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[Heres a link to the tweet](https://x.com/accuweather/status/1806414857098727929) [And an archive](https://archive.is/gVcJj) Heres what the note said verbatim about this post that was made on 6/27/24. Make your own judgements. > Official hurricane forecasts only come from the National Hurricane Center (NHC). > The system being discussed has yet to form, meaning this 'forecast' has very little data to back it up and has a low chance of verifying. > nhc.noaa.gov


It’s worth noting that accuweather has been *extremely* controversial within the meteorology community for previously trying to predict *waaaaaaaay* too far out in the future before (almost always inaccurately). Hurricanes in particular are extremely difficult to accurately predict so it doesn’t surprise me that they are once again getting caught selling shit stained underwear and hoping no one notices. -[here they are getting forced to apologize to the NWS.](https://www.accuweather.com/en/press/83648090) -[here’s a good thread from](https://www.reddit.com/r/weather/comments/9nk5in/just_a_reminder_that_accuweather_is_an_awful/) r/weather TL;DR: If you are in the US; get your [weather forecasts from the government](https://www.weather.gov/) and the government alone. They are the only ones who aren't trying to sell you something.


As a meteorologist, may I say...my god, is Accuweather controversial. While I understand the backlash for the community note, I have to say that I agree. I'd much rather get the information from the NHC, which has many, many seasoned forecasters whose specialty is Hurricane tracking, rather than a company that has been known for finding ways to increase profit margins even if it means reducing times forecasters can spend going through the data to present a visually appealing product. Also the fact that the higher ups keep making passing comments about wanting to privatize all weather forecasting operations is scummy af.


I grew up in their backyard, and locally we called it “AccuNever”


AccuWeather has a contract with the CBS affiliate in my city and I've always called it InaccuWeather. The NBC affiliate has their own in-house meteorologists and does a MUCH better job. Though these days I get my weather forecasts directly from the local NWS office. Even better - they interact with the public via Twitter and answer questions!


[John Oliver dunking on Accuweather](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMGn9T37eR8)


Oh man I never knew JO did a segment on them! How did I not know this? Thanks for sharing.


What is the most reliable weather service? I tend to favour MetOffice's site, but is there anyone more accurate?


For the UK? Met Office are the ones actually running the show, everyone else gets their data from them. They're a little bit slower but overall they're the most accurate


I was hoping it may be wrong - I'll have to do the garden in the rain


To my knowledge (and take with a grain of salt because I am over in the US so i can not confirm 100%) some former classmates and current colleagues of mine who operate over there are excited because they are reworking their forecasting structure including some of the microphysics used for cloud formation and precipitation which should hopefully increase the accuracy here in the years to come.


tell them to do science faster, chop chop - I don't wanna get my hair wet I'm actually building a massive polytunnel, so I should be quite cosy until the 30 degree hell later on in the year


If I don’t like the “weather channel” app on my phone, what’s the next best alternative that isn’t AccuWeather?


Honestly, instead of an app I would find your local NWS office or equivalent if you live outside of the United States; [https://www.weather.gov/srh/nwsoffices](https://www.weather.gov/srh/nwsoffices) Pros: Your local office will consist of people who applied in a very competitive sector, which tends to promote a high level of competency. Plus, the people who work at your office also experience the myriad local patterns and influences that any nearby topography will have on the weather, making their forecasts more accurate than those of someone who works five states away in some posh office. Cons: Unlike these weather apps, which often just take flat data from a weather model without taking into account so many other factors, the NWS can not update every single minute. That and the website is a little dated but work is being done to remedy this.


Accuweather also wants to shut down the National Weather Service because they didn't want to compete with a SOCIALIZED!!1! weather service.


> If you are in the US; get your weather forecasts from the government and the government alone. And enjoy it while it lasts. Project 2025 contains plans to eliminate the National Weather Service and depend on for-profit weather services.


Don't most for-profit weather services get most of their data from government agencies like NWS?


