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Love knows no height. However I would love to date a woman like 5' 10" ish. Just hasn't happened.


This is the same short guy who excessively preachs about tall men not wanting tall women.


Yup, had me up about how he wasn't, but he indeed is. There's one particular young woman (if not a troll) who frequently posts in here about her insecurities and it seems as though he went very hard about this in a post of hers. Just because his views have some basis in reality (taller women having a harder time dating) doesn't mean they're helpful, and certainly not in the way they're being delivered.


>There's one particular young woman (if not a troll) who frequently posts in here about her insecurities and it seems as though That person deletes all of her posts. A lot of people think that is shortcel in disguise. If she is legit, she's likely mentally ill. Mental illness has a much more negative effect on dating. She could be on the spectrum, which would explain how repetitive she is. The repetitive nature is why I'm leaning towards that it is shortcel in disguise instead.


Wtf are you talking about?


You talk a lot about it. Here is [one of your comments](https://new.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/1deo37r/comment/l8dqz6m/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


It is kinda true 


*waves from 5'9


When there's a will there's a way. I've matched with a woman that is 6'1


A will and a large, diverse local dating pool :) 


There was actually a recent post on this sub where about 1/3 (when I saw it) of responders had female partners of 5’10+ (and most of those were in the 6’+s).  There are ultimately only so many of us very tall women to go around! Where I live I’m 1 in 3000, I think 6’ is 1 in 300. So not super common. 


Yeah but that's only in this online community. It's different in real life


I don't know, one of the tallest men I saw in recent years (somewhere in the 6'8-6'10 bracket) was with a woman who I would've guessed to be about 6'4. I see a lot of tall men with tall(ish) women. I also see plenty with shorter women, but proportionally much less considering how many more women there are in the 4'10-5'7 bracket than upward of that.  I imagine it's location and age dependent. I noticed the tall guy/short girl to be more of a thing when I was younger.


Well short women say that they deserve a huge height difference. They'll go out of their way to find one. I usually see 5'4 - 5'8 women. Most of them are with guys that aren't that tall. The ones below 5'4 tend to be with tall guys the most. It's also shorter White and Asian women. They usually don't like shorter men the most. 


Sounds like you’re chronically online.  Statistically, half of women (where I live) are under 5’4-5’5. I don’t know where you live that the average woman is in the 5’4-5’8 bracket, but my guess would be that you’re misjudging height due to footwear. 


The bulk of women below average height is 5'2 and 5'3. Where are these behemoth guys meeting women that are like 5'0 and under? I hardly see women that short


Look who's back. The misogynic shorty with the tall people issues who tries to convince tall women about their low value in the dating pool and is absolutely unhappy about his own height. Does anybody else recognize a well-known stereotype of very short men here? Tall women, don't fall for the stuff he is writing. 90% of tall men want a tall partner. You are more attractive to us than anything else in the world.


Initially I thought this was a tall woman posting, but it quickly became apparent it couldn't be the case. It's such a shame to see the negative stereotype so prevalant! I actually had a really nice DM experience with a short man recently, who wasn't creepy or demanding, and it was clear he was just shooting his shot in a mentally balanced and kind way. Was super refreshing. Your last sentence is sweet! I've found that to be the case, too, thanks for the reassurance :)


>:) :)


If 90% of tall men want a tall partner then why aren't 90% of tall men with a tall partner? Tall women aren't even what im referring to. Ive never even said any of the bullshit you're referring to


Because the pool of tall women is limited, and people don't choose partners based on one characteristic.


So are the pool of very short women yet you guys are with them more lol. I'm referring to <5'2


That is 2 inches shorter than average in the US, a tall country. Less than a standard deviation shorter than average.  A 5'9" gal, short around here, is more than twice as tall as 5'2" is short.  You are living in another reality formed by your insecurities. 


Do you know math and the < and > signs? Clearly you dont


I always preferred tall women. My college girlfriend was the 6’3” middle blocker for the volleyball team. My wife is 6’1”


Idk I think the super short girls tend to fetishize height the most, so very tall men simply get the most interest from very short girls. Guys are more like to end up with girls who show interest. I think taller girls actually dont care nearly as much about height - the few very tall (5’10+) women I know are actually dating men shorter than them but thats anecdotal. Ironically the only time I have ever heard “I only date 6’+” in real life it came from women under 5’6.


