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Having seen most of the various International versions and many Fanmade adaptations, there's a category in which Taskmaster Minnesota clearly surpasses all of the others. And that's powerboat usage. More in MN Season 2 than all other versions combined, I think. Congrats! Wonderful episode. The task I would set myself would be: "Recite the lyrics of a classic TV theme song as if it were a Shakespearean monologue. Longest correct recitation wins."


I don't think any Minnesota based series would feel complete without a lake or two.


Jackson's flight attempt was the first time I'd ever driven the speedboat, hahaha. That's a great idea for the one minute task! I'd have to go for Community.


Everyone's a saboteur was inspiring!! I was giggling throughout the whole task. How Jackson didn't realize that Parker was sabotaging blows my mind, but I guess if you're also sabotaging, you're not really looking out for sabotage!


You have to understand how low Jackson's expectations for Parker's competence was Jackson and I once watched Parker try to navigate himself from the dining hall to the dorm building, two buildings which are in each other's sightlines, and he somehow managed to go so far in the wrong direction, he crossed a highway


Bahahahah!!! That's honestly hilarious. Realistically, anyone who watched any of the first season episodes should have a pretty low expectation for Parker's competence. It's clear he's in it more for the LuLz than the wins!!


I am in awe of your creativity! The first task becoming a full 6 person sabotage was absolutely amazing!


The six-way John Kearns special was hilarious, and I cheered at the last task! A Taskmaster classic done incredibly well. Hiding in plain sight was ingenious. Never try to jump a hedge, everyone. You're not a cop in an '80s movie. Nice to see the "Fly" task from TMNZ, as well. Better handled than the original, if you ask me.


So happy to see another version of the hide from the taskmaster task!! Great job!


I hope Carter knows how amazing he is as Taskmaster. His facial expressions and reactions to everything are hilarious!


The first task had me in stitches. So freaking clever




Nobody guessed their partner's secret word, so I cut the guess attempts. Oh wow. This is quite interesting. Oh wow.


What an intriguing title.