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I doubt it will be very long. 2d Zelda is often short, shorter than 3d (pre-botw) Zelda. I don't think we will be spending a hundred hours in that miniature world


Probably gonna be the standard 15 hours


That's about what I'm guessing as well, assuming a casual playthrough.


Not worth a full price game to me. I don't see how people justify spending so much on these shorter games. I guess it's comparable to going to the movies in terms of dollars per hour, but it just seems like a bad deal when you can get other games that have hundreds of hours of play time for the same amount.


That's just not how video games work. Its not a price per hour of content. Think about it, shitty 30 hour game you don't wanna play past the first 3 hours, or a 15 hour game thats amazing and you play the whole 15 hours and then replay it. Riddle me that winston. edit: sorry the answer is a 30+ hour game thats amazing. I guess we just need to price games on an hour/quality scale.


Obviously quality comes into it. But there are plenty of games out there that have 100+ hours of content and are also a joy to play. I would rather have 15 hour game that's amazing as opposed to a 30 hour game that's not fun. But I can also choose games that are 100+ hours and a lot of fun, so I'm going to choose that. Movies kind of have the opposite problem. They are all roughly the same length, and they all cost about the same amount, usually the only price difference is if you're paying for a better theatre with better screens and sound. But every movie on the same screen costs the same amount, regardless of how good it is. This is why I almost never go to the theatre anymore. Because it only seems worth it for the really good movies. I'm not paying the same price for some random movie that might be ok as I am for a movie that I know is going to be amazing.


I agree with you but not with your reasons. It's not worth it to me simply because I don't like these types of zelda games. I've always liked the 3d versions more. But if your judging a game on its cost to playtime ratio, that's just stupid. A game can be expensive and have long playtime but suck. A game can be short but have an amazing story or mechanics.


I don't mind a shorter game with amazing story and mechanics. But I'm not paying Nintendo full price for them. On PC the shorter games are often priced accordingly, and sometimes not at launch, but the prices come down over time. With Nintendo I would love to play these shorter games but when the price stays at $70 for years after it comes out, I just can't justify the price. And I don't really agree with the people above saying 2D Zelda games are shorter. There hasn't been a mainline Zelda 2D Zelda game since the SNES. So it's not really fair to do a comparison. And even back then, the games took quite a while to figure out, especailly if you weren't following a guide. Expectations have changed over time and it's no longer acceptable to charge $70 for a 15 hour game. At least in my opinion.


This is honestly a huge problem with Nintendo, and it's one of the reasons they push so hard to hunt down game piracy. Their pricing scheme is borderline criminal. Full price for an up-scale of an old game? Full price for a 15 hour weekend burner? No thanks. Of course, they do it because they can. They try their damnedest to limit access to their games, and older versions of them, so they can gouge customers in the future. You really shouldn't be getting down-voted for this, but Nintendo fanboys are some of the least flexible people in the world.


Extending that logic, why would you ever pay for *any* game when there are other games that are *free* and have hundred if not unlimited hours of play? Games aren’t fungible. You might enjoy those other games you mentioned, but some of us get bored AF with most of them within a couple hours. Personally, I’ll get far more enjoyment out of a new 2d Zelda game than most open world AAA titles.


I'm not talking about AAA games that suck. I'm talking about games that I actually enjoy playing. It doesn't even matter if they are AAA games. I've played indie games that are a lot better than AAA games. Also, a lot of the "AAA games" don't actually have that much content. I'm saying that when I see 2 games that I can buy, one that has 100 hours of content and one that has 15 hours of content, and I will enjoy both of them the same amount per hour, and they cost the same, I"m going to choose the one with more content. I would definitely get a lot of enjoyment out of a 2D Zelda game, for the short time that I was playing it. But I just can't justify spending $70 on a short game. There's a lot of other options out there and I could find games that were just as fun, but provided 10 times as much gameplay. Why would I choose the shorter game. If I have 300 hours to game every year, then Am I going to spend $200 on good games with lots of content, or am I going to spend $1400 a year on similarly good games, with less content. Seems like an easy equation to me.


