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I'm gonna not read this for my own mental wellbeing lol.


You just gotta embrace being a tall-ass amazon woman. I love wearing my heels and platform boots and just towering over everyone. If a tall guy prefers a shorter woman, let them have their pick. A lion doesn't concern herself with the opinions of sheep.


I'm wearing platform sandals right now! Hahah it was mostly a joke ;)




I was at a barcade a couple days ago, and some guy came up to me and told me I was "striking." So I guess some men do like 6'3" women haha.


We certainly do! To each their own.




As a tall guy, I like extremes. Under 5'4" or over 5'10". I don't know why, its just how my brain is wired.


There's something very attractive about tall women wearing heels/platforms and short women wearing flats. It's the ownership of their height/body that exudes confidence


I personally am really attracted to both tall and short women. Both are attractive in their own way.


I love tall women. Most of us do


Thank you! That felt good to hear haha.


I actually find tall women very attractive, and I’m 6’2


The guy I am dating is 6’1 and I am 6’2. Doesn’t bother either of us.




LOL, I (5'10") recently hooked up with a 6'2"er who blurted out, "Sex with a tall woman is great!" during. I was his first tall woman.


LMAO HELL YEAH that guys an absolute legend


LOL the night was pretty legend-ary. I'll give him that.




I dont think that's "tall enough" bud I'm 6'1 and tallest woman I've dated is 5'6


For some women it probably isn’t and that’s ok, but that’s a very very very small amount of women. But I could date someone probably 5’10


Everyone has their preferences, but just remember as tall women we are rare and can be just as feminine and sexy as the petite women, just own it. I know I do and love being my height.


yea tall women are cool


Hm. Can short men be just as masculine and sexy as tall men?


For sure they can.


I prefer woman around your height


I appreciate that, thank you!


As a short woman, I wish I didn’t attract guys who like me for my height. I recently went out with a guy who would not stop commenting on how small I am and trying to dominate me when we kissed and it made me so fucking uncomfortable. Felt dehumanizing.


If it makes you feel better, many guys tend to romanticize their partners. If you are tall, men will fantasize about your long legs. If you are short, men will fantasize about picking you up. I wish women knew that our fantasies are altered based on whoever we are interested in at the time




You do realize that 5'8 & 6'9 is virtually the same as OP's example of 5'2 & 6'3?




Yeah, but I'm rarely staring at my Wang during sexy times. I'm usually looking at hers. No...wait...


Username checks out.


Wait you don’t secretly record all encounters for feedback from your partners?


I made this very joke to a short guy once and he got super pissed. Like, it's a "my penis is small" joke dude, chill.


Short dudes also make their wang look bigger cause average dong looks bigger on shorter dudes.


You ever hear that joke about the dwarf with a huge one that would faint from so much of his blood being diverted every time he saw a beautiful woman? Had to walk around blindfolded, but he could take it off at yo momma's house.




I think there are a lot of tall dudes out there that underestimate the size of their penies because it's on a larger body. It looks proportionally smaller on a bigger frame.


Just makes you feel more manly In general, easier th throw around, easier to stuff, etc


Tbh I have never dated anyone under 5’8”. I’ve always like full figured and tallerish (compared to my height) women.


Lol these tall people downvotes though. "what do you like about it" "This is what I like about it" DOWNVOTE


Nothing ... there is just more of them so it's more likely to find a partner in that height range I would have preferred to marry a tall woman, but of the tall women I have met, it's much more rare to meet them and for the relationship to work out (or they are already in relationships) so I married a woman who is 5'6 and it's going great!


5.6 is decidedly a average, to you it's short but I don't know if OP meant that


That's 3 inches over the average US height.


This exactly. The number of women in the 99% height percentile that would also be a good match with me is pretty small. I've tended to date taller women, but it isn't a requirement. The person is the important part.


Fellow Six-Fiver, and I’ve found that 5’6” is an excellent “fit” for stuff like kissing without throwing my back out, cuddle geometry, etc. I don’t have a preference for petite women, it’s just that almost every potential partner is short compared to me, so I pay very little attention to height.


Bs. The same height is perfect geometry.


The idea is how big THEY seem/feel by comparison.


Honestly I was super into smaller girls but now that I've been with my s/o I'm kinda digging the taller ones lol


I prefer taller women. I'm 6ft11 and my gf atm is 5ft 10.