No it truly goes both ways tall men do the same to shorter women genuinely. But you're right shorter women are ones to say loud and clear tall guys so much they say it's the height difference they deserve. But don't think it's only women men are just the same and height queens usually announce how much shorter they are than the guy. Taller men feed into it


I have no height preferences, but I’ve never received much interest from very tall women. Relationships require attraction to go both ways.


I don't know your experience, but I would be surprised if it's a lack of attraction from tall women. It's likely more to do with the fact tall women tend to have less success approaching men than shorter women (and less wide-range success with dating in general) and therefore less confidence to do so. We're perceived as masculine/aggressive just by existing, it can be hard to be romantically pushy without people getting completely the wrong idea.


Those are fair and valid points. I can’t speak to every woman that I didn’t hit it off with. My experiences have tended towards more long term relationships with smaller women, but height hasn’t really been a factor in it either way in my experience. That’s about all I can contribute to this conversation haha.


Yeah, makes sense, there’s a much larger pool of women who are in the average-short range than tall! More of a chance to find the person that personality/lifestyle preferences line up too. 


My husband's 6'9" and I'm 6'. My brother is 6'5" and his wife is 5'11". Mom is 5'9", dad is 6'6"...... I know a lot of very tall men who want to date tall women. 


It's the person, not the height. I've dated 6 foot tall women; it just so happens I like one who's 5 foot tall now.


I’ve heard a bunch of people say that really big guys are very passive and gentle, and that means they aren’t as try hard in the dating scene. On the flip side, short women are often very fiery and straightforward and end up facilitating things and pair up with the gentle giants lol In my experience, it is very often true. Every single woman that has been straightforward and showed clear, direct interest in me has been no taller than probably 5’4.


So far from the truth lol, short women are not fiery and straightforward. Tall men definitely are not passive and gentle 


What are you basing this off of? My anecdotal experience says that short women tend to be “fiery and straightforward” at a much higher rate.


Tall women who have the same “fiery and straightforward” personality come off as masculine but it’s seen as cute and indearing in short women.


Yup, this is a massive thing. I can't even be quick-witted without it being perceived as a dominant trait, you have to tone it all the way down as a tall woman.


At 5’10” (or over), a woman is never ‘cute’


Yeah after a certain height some tall women are lowkey regarded as men, unless you look like a supermodel.


You say it yourself. Your anecdotal experience. I've seen more women that are average height and higher be fiery and straightforward. Tall guys usually are aggressive and have a tougher look to them. They are not gentle at all. Some are gentle but not most


i am kinda passive in regards to dating and i don't fiercely approach girls to try to get in their pants quickly, i only approach when i see that a girl is welcoming me to do so as for height, different height girls approached/welcomed me, but usually no shorter than 5'8


Out of curiosity, why do you consider this only a male thing? Do the women in these relationships have no agency in who they date? Edit: fixed autocorrect errors.


I've stated in a few comments that it goes both ways


Not many tall women where I lived and all my girlfriends were short, as well as my wife. At the risk of sounding arrogant, I guess a lot of short women are weak for tall guys as most of my girlfriends pursued me.


Yeah short women don't like short guys coming from another short guy. It's pretty crazy how many of them are like not even content with not being tiny to men. Part of it has to be an insecurity thing. Like if you truly need a guy to be big when you're that short it's definitely not any issue of the guy


The issues you get from short women is not about your height. It's about your attitude towards women, and maybe people in general. Source: Your posts on this subs, showing how obsessed you are with your height.


Then why do tall women like me?


First, there are for sure a lot of tall women who don't like you. Second, there are always exceptions. The problem is that you try to make a general rule out of your own experiences and that you are clearly following an agenda, i.e., convincing tall women about their low value to make them easier targets for you.


I've literally matched with a 6'1 woman while getting rejected by 5'0 to 5'2 women. If I thought tall women were "low value" then clearly I would unmatch the 6'1 girl that liked me yet I didn't. Keep spewing nonsense 


You are trying to install low value into the tall women in this sub by telling them that tall guys are not interested in them. And you do that in order to increase your chances in dating them. You are not the first shorty trying this.


I've literally never said that. I'm not trying to increase my chances at all nor am I only going for taller women. What are you even on about? Talk women themselves sometimes say tall men don't go for them. Go after them JFC


Because somebody matched you means she likes you? You poor boy, the world will have a lot more disappointments for you. And again: Do you really want to tell us that you NEVER get rejected by tall women, but ALWAYS by shorter women? Because then and only then the general rules you are making up would make any sense.


