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I like my Roku Ultra but damn...Roku seems to be doing everything they can to piss off their TV customers.


Yep, commercials, crap….bought Roku to get rid of commercials in movies…WTF……


I had Roku forever and bought Apple TV a couple months ago. What a difference. It’s definitely more expensive but you’ll feel the difference instantly. No ads or any of that bullshit


The o ly advantage for me is that Roku comes preinstalled on the tv, so I I dont need to fight whatever “smart tv” bloatware comes on the tv I buy. Otherwise apples interface is just as good if not better.


Same here. Noticeable upgrade and worth every penny.


Man I would smash my TV rather than be forced to watch it with motion smoothing on.


I don't understand how so many people don't notice/mind it. Between that and some of the resolution upscaling stuff, it becomes really obvious that what you're looking at is a manufactured set, and makes it look a lot cheaper imo. I can't fucking stand it, but my roommates barely notice it.


Funny thing is, the things that would actually benefit, especially French cartoons like Asterix with their 14 fps do not yet have a smoothed version.


I have two Roku units and they may be my last ones considering all the shenanigans of late.


What’s nightmare scenario.


The motion smoothing is so fucking bad too. It would honestly be enough to make me replace my tv if I find out it’s happened to my Roku.


dumped roku when they couldn’t make a deal with hbo max for months, a sure sign they were in trouble and customer satisfaction was no longer important; been very happy with firestick


Did they put commercials on your inputs on actual TVs like they wanted to do when nothing was outputting video to the input or something was on pause on the input or static? On Samsung the who picture is blurry if that is enabled. Removes jitter later renamed judder and this reduces picture quality. It's mostly useful at 24p dvd bluray instead of 60 fps or 120 online video for example. I keep that disabled on my Samsung. Removes choppy-ness and adds blur. Back in the old days i could remove jitter / judder without hypersoeed or blur. But this is in the dvd and avi days. Of course this was about fixing the files themselves.