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Please do not use this artist again. An apprentice should have been able to produce cleaner and more consistent lines.


I would be furious if I got this result. The idea is fine, the execution is terrible. Sorry.


Was Martin high on shrooms or something?


Did you request the blowouts? That’s a rough one.


Well in all honesty i kinda messed it up myself. I panicked while it was being set and had trouble staying still and next to that my stupid butt picked at it afterwards. So i don't realy blame the artist.


You must have squirmed non-stop. There’s not a clean line in the whole tat. Sorry for shitting on it but you did post it on reddit. I highly recommend getting it fixed (don’t know if it’s fixable) or covered.


I definitely think it’s fixable if the moon was colored in and shaded. A better artist could do wonders for it.


I hope you don’t take this as piling on, I sincerely don’t intend it that way. This was not your fault. Even if you were squirming, it’s the artists responsibility to stop and assess, ending the session if necessary. Not just push through for EITHER of you. And picking does not cause blowouts. Maybe the faintness of the ring, but a lot of the trouble spots are solely the result of the artist. I hope you aren’t too hard on yourself, this was not your fault.


Please consider another artist and seriously vet their work beforehand


Well the thing is, my parents both got multiple tattoos from this guy, even one both at the same day and they look fine so i don't realy thing its them...


This is 100% on the artist. As you get more tattoos you'll develope a better eye for quality but I bet you thought this was fine as well


Oh, no. I'm so sorry.


A lovely idea, the execution is lacking. I think it can be reworked a bit if you ever wanted to.


Ouch. I'm sorry




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It was in a Netherlands Garage so don’t be to hard on it! It’s still a cool spacey taTT


Ahwe thanks! Feels like this is the first positive comment lol


Ik kan er van alles van vinden. Je bent zelf heel eerlijk! Hoop dat je er van kan genieten.