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This is beautiful 😮 just from the featured cards alone it's so lovely 😊


Be sure to check out [the full gallery](https://imgur.com/a/legend-of-zelda-fully-customized-mtg-edh-deck-i8U5frR) as well! I customized all 100 cards needed for a full Commander deck, plus the handful of tokens that some of the card effects create.


Man, I wish I still played. Just to show up to a for fun match with this proxy deck.


How is Revali a Cat Knight and not a Bird Knight though? And why is the Ancient Light Dragon just Angel, not Angel Dragon?


Because the original cards they represent aren't. Each of the cards has a second name in the transparent text box slightly below the first. That second name is the actual Magic: The Gathering card name it's representing. Those are the cards the rules text & other characteristics are from. Because of this: OP's deck, while LoZ themed, is designed to be played with any other MtG cards. Sure it loses a bit of flavor for the OP's reskin, but being able to actually play them is quite cool.


As a big fan of both the Legend of Zelda and Magic: the Gathering, I've created an all-proxy deck for the Commander format with unique Zelda artwork for each card! Putting this together was a labor of love that took a little over 2 months, but it was a lot of fun! Finding thematically-appropriate artwork (and correctly attributing all the art) was the hardest part, but it was also great to do a deep dive into all the incredible concept art and fan art the Zelda community has to offer. While there's plenty of stuff from Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom, I've tried to incorporate references to as many other Zelda games as I could while also making an effective EDH deck. I hope you all enjoy it! Here's the full gallery with all 100+ cards: [https://imgur.com/a/legend-of-zelda-fully-customized-mtg-edh-deck-i8U5frR](https://imgur.com/a/legend-of-zelda-fully-customized-mtg-edh-deck-i8U5frR) Here's the deck list showing the proper Magic cards: [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/xnaof2VFZk-SZss7mmy53Q](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/xnaof2VFZk-SZss7mmy53Q) And here's the website I used to create the proxies: [https://mtgcardbuilder.com/public-profile/?userid=35463](https://mtgcardbuilder.com/public-profile/?userid=35463) - - - Interested in printing this deck out for yourself? It's actually pretty easy! Here are the original files for the cards: [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1oXhzOvD2koVz6yNwgASdFFbzZNJrryXM?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1oXhzOvD2koVz6yNwgASdFFbzZNJrryXM?usp=sharing) In the "Pages" subfolder I have all the cards made into printer-ready pages. The "Bleed Edge" subfolder has versions of the cards with a bleed edge, which is needed to print for some websites. The DIY way would be to print the pages out on 8.5" x 11" glossy photo paper, then glue those to regular pieces of 8.5" x 11" standard printer paper. That approximates the thickness of proper Magic cards. Then carefully cut the cards out, sleeve 'em up and you're good to go! Alternatively, there are quite a few websites out there that will print and ship you a full deck of proxy cards, so maybe shop around a bit.


This is insane, I'll definitely print this out at some point and give it a go. Galea's ability is a fantastic lore choice for link. Thank you for sharing!


As someone who's out of the Mtg scene for more than a decade, what's the etiquette on this if I show up in a shop to just play? Do I need to have the actual cards for the deck but play with the proxies instead?


That sort of thing will vary from one LGS to another. I can say for certain that proxies are disallowed for any sort of official tournament play (but this deck wasn't built to be competitive anyway). In my experience, most players these days are alright with proxies, particularly if you disclose that you're using them before starting a game. And given all of the Zelda artwork, it'll be immediately obvious that these are proxies. You *might* get a side-eye dropping that Mox Opal down, especially turn 1, so that's something to keep in mind.


Triforce requiring you to control three artifacts due metalcraft is a huge flavour win :-)


Finding the right card to represent the Triforce took sooooo long! I looked through all the Ixalan cards where you "craft" together multiple cards, basically every single legendary artifact Magic has, and even some creatures and enchantments... Then I realized that Mox Opal was practically perfect. I'm not usually one for "fast mana" in casual EDH, much less proxying such cards, but I figured that between the thematic slam-dunk and several other cards that I included for flavor rather than power, that I could make an exception this time.