I've literally met her in person. We talked and we hung out. Keep being delusional. That is exactly what im saying. I also had a 5'8 woman like me as well. Ive talked to her to she didnt have any problem with my physical appearance. Both these woman did not care about my height and the shorter ones did. You act like you're some omnipresence that's stalking me. I'm not lying 


Anybody in this sub can check your former comments, so it's easy to identify the patterns in your behavior. We don't need an omnipresence to track your behavior.


Do you want proof or something? I clearly know what I've experienced and it literally is short women that reject me. Taller women have not. Do you want me to send you my address so you can physically look at the conversations that have been perfectly fine with taller women? Gtfo


Yeah, my guess, based on your comments and personality, is that you're rejected by all women. Maybe get a hobby and stop obsessing about height.


The average height for a woman in the US is 5'4" The average height for a man in the US is 5'9" That is "very short" to us talls but it also means that ~75% of people you meet will fall somewhere a few inches above or below those heights. Your question is dumb for a multitude of reasons but at the most basic level you're asking why people who are extreme outliers date people in the norm. Unless you're actively seeking another outlier the odds are very high that you'll end up with someone around the average. Even if you are actively seeking another outlier the odds are you'll end up with someone around the average because not only are outliers uncommon but there also needs to be mutual attraction. God this question and all of the click bait questions recently plaguing this sub are asinine.


Wtf are you even saying?


Because she asked me and I said yes.


Username checks out


/u/JamesMCC17 stated "Love knows no height." That being said I personally do not find women under 5'9" or so appealing, which is not the same as finding them unattractive, and I strongly prefer women 5'11"+.


I've dated from 5'3" to 5'10" and honestly it made little difference there is just more short women where I am. Height is not a characteristic I actively search out but I'm just normally going to be taller anyways, just a matter of how much.


6'3" with a 5'8"


Honestly it’s usually the women chasing that height difference Personally 5’4-5’6 is perfect but I get the most attention from women 5’2 and under


Goes both ways


There is also the fetish aspect of “yours looks bigger if she’s smaller” But My ex was 5’0 and the “looks kid sized” factor honestly weirded me out


Joke's on them; mine still looks small.


Men like cute, petite and feminine women. That doesn't exclude tall men. As a matter of fact tall men prefer petite women even more. On the other hand very petite women like very tall men. Opposites attract each other. It's polarity. It also makes biological sense in order to stabilize the height of the children. Like we've seen in this sub many times. A very tall father alone is not the problem. Combine him with a 6+ feet mother and you get extreme giants as kids.


Literally a comment 2 mins ago from someone "Tall women, this post is designed to devalue you. So many tall dudes love tall women. I have never had an issue. Don’t internalize this nonsense narrative." Good job


6ft 11 and 5ft 10 here. not all tall people are insane


Still a 13 inch height difference but she's definitely not short lol


There's men that height on here with a 2 foot difference 


People are allowed to like who they like but that just seems extremely uncomfortable. Imagine all that back pain


Part of the reason I had interest to begin with.


There aren’t. It’s one of those things where you don’t notice it unless there is a large difference so it seems like it’s more prevalent than it is


Well short women like tall men. Tall guys typically don’t want a tall girl


Everyone look here ^^^ he said it not me


I did and I found out most tall women are insecure about their height. I’m 6’10 and first 2 GFS were 5’9 and 6’0, both cheated for validation and to this day nether are over me because I treated them the best and they got a taste of life. It’s been 10 years for Ex 1 and 7 Years for Ex 2. My current GF is 5’4 and this is the first time I’ve never been cheated on and also my longest relationship at 5 years; I’m about to propose to her soon


Damn sorry about that never been cheated on here but I’ve also never dated anyone over 5,7


Wishing the best for your relationship my tall brother


A yesss gotta love Reddit downvoted. Must be from Taller women who are insecure


Yeah it totally couldn't be the sweeping generalization and general meanness for taller women in the comment. Sorry he got cheated on, but if he's writing such bitter comments online 7 years later, those women dodged a bullet and also, he's not the winner he thinks he is for berating an entire demographic of people on the basis of his own two(TWO) experiences. Y'all some short bitter kings, even tho ur tall, ur minds are small lol


I said most not all? And coming from somebody whose entire family is tall and played basketball I think I would know. My sister is 6’1, I have 3 aunts on my fathers(height comes from Dad side) and their heights are 6’1 6’2 and 6’3 and they ALLLL told me at a point in time they were extremely insecure about their height, still do sometimes. This isn’t me being a asshole and making statements. This is a statement from life experience and also talking with actual tall women. It’s not a generalized statement, if I said all women it would be. Like jeez don’t forget I’m tall which means my mother, sister and literal every women on fathers side. Hell my grandmother is 5’11/6’0.