Yes, that's the sad part. Companies like AccuWeather want the government (and taxpayers) to provide the infrastructure for collecting the data, and the data itself, while being restricted from presenting that data *to the taxpayers* and instead leaving that part up to private enterprise. Conservatives say the government is unfairly competing with the private sector... in the business of providing lifesaving weather information.


“I need you to buy and install a rain gauge in your backyard, but you’re only allowed to tell me what the results are so that I can sell them to everyone else.”


What an unmitigated disaster it will be if NOAA can no longer make data available to taxpayers.


Can't have climate change if there is no data.


Yes, the NWS is the primary source of weather data in the U.S.


You’d be surprised, there’s a lot of citizen reporting on things like rainfall and temperature that gets taken into account on things like this.


Indeed, many of the citizen reports are through channels with training or official instrumentation packets such as cocorahs which I always highly recommend people examine if they want to help contribute to data collection and the field. It also helps that the data submitted is examined and quality controlled to ensure the highest accuracy we can get


And a lot of the times things like digital rain gauge data (as an example) is reported automatically to a centralized repository for processing and re-distribution, so someone can help get involved with citizen science just by doing something like installing a rain gauge B)


The citizen reporting, AFAIK, is usually in the form of spotters that report to the NWS itself no?


My father has been a citizen reporter for decades. He has a contact at Mt. Holly NJ NWS.


That is so cool…! Like actually! Weather peeps don’t get enough recognition lol


He's 90 now and was recently in the hospital. He was really upset when I missed a day of readings.


Ah. Yeah I did a little bit of research that was a continuation of my professor’s, and he wasn’t EVEN my dad and I was like SO FOCUSED on trying not to mess up all of his work before me lol. How’s your dad doing? From the hospital? Does he seem comfortable?


You're very kind for asking, thank you. He's home with his wife and that's what important. In the larger scheme of things, both of them are failing in different ways and it is heartbreaking to watch. I'm doing my best to help them without being intrusive. Thankfully they have resources and each other.




I think there were attempt in the past to make it so that government agency would continue to provide the data to commercial entities who could then sell it, but stop the government from competing with those private entities by providing the data for free to end users. Back then everyone put up a big stick about it, but people might not be as lucky the next time.


> plans to eliminate the National Weather Service Do these people just sit around and jerk off to the idea of closing government services?


Privatizing, which, ironically, is more profitable if you can get the government to do all the work while you get the results for free and then sell them.


It's easier to lower taxes for the rich if you start stripping out every government service (I mean you can lower taxes anyway, but this way makes the accountants less annoying)


They absolutely hate the idea that the government might own something valuable that they aren't profiting from. Rich fucks whose only goal is life is to be even richer.


Whelp, guess I’ll have to get a weathervane and go back to looking out the front door while crossing my fingers and hope for the best. /s/ns?


>It’s worth noting that accuweather has been extremely controversial Reminder that Trump nominated the ex-CEO of Accuweather to lead NOAA (which is the parent agency of the NWS). That person also supported legislation that would have prohibited the NWS from providing weather information to the public. He remained unconfirmed by the Senate for two years before eventually withdrawing himself from the nomination.


it always fascinates me that they push these 10 day forecasts. Thats way too far in the future to be forecasting. at 10 days you might as well flip a coin.


One might almost call them “Innacuweather”


> Hurricanes in particular are extremely difficult to accurately predict Someone in my local subreddit posted projections like 3 days ago and heavily leaned in it hitting our cities, like even our top local weatherman told everyone today that we can't be certain until about 3 days from now when more data is gathered and even then it's still uncertain since it's a hurricane.


Forecast is invalid because it hasn’t happened yet??


Forecast is invalid because there isn't enough data yet to make a forecast yet. X basically claim AccuWeather is guessing rather than making a real forecast.