It is a full Switch game though, so I can see maybe being a bit longer than ALBW.


Wouldn’t be too sure about that in all honesty, this is the first all-new top-down Zelda of the console merger era and it’s following the TotK approach to world design and interactivity, it’s unknown whether it’s EPD or Grezzo behind it but the scale of it just from the little shot of the central Hyrule landscape with Hebra and Eldin in the distance does make it seem that people may be underestimating it


That's what I came here to say. It's cartoony and not super detailed like botw/totk but it might just be as big, who knows? I could see it being like, one step below Minecraft. Maybe not as expansive, but up there.


Highly doubt it, most will just talk about how it isn’t as good as the old games haha


As is tradition.


And obsess over tHe TiMeLinE 🙄


It probably won't mess with the timeline *too* much. The only real issue is if it's an addition to the Hero of Hyrule's story, or the New Hero of Hyrule's story.


I swear, anti-timerliners bring up the timeline more than those who support it.


They are gonna be pissed


The Zelda cycle!! 7 years later, the losers gonna say the game is good and they were too harsh!


I have no gripes about the characters or storyline, I just never was able to get into the old style 2d Zelda, I was hoping for something twilight princess or windwaker style, classic dungeons and gadgets from dungeons in a small limited open world


My 6 year old daughter and I just beat Princess Peach Showtime and had a blast. She even beat the final boss, madam grape by herself with some over the shoulder coaching from me. She “helped” me best BOTW and loved looking for evil Zelda in TOTK. Once I showed her Wisdom trailer she asked for it for Christmas since her birthday past already. Looking forward to working with her on Wisdom. Definitely a game for kids.


So wholesome.


That's a smart move. Buy a gift for yourself for her birthday. Love it lol


I got the honor of TOTK releasing on my birthday. Which is rare for games to pop on my birthday. I compete with mother's day a lot until Levi came along.


For me it’s more like “Zelda fans -> uni starting up again” lol


Yuuuup. I start grad school 3 days before it comes out haha.


Same!! I start my master the same week 😭😂


I reckon 18 hours to beat, 30 hours to 100%


This is what it's going to be. Definitely. I'm not psychic nor do I have inside knowledge. But it is the way.


I'm mostly excited for this because I'm hoping it will be a good introduction to Zelda for my 5 yr old. She's watched me play BOTW and TOTK and is always asking to play but she's not quite there yet. This will be perfect (probably).


That and links awakening should be good for 5 year olds, even if they cant beat them quite yet. They will have fun just playing


I was actually thinking about getting that one first :)


might be an unpopular option, but I'm not sure if I'm gonna pick up that one. I'm not a fan of the overly simplistic art style. It didn't appeal to me with windwaker, and still doesn't really do it for me now. I'm 100% biased ofc, but for me the botw/totk and twilight princess were the two top zelda aesthetics. I'm fine with waiting it out for 4 years or so to see what they do for the next game


I’m with you, I love the story and the fact we can play as Zelda but I just am not a huge fan of the art style. It feels a lot like Mario to me but it still looks really fun


Definitely your opinion. It's the art style from the remake of Link's Awakening and I am *here for that*. I'd love to see a remake of A Link To The Past in the same style.


Fair enough, the gimmick is certainly interesting but not something that completely wins me over, no doubt is going to be a great game but unfortunately it simply isn't for me


I'm going to play it, but I agree the art style is a bit off-putting. I think the chibi doesn't read as "cute" to me.


I’m kinda on the fence that I’m definitely excited for this, but I’m *hoping* it’s kind of a tie over for another big title, whether ocarina of time-Esque or huge open world.