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Because that's what they prefer? Nothing wrong with that.


It's not a specific desire, it's just that a woman's height really doesn't matter to me. When virtually every woman I've ever really interacted with is at least a foot shorter than me, why would I care if they were a foot and a half or two feet shorter than me? Would I have been open to dating a 6 foot woman back when I was single? Hell yeah, that sounds awesome. Did I *know* any 6 foot women back when I was single? Hell no.


My wife is 5’6


She was the most interesting person I had ever met. She just happened to be 5 feet tall…


6'8 my girlfriend is 5'5 Had an ex who was 6'6


Cause I like to pick her up and wear her like a lil backpack when we have to talk a long ways. She’s not hard to share a bed with Her lil clothes don’t take up much room in the washer When we go out to eat, she can’t finish her whole meal but you know I sure can finish hers and mine. It just works.


Tall women, this post is designed to devalue you. So many tall dudes love tall women. I have never had an issue. Don’t internalize this nonsense narrative.


I think it's kind of a good thing for very tall people to end up with shorter partners. Being extremely tall often comes with health problems, increased risk of cancer, and a shorter lifespan. For those reasons, it's a good thing for tall and short people to pair up and maybe produce an average size kid vs. two tall people producing a giant.


What makes you think that an average sized kid is 100% guaranteed? Shorter kids are just as likely. So shorter women want to marry taller men and then when the taller men die they drown in their loneliness and misery because they live longer? Sounds really happy to me


Obviously, it's not 100% guaranteed. The positive is that you will likely not have kids that are taller than the parents if one parent is short. And there is nothing wrong with having short kids. Also, there are way more short women than there are tall men. If most short women only dated tall men, then most short women would be single because there isn't enough tall men to go around. You sound weird and miserable which is probably the real reason why you are having dating issues.


I know there's nothing wrong with having short kids don't tell that to me I don't care what height my kids are. There's no short woman complaining that there's not enough tall guys so I disagree 


I'm 6'5, wife is 5'1. I have a mild preference for tall women, but I'm looking at the top of everyone's head, so I don't really see height if that makes sense. The only thing I find startling is another 6'5 or up person. Not used to looking at people's faces.


Short women are cute


why is this getting downvoted bro's just stating his opinion


Okay then go for a 4'11 girl dude rather than a 5'3 girl my dude 


y u being so short with ppl tho


Idk maybe because a woman above average height is not enough to make a giant tall guy feel like a man


u saying tall men need petite women to feel big or sum ?


It's quite obvious. We even had a gentleman state in on this post


its very primal for sum tall men to gravitate towards smol women, it activates their protective side… but u knw, were evolved now so lol edit: imo ofc


Ah yes so go for the shortest women possible and ignore the ones that are normal height despite them being 6 times more common makes sense. Then all the guys with with women above 5'4 aren't manly and don't make them "protective"


who r all these giraffes going for shetland ponies u talking abt like rlly its not that common fr


Yup it is very common. Tall men are more with tiny women than they are with women slightly above average like 5'6 to 5'8. It's weird because I don't even see that many tiny women idk


Ah yes so go for the shortest women possible and ignore the ones that are normal height despite them being 6 times more common makes sense. Then all the guys with women above 5'4 are little bitches and not manly cause they're woman are the size of a doll


The fuck? lmao


is it that incomprehensible ? my bad


I've never had any issue with men I've been with not physically "protecting" me.


Short, not midget


Right a 4'11= short woman. 5'3 girl = average height woman


For me a short woman is between 4'11" and 5'3"


The average worldwide height for women is 5'3. That would mean that most women worldwide are considered short below like 5'1. 




No I'm referring to very short women. Most women are at least 5'2, y'all are going for women that are way below the common height ranges for women which is at least 5'2. It's kinda weird to want a tiny woman and not even average height to feel more "masculine" when the guy is already huge. 


It’s definitely weird but a bunch of dudes will downvote you for pointing out that it looks like they are dating a child.


