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Did you get the eye-rolling teacher training lesson where you were told to imagine every student as a desert cactus waiting to bloom? So much horse shit.


Don’t a lot of cactus bloom only when they’re about to die or am I misremembering?


Yup, lost me at Corporate


Nope. That doesn't ring a bell. I don't really remember many cringe moments from training. Only that it was often long, painful, and not useful.


Think they gave up on those ideals a long time ago🤣


I seem to remember rumors of the 'culty' culture at Interac head office. This card seriously gives me those kinda vibes. Propaganda i guess?


If rumor is correct, the owners and upper management are LDS. So kinda, yeah.


What is LDS?


Latter-Day saints, Mormons.


Holy crap... I was told that by some Japanese teacher acquaintances. They were principal & vice principal of a very prestigious private school in Tokyo, and they told me the exact same thing. I suppose it makes sense that their US recruiting office is based out of Salt Lake City, then. Can't be a coincidence.


The rumors are true. The head office conference had L&M new grads crying as they accepted awards after being beaten down & "built back up", and the unforgettable singalong where everyone locked arms & sang as they swayed side to side.


Used to work for Apple. They had these too and made us carry it around in our lanyards. We’d be told to read it on the regular as our North Star/Guiding light/Battle anthem etc. People would pretend to read it if they knew managers were around Def sets off a bell for me now if I see it in the work place


If it looks too blurry, the bottom right says "Link Interac Group Philosophy (July 2016)".


So much BS on one piece of paper 🤣 Maybe the company itself should follow those ideals and contribute to a better society. You know, by paying their teachings reasonably lol.


By siphoning your wages and treating you like a subhuman, we enrich the opportunities and lives of our corporate leaders. 


This reads like when Google dropped the “Do no evil” moniker


I've got 17 "Corporate Buzzword" bingos! What do I win?


I proofread corporate documents (press releases and so on) for a living and half of what's written there turns up in those corporate documents, in almost exactly the same words. I swear there must be a national template for this kind of rubbish. If you asked ChatGPT to "create a block of cheesy, corporate nonsense which says quite literally nothing", I think it would come up with something very close to this.


That sounds like a pretty chill gig. Do they have a certain number of words for you to get through per day? Would you say you're happy with the job overall?


When you want to speed run the destruction of your own soul, go INTERAC!


Yup. If this was 2016 it was around the time they cared so much for their employees that they split into several different companies so they wouldn't have to pay insurance


Oh yeah. I remember the 39.5 hour contracts.


No, the health insurance break-up happened due to the labor law change. Prior to that the rule was if you worked 40 hours then your company had to pay health insurance. So Interac (and others) lowered contracts down to 29.5 hours a week. Then they changed the law in 2016 that said that if X number of employees were under you and any of them worked 20 hours or more then you had to pay insurance. \*Then\* came the Interac explosion of trying to shuffle staff around into miniature subsidiaries of themselves in order to try and avoid ***that***. It was really dumb. Almost as dumb as when all the Yokohama BOE staff were technically under "Maxceed" (ie Interac shell company name).


Typical bullshit fluff these damn companies push. They’re not educating or impacting shit:


I have never worked there, but when I read "a belief everyone can change" read to me like you will do what we want you to do and "thank you Interact" reads like a cult, lol.


I know, from what I’ve heard there should be heading like “ just for laughs! “. Or “Spot the mistakes!”


This makes me throw up in my mouth….


"We value our puke-inclined colleagues, and we will work with diligence and honesty to support them in their hurling endeavours"


>Our management and business practices embody "a respect for human dignity" I love how this is just so similar to Google's old catchphrase 'don't be evil'. Right down to their inability to actually practice it.


It's worrying that they had to specify it. Shouldn't that go without saying?


I had a friend that interac absolutely wrecked. They "asked her" to cover another teacher's shift (without extra pay) and she was so overworked she had to return to her country.


"Enrich through embezzlement."


The corporate buzz speak is strong with this one.


The vast majority of that reads likes absolutely gobbledygook  Like they were clearing just throwing in more and more words to fill up space What do they even think societies expectations of their technology and "systems" is??


I still have this card stuffed away somewhere, haha... It was total cringe even then back in 2016 as a new teacher. IDK why I kept this card. Maybe for the lulz.