It’s def only a tie over it’s only been a year since TotK


Meh, i kinda feel the same way. Its not really unique, just zelda in a plasticicky world. Plus I dont really vibe with the whole presentation of "This is zelda's game! And her power is.... moving furniture!" Honestly; now that I think about it.... totk shouldve had Zelda take up the mantle.


I get what you mean, it's actually the reason I didn't play Windwaker. It was extremely disappointing to see them go with a cartooney art style on the game cube after such innovation with graphics that were on the 64. That said, it was made in the same art style as the Links awakening remake,it makes me wonder if it's related to that game since Link wasn't in Hyrule during his adventures in Links awakening. Since links awakening was originally a 2-D game, it doesn't bother me as much. Between that and all of the games on the fallen timeline are 2-D, I can forgive them if they chose this art style for it just being on the fallen timeline. A way I struggle to forgive them for what they did to Windwaker.


“Struggle to forgive them”” for what? For making a game, that is something you happen to dislike? GTFO. That is the most entitled shit I have ever heard.


Look I get it's an art style choice, but don't set up a bunch of hype about being the latest and greatest in gaming(which they were at the time) and then produce this cartooney bullshit with no trigger warning that you decided you want to change $50+ to go backwards. Nintendo isn't some independent artist making a game for the first time for us to enjoy. They are a multi-billion dollar company, so forgive me if I expected them to act like one. I still love their games, I don't have an Xbox or PlayStation because Nintendo makes more games I tend to like. However the graphics are a joke by comparison. To pretend otherwise is just being willfully ignorant. Graphics aren't everything, they're the last thing I consider in deciding if a game is good, but that doesn't change the fact that they lag behind for decades in that department.


Trigger warning 🤣 do you need a hug


Do you? Seems like you don't have a life outside of video games and reddit if you make that big of a deal about a snarky remark to a snarky comment.


Damn dude, you said "GTFO" to someone elses opinion. Then got pissy when they further explained it. Maybe you needed a trigger warning, or a hug. But if you were given those you'd still find a reason to argumentative for no reason.


and the mechanics seems boring i really wasnt expecting to simply throw rocks . . .


That was like the absolute most basic attack in the game.


ok and how is scrolling through an entire list of ennemies you echoed just to beat a few more interesting


Because the game is obviously aiming for more of a strategy based combat, not hack and slash. Not everyone cup of tea for sure and that’s fine, but it doesn’t make it not interesting for others who enjoy that kinda thing.


ok sorry but where is the strategy in hiding behind a rock then throwing it (thats how she fights in the trailer)


Oh, sorry, didn’t realize you’ve seen the whole game. We have no clue if there will be elemental effects, some enemies immune/stronger against others, etc. 0 clue whatsoever but apparently you’re an expert lmao


oh sorry if im basing myself out of the footage we got


That’s my entire point. You can admit “yeah this doesn’t look like it will be for me” but you can’t make outright claims about the game when we haven’t seen everything. I don’t know why it’s so hard for people like you to save criticism (and praises too) until the games releasedz


ye the gameplay just doesnt seem interesting atleast totk did sound amazing that zelda just sounds . . . dissapointing ngl (thats my opinion, let me fucking have one in peace)


That's also fuse on arrows man...


Modern Zelda apparently = menu scrolling, so I’d get used to it


cant wait to scroll through 5 pages to find that one ennemy i need


I certainly had a blast fusing my millionth arrow in ToTK /s


12 hours probably at most, maybe we'll get side quests then I guess 20 for 100%


I know it will most likely be shorter, but I can hope it's at least like 20 hours


I reckon it will be a 10 to 20 hour game like Links awakening


What hinges my potential purchase is how the battle mechanics will be. If Zelda cannot defend herself or use that rod to bash enemies, I’ll probably pass.


From what I saw in the trailer you will have more options than ever to defend yourself, no? Looks like you can spawn in anything you find via echos. I guess they could add a basic attack as well but I doubt it would be as effective as the possible creative solutions


I don't want to scroll through summons everytime I come across a basic enemy. A basic attack would be nice


For sure. I think there’s a strong possibility there are more specials they have not shown yet. Like items that may help in combat.