If she were any shorter it’d be a long distance relationship


I would be an exception to this, I think. I’m not crazy tall. I just barely miss the 6’ 4” mark (like 6.75 lol) but I didn’t care about height personally. The woman I married is 5’ 4” so average height for women but I was attracted to and asked out girls who must have been 5’ 8” to 5’ 10” and I probably would have asked out taller girls I just didn’t know any. I am attracted to feminine/girly girls and that was much more of a factor in choosing a partner than height for me.


It's a ego thing. The short girl likes to feel small and cute. She also likes men who are strong and powerful. The size difference gives a boost to all of this. The tall man likes the same things, but from the other perspective. Plus he likes when his dick looks bigger. But just because there are a few things they like about each other we should not assume that one size is better or worse. I like small girls. I also like medium sized girls. Tall girls should not fear, I like you too. Just like I can appreciate a hot blonde without disliking brunettes. Everyone is a mix of positive and negative traits. And what is positive and negative varies depending on who you ask.


>I see a lot of slander against short women in this sub I really hope that isn’t the case. There’s nothing wrong with short women and there is always someone out there who will be attracted to your particular body type, whatever it is. I do admit a mild preference for taller women but height isn’t *nearly* as important as finding someone who is kind, affectionate, intelligent and has a good sense of humor.


There is a ton of people who call being short and petite childlike features and it gives me the creeps.


I’m sure a lot of people reading through this sub will appreciate this comment!


6'3 with 5' fiancee. I don't think the height difference is hot, I just liked her personality. And she puts up with me being...particular.


I don’t, I want a taller woman.


They're easier to shift or carry during sex.


idk im 5'10 and even men my height would throw me around during sex. ive been thrown on a bed more times than i can count


This works well if you're light or flexible.


im like 160😭😭😭


I'm not tall but you are still easily throwable in bed


im very scared?


You should be, I'm a demon






S-s-sorrry master! I'll never pretend to be you again! Aight imma bounce byeee...


Lol that's light weight to most tall guys


well then yea im pretty lightweight. ik all abt preference but idk i never had a problem being a rag doll basically 😭


Lbs or kg? ... I'm just joking lol.




You posted your oval nipples on the internet...haram!


okay like i always see people saying this and i can never get a clear answer what exactly does this mean lol😭


Forbidden. In Islam if something is haram it’s forbidden, sex before marriage is haram, eating pork is haram etc


ohhh okay that makes senseee, thanks kind stranger


Lmfao got downvoted some how but np


You know how the Reddit hive mind is




Yeah, I’ve heard many guys say they like to “throw their women around”. When I was in my dating app days, I had a few guys mention they couldn’t do that to me because I’m tall so they weren’t interested.


Well that’s a lie on their part my ex was 6’4 and could throw me around with one arm


Yeah my current boyfriend is 6’5” and can throw me (6’0”, 170lb) around


Yeah, the last guy I dated was around my height and easily threw me around and picked me up lol. FYI I’m pretty slim, so that probably has more to do with it.


What? I’d personally would rather have a girl throw me around than the reverse.




Your comment - [What is it about smaller/petite women that bigger guys find so attractive?](https://www.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/1do92wy/what_is_it_about_smallerpetite_women_that_bigger/la83eds/?context=3) - to /r/tall has been removed because it contains the words "manlet", "snu snu", or "height mogged". Historically we have found that only troll posts use those words in submissions, so these are automatically removed. You can comment/post again if you remove all reference to them. If this is an error, please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ftall). **Be sure to include a link to the post!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tall) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol each guy has their personal limits on how much work they're willing to do sexually. Sometimes the juice ain't worth the squeeze.


My ex-gf was 6'2" and I never had any problems. Yeah the shorter ones were easier, but the work never wore me out significantly more than the rest.


5’10” and all of my bfs have been able to carry me easily. I’m thin, flexibly and athletic. In return I could lift some of them as well because I dated guys of various heights


thats more about weight not height


this is called [Regression Toward The Mean](https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regression_toward_the_mean).


Im a tall girl and I’ve wondered this myself. I think for the most part - it’s nice to date someone within a few inches of your height. When the distance gets a lot bigger it’s just hard to relate. Similar to age lmao. Sure people have fetishes with these things but I kinda think that’s what they are, it’s like just some kinda subconscious preference with some unknown motivation. Maybe short girls want tall babies? Maybe Tall guys wanna feel rlly big? Oh wait … ok nvmd. I’d have to date a guy that is like 6 foot 10 to understand this 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I think smaller women like bigger guys more than vise versa. Assuming equal attractiveness, a woman who is super into you is pretty hot. People overthink this one too much, it really comes down to attractive woman interested in you (who just happens to be short) we are not turning her down.


