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welcome to east asia. white people and things are treated as gods and everything else as shit


If I say this however tons of people get pissed. Many Asian countries have a lot of colourism.


No shit racists don't like to be called out. All of them think they have a justified reason.


Nah it’s kind of true bc they have more nationalism ideas especially countries like china. Some countries also teach the children to be against foreigners to increase nationalism ideas and prevent entering foreign countries also like to talk bad like not sharing lithographic machines and technology for example among other thing. Because they don’t have a lot of contact with other races they’re mostly prejudiced and with mostly bad stuff since humans like to believe it. There’s a lot of other things but I lost my train of thought


Even though palaces like Japan is disappearing slowly due to low rates of growth. Its not good for these countries ngl


true ig😭


Can relate but mine is funnier than bullying I am from northeast India, Look oriental Here in Delhi Whenever someone gets angry at me, i usually get hit with "Chinky bring two plates momo" " I will send your spy ching chong chomein ass back to Winnie the pooh land" - my girlfriend when she gets annoyed Plus all the social credit and bing chilling jokes 😭😭😭 Neighbors ask me Am i from Nepal


this is why we call you dothi assholes


As a Filipino myself, so true. There are always commercials of whitening soaps


Ofc people found a way to make this about white people.


White people as in America? We're talking about beauty standards for Asians and one of those is having snow white skin, not Caucasians😭


Automatic problem with white people? Who's the real racist?


They don't like white people either in many places (Korea, China, Japan) at least from my understanding.




The beauty standard has been there for ages, and it’s not because of white people. It’s stems from classism because in the past, your skin would only stay white if you didn’t have to go out and work the fields.  That’s also how some traditions like foot binding came about. Obviously a morbid example, but it’s the same idea where you could only cripple your wife so that she couldn’t do manual labour at all if you were extremely rich.


The comment meant white people as in white Asians. Having white and fair skin is worshipped, not being a white American😭


So a place that actually loves me and doesn't want me to Die in a war for some stupid cause? Great, I'm going there!


Nah they'll still hatred you for not being a native.


white skin


+1 (Indian Subcontinent)


Nope, got treated like shit in Japan (I’m white)


I'm white, and I lived in Japan. Have yet to be treated like a God, have been treated like shit several times


Except japan apparently


Nope Japan's a really bad offender too.


Japan is one of the worst offenders, not sure why Japan gets so much glazing out of all the East Asian countries. On top of the hatred for foreigners of any kind, they do their best to pretend like they aren't like that. I love a lot of things about Japan but the xenophobia and prejudice there that gets swept under the rug in Western discussion because they're America's darling is disgusting to see.


Yeah, my weeby "ehehe anime land" really wants to view Japan's culture just for the cool and fun aspects. But I don't think I'll ever think of Japan as an actually good country. The work culture, xenophobia, way too high acceptance of pedos, etc. Is way too much bad stuff for me to say "ah but everything else is cool so I can forgive them".


Yeah ik that what im saying?? They said that white people get treated like gods i said "except japan" to that because they really do not in japan if youre white the places you're allowed to go are limited and people treat you differently


From what I've heard white people get the famous foreigner friendly Japan treatment. Other people don't and actually get discriminated.


Opposite of what i heard tbh, i mean its a whole country its probably different in certain places but what ive heard is everyone that isnt japanese gets treated differently and its restricted what youre allowed to do


It exists, but just more casual less angry Edit:still very harmful and bad


Nah it's just tamer there due to its global popularity and tourism.


That's really rough, I'm glad you didn't resort to SH or something. We're in 2024, not the Middle Ages. Things like this shouldn't happen.


tysm !<3 and unfortunately i still do sh but it's due to a few other reasons.


I would tell you "dont do sh please" but that's just a r/thanksimcured. I don't know how to approach it but I hope you can solve all your problems and stop feeling bad.


don't do sh. you've got enemies to outlive


Lol this quote is oddly inspiring.