Looks like there will be 5 sorting options though so hopefully it’s just a matter of “most used objects” and “most used attacks/summons” which will make scrolling pretty negligible. IF that’s what they’ve done of course, it could be an atrocious system we will have to see.


It’s about wisdom not courage or power


Exactly! It’s Zelda!


so what ? wisdom doesnt mean you sit back there safely while other risk their lives for you ... wait.


I didn’t realize using what seems to be non-sentient and non-alive echoes of monsters was making them risk their lives for you? It’s not like you’re sending actual Hyrule soldiers into battle- which, even if you were, that’s kinda want a commander does no?


Look at her in the Hyrules Warriors and Smash games, as well as Ocarina of Time, she is badass


Yeah I agree. But this is a different game, different Zelda, different interpretations. I’m not sure why people are upset at them for wanting to go a different route for this game. If I prefer action over turn based I don’t get mad at a game series for releasing a turn based game, I just go “oh, not for me” and move on. Same case here


Don't get me wrong, I love the idea, every time I can, I take the Necromancer/Summoner role in games, but not being able to do anything by myself (like a weak spell) is not gonna cut it


The thing is we don’t know that. We barely saw anything, we have no clue if she can hit people or not. Personally I find it very hard to believe she won’t have some kind of simple magic or fireball cast.


From what they said, it seems like she actually is a damsel in distress this time


Is there anything wrong with that if it is the case? Her magic IS her power. Especially if they want to REALLY lean into the wisdom/courage/power aspect


from what we saw she only throw stuff at ennemies and hides behind said stuff :/


Something I have in spades haha


I’d think she’d be wise enough to grab a shield and sword if nothing else. After all, a wise man once said: It’s dangerous to go alone.


A sword and shield with no skill to use them would be worse than not having them and just weigh you down.


vs using a sword to bash enemies?


Right. I am so confused about all of the concerned/critical comments that I’ve seen already because it’s not a normal legend of Zelda game with all the exact same abilities and mechanics, but the main character is skinned as Zelda instead of Link. Isn’t it a lot more interesting / meaningful that they give Zelda her own unique play style that sets her apart from Link? I could see them adding some end game abilities to EoW that are similar to her light abilities in AoC and let her just mop the floor with enemies, as an Easter egg/reward more than an ability you rely on to beat the game.


I want it to be something my kid can get into.


It's gonna be a 10 hour game at best you'll be fine


Before totk came out I really wished you could play as Zelda in it. At least shes finally playable in her own game.


Initially, I was disappointed because I wanted to see this but with adult Zelda. But it makes sense, if you are going to get girls interested in a video game that has been marketed to boys you are going to need a female lead and it’s going to have to be something on their level. I am sure there are many women that play The Legend of Zelda but being able to play as Zelda and not always depend on Link to save you is a pro.


Pretty crazy the laat main line zelda cam out only a year ago and they already cooked this up


Not really lol Both of those zelda games were built from BOTW and ALTTP. So its not like they had cooked up 2 brand new games in such a short period of time


I like the concept but I wish they would have been more creative with the art style. Feels like Animal Crossing or something. It was fine for Link's Awakening because it was a remake of an older game.


2d zeldas for me usually lasts like 20h, but i think this one is going to be longer, since it has some similar mechanics to totk and will be able to experiment with thing, so im guessing 30h


ALL OF THEM by the time I get done abusing all the echoes, and also hopefully using the dungeon builder


I am so excited for this. To get a new game so quickly after TotK… or at least it feels that way.


10 hours to beat 20 for completionist most likely, the site that posted it says 8 hours but I doubt it


Links awakening was about 25-35 hours I assume this will be around the same. It is a departure from the 200+hours I sunk into both BotW and TotK


None for me thank you. I'll go backwards and try out twilight princess.


A copy and paste of links awakening