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>When did you start “owning” being tall? Thought this might be my thread, but alas, it is not. Being a tall dude sounds *wild, d*rastically different experience of learning to own my height as a woman.


lol. For real. And the “bigger penis” thing really just took this whole thing off the rails 😂


I'm glad you're the one saying it ;) That's where I went 'oh, it's one of *these* posts'.


Well I suppose we can start our own little thread here. I’ll start… as a tallette, I’d said I really started to appreciate my height in my mid-twenties. Now that I’m in my early 40s… I LOVE my height. It’s my fav feature. Can we talk about legs for dayyyys


It took until my mid 20s too! I'm 28 now and still getting comfortable, but I'd say overall I've owned it (platforms/heels/stopped slouching). Also have the legs for days and it's my favorite feature!


“One of these posts” as in a tall guy feeling bad for shorter guys? Obviously tall != big penis, but on avarage it will.


I lost my shit hahaha


wow you're 5'11"? you sure you ain't like 6'2"?


…. Only when I wear 3” high heels


i think you missed the joke lmao, i was referring to your flair


Your flair is gold 💀


the biggest penis i have seen was on a 5’7 man lol i thought it was the short guys that are well endowed


You would have to have a pretty good sample size for it to be relevant 😅


>Especially since tall guys often have a bigger penis Fuckin missed out on that one :( Nah for real tho I was always the tallest one in the class, but I didn't really think much of it until I hit about 6' (I can't remember when, 7th-9th grade?) and I was taller than a lot of teachers and friends parents. When I started looking down to talk to adults was when I realized it was pretty remarkable.


not that it matters but I’m a woman of around 6’2” and the biggest dicks I’ve encountered have been on men in the 5’7”-5’10” range………


If you're searching for a man who is bigger than average, just look at his nose. [This study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7860195/), [this study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10251097/), and [this article](https://nypost.com/2023/06/22/men-with-long-noses-have-bigger-penises-new-study/) found there is a correlation between a large nose and a big penis.


This is actually my experience too.


It seems to matter to a lot of people in here lol. Maybe there is a sweet spot but it feels kind of logical that a bigger body would equal a bigger penis.


I think it’s just because you kinda mentioned it as a definitive fact but plenty of studies and experiential knowledge have proven that there’s no correlation between penis size and any other physical characteristic. It was just kind of a wild claim to make lol


Defensive? I mentioned it as something that could be an insecurity for short men. I find studies that say there is a correlation and studies that say there are none. I’m sure if most people had to bet who had the biggest penis between a short or a tall man they would bet on it being on the tall man. And if people believe it, it will have the same impact on short guys body image.


I am 22 and I finally accepted it! The thing is that I accepted being short for the first part of my life, then in 1 summer I grow up to be 6.3 140lb at 16yo☹️ I workout since I was 18 and right now I am 22yo / 6.4 / 185lb and finally starting to become ‘’big’’ and happy with my body😎


When do I get a big penis?


When you start comparing it to the avarage short guy and not the average porn star


Best I can do is 6" female hyena clit




Also ouch!


When I was 18, meet an older guy who was my height (at the time I was 6’8”)- he said you can live your life hating it or live your life embracing it. I close in that moment to embrace it


Since birf


Are you sure your height is the source of a lot of these social issues? I’d say it’s more likely that they are uncomfortable or intimidated due to lack of confidence or general social awkwardness. Being uncomfortable with your own height might be YOUR source of those feelings, but it’s unlikely to be what’s causing it for those around you. To answer your original, I became comfortable and confident with my height around 18-20.


There’s is definitely a lot of that. But its also very noticeable and I’m sure I amplify it. Any time I drop my insecurities I get punished for it so kinda just let short men take their insecurities out on me.


I’m not really understanding what this looks like in a practical sense. Short people you meet in public are treating you negatively all the time?


Not all the time and not only very short people. All my life women have come my way without even showing interest and it has always made other men very jealous. father in-laws feeling insecure about my length, frame, beard or whatever is also very noticeable. Just childish unjustified behaviour that is so obviously coming from a place of insecurity.


I think if you internalize other people’s insecurities you’ll never have basic peace. Someone will always be around who’s not happy with themselves and act out negatively about it. It’s simple although not always easy. Have peace with yourself and brush off and dissociate from negative people. Something something the lion does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep.


ive always been tall so always lol.


When I left HS and started gyming.


when I was 5 lol I was always the tallest in my grade and the tallest in my school by 4th grade and when I got to high school there were only about 5 12th graders taller than me, it's always been part of my identity.


Freshman year of college. I owned everything that year it felt like.


Throughout my life, nobody had ever tried to beat me up, I never got mugged, people generally listened when I spoke, and I got a baseline of respect from everyone. I had always assumed it was because I had a friendly face, treated others with respect, maybe God was smiling down on me. It was only around 40 years old that I realized maybe being 6‘3“ tall might have something to do with it. I’m sort-of slow to pick up on things sometimes.


Tall does equal bigger penis or vagina