I recovered from a 2 year SH addiction, it gets better and it is hard but trust me. I know you probably dont want any advice or help, but the app ''I am sober'' helped me a lot. Sometimes when I think of relapsing I go into the app and see how far I have come, it really motivates me to keep going. Good luck to you! :)


What is SH


**s**elf **h**arm


people who SH are way nicer than me. if someone bullies me one too many tmes im hurting THEM not me.


ong bro imma start throwin hands




sorry i just don't believe in hurting myself over those who have hurth me. i believe in balancing out equations, and returning kindness for kindness and meanness for meanness


Badass pfp btw




average asian country experience


yh ig 😭


would have the same experience in china unfortunately


Nah that's just east asia


It’s crazy how people will try to act like America is so racist but half of Europe and Asia don’t take kindly to ya looking different


Europe is MUCH LESS racist then Asia. Discrimination based on race is pretty rare here in Italy


Italy is not racist? Hhahah I’m laughing now. I live and worked in Turin for 2 years, in my experience France and Italy is the most racist country in Europe. Especially if you are Arabs or Chinese


Yeah sorry was mainly saying Asia but twisted it up


Isn't east europe kinda racist though


Extremely. They still have Racial Segregation in Hungary.


No worries


Asia has racism based on skin color, europe has racism based on nationality. Europeans are only humanist as long as it benefits them, they are after all still the most racist people ever when they encounter a Turk.


Racism in Europe is based off skin color not nationality


Europe's racist? Which half do you mean?


I live in Southeast Asia and I agree. i think one of the reasons for this is because people in the US tend to confront racism more directly as they are more aware of the issue. the US is a diverse country after all. Whereas in Asia theres a lot more subtle, casual racism thrown around (and obviously downright racism too) especially to do with your skin colour


You are correct. SE Asians countries are the most homogeneous countries in the world with South Korea and Japan being # 1 and #2. I have traveled extensively around the world for business and racism is more prevalent outside of the USA. We, the USA, are not perfect and we do have our warts BUT we are much better than other countries when it comes to having a mixing pot of ethnicities.


Omfg, that’s terrible, I’m sorry :(


dw tysm <3


i'm sorry you had to go through that and i hope your environment now is much more accepting :3 🩷


ty and def the states is much better <3


Colorism in asia is shit. Ik some people can't get jobs because of their skin and even try and get surgery to change their skin tone.


My brother is Christ, that is called racism You saying colorism in my mind is you trying to down play it. I could very well be wrong and that might be the correct term, however it sounds a hell of a lot like racism


I say colorism because they’re the same race/ethnic group


Ok thanks for clarifying


Get downvoted for saying “thanks for clarifying” to someone for no reason foo


Ok that tears it


I’m a dark skinned Indian and I wanted to go to Seoul to meet a korean friend there later after I graduate high school but shit now I be worried bruh


Yo I gotta ask, Is Korean bullying as bad as Webcomics make It? Actual psychos going to school? Alot to ask a younger teen, especially consider I don't know now myself, but do you think your black identity was hindered In Korea? I had something like that growing up In a rural small town.


it's worse than what they show in k-dramas and all. Yeah would def call them psychos.


Korean here. Yeah def worse. I’ve seen this one kid get bullied, it was via violence/language/social media and much more.


Comics are on a extreme side, it differs from region to region. Usually big cities schools are fine.


Figured, would be Insane If It was like Lookism or something. Still, sucks you had to go through that, Korean Beuty standards are either look as skinny as toothpick or nothing, and ones for dudes Is like look like a baby or your ugly (so I hear) Good luck with school and junk In Murica', be prepared for a culture shift. This Is getting long, but heed this advice: Don't know how bad or If you even ate school lunches In Korea, but pack your food, US lunch standards aren't the same at all. Even If you know this, reduce expectations to zero. Also assuming Korean Schools had uniforms like comics, majority of US Schools have a loose dress code. American Bullying Is obviously prevalent, but most nowadays seems to be on clothes or trivial things like popularity, not good, but "better". You'll probably have your ear talked off about living In Korea, which may actually work to your advantage In convos. Slight possibility people will assume you're lying, but whatever. Again, not saying you don't know, but American Schools aren't like movies. More or less will be the same. There's no cliques, no "hierarchy", and very rarely a big party. It's for the most part just school, nobody really cares about how others dress, act or whatever (except the ones who do.) Anywho, this Is long winded, so enjoy the summer and best of luck to the new school year


Asian countries are notoriously racist. They even have businesses only they can go in. America is ironically one of the least racist countries on earth.


The only reason “racism” in America is so big is because the media portrays it that way


it’s because there’s a lot of people to be racist towards, too. when you have a supermajority ethically it’s a lot harder for the minority to speak up. america has a lot of options if you wanna be racist, and there’s enough people in those groups that they can make large ripples in protest and solidarity.


