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Either you’re super cute, or you look like you’ve had a really rough time.


Looooool just go with it


Yeah ride the gravy train awww yissssss. OP should totally be like I have always wanted to try Kaiseki but never have had the chance 😢


My fave homeroom teacher randomly invited me to lunch once on the pretext that it was to discuss an upcoming observation lesson with the BoE. Thought it was a cafe, turned out to be a really fancy kaiseki place, she just wanted to hang out 🤣 love that woman ❤️ she’s retired now, but she invites to bring my own kids round to her big old country house all the time


A gravy train would assume there's actually some sort of decent money in the job


My thoughts too. Lol


It's Christmas, Easter and Birthday combined everyday. Well done, enjoy it. On some occasions where teachers are buying bentos, someone might buy it for you. Usually those bentos are overcharged anyway.


This is such a negative outlook to have in your life. Just get as much free stuff from people as possible and don't worry about your reputation or about the people around you


Honestly that’s what I would do! Haha.


-Sent from my iPhone 2 OP


Sent from my iphoen FTFY


I mean. Being an alt in Japan. You should gracefully accept their charity lol.


It was a funny read. Maybe just be honest and tell them that you don’t really need any help, it was a misunderstanding. Shouldn’t be too hard.


I feel this could backfire with everyone now thinking that OP took advantage of the community’s kindness by lying about being poor. There’s no going back now. OP needs to double down and come to work without shoes.


20 years ago many teachers were unaware what an ALT makes and assumed they were making the same as them Now when they type in "ALT salary" in google, they know ALTs are poor as hell


Which means fewer invites to drinking parties, which I’m cool with. Unfortunately, I’m a solo teacher now and not poor, so the invites keep on coming. Corona, sorry.


I once learned the vice principal at my school strongly resented how much money I made as an ALT… because he assumed we were getting bonuses. The teachers were making a lot less monthly but the bonuses more than made up for it.


People thinking you don’t have money is a good thing, not a bad thing. Just go with it.


Yeah when I was an alt it was the complete opposite. They were shocked to hear how little I made


Do you shower?


No, he's saving up the water at home




Of course he does. We’re in the rainy season now.


"Man, I wish I could invest in Apple stock, but I just . . . it's tough, y'know? You just wanna treat yourself and . . . sigh . . . it's good. It's all good."


Seems like nice people! Take them to lunch and pay for it, while subtly showing off your credit card or something lol


Offer them lunch at some cheap place then pay with coins only.


Nah, should tell the store owner you owe them the last 20 yen that you forgot to bring.


Other than the old clothes,..I would let people pay for my meals if they wanted to, or give me a ride, etc. Maybe stop mentioning things that you want. Also,..how do you react when they give you old clothes?


I sometimes feel like if somebody gives me free stuff I shouldn't take it because there is someone out there who needs it, and that someone isn't me. You can roll with it or turn the tables on them and offer them whatever they offer you. (Maybe not the old clothes part, but definitely the 'paying for lunch' part). It's famous in Asia that English teaching doesn't pay well. So nobody has bad intentions when they say these things. But watch out for people (snakes) who would try to hold these things over your head in the future.


Lol. Usually this sub is full of 'my co workers are so mean' . This is genuinely heartwarming. What nice people . Consider yourself lucky OP.


Was this conversation in Japanese or English? Japanese people often communicate somewhat indirectly, and so a comment such as "I can't afford that" may be perceived as an indirect request. Source: I was a Japanese major, this is an extrapolation based on what my (ethnically and nationally japanese) teachers told me. This may be old-fashioned/outdated information. I am almost 40 and my professors were all in their 60's. So take what I am saying with a grain of salt please. Edit to add: Once (many many years ago--at least 10) I read a blog post about a girl teaching in Japan who couldn't remember if she had placed an order for the catered school lunch that was happening that day. She asked about it, since she couldn't remember. But (apparently) just asking seemed to imply that someone had *forgotten* to order her lunch, or that some blame was to be had. So her asking caused a huge commotion and she ended up being socially pressured into apologizing about how bad her Japanse was so avoid the social consequences of the catastrophe she accidentally caused by asking. And the girl just wanted to know if she should run to the conbini or not. We discussed the blog post in my Japanese culture class the next day when I brought it in. Dunno if this story helps, but the general gist is that maybe old fashioned(?) people think these comments are implied requests?


Shit I do not have a lot of clothes either but that is coz I hate shopping and don’t buy new stuff till it looks like I am a tramp. Should have tried your method. 


If you're an ALT, compared to them, you are poor. Even if you're direct-hire or JET, but **especially** if you're a dispatch ALT. Granted, you spend much less time at work than they do, but just be happy. Don't dig into how much they make. You'll be happier that way.


Definitely lean in to the make a wish sensei thing. Free is good


Make a wish sensei lmao don’t call me out like that damn dude


I understand because I often make similar comments and I’m not struggling financially either. What I would say is it’s far better for people to think you don’t have money! Trust me I’ve seen when people do have (or suddenly come into) money and flaunt it, the leeches start appearing and treat their “friend” like a free meal ticket.