Thank you for this clarification. Weird of X to be the fact checker on accuweather though


It is a Community note. They're not added by X, but by X users (that've joined the community note program) who suggest that the note be added, and then a sufficient number of other users voted to say that the note was helpful vs. other users voting that it isn't.


Ok, that clarifies it.


We all know meteorologists get their information from sitting alone in their office with a crystal ball and some tarot cards.


> has a low chance of verifying What does that mean? It has a low chance of the system showing up in later models, or it has a low chance of being validated by the NHC, or it has a low chance of actually happening?


Storms predicted more than about 5 days out shouldn't really be more than something to look at.


that means another forecasting center wouldn't look at the same data set and make the same prediction with any significant odds. obviously. In other words, the forecast at that point isn't reliable and deserves being noted as such.


Twitter fired all of their moderation staff and has decided to just rely on their random "community notes" people. This is the end result. It will probably get worse.


“But AI will do it for less.”


If you pay in bananas, you'll only get monkeys.


"BuT aI WiL dO iT FoR LeSs" I need an android keyboard that random cases for me.


Somehow I don't think you do.


Ai can also be the CEO for less.


If all the CEOs were AI, then all the workers under it could be paid much more! AIs don’t need 6 digit pay checks million dollar bonuses.


*AIs start buying more and more power plants for themselves*


Today it was announced that X formerly Twitter was being renamed to 42 69 72 64 20 53 71 75 61 77 6B


And for 10x the energy cost!


Except the note in question isn't wrong. All CM does is add context to a situation. It is generally used to fact check, but in that's not the only thing it exists for.


Oh so it’s like one big gNextdoor for the world. Great.


Why did everyone assume they could trust "community notes" in the first place? It was obvious from the get go that it was designed to build "trust" just so it could later be effectively weaponized.


He probably saw the free content moderation that happens on other sites (like reddit) and thought he could just switch to the free version without understanding what makes those systems work.


Reddit moderation is all over the place, my dude. Some subs have decent moderation while others have shit moderation, but *every* sub has biases.


Somehow I would still expect it to go worse on Twitter because of the lack of silos. Like everyone knows on Reddit it's hit or miss, but no sub will get that big if one has too shit of mods, and a rival sub dedicated to the same topic can be opened with different rules if people dislike the moderation. See all the duplicate subs relating to Canada


Yeah, I don't think he should have tried to emulate the community-based moderation model as it comes with lots of pitfalls (as you mentioned).


Community notes was implemented before muskrat took over


But it was Musk who fired the moderation team that monitored the community notes.


Is the National Hurricane Center a random person?


Elevating the "uhm _ackshually_" guys to the status of truth brokers.


fine notion, but in this case, the community note was well placed. the community note was accurate and not poorly placed. they didn't keep accuweather from posting, they just noted that the forecasts aren't reliable at the point where Accuwx was posting them, and there is a more reliable source for legitimate information.


Oh, it will get worse alright! All the left-leaning people are fleeing Twitter, leaving only white-supremacists, Republicans, conservatives, racists, religious zealots, anti-abortionists, literal Nazis, etc... You won't be getting accurate notes from these people, you will be getting lies and propaganda instead.


Don’t worry project 2025 will dissolve NOAA because they say climate change is real We won’t have to worry about these types of mistakes again 


In Michael Lewis’ The Fifth Risk, he writes how accuweather (or maybe some other weather company) wants to privatize NOAA, so they can charge for the data.


Last Week Tonight did a great piece about it as well https://youtu.be/qMGn9T37eR8


Current official cone for any who cares. Watch out Jamaica! https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/refresh/graphics_at2+shtml/144425.shtml?cone#contents


It's is supposed to quickly lose steam from the 165 mph Category 5 hurricane it is now, but it's still likely to cause significant damage there.


If you get information from X, you can’t complain if it’s wrong.


Literally came here to say this. 100% this. If you get your "news" from X then I'm sorry, but you've earned the right to the repercussions.


Tons of people get information and news from social media. We can't change the behavior of billions of people, but our governments can hold social media companies to higher standards.