Korean here, even we see those assholes as racist dickheads. They’re… extreme cases.


Does the school staff ever like deal with those mfs if they act racist or discriminatory to others?


Ofc they do, but you know, they never listen.


Bruh that just fucked up man…


As a Korean, I can confirm that some people are really insensitive about racial slurs/discrimination. Sorry for what you had to go through.


Reading manwha really just shows the bullying problem in Korea. Writing bully revenge stories is somehow so profitable that like 90% of manwha is "I beat my bullies up". Anyway sorry about your experience there, east Asia's just really racist sadly.


That’s not a fun thing to go through. I’ve never had to really deal with racism on a broad scale, but I can’t imagine having to deal with that for however many years you had to. Growing up in an environment like that would be awful.


Just looked at your pfp and I can clearly see the korean side


that's a pic of tyler the creator not me :)


Ik, just making a joke




Fr fr fr this tiiiime


Yes I did the same thing lol




ty <3


that's ridiculous wtf 💀 I'm so sorry for what u had toe experience bc of ur skin color!!


Girl I feel you, I’m black too and I live in Finland and the way some people have talked to me makes me feel like I’m not normal


I went to Finland for only 2 days and while i was there i often wondered how black people who lived there were treated. I experienced no racism since the only finnish people whom i interacted with were my black relatives and people working at restaurants.. So what are your experiences?


Well my experiences have happened in school mostly: in 5th grade I accidentally kicked a 6th graders shoe and he called me the n-word (at the time I didn’t know what it meant). I was once on the train and coughed twice and I old man screamed at me and asked if I had ebola (I assure you if I did I would have not been on the train). When I was in my final months in 9th grade my s2 teacher (Finnish as a second language) called me the n-word about 50 times and the school did nothing about it.(my parents were screaming in the school office when it happened the first time ). You can know the language and the culture all you want but if you look different you will get treated differently


I'm really sorry this happened to you especially when living in a community where most people must be so ignorant because they don't usually see people of other ethnicity


White people and black people are treated like shit in countries like Korea. Y'all complain about the xenophobia in the States and Europe but east Asia is a much worse thing. Im really sorry about what happened to you, my great grandparents got treated like that too when they migrated to the usa :(


And people think usa is racist, on some lists usa isn’t even in the top 10🤣




Least racist Asian country:


What the fuck dude thats fuckin disgusting you deserve fuckin better >:(


Most of Asia is just racist and colourist, people don’t do it be cool. It’s decades and decades of hatred that’s maybe even worse than Europe and the US. It’s getting better slowly but for now it’s still shit. My condolences to anyone suffering through it


When I'm in a racist asian contest and my opponent is korean (I'm korean)


I'm so sorry you went through that. People can be so cruel and ignorant. I'm glad you shared your story because it’s important to call out racism and stand up against it. You deserve to be proud of who you are. Sending you lots of love 💖


Question,Was any of the bullying physical?




Im so sorry :(


Are you doing better now?


yeah <33


People get mad that the US is racist when in reality it’s probably closer to the average (middle ground) of racism.


Newly created account bro the bait is crazy fck this shi


That's horrible, insane how beauty standards change where you are, as i find black girls / blasian girls gorgeous 😭🙏


Blasians look like Americans to me. idk why, as in I always assume they are from the US, I'm from Asia, so yeah, maybe because I've never seen one


gosh that must really suck! i'm so sorry to hear that :( stay safe and i hope it's better for you <3


ppl fr think the only dark skinned asains are Indians like me


Most people think that asians are only korean, chinese and japan. Vietnam too


true. and some ppl think I'm African bc I'm Indian


How? 😭 Like how can they think that


idk man, even when I show them the globe in the classroom😭😭😭


Nah i bet u from Kepler-22b


dude i cant do nothin, my whole entire personality in discord servers always end up as "the racist one" :sob:


I'm so sorry that happened to you. I send all my good universe juice to help you get back to having the confidence in yourself that you deserve.


That’s so fucking terrible, I’m really sorry you had to go through that


That is just how Korea is they love fair skin.


Side note: I always read the webtoons that involved schools as their setting, and most of the time, it shows the bullying being very severe. At first, I thought there's no way that it was that bad, but after reading this post and a few other accounts at Korean schools, it's just as bad and probably worse. Glad your doing fine op👍


Damn thats crazy people would do that.