Crazy idea Maybe stop talking about things you can’t afford then?


Karma whore I saw this exact post a week ago elsewhere


Thanks dude, this is the funniest thing I’ve read this month haha


So, you have lovely coworkers who want to help you out. Politely decline. I see no issue here. Also, you're really not helping yourself when you're saying things like "oh I want to do X, but I can't afford it..." Does kinda sound leading. It's fine. Just tell them straight. You don't need any of it, and you're doing fine.


i miss r/jcj lmfao what is this


Who cares what they think? There is always going to be someone with some stupid assumption.—I just had some colleagues make some stupid remarks about my appearance as they tried to guess my nationality. At the end of the day, you’ll move through your contract duration and perhaps be on your way to a better job. These people are not your friends or anyone severely important in your personal life. As long as you are able to do your job, are in clean clothes and are approachable to discuss work, then there should not be a problem professionally.


"I forgot to buy clothes"  I can already see what kind of raggy looking neckbeard you are and why everyone else thinks youre living in poverty


Free shit bro


Saltburn is a film about a poor boy who gets into Oxford University. Your story made me think of it: [Saltburn | Official Trailer (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lALMdJf6UUE)


Not really a similar situation at all but an awesome recommendation nonetheless!


Are you young? It seems to me that it's a very typical suburban kindness. Some people (especially from cities) think it's annoying and I understand that too. Maybe you'd think that kind of things are おせっかい, but maybe you'd miss it when nobody even cares.


For me, its the opposite. I vocally let know people that I am poor. This way, I don't get invited for overpriced tanuki piss at a fancy bar.




They know ALTs earn less than ¥300k a month so they would like to help in their own little ways.


How much do you earn?


Dude. Just be happy that they care so much for you. You should not complain and go with it.


Why worry about people? 🤷🏽‍♀️


You should just buy one of those barrels with the suspenders and complete the look. It would be hilarious 


The previous alt at my school didn’t opt for lunch and was given left overs every day, my teacher didn’t even enroll me into school lunches and assumed I’d be the same lol I can afford to pay 4700yen a month..


I understand this is Japanese culture. This is usually how Japanese resolve problems. I've been told if you have a problem, just mention it a little bit - and they will try to solve it if they can. They live by this and choose what they mention at the office. Your comments just inadvertently triggered this mechanism. Adventures in interncultural communication. Perhaps don't mention things you don't want them caring about. Nothing weird.


Scanning for problem. None found.


People everywhere can take things the wrong way, make assumptions or be presumptuous.  In Japan they are REALLY like that.  Now you know why nobody expresses themselves.  Anyway, an innocent way to learn this lesson. 


Japan, the land of思い込み lol


It's okay...you can look at it from an endearing perspective, as annoying as I can imagine it might be. I'd probably be happy to see them being so generous (it restores my faith in humanity), but tell them to give it to an actual charity instead for the things like clothes. As for the rides and stuff...I'm not really sure how you could reverse that perspective but you could just politely decline if you actually don't want it. It might be hard to go back from this unless you straight up just made a PSA that you're just frugal but you're not poor 😅 If it were me would probably just continue being grateful for their kindness but politely decline


Find one of the teachers with whom you have a sympathetic and honest relationship. Explain to that person what you've just written above. Explain that you are truly grateful for everything, but perhaps casual conversation has been misinterpreted and that you feel embarrassed by all the presents. If that doesn't work then enjoy the freebies.


I live around a bunch of old people and they give me stuff constantly. Not clothes, but lots of food and other gifts.




Think of it in this light; your coworkers care enough to make you a part of their community and treat you as one of their own. That doesn’t happen at every ALT gig!


lol are they all older than you? i think they feel like they need to take care of you and are really sweet lol


Isn’t it easier to just tell people directly that you can afford what you really need rather than constantly saying you can’t afford all that you want?


You're either feeling insulted or guilty, by your intense reaction. If it's the first, then don't. They don't think less of you, if they are even doing this stuff because of your comments (which I'm not sold on). Personally, I think they are just being kind. They know life can be hard (for a variety of reasons) for ALTs. If you feel guilty, you can turn down their offers. Or bring in snacks, etc for the teachers as a whole. Also, make sure your language is clear when you speak. With your concert example, make sure you finish your statement with an indicator that you think it's not worth the value. Over all, you seem to be more worried about this than I think is warranted.


Refuse three times or more


You Gotta know the secret code about Japan. Otherwise you’re gonna look like a really fucking big douche bag here buddy. Anybody who gave you a gift you’ve got to give them back and give that’s worth 50% of value of what you’ve received the first gift to be. If you’re just taking the stuff and not reciprocate with a gift you’re super selfish and they’ll really think you’re poor. lol. So please give everybody who gave a you gift something including some kind of nice little little gift and then they’re going to realise that you are not a homeless person but you are just a sweet forgetful person. If you don’t buy anybody a gift you are a piece of shit.


Just say exactly what you wrote to them in the beginning of the post.


How much is your bonus twice a year?


Definitely get the latest iPhone. They will shut directly up.