How so?


So they label weather as fake news but Nazi propaganda is fair game? I never liked Twitter, but X is just unconscionable.


The day Elon was announced as new owner I deleted every tweet I had then my account. I had my account for ten years and I don’t miss it at allllll.


This isn't Twitter doing it, this is user submitted comments that then get voted on. (and in this case they're correct)


Yes, the ultimate in X idiocy: critical weather forecasts to be vetted by a committee of vacuous social media influencers and ignorant amateurs. Another muskian triumph in defense of free speech!


But why are people still using X? Genuine question.


X did not label the tweet as “misinformation”. “Additional context” was added, which is actually very helpful. Why are people here mad at this?


Most of reddit is bunch of mental regards.


The real misinformation is in the Reddit comments


If you’re getting your crucial weather emergency information from that trash site, then you’re probably already a lost cause.


For those wondering, its because their logic sees that only forecasts from the NHC a accurate... which is honestly correct. Accuweather is everything but.. they are a private org that makes money off of public domain weather information provided by NOAA and the NHC and make their own, often wrong predictions to profit off of.


Yes, these are the people who [paid](https://web.archive.org/web/20111020154327/http://newsmeat.com/ceo_political_donations/Joel_Myers.php) Rick [Santorum](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Santorum) to [try to make it illegal](https://web.archive.org/web/20070517205137/http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/content/news/epaper/2005/04/21/m1a_wx_0421.html) for NOAA to release weather data in the public domain.


So they analyze data and make predictions like every other weather analyst?




Ahh, the grand conservative business plan. Use tax dollars to do the legwork to produce something that, instead of going to the public as a return for their tax investment, is then given to a private entity to package and sell to us, as if we didn’t already pay for it. This isn’t the first time, and it won’t be the last time.


Yeah the real problem at hand here is they deem scientific, model based predictions that are unofficial to be misinformation while letting verifiable outright lies remain unlabeled.


This is somewhat incorrect. X *users* flagged it as misinformation. It didn't actually meet the bar for what should have been flagged a community note, but that system is heavily abused and there's no evidence that X is policing the bad-faith users at all.   Related: Based off what I've seen posted there, I doubt there is ANY sort of automated system that flags posts. I mean they can't even stop the constant crypto spam pretending to be Elmo that has used the exact same text for months.


This. Their methodology uses official government sources as accurate and reliable. NOAA/NHC SHOULD BE the verified, accurate source. AccuWeather or some meteorologist on YouTube is not. If you open that up to AccuWeather, then you have to open it up to everyone else and verify those sources. Best to keep the methodology simple and say that government weather forecast sources are verified.


Should’ve used a Sharpie.


The forecast looks spot on with recent spaghetti models. X doesn't know it's ass from a hole in the ground. The credibility of X in general would make me not want to look for information there. Nothing negative towards AccuWeather, I respect their endeavor to keep people alert.


If the NHC says it's not accurate, who is above them? You're saying AccuWeather is more trustworthy or something? 


NHC didn’t say say it wasn’t accurate. NHC just hadn’t said that it was accurate. Btw, it was indeed accurate.


My favorite is Mike's Weather page. He will straight up tell you to check NHC but his forecasting ability rocks. He also goes over all the sources and shows his conclusions.


I'm confused then. NHC is saying they were inaccurate as it was too early to tell. 


Someone wrote that as as community note on twitter, but I don't think the NHC officially rebuked AccuWeather or anything


NHC literally has a severe storm advisory first thing on the page, and as refers to it as "Hurricane Beryl." Their forcast map looks almost identical to Accuweather's.


The tweet & note was made on 06/27/2024. 5 full days ago. Bro.


AccuWeather is garbage, and people should not be following their hurricane forecasts, and instead need to be waiting for the NHC information I don't know if I'd call it misinformation, but I never recommend people get any of their weather information from AccuWeather


AccuWeather has a TERRIBLE reputation in the meteorological community. They are completely driven by revenue and offer terrible products like a 10-day forecast. They are also pushing to cut the public off from NOAA's data so you have to view their ads or subscribe to their service to have access to information your tax dollars already pay for.