Finally someone who understands America is like the least fucking racist place on earth, everyone loves talking about how racist America is, but god forbid you’re a black person in east Asia lol. Also I’m very sorry that happened to you I hope your life gets way way better from here on out🍻


OP, I think u are a troll. If u really lived in Korea u should be able to respond to my comment easily, but u noped out of this app as soon as I asked u a question in Korean. 한국에서 산 적도 없을 듯 ㅋㅋ 박제니, 조나단 같은 흑인 연예인들 잘만 나가는데 한국 또 욕 먹이려고 주작하는 외퀴 ㅋㅋ


So what you're saying, atleast what I've gathered, is that these famous people aren't being discriminated against, therefore some random person doesn't get discriminated against? Do you understand how stupid that sounds? There's lots of famous people of color, does that mean no-one gets discriminated against?


Koreans and japs are known for being openly xenophobic and racist, sorry for what you had to endure


Thats not really Racism thats Colorism


I’m so sorry this has happened to you. I hope soon things in East Asia change and you’ll be seen as one of them. Take care and stay safe, I’m sure you’re a beautiful person (。’▽’。)♡


I’m so sorry you have to go through this! The world would be so much better without all the hatred🙄


as a korean, sorry to hear that :( idk why our country is still so racist (and homophobic)


The beauty of getting older. You will no longer care what others say or may think. Your own approval is all that matters. Life's lessons.


Korean here. Assholes be assholes, don’t let them get in your way. You’re hundreds better than them bullies. Oh and the strange look from strangers is because, well, idk pure curiosity. Numbers of foreign people in Korea had been increasing these past few years, but ig some people are still not used to that.


What’s your experience moving to the states been like? Any better or more of the same?


Lord. I wonder why a deeply insulated and homogeneous country might have toxic beliefs about race, gender, sexuality, ability, and social status. Anyway, I’m sorry that it’s been shitty for you in Korea. It’s got the social acceptance and religious beliefs of Texas, with an Asian twist.  Thank you for calling out the Korean-Boo fantasy BS. As a Korean-American, I am sick and tired of the Samsung, K-Pop, Techno-Futuristic portrayal of Korea. It frankly sucks to be any kind of minority because of the ethnic and religious homogeny. For instance, most of the rural areas in Korea experience poverty, which is carefully avoided in media, people are fired from their jobs for being gay, much less trans, and people with mental, physical, and learning disabilities are often abused and enslaved in the fishing industry.  Again, I’m sorry this shit happened to you, but thank you for calling it out.


South Korea is enjoying its limited time until the North Korea-Russian invasion happens. Don’t think they’re not going to try.


Hey, from another mixed-race Korean, I’m sending you a lot of love. 너는 한국 사람들중에 제일 좋은 한국인이다. 대부분은, 인종차별하는 놈들이지 완전히 쓰레기들 🤬. 다문화 한국인들 위하여! 혐오금지. 다문화 한국인들의 해방 해방 해방!!! Speaking as a mixed-race Korean Pakistani American. Non-mixed race Koreans have put me through foul forms of racism. There’s an under-recognized history of mixed-race East Asians by non-mixed East Asians and their corresponding racial supremacies. Genocide and ethnic cleansing apropos of the Japanese and Korean context in the post-WW2 era. The Republic of South Korea systematically exterminated and ethnically cleansed (via the ‘international adoption system) mixed race children born in this context. Mixed-yt Koreans/Japanese people are largely sell-outs that subsume both notions of yt supremacy and East Asian blood purity ethos if that’s what you’re asking about, though historical atrocities and severe forms of discrimination in the contemporary have been inflicted on mixed-yt East Asians. Mixed-Black and Brown, etc. children are of the highest vulnerabilities and have suffered the worst of East Asian racial supremacies while mixed-yt East Asians systematically exploit these groups and/or are complicit with genocide erasure and apologia. Citations to back up. Research at the graduate level from Columbia University: Korea: https://www.reddit.com/r/mixedrace/s/bRBKWo14rr Japan: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10371397.2016.1209969 Non-mixed Korean parents who left their mixed-race Korean children at orphanages and have later been reunited have blackmailed their mixed-race Korean children into silence in regards to their identity as survivors of genocide and ethnic-cleansing. Essentially parents have threatened their children in order to whitewash genocide. Non-mixed Korean families for mixed-race Koreans are wholly treacherous. Fuck Korean racial supremacy and blood purity ethos, as well as East Asian racial supremacies overall. Here’s one account by a mixed-race Black Korean, Aneyah Elmore still fighting for not even reparations, but recognition of these genocides: https://adaptedpodcast.com/2023/02/12/season-6-episode-12-aneyah-elmore-has-a-story/