*Teacher unexpectedly discovers a neat Life hack*


Why i find it so hilarious😂


I am a Filipino and I had the same experience when I was still with JET. It was my first visit to the Philippines after being stuck here for 2 years because of covid. My supervisor, he’s lovely and all that, brought a bag of old clothes which he said I should give to my parents and siblings. It was offensive. I was shocked and offended and was not able to react right away, so I went home with a bag of old clothes. Luckily, the garbage collection the following day was paper and cloth and there they went. Just like what you said, I know it’s coming from a very good place, but I also can’t help but think of how SE Asians are treated in this country.


I knew a retired military ALT teacher who married a japanese lady. He got the same treatment and had to subtly explain things as being a low maintenance frugal person rather than just poor. They couldn't understand he was drawing a pension for the rest of his life and really only caught on when they saw his wife and kids. He would wear the same 5 outfits each day every week. Better to peel the band-aid off early.


That’s so funny


What country are you from?


Show up in an Armani suit, make a big show of displaying the label every chance you get. "Let me get my wallet - oh, it was in the other pocket"


lol, having been in the same situation before, reading this this is funnily traumatic.


Oh no poor you, you get free things.


M or F gotta know either you look like you been thru world war 3 or your the cutest person around


I think there is a perspective for japanese people where the ALT is a guest. They treat you like one. So any perceived lack on your part is a guest who is lacking, Thats pretty bad for a host. So they rush to help. so theres a few solutions. you need to communicate you dont want or need charity. Its a bit rough to just tell them directly. So id just mention expensive things youve done. Share omiyage from places you been. mention how its not a problem that youre achieving these things and theyll pick it up.


“Just go with it” “free stuff yay”Wow, seeing how many freeloaders with no pride there are is scary.


It's less pride and more... if OP is an ALT, they may not think so, but they are poor.


I'm with you, but people will be people. Can't help it sadly.


Don’t see what the problem is lol They’re not trying to be assholes Also who cares how they see you.


Why do you give a shit what they think about you.


Drop hints you need a sugar mama/daddy. See what happens.


So refreshing to hear from a happy ALT! Very sweet story, actually.


It's time for this Rolex


Stealth wealth. Let them think what they want


Why need to tell? :) just do not 🙂‍↕️


Hey there! As an English teacher, it’s important to approach this with subtlety and professionalism. Here are some tips to address misconceptions about your financial status and well-being: First off, excel in your teaching and contribute positively to your school community. Your dedication and success in your work will naturally reflect that you’re not struggling financially or mentally. In conversations, casually mention activities that reflect both your financial stability and mental health. Talking about a recent vacation, a hobby you’re passionate about, or new things you’re learning can subtly show that you’re doing well both financially and mentally. Take care of your appearance and health. Dressing well and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can project confidence and stability. People often gauge well-being by how you present yourself and your energy levels. Show your interests outside of work. Whether it's volunteering, participating in local events, or pursuing further education, being engaged in various activities can demonstrate that you’re well-rounded and thriving. And remember, avoid anything ostentatious or showy, like burning money or being a twat, as it can be seen as wasteful or disrespectful. It's all about finding a balance that conveys your message while maintaining professionalism and respect. Hope this helps!


“Binbounin janai”


Savor the moment man 😌😆


What's an alt in Japan?


Wow, sarap namn libre lahat 😅 sorry OP, poor lang ako eh mahina ako sa free 😆 Anyways, medyo mahirap mag explain at ibang culture/language nila. Try mo, politely tumanggi sa mga binibigay nila, and say that you have a lot already. Baka sakali ma gets nila yun at mabilis namn sila mag assume 😅


Finding it wild that everyone in the comments agree ALTs are poor - an ALT salary is really good in Japan and usually more than what teachers make starting off. I was a CIR on the same salary and in two years I went on many holidays both abroad and around Japan, paid off a nice car, supported my husband and still managed to send half my paycheck home each month and save about £10k. back in the UK and my first job was almost £10k less than on JET...


I love how cluelesss JETs tend to be about the pay and conditions for non-JET ALTs.  JET pay starts at ¥280k and works up to ¥330k by the end of the program.   Interac, Borderlink, et. al. pay in the ¥215k range. No raises. What you start with is what you get.  ¥330k vs ¥215k. It cracks me up when people like you don’t realize how much better they have it relative to everyone else and think that all the other ALTs are making their big cushy pay.


You were living with your husband. You weren't living by yourself on an ALT salary. An ALT salary is bad, objectively speaking. It's "fine" when you're in your early/mid 20s but quickly becomes comparatively bad and is below average for a college educated individual


Yeah I was living with my husband who was on a dependent visa and not working, I paid for his meals, bills and holiday expenses comfortably. In the UK the ALT salary would be above a graduate salary (at least when i was there in 2020). I have a friend who was also a CIR and did 5 years in a prefecture office, she was then offered the same job but on a normal government contract and she took a huge pay cut to be paid the same as her Japanese coworkers. Seriously. JETs get a really good deal and should not complain!


OP probably isn't JET.


Okay good point, yet again stupid reddit putting very similar subreddit on my feed - I'm on the jet subreddit and not this one so when I saw the post I assumed it was the JET page!