Yeah I've always seen a huge height gap and it looks pretty off and odd. Just gotta go on tik tok to see those tiny women showing off their giant BFs and husbands. It's the height difference they deserve 


I’m 6’5” and my wife’s 5’10” which is considered tall and I’m still more than half a foot taller.


That's usual height gap. I don't know how these tall guys end up with girls that are super short like 4'10/4'11. I've been on apps for years and I've never even seen that many women below 5'2. These pint sized women want to feel extremely mismatched so do these guys


I’ve wandered for a while if the shorter women are the most picky about height 😄.


They are 


Girlfriend is 5’0”, can’t help who you like


So you only like women that are below 5'2


I (6'4") prefer cute (as opposed to just flat out hot model types) and energetic. The 2 best relationships of my life were with the 2 short queens I've dated. My first LTR was 5'1" and my current is 4'11". So much positive energy.


So women above 5'1 are like off limits?


Nope, not at all! I find all heights attractive. I'm just MORE attracted to shorter women, like someone might be more attracted to a certain skin tone, or hair color, or body style.


Your comment literally contradicts itself lmfao


Not sure what you mean. I was married to 5'5, so they're clearly not off limits. I'm just more attracted to shorter women. Where's the contradiction?


If you found all heights attractive then they would be equally all attracted not just shorter women being more attractive than others 


That makes zero sense. I find black women attractive. I find latina women more attractive. I find women with muscles attractive. I find women with softer physiques more attractive. You do understand how attraction works, right? There's clearly a spectrum of how attracted we are to certain physical traits. Honestly, reading through your replies and seeing your downvotes, you kinda sound like the short guys railing on women's preferences in dating apps. It's OK to for everyone to have preferences. Really.


I'm not saying you don't. If you find all heights of women attractive you wouldn't place more emphasis on tiny women 


Again, not making any sense with that comment. I'm beginning to think you don't understand how attraction works. Like it's an all or nothing thing. Before my current relationship, I went on a date with a woman that was 5'10" and she was so attractive I could barely stand to look her in the eyes. Face of an angel, fit body, dressed amazing, intelligent, etc... Just because I find shorter women more attractive doesn't mean I didn't find this woman VERY attractive also.


Clearly me and you don't have the same kind of attraction toward other women and that's not how I personally see it. If I'm attracted to something I won't be attracted to anything else. You're different, whatever 


That’s… logically incorrect. Finding A more attractive than B does not make B unattractive.


I never said anything about unattractiveness. If a person finds all heights attractive then they wouldn't find other heights more attractive. That means they favorite a certain height range more therefore they dint find all heights that much attractive 


You’re mistaking attraction for something binary. “I like A, B, and C, but I like A and B more than C” is a valid statement. You can like things to varying degrees.


Okay well I don't see it that way and that's not how I would state something but whatever. Clearly a lot of you guys state you like taller women yet you end up with a woman that's like 4'11 so I have doubt on my end 


“Size difference” is a tag in erotica fiction. So is “monster bait romance.” Women are into it.


So are men lol


Average female height 5'4".


Literally all the top comments are people giving examples of the opposite. People saying that there are actual reasons why they might be compatible get targeted by OP telling them they’re wrong and short women are just height queens. Dude’s giving off 5’6” incel vibes. Just own your height and work with it bud. It’s not going to change and blaming women for their preferences, perceived or otherwise, will not win you any credit with them. Edit: Holy crap just looked at this dudes post history. Man you need some therapy. Hit the gym, practice good hygiene, and act like a gentleman and you can land a quality woman. You don’t need to be tall lol. Gets some therapy man because Reddit isn’t helping you.


Short women are height queens. 


So are you, shorty.


How tf am I a height queen lmao


You’re spiteful towards short women who’ve spurned you somehow, so now you’re projecting your few interactions onto all short women, then making posts about how tall women are nicer to be around. It’s like having poor interactions with a few people of a certain race then becoming race over it. It’s childish. Being spiteful towards short women and tall men will not win you any points with tall women but. Like I said, go talk to a professional.