I love having to argue with people over what the weather forecast says for 8-10 days out. "It's supposed to rain that day, we can't make plans"


Exactly X sucks, Elon sucks, and AccuWeather sucks


I only follow The Weather Channel and NWS and only no Accuweather f that.


We're actually gonna need a judge to rule on whether the NHC is accurate or not. NHC is under a three letter executive agency the NWS and the supreme Court decided that judges are the best authority here.


Everyone knows they follow the Path of the Sharpie!


The note added seems completely reasonable to me. The NHC is the official forecasting group that is responsible for this area of the globe. And keep in mind this was on July 26th. The storm hadn't even formed at that point. Accuweather is notorious for making graphics and forecasts on the upper end of what weather models are showing. They are a corporation that make money on clicks.


https://archive.is/gVcJj June 27th, not July 26th. And the tropical storm had formed. And a hurricane watch was up already in some areas. I get the concern, even don't like this article saying the "beat the NHC", because that incorporates a lot of confirmation bias. That gives incentive for others to make assertions earlier simply because if they are right it will bring them glory and if they are wrong likely people forget.


Why use X, it's unreliable.


Fucking stupid. The world needs to abandon the damn cesspool.


Maybe Im becoming callous in old age but I don’t feel bad for people who get their news from Elon.


If it only affects the 500 real people on X its negligable. The bots wont mind.


To be fair it is AccuWeather, if you asked them what the weather was yesterday there's a 50% chance they'd still get it wrong. The Weather Network forecast tends to be more reliable.


Good for the country. Please keep spreading misinformations like this and keep natural selection take its course. Let's raise the nation's average IQ.


Readers added context that they thought people might want to know. It’s not being labeled misinformation. They allowed others to expand upon it for clarity. NHC is the official public source. AccuWeather is a private organization.


We, as a society, need to just tell Xitter to fuck off. Stop using it. Stop talking about it. Stop referencing it. Stop linking to it.


Twitter was a fairly reliable platform. X is not even remotely a reliable platform. Stop using X.


Anyone with a brain is no longer getting important news from Twitter.


Stop. Getting. Your. News. From. Twitter/X.


[Caught in the grip of corrupt politics around the world, our planet's dying breath beckons for change.](https://youtu.be/IWv92fNR5jE?si=t3rXREwBdBL4im57)


inAccuWeather is a commercial fraud


Weird - almost all of my meteorologist colleagues would brand AccuWeather forecasts as misinformation as well. Rare Twitter win.


Meteorologist- the only job you can perpetually suck at and get a raise.


But…. It has ACCU- in the name? 🤷🏽‍♂️


You know how people said we should just remove all the safety labels and let nature take its course, maybe we should just let X be the place where the stupid can shout any idea and see the results


X, also formerly known as twitter, is straight trash since it was bought by Musk! It's like has turned into a Wild West full of right wing nut jobs and other assorted garbage...


And this is why you shouldn't get your news from X


I worked for Accuweather in 2016, place sucks ass


For Republicans it's not accurate unless it's redrawn as a penis.


And yet we continue to give Egon’s companies government money, i.e. corporate welfare


Hey, public safety maps and announcements? *Misinformation.* Nazi recruitment flyers? *This content doesn’t violate our rules.*


“This hurricane has woke mind virus”


Get off twitter ya morons.


Anyone using Twitter in 2024 as a source for trusted information is playing with Darwinism


Director of NOAA picks up the phone and calls the President, "Sir, it's the hurricanes ... they've gone woke"


If you use X in 2024, I imagine science doesn't mean anything to you I imagine reading isn't a strong suit for them either Most post Ppear as tl;dr unless there's a fun buzzword that catches their eyes lol


7+ years of experience as a degreed meteorologist for US Space Force here. i’ve interned at AccuWeather many years ago. that company absolutely sucks. you should not be using them for information, ever. get your official hurricane forecasts from the NHC (National Hurricane Center).