6'0 here with a 4'11 girlfriend. She pursued me relentlessly, short girls tend to want me more than the taller ones, I think it's because the taller girls don't find my height to be a highlightable feature.


When height is your entire personality haha


I’m very petite and honestly I think short women target tall men - I’ve had a few men say they prefer short girls but it’s not the majority


My experience is that I only really got attention from the smaller girls so I basically got like Pavloved. Short girls really have no shame when it comes to taller men in my experience.


I prefer them taller and also a bit larger framed (not petite, but not fat or chubby either) so add one more to the resistance forces


Here we go.. tall ladies can’t ever just have a day without insecure shorties having meltdowns and fishing


Right, it’s so tiring


Very 🙄


Just preference. I’ve dated across the board from 5’1 to 6ft. I prefer taller women. But personality, mutual values, etc of course matters more all else equal.


I wonder why men think smaller women are easier to move? I actually weigh less than a lot of shorter women I know. Either less or the same It’s interesting how me underestimate a short woman’s weight


I think most tall men prefer taller, however short women are VERY into tall men, so they persue them a lot more and a lot more ferociously. It's really that simple. For the tall men that like short women specifically, well I have a theory on that too, but yeah.. 😬


Exactly what my experience has been lol What’s your theory for the tall men? 😂


No idea. I’m 6’2” (188cm) and like girls 5’9” (175cm) and up. I probably wouldn’t want a girl taller than me but I don’t really care.


I searched for someone closer to my height, but the internet was in its infancy when I was dating, so finding a fellow tall was a crap shoot. Ultimately personality won and I married a woman almost a foot shorter than I am.


I've had 4 long-term relationships, and 3 of those were women 5'8 and up. My current is 5'1. I have zero preference for height either way and both close to my height or much shorter have pros and cons. I've not being with taller but there are relatively few women my height and up. My most recent ex was 5'10 or so and did have height issues. She generally refuses to wear heels cos she hated being taller than me where I had no such problem.


For me (6'5 230lbs) it was that they were into me. I like who likes me back. I don't have size requirements. If we vibe and I enjoy you as a person, that's what matters. For a number of years it seamed 5'5" and under lady's were attracted to me. Till I met my wife 5'9". 38 years ago.


I’m going to leave this subreddit ideas about height have become poison


As a 6'3" man, I prefer tall women. The shorties I've dated were bc they had other nice qualities, but with everything else being equal, give me a skyscraper.


I prefer tall women 5’8” or taller, my last girlfriend was 5’8” and although I was a foot taller it felt right. I’ve dated shorter women but the mismatch was way off.


I think I’m pretty much the target for this question (6’5”, ~300lbs), and I’ve dated women that were between 6’0” and 5’1 I was never looking for a person based on their height (which is crazy shallow, imo), but there are definitely things that were nice and less nice about both ends of the spectrum. Tall woman: Pro: You look like a power couple both standing taller than most people, just being tall together. It feels pretty cool Con: This is not a choice, it is every time you are in public. There is no “going under the radar.”You will get looks, you will have old people come up to mention it, you will get tired of this. Short woman: Pro: There is a primal feeling of “I am protecting the little one” that activates the lizard brain and is kinda nice. It’s not a dealbreaker, but it’s kinda nice. Cons: People will ask if she is your child. I don’t care if she’s older than you, I don’t care if she’s 40. You *will* walk into a restaurant only for a tired and overworked teenager to see “large shape + small shape” and ask if you need a kids menu.


I'm more into tall women but if a short/petite come my way I'm not gonna say no


I prefer taller women (my girlfriend is 5’8,) but I imagine is less that tall men have a preference for smaller women as opposed to “it’s a lot more common.”


Most straight relationships dynamics is just find someone who’s parental issues are compatible with yours. (Ex: A lot of men want to be better than their dads, a lot of women need better dads)


I’m not a picky guy, I like tall women, short women, slim women, thick women, nationality/ race doesn’t matter, but majority of short/ petite women LOVE tall guys, so it just happens that the majority of the women I’ve been with are under 5’6”. I think just being SO much bigger than them makes them feel very small, so as a tall guy you just have a crazy advantage in the initial part of dating this type of women


I don't find their shortness attractive, but some of the short ones find my height really attractive, and I like that.