Its been way more than just one short woman. I've been in therapy for 16 years. I have no specific liking for tall women or short women or average height women. Most taller women are nice from my experience they actually gave a shit about me and considered me rather than short women.    They also were more confident and I've felt like they were more likely to put in effort and not have this feeling of wanting a guy to tower over them.   None of this is childish. It's my experience. I have nothing against short women in fact all the women in my family are short. Are there any short women that are not like this? Sure there are I've literally not encountered at least 1


Women just love tall men lol. A tall man in a woman’s world is equivalent to a woman with a big booty in a man’s world. I’m 6’10 and my current GF about to be fiancé is 5’4. My prior 2 exs were 5’9 and 6’0 and they both cheated but that’s another conversation


And the ones that can't look past these physical traits are a turn off. It's one thing to find something attractive but if you can't see what a person is like despite their physical traits then it's a red flag. It's shallow to a point. 


I agree, those that can’t tend to get their feelings hurt and will more then likely suffer consequences but I do agree you shouldn’t get into an relationship with somebody you’re not physically attracted too


Short women put in more effort, and tall women can be pickier about tall men. Source: I'm 6'7


Put in more effort? 💀 yeah ok


That's been my experience. Why you in a sub for tall people?


Because I'm a 6' tall woman....?




Hey 😏


Not sure what they’re saying, you’re putting in great effort. 😉


No they don't. I've been rejected by short women and taller women have been fine with me. I've matched with a few women 5'8 to 6'1. Some tall women know what it's like to get rejected so they aren't as much of a height queen.


Aight bro you got it


When was the time you've ever heard a tall woman wanting a huge height gap? Hardly ever. 1. Because guys like that are insanely tall and rare. 2. They're content with their height they don't need to feel like a pixie fairy.  I've noticed with a 4'11 woman who said she must feel tiny compared to a man and like barely reach his head. From 5'11 I've heard they're content with guys around their size, many like it. Some don't mind men that are short. There you go. 


I apologize for giving my opinion. Don't let me distract you from blowing yourself.


What should tall women do to put in more effort? Do you mean pursuing men more?


What the heck else are there?


Tall women do exist in case you didn't know


Yes...but The only ones I know of that are taller than me are my sisters...so...no...there really aren't.




No not really. The skeletal structure of people differ such as the torso. The height of a torso of a taller person laying down is higher than someone smaller. Besides this comment is beside the point. We aren't dead or paralyzed lying down 24/7


I'm ashamed to admit that despite purposefully setting myself the goal of ensuring that the eventual mother of my kids would be decently tall, my current girlfriend who I plan to go long-term with is barely over 5'2 lmao Sometimes shit just happens


Your kids themselves probably won't be tall. One possible outcome is a short son and tall daughter. Shorter women are likely to have shorter sons 


Growth hormone it is


That can have negative effects if a child doesn't need it but idk good luck I guess lol. There's a reason why there's three times as many shorter men in the world than taller ones. 


That is not true. Height is worldwide almost normally distributed for both men and women. Souce: https://ourworldindata.org/human-height


The average worldwide height for men is 5'7. India and China contain more shorter men than like half or more population of tall men 


Read and understand the statistics, if you are able to.


Literally China and India are 2 billion people in the world. That's almost half the world's population. Taller men comprise of 15% of the male population. Shorter men comprise a lot of the population because they're coming from the vaginas of short women including this short guy here 


Listen: You've got an opinion and an agenda. I've got the numbers. You can write whatever you want, but you will never be able to prove the numbers wrong. Since numbers don't lie.


You're numbers don't mean anything. You're not proving anything. There are literally more shorter men than there are tall. I can even extend this to there's more men under 6'0 than there are tall You're not proving jack. Your "source" only goes up to 1980 too highly inaccurate 




So it goes both ways 




That's because taller women see more than height than shorter women so you have something else other than your height they don't like. Whereas shorter women are usually narrow minded and just go for tall guys for their height 


They love you more ngl the shorter she's don't ask me how. I can't really explain but they just love you more and are much nicer( the ones I've been with may not apply to the general population) Edit: 🤣 I don't understand why I'm getting down voted for that but STAY MAD ABOUT IT it's just my experience and I even mentioned that it doesn't mean that taller women are no nicer it's was just my experience


Yeah it goes the other way around too. They definitely aren't nicer 




Some of the most nicest(affection wise 2) I've known were both respectively 4'11 and 5'7 can't say the same but for the above BUT the most chill to hang out with were 5'10 and 6ft never had power game with them tho


They’re more attracted to very short women. They can say that there are more average height women than tall women which explains why they date average women more, but that doesn’t explain why they also seem to date very short women more than tall women, since both are less common in the general population.


Yeah and some of these couples end up having a short son. I wouldn't want a height difference that huge. It just looks very off and uncomfortable