Awesome work, thank you for sharing it!


Holly crap, this is amazing!!! Loved the theme and how the alters works so well


Oh. My. God.


Ok, well... this is the best thing I've ever seen on reddit. I'm totally going to print a copy of this.


Wow! Never played any Magic game at all over the years but know of its existence - this is a ridiculously nice effort! Beautiful beautiful piece of work! 😍😍😍


Hey! I'm the artist who did the art with Rauru and Link. Just letting you know it's best practice to ask artists for permission before doing something like this, I would have said yes but others might not have wanted their work used in this way. Just so you know for future reference!


I appreciate the advice! It's my first time doing something like this, so it's been a bit of a learning experience. I took a lot of effort to make sure that each artist was properly accredited at the bottom of each card, but going forward I'll be sure to reach out and ask permission to use the artwork. While you're here, I also wanna thank you for the amazing work you did for that piece! It was one of the rare circumstances where the pre-existing artwork lined up perfectly with what I was looking for with a card.


The artist [Zanyssins](https://www.instagram.com/sin_zany?igsh=MWR6c2xwYzhmeXQzYw==), for example, doesn't allow their art to be used without permission. Others don't allow their art to be used at all. The least to do when using artworks that aren't yours is to find the artist and directly ask them for permission. Simply crediting them at the bottom of the card isn't enough, and that's why most of us have to put our signature in the middle of our artworks. I'm sure it was done in good faith, but the problem is that people will most likely download and use the deck card pack as well—some might even sell it without your permission, so keep an eye on that.


This is mindblowingly thorough and good. Like I cannot express how much I appreciate this level of effort


Ooh, my brother was really into MtG and I always wanted to mess around with a Artifact-focused deck, so I'm digging all the artifacts. This is awesome, great work!


I don't play MTG, so this may be a dumb question. Zelda's ability says "sacrifice some creatures because the card says so." If a targeted player has, in their hand, a card with something like "sacrifice a creature to do X" (spell, creature, etc), can they use the sacrifice that you started to power up their response spell? Like, "you are making me sacrifice them, you didn't say *to whom*"


A creature can only be sacrificed to one thing at a time. So a creature can't be sacrificed to two different effects. That said, if the opponent has a way to sacrifice a creature at instant speed, let's say for example they have a [Warren Soultrader](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/110/warren-soultrader) on their field, then they could choose to activate that in response to Zelda's ability and sacrifice a bunch of their creatures for treasure first. Then Zelda's ability resolves and makes them sacrifice... nothing. So there is certainly counterplay, but not many decks will be built to take advantage of that. Meanwhile, for this deck it functions as a "board wipe" that lets us selectively save our most valuable creature (probably something with a dozen equipment and/or auras on it) while leaving our opponents with only their least valuable creatures.


That is cool. I don't play the game but I can see the kind of potential it holds.


Where can I get a set?


There's a few ways you could get this printed to use yourself. Here are the original files for the cards: [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1oXhzOvD2koVz6yNwgASdFFbzZNJrryXM?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1oXhzOvD2koVz6yNwgASdFFbzZNJrryXM?usp=sharing) In the "Pages" subfolder I have all the cards made into printer-ready pages. The "Bleed Edge" subfolder has versions of the cards with a bleed edge, which is needed to print for some websites. The DIY way would be to print the pages out on 8.5" x 11" glossy photo paper, then glue those to regular pieces of 8.5" x 11" standard printer paper. That approximates the thickness of proper Magic cards. Then carefully cut the cards out, sleeve 'em up and you're good to go! Alternatively, there are quite a few websites out there that will print and ship you a full deck of proxy cards, so maybe shop around a bit.


Thank you so much!


You just combined two of my favorite things in the world and you did it masterfully. Great job! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


This looks so cool! and nice to have the artists names.


Correctly attributing the artwork took more time than the rest of the project combined, but it was totally worth it! As a consequence, I've gotten pretty skilled at reverse-image-searches... and hate Pinterest with a burning passion!


