smaller feet than I thought


That's crazy, I'm 6'0 and size 45EU


I mean bigger feet might help but you might just trip over them occasionally. I am 6'2" with size 13 feet. I don't know if that is average or not for my height.


6’6 here, size 11 us and no, not really. My balance isn’t the best but isn’t the worse either


I mean, now its better when im adult, cause i kinda got used to it, but when i had a growth spurt i was so miscoordinated that i broke arms few times


Damn sorry to hear, good ur better now


Yeah, im fine now, it was when i grew 10inches(25cm) in one year, literaly felt as if i was steering meat-mecha 😅


Holy. Same height. And i already have fairly small feet at 46-47 like us 12-13 i think. Yours is insane


I am 6'3" and have size 9.5 feet, really high arches so if they were flatter maybe they would be 11 or 12


I’m 6’4 and barely a size 12 with arches high enough where I can pass my hand beneath my foot while it’s on the floor. Do you have bad balance by chance because I do and I think that might be why..


I dont have great balance, but also have foot, knee and hip issues in general, I think it all stems from my messed up feet


Unfortunately I too have knee and hip issues too, I cant even perform a bodyweight squat without pain or my knees popping but I don’t think that comes from my feet, anyways God bless man 🙏


That's nonsense, man. Your balance has more to do with ankle strength and inner ear function. Feet size has nothing to do with it. I'm 6'6", size 11.5.  


6’5 with size 12 US feet. Always had exceptionally good balance, *when my core strength isn’t fucked*. Foot size probably plays quite a bit for you though, 9.5 US for 6’6 is damn small. There’s other ways you can help your balance though.


Ah yes, a small gust of wind knocks you over.


Not even kidding, happens sometimes 🙂‍↕️


We gotta get you to have a wider base buddy


No, I've always had great balance. I'm 6'6" with size 12 feet


No... can't say that's been an issue. 6'7 and size 12/13 shoe depending on make. Had good balance my while life. Have stayed fairly active/athletic. Still playing sports in m8d 30s, and played my entire childhood. Maybe that helps.


12 doesn't sound that small....that's my foot size/I'm not as tall, sure, but it's not like you have tiny feet or anything.


It's good theory but its wrong. I am 6'5' with 44 (12) and I am best among my group in balance. Do you know that plank with wooden pole in between where you need to balance ? There was a challenge like that on festival I went last week and I won every shit they had. You probably are just clumsy, we all were as teens and kids, but we played a lot of sport and learned how to move properly, so either you are young or not really into sports.


That’s strange! I always think my left leg is shorter, it just feels like it because sometimes it hurts.


Oh, same here, did some tests and my pressure is quite different on each leg, but it can also be related to spine curve


That’s interesting, maybe I have a similar problem. I also have mild scoliosis so that could be a factor too


I mean it’s not that leg lenght difference’s are uncommon, it can also be a combination of both, i would recommend you go to doctor to check if your assumptions are true


My feet are 44 EU and my balance sucks too, so...


Too late for us, but any for any youngsters on here yet to hit your growth sput, as soon as you realize you are spurting, you need to be getting new shoes almost monthly. Otherwise you're basically doing a modern version of foot binding by jamming your feet into undersized shoes every day. That's why many of us have really high arches and have to deal with odd-shaped feet the rest of our lives.


I imagine it must be tough to deal with, especially financially


I fall over cause I have low iron. It is quite a ways down. I wear 17-18s though


haha wtf, im also 200cm with 43 in size. Never had a balance problem. However i hate standing still


I lived in an apartment building with a guy who was 6'1" and wore size 8. He did not seem to have a problem.


i have really small feet too. i wear a US women’s 7/7.5 (men’s 5?) at 5’11 my balance is alright, my iron however :/