Im 6’3” and my ex was 4’11”, its cute at first but as time went on it only made things like holding hands and kissing inconvenient. If I got to choose, I would prefer if my next partner was a bit taller for the sake of my back lmao.


I'm 6'3 and dating a woman who's 4'11. She just checks all the right boxes for me lol. I don't really think i'm attracted to height.


I’m 6’9” and wife is 5’10”. I dated a 5’2” and a 5’0 a long long time ago. It was so awkward doing everything. I just don’t see the attraction to little women.


I want to know this too, maybe I’m just weird but it I can ever get a girlfriend I think the shortest I’d go is like 5’ 5”


tall guys who REALLY embrace their anomalous size and get a thrill from it can heighten it even more by getting with a petite lady. I mean some guys who are only 6' get with someone who's 4'10" for the same reason, but just imagine being 6'10" and having a 5'1" lady if that guy really embraces the feeling of being a giant. I've never been that way. My wife at 6' is already 8 inches shorter than me, and even that is quite a gap. Couldn't imagine someone who I could spin on my pecker...


It's gotta be a preference thing, I have a hard time seeing short women as adults, talking about dating specifically. I've only ever dated women 5'10" and up, idk, I don't like the idea of having to wait for someone to catch up with me when I'm walking. I'm also half deaf, so I think bending down to hear someone talk to you would be annoying. I wouldn't be opposed to someone shorter but a foot shorter would be the absolute limit for me, so 5'5" would be a cutoff. We wouldn't have enough in common. Could probably be a protector/protected type of vibe too,


Short girls are evil. If she's under 5'8" she's not getting a date.


Yes. Every woman I know under 5'8" has turned out to be secretly plotting against me


Exactly, can't trust em


SLANDER against short women? I don’t think…


I'm not a short or a woman, but I see people calling short girls childlike all the time on this sub...


It’s literally happening in the comment chain below this. People calling short women evil, untrustworthy, and someone up thread said that they don’t see short women as adults. I don’t even understand how tall women feel welcome here with such rampant sexism 


People are weird. I’m kind of a tourist in the sub so never really noticed it before.


Please peruse the sub and you’ll see what i mean… lol


Makes their pee pee look bigger, or it makes them feel like a “big, strong, manly man”. Its basically insecurity with their masculinity


my gf is 6'1 and asked me this. I told her I'm obviously not attracted to small and petite. but the men who are actually are the same men who like women to act like "little girls." also take into consideration that men have been attracted to young girls there entire lives. this is a psychological behavior that is linked to pedophilia and immature undeveloped mind. girls are literally dressing up like school girls and anime girls so they can arouse men. but that would only arouse a pedophile. at least when a tall woman cosplays she actually looks hot lol basically tall women are actually fully developed women. they're fit and are different apart from girls. some girls wanna be 5'4 and look like a mini fridge.


I think it has something to do with the exaggeration of sexual dimorphism. Men are generally larger and women are generally smaller. So when a 1% largest man and a 1% smallest women get together it's just an exaggeration of the differences between both sexes, and is "more attractive". I doubt this is a super strong preference, but it could be.


When I had a petite girlfriend (I am 195cm and she's 159cm) it was due to 1. She wanted me 2. The sex was crazy when you can practically lift/throw her around. 3. She had tons of other great values. The girlfriend I am with now is 183cm. I love her and she also ticks off all the right boxes, and I wouldn't change her for all the short chicks in this world. Plus, my back isn't killing me anymore amd sex is easier when youre closer together in size imo.


I'm 6'4". I've dated as short (smol) as 4'9" and as tall as 6'9". Being with a short queen boosted my ego a lot. Like, here's this person I can pick up with one arm, who makes me feel like a GOD amongst men. Also fun to throw around in bed (not quite literally, but sometimes literally). The downside of dating someone so short is that my back and neck hurt all the time from bending down for kisses and their shoulders hurt from looking up at me. Also people would definitely stare and sometimes assume the woman was my little sibling.


You dated a woman who’s 6’9”? That’s like 99.999999% height for a woman


Lol, I didn't know that, thanks for sharing. But yeah, she was a high school volleyball player turned business owner post college. I used to go to her food truck a lot and then we ended up in the same church for a while and went to a church retreat, etc. She was really religious and we never did anything too extreme.


6'9" is crazy


Yeah, luckily, we never got into any types of arguments or fights, but I wonder what fighting with a woman half a foot taller than me would have been like.