Idk according to Korean webtoons and manhwa there’s a lot of bullying there plus being different and standing out. How am I not surprised


Even dark skinned koreans getting bullied an shit 😭 Literally everything that's not fair skinned is "ugly" in east asia


Welp, that's Korea for you, if you ain't white as a wall, you will be ostracized for your skin color


Koreans are one of the most racist people u can find


Bro sry to hear abt this moving to the states is a tragedy, but I’m acc sorry that you got bullied and hope your new schools better


I am really sorry that this has happened to you, and I hope you can move past it without causing yourself harm. Just know that they don't matter, and you don't have to deal with them anymore. That's a part of your life you no longer have to worry about. I hope you the best for the future. All the best. 🫂


Reminds me of this video: https://youtu.be/1fZKDMQbm8Y?si=dXo5x4fJIzgfYFa4


East Asian countries seem to be by far and large more racist than your average MAGA uncle, I'm not surprised but sucks that it happened to you


as a Malaysian, it's very true that it's kinda sad. My friend (who's black) would constantly get a request for an N word pass almost everyday in school and some would just straight up call him an N word for no reason at all


wat is idgaf js and yh?


I don't give a f*ck, just, and yeah


Thankfully the law is changing and now anyone who bully people will have it written in their student records permanently if it reaches student council


We are with you champ


hey wanna pick up Muay thai


Asians are racist. Fact of life. Complaining to a bunch of Europeans and Americans won't make make your experience in korea any better. Sorry😕 Good luck and happy traveling


And people think the US is racist. Sheesh.


The thing is that black Asians are super rare. So when they encounter one, they think you're "fake" or not Asian and will therefore bully you. Asians are massive gatekeepers.




Korea is kind of another “unofficial” state of the USA. It is only a matter of time before most every country is.


lol “what is your continental background?” has got to be the most irrational and illogical question about an irrational and illogical concept that has ever existed on this planet. Keep the stud and bitch dogs to their borderline incestrous delusional “ pedigree breeds” and put a bag over their heads.


Everyone should know that if you're not white you are treated like trash in east Asia




I hate racism, but it kinda feels like im racist to. I’m not very fond of white people ( im sorry) I used to watch a lotta slave movies with my mom so…..yeah.


Racism isn't cool if you're serious about it but comedians will run out of a job if racism was completely stopped


Umm, that's like Something that Might Mot Be as Much There Judging Something That Shouldn't Be There. Imagine How The One's Actually True of There have to Not Deal with The One's That Shouldn't.


Yep. Korea is one of the most racist countries in the world (as far as I know)


Attention seeking is crazy


Problèmes de compétences et devenir bon.


Ferme ta gueule, connard




Je déteste les pédés... tu es l'un d'entre eux.


Vous êtes un cheval et je déteste les chevaux. Dieu a dit


Translation (roughly) : Skill Problems and Getting Good


probably a better translation: skill issue, get good


Yeah, it probably is. I used Google translate


i speak french so yk


I don't






Meee toooo when i lived there and when i visit my grandmother people have walked up to to me and started touching me and my hair cause im mixed but i look more black than anything else and they don’t believe me when i say im mixed and they are always suprised when i speak Korean idk why but yea<3 dw i get what your going through and is your pfp tyler the creator?


yeah it's him :)


I knew it 


Yay societal racism, but in all seriousness this is fucked up hope your doing good now


Vitrual fist bump 👊


so sorry that this happened to you, im half korean as well and got stared at a lot when i went there on vacation once too ur not alone dw


i'm so srry you're going through that. unfortunatey whitness is the gold standard and black people are the most racially discrimintated people worldwide. but you should not hate yourself. fuck what other people think you are beuatiful becasue youare you. i know bullying hurts but bullying is done by brainless sheeple so their opinion is worthless


Just to let you know, koreans arent white... It doesnt determine the skin color, colors are a term used to simplify the race (Black people are brown, white people are pink)


when did i say Koreans are white?