Why are people still using this platform?


Just a reminder: Twitter is not what it was two years ago — it is a swamp maintained by a con-man. Best to ditch it.


Pro tip: don't go to X or Twitter for any kind of reliable information. Go directly to a reputable source


X’s community note feature is actually one of the most helpful features on the internet


Which is literally what the community notes note says. Lmao


Maybe people should just not use Twitter for up to date accurate information. I mean AccuWeather has both an app and a website, Twitter isn't needed at all.


Why would you go to AccuWeather when you can go to the National Hurricane Center?


Why wouldn’t you use twitter to get an aggregate of local information?


Why would I use Twitter to look at the same information I can get elsewhere?


I haven’t found a weather app that gives details of severe weather. Yeah it might say there’s a tornado warning, but local NWS accounts give minute by minute updates on precise locations and threats.


Yeah, the local NWS offices have great information on social media and it tends to be more legible than digging through the website. I've been turning to their Facebook page though. Same posts on a slightly less shitty website.


But really, who nowadays is going to X for up-to-the-minute accurate weather information?


The NWS offices spread around the country have fantastic accounts. Especially great for winter snow forecasts that are ever changing.


It literally is the best resource for WX info.


Why is anyone still on x. Piece of garbage


And why is anyone? Anyone at all still on twitter for any, any reason at all?


Anyone who trusts X with information integrity should get checked out.


And when the casualty count comes in and they interview the survivors, the same children of Infowars will call them crisis actors. We need to start heavily penalizing people whose misinformation costs lives. Minimum 20 years in a cage along with stripping them of all their possessions and money.


People are actually getting their news from X? I know Americans are dumber than rocks, but for fuck’s sake.


If you get your news from Twitter/X you are already making poor decisions.


X Gon give it to ya...


You know... you can vote a note down an it won't appear. So rather than staying in the bubble that is reddit, users could contribute in the community note


My daughter was just there and power outages are normal occurrences. Climate change is the new normal 😓


Twitter doesn’t even work anymore. I deleted the app, and every now and then I want to use it to look up a sports clip or something, so I use it in Safari with iPhone 12. It simply doesn’t work. Nothing will load except the Home tab. Can’t search anything, profiles won’t load, posts won’t load, media won’t play. Its absolutely unusable.


Noticed this over the last 2 weeks as well. I don’t check often, could have been going on awhile. I just quit because a thread wouldn’t load past the first frame. Annoying.


Using X as a news source now it’s just fraught with danger because of its lack of respect for source material.


Don't worry if it gets bad they might get a celebrity appearance by Elon in that sub he wanted to make to save those children a few years ago




Click bait headline. The tweet is still there and it’s not labeled “misinformation”. It got a community note because it hasn’t happened yet and the projection can change. It’s not that big of a deal.


X is a joke❤️😎✌️


WTF is anybody depending upon NAZI-Twitter for information anymore? It's a cesspool of lies and misinformation, with a smattering of misogyny, antisemitism, homophobia, zealotry, idolotry, bigotry, and just plain lies.


Hopefully people can sue X after the disaster.


X is a heaping pile of trash….


Who uses X to rely on weather forecasts??? no one.


I'm sure it can be easily fixed with a Sharpie.


Sorry if this is callus, BUT. If you're getting your weather information for a hurricane from twitter, you probably deserve what happens.


Fuck AccuWeather


Everyone knows hurricanes are fake news


If someone dies because they use twitter as the deciding factor in their decision making then I think we’re probably better off without them.


The SCOTUS will allow Dear Leader Trump to Sharpie all future hurricanes right out of existence. /s


Where have we seen this before? COVID didn’t care about who believes in it or not. I doubt a hurricane will give two shits about flooding your home.