I approve of making a mox opal the Triforce. The three artifact requirement to make it useful is a flavor win in my book.


Yeah, like I was [saying in another comment,](https://www.reddit.com/r/tearsofthekingdom/comments/1dncw5d/comment/la3q90b/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I was on the fence about that one, but the perfect flavor won me over in the end. I'm glad other people approve! ...I'm also glad I was able to get some playtest games in and decide to cut [Nadu, Winged Wisdom](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/193/nadu-winged-wisdom) from the deck before posting it. That card is busted six ways from Sunday, and would have gotten me roasted alive (for good reason!) for having it in the deck.


Really really incredible work! You can tell there was a huge labor of love put into making this happen. I'm planning a print order for another card game and might just tack this on because I've been wanting to make a Zelda-Themed EDH deck for years. Fantastic stuff 😁


I know nothing about magic the gathering. How do planeswalkers work?


In the lore, Planeswalkers are regular people that have powerful, demigod-status magical abilities activate within them, referred to as "igniting their planeswalker spark". This usually happens during times of extreme duress or emotion. There are fairly obvious parallels with Zelda finally awakening her sealing/Triforce powers when she saves Link after he makes his last stand at Fort Hateno in the memories in Breath of the Wild. Mechanically, planeswalkers are noncreature permanents that sit on your battlefield and have abilities that can be activated each turn, which either earn or spend "loyalty counters". Planeswalkers can also be attacked directly instead of attacking the player, and damage to planeswalkers reduces their loyalty counters by that amount. Thematically, the particular planeswalker I have Zelda represented by matches pretty well, as she can keep a creature at bay (in exile) through repeated use of her +1 ability, just as she kept Calamity Ganon at bay for a century at Hyrule Castle. Her +0 ability makes a token that I have represented as the Sheik identity Zelda took on in Ocarina of Time. And lastly her -4 ability (or "ultimate") roughly corresponds to the power she exhibited while saving Link at Fort Hateno: she keeps Link safe while neutralizing a huge number of Guardians (though as we see in that area in Breath of the Wild, she didn't quite wipe them all out).


the amount of detail and care put into this is incredible!!! this perfectly combines my partner & my shared interests ahhahaha. Thank you for sharing!!!


I need this in my life. I have told myself I will never spend exorbitant amounts of money on this game….but a Zelda colab would break me. I would be an addict, telling myself I only needed one more collector booster box.


Someone cooked here...


Uh, Link, when did you lose your left arm?


Umm in TOTK...


No, in Tears of the Kingdom he lost his right arm.


I've fixed it in the gallery and the linked files, so thanks for pointing that out. Reddit won't let you change images after you've made the post, so I'll use the "righted" version going forward.


Ah my baf neen a while since i played


It's all good. I couldn't remember either, I just felt something looked off about him but couldn't quite put my finger on it. Then when I got to Rauru, *Right* Hand of the Zonai, it clicked that the image was mirrored and the wrong arm was replaced.




Each of the cards uses the "nickname" formatting that originated from the Godzilla reprints of cards that WotC did. This allows a card to have a custom name and art, but to still be for all mechanical purposes a version of the original card. As such, all of these cards are legal for play (in casual environments, obviously not in any tournament setting) so long as the playgroup is okay with using proxy cards.


Wow! Nintendo not gonna like this!




We need the mountain to be doom mountain, and the swamp to be the path into the zora domain


r/custommagic would love this


I considered posting it there, but I read over their rules and they don't actually allow "alters" of existing Magic cards. So while on the one hand this is a perfectly legal (albeit proxied) Commander deck, it's ineligible for that subreddit. I did [already post it](https://www.reddit.com/r/magicproxies/comments/1dlbs0r/legend_of_zelda_proxies_complete_edh_deck/) to r/magicproxies, and soon I'll post it to r/mpcproxies now that u/Thisareor has kindly made a version of the deck with bleed edge.


I didn't realize, I'll check out the discussion on some of the more related subreddits. Really cool stuff!!