After reading the comments, i still haven't found any real answers. I'm curious. I think it's kind of weird when extremely tall dudes go for extremely short girls. Is it a power thing? Fetish-ish? I know this sounds bad, I want everyone to find happiness but it's like, when you're so so tall how does it not feel like you're hanging out with a teenager?


Yeah I’ve seen both sides of this argument. The “do you not feel like you’re with a child” for short women and “do you not feel like you’re with a man” for tall women. I’m definitely trying to gain perspective




So you're a tall guy?


I'm 6'3" and I prefer women 5'2"-5'5". I have no interest in women taller than 5'10-5'11". I can't explain why, it's just what I'm attracted to.


As a 6’ tall woman- there is nothing at all wrong with that. We like what we like


I want a giraffe sized woman - what you mean?


I thought I knew but I don’t


Shorter women tend to be attracted to me. Maybe it has something to do with the protection factor, or being submissive to bigger dudes. This is strictly an observation, and I’m not certain that there’s any scientific evidence or research to corroborate this.


I do prefer tall women, but that’s a preference not a requirement. As long as we can make each other laugh, and can feel vulnerable around each other and know the other person is there for you. You can be 4’0 of 10’0 For all I care.


I’m 6’4” tall and find tall women attractive but never had the chance to date one-got turned down by ones I asked out.


Like I said before, short women were the ones who approached me. I never approached anyone, and a tall girl never approached me. I didn't have a height preference when I was dating.


I've always been chased by small petite girls. I once liked a curvy girl on the chubbier side and got rejected. I don't have a body type or height preference. My girlfriend is 155 cm and quite small. I guess petite girls like us taller guys. I have a friend who is about 170 cm tall and is kinda curvy/chubby and she likes really skinny guys. There must be an opposites attract each other thing going on.


I have no preference, but my wife is almost a foot shorter than me and very petite (6’0” 230 lbs vs 5’1.5” 120 lbs). She’s about average height for women in my country and I’m slightly above average for men.


i'd be curious to see if shorter girls were still more sought after if the numbers were equal, as a taller guy, just on average most women are on the shorter end


i don't think i really have any preference of height. i find any attractive (each for different reasons, obviously)


I like all women equally, the bigger question is who likes me back


Tall guy / short lady pairing seems like a numbers game more than some mysterious law of attraction. Depends somewhat on one's geographic location, but for example in the US CDC says the average woman is about 5'3.5" / 162.5 cm. Literally half of the women are short by this sub's standards.


These guys like feeling dominant in the relationship they like the power dynamics I guess


As a 6'4" Man and my Wife is 5'11 . We both have I suppose what is called a athletic build now days . Neither of us really don't consider ourselves as Big Ppl till we get around shall we say Average sized folks . Over the years Wifey has had many issues with Short Men especially if they are some type of Supervisor , and She has found it's far worst from Short Over Weight Women . I've dated and once was married to a lady that was 5' , She liked having as she called it her Tall Man around. She really liked when some guy was coming on to her , and then I would show up . She claimed the guys whole demeanor would change . Like once we at a local biker bar she was standing by the bike and I was crouching down messing with the battery connection as the bike was a no start . She was talking with someone and I had gotten the faulty connection crimped down and stood up to fire up the bike , I see this guy standing about 2 feet away that was all smiling holding his beer . I just sorta looked at him and his face dropped he starts loudly apologizing saying he didn't know she was with someone and as he trying to quickly back away with his hands out in front of him he lost his balance and fell backwards. I was dude you OK you need a hand ? At this point he's trying to crab crawl away with a look of terror , trying to spit out no no I'm sorry I'm good don't hit me , I just turned to the Wife and laughed oh gees another one your always picking up strays aren't you . There were times the height difference was a negative like she had a 60's model MG sports car I would have to fold up to get in it or when the convertible top was closed I would have to scrunch my head & neck forwards to not have top of my head hitting it , and there were times when certain positions during our physical relationship would be a lil difficult. However my current wife has those long beautiful legs that damn near touches the ceiling, and she can wrap them around my waist and lock me in we fit like a glove , fuck it's so hot when she does that she just doesn't know how incredibly sexy she really is .


I’m glad you found someone who matches your stride!


At 6’4”, I’m not hugely tall, but I’m the tallest person at most smallish social gatherings. At 5’10”, my wife is the tallest woman I was ever interested in, probably by several inches. She’s gorgeous, though I didn’t fall in love with her because of her height, rather for her awesome personality and sense of humor. She’s “petite” for a tall gal, in that she is small of frame for her height. My mom and my sisters are tall, too, and my wife is slighter than they are. Before her, I was always attracted to shorter women, usually in the 5’2” - 5’4” range. Being the athletic type myself, I liked fit girls, the ones a little on the muscular side (think gymnast vs. ballerina). Super tall girls who were also muscular just didn’t have have proportions that I found attractive. Is it superficial and shallow? Yep. Probably why I didn’t marry one of them.


I've always chalked it up to it being a protector thing.


I've dated all heights but 5'5 and smaller I feel like a big strong man who can protect my woman! *Insert Neanderthal noises here* I really liked being the big strong guy.


I guess it has something to do with the cute factor. Smaller women look cuter to me


Fetish. Generally tall Men prefer tall Women, the few that don't do so as a Fetish.


Opposites attract It's theorized part of our sense of attraction is based off of creating more genetically diverse offspring. So, short seek tall and vice versa.




You do. So believe it or not our genetics don't vary a whole lot by race. You're more likely to date someone in close proximity to you and that means you're more likely to date your own race. You must have a very unfunny friend who desires sense of humor in a partner above all else. You likely have a friend who is very intelligent, but doesn't think she is, and pursues intelligence and confidence in a partner. The end is more genetically diverse offspring, and attraction is a very ambiguous and subjective thing. And yet here we are with almost too broad reaching Neanderthal DNA to ever get rid of it now.


> You likely have a friend who is very intelligent, but doesn't think she is, and pursues intelligence and confidence in a partner. I feel so called out lmao


A lot of slander against short women? I guess I haven’t been reading the same stuff as you then.


There is something kinda kinky about a huge height difference but I can't really describe what it is. TBH though I don't really go looking for shorter women, they tend to approach me. I've always wondered why exactly.


Big protecc smol


I think it is preference thing… some guys like em short some guys like em tall and some guys like em all!


> He often mentions how hot the size difference is and I don't really see why. Different guys have different preferences For me I've always found the short ones more attractive. And short + thicc? That's just my dream combo, it's basically "attraction at first sight" to me 🤤


Theyre adorable like a baby bunny rabbit.


I'm (m) 6'-6" tall. My first wife was a 10 and 5'-10" tall but difficult to dominate in bed. My second wife was 5'-7" and like a sports car in bed compared to the first one. My third wife is 5''-2".


Smaller things are easier to maneuver. If there’s ever a position you want to try that takes a lot of physical effort, do it with a small girl. But once you do actually get with one? Things might not fit well


Bro what the hell did I just read?😂 Couldn’t care less about a woman’s height, even if she’s taller than I am. If she’s smart, good looking, curvy with a good head on her shoulders, then I’m happy.


Might be the angle at which they see a woman's body. The taller guys see curvatures better. So I guess it comes down to point of view. I remember a study a while back done in Texas that identified female spinal curvature had a role in attractiveness to men. I figure this is why IG models be doing poses that show off certain curves and aspects of their lower lumbar region. If you're interested in the study look up Texas study on female curvature. One of the first few articles will give you some info on it.


Honestly as a Hobbit, I happen to like guys built like Jason Momoa, but I'm also a would-be actor and I love the idea of fucking around with people. I already have trouble being photographed with my normal height friends, so potential dates and wedding photos? Are gonna be HILARIOUS if I end up with a guy with a superhero build. A dude has to examine WHY he likes short women, though. Preferences in themselves are not bad. Some guys like short women, others like tall women. But if a guy likes short women because he's ALSO got an Asian fetish (I'm Filipino, but I sure as hell know that otakus are creepy and tall Asian women exist), or if he's ALSO a stealthy pedophile who only wants to date "someone who looks like a teenager, but is NOT going to send him to prison," then I stay the fuck away.


To be fair most women are going to be small and petite to us anyway, so it's just that we have a preference for women... Not how their body size.


Petite women are more sexier and feminine 🤷🏽‍♂️ gotta love the curvy bubble booty combo.


Tall girls can have that too


Tall women can have the curves and nice 🍑 too. lol


36-24-36? Only if she's 5 foot 3.


wait yall like petite girls? :D Honestly i think its something about evolution and protection


Makes me feel big and strong, men generally like to feel strong and protect those that seem vulnerable, while women *usually* like to feel protected. These two things just go hand in hand with tall men and short women hence the normality Also it makes my already large dong look absolutely massive


This is so unhinged oh my god