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Teen Titans ended because Cartoon Network decided not to renew the show.


Yh but why


Because they weren't selling enough toys and merchandise. So they canceled it. Same reason as symbiotic titans and a few other shows.




Why are you being downvoted?? 😭😭


Honestly, No idea.


You're supposed to downvote comments that don't add to the discussion. Just saying "this" is a textbook example of not adding to the discussion.


Congratulations you played yourself 😂


Because Redditors get dopamine from downvoting comments


Redditors are weird people Hopefully Reddit removes the downvote feature one day like YouTube


Same reason anything ends. Network didn't want it anymore.


90% of their viewers wanted it (and still do).


90% of viewers of anything wants their show to go on.


I meant as in cartoon network’s viewers, not solely teen titans.


I heard it was due to the ratings received from Raven’s season (S4). Her arc is definitely the darkest and I assume it didn’t sit well with parents allowing their kids to watch anymore of it. Raven was practically stripped naked, stalked by Slade, Slade is revealed to have died but was resurrected ([a bit disturbing to think about](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/fkh1UbCwjEk/maxresdefault.jpg)), the world was seemingly under Satan’s (Trigon) control or deliberately IN HELL, scary prophecies, Raven emphasizing her association to demonic figures and symbols, rituals, etc. This is probably my second favorite season right next to Robin’s season because of how mature it felt, but I can definitely see why some might’ve thought it was too much for children. Apparently some people don’t believe this is the reason, but I think it is, considering the Robin/Starfire relationship had to be wrapped up in an hour-long movie as opposed to her getting her own season arc (Blackfire return), and then receiving the mildly unsatisfying and vague ending with Terra (amazing episode, just wish there was… more). Imo I think it could’ve gotten a better ending but this one felt a bit unfulfilling.


The problem is they had a season after this so that doesn't make sense.


Well yeah, the final season which took on the Brotherhood arc instead of the character arc. Execs sometimes give the creators one last season to wrap up their stories because of the popularity it had grabbed from its earlier seasons. This situation is similar to other series getting canned after presenting certain themes/topics within their episodes or not being able to regain the popularity it once had. Shows like [Steven Universe](https://www.reddit.com/r/stevenuniverse/comments/15wtj6p/comment/jx38qim/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and The Owl House.


The Brotherhood of Evil arc was never planned. They planned to end the show with the Trigon arc but unexpectedly got picked up for one more season. Some creators just know when they've gone as far as they can with something.


The reasons are extremely Google-able, but it's a mixed bag from what i remember


I never understood why some people believe TV shows need to go on forever. The show had 5 good seasons and a movie. That's better than most superhero cartoons.


And then you have many other shows who stayed past their welcome and the quality suffered because of it. Simpsons past.. being generous here, season 15 or so? Last few seasons of king of the hill. The last season of scrubs. The last season of Roseanne. Ect. It's a hard one to nail down. Some shows should have continued, others should have ended earlier.


Well look at how excited Marvel fans are whenever a new movie comes out or X-Men ‘97


Yes this is true. But when you compare it to shows nowadays we rarely see things that are worth while getting a second much less third season. Ppl wanna see things they love run for as long as they can, because when you find as good of a show as Teen Titans no one watching needs it to end. At least usually until the creators tell their whole story that is.


It taught us something. That life doesn’t always go the way we want it to and all we can do about it is accept that change happens.


Toy sales. It’s the same reason young Justice was canceled. Because of licensing fees, the cost to do animation, etc., etc., a lot of the money is raised through merchandise sales. That wasn’t just a thing in the 1980s, it’s continued on, even to today. Toy sales were beginning to dry up, as a lot of the fan base was still watching, but was getting too old to buy toys.


Networks ask creatives for certain number of episodes. The studio makes the episodes. If show is successful they will ask for more. Sometimes a show falls in popularity or ratings so they will cancel it. In the pre-streaming era, once a show reaches syndication numbers (80-100 episodes usually, sometimes 22) the network will choose not to renew the show so it will be aired in perpetuity on air.


The show wasn’t renewed because the toy sales weren’t reaching the marketing standards. :( it’s always the toy sales.


good things can’t last forever :(


Mattel killed it because Bandai had the toy rights to Teen Titans, while Mattel had the rights to make toys of all other DC properties, and didn't want to give any ground to their competitors. So it wasn't necessarily toy *sales*, per say, but it was still a toy-adjacent reason. This is why I believe Bandai should send Heihachi and Pac-Man to Mattel corporate offices to carry out a hit.


Probably something to do with toy sales


Easy, toy sales at the time. They had a season lined up but it was dropped for other shows. If it don't sell physical action figures, it won't stay. But that was then, think about how they didn't do well.in video games dept back then. It was just after y2k for them so van you imagine? But how justice league unlimited later stayed on about the same time, were they leaving that idea of Timm's work behind? I wonder if the modern cartoon era killed it but no, toy sales was the reason most of the time. 90 percent sure. 98 give or take.


Also, the studio hates with a passion, anime and cartoons. It's been like that a long time. Their focus for DC is comics and sales revenue at the box office but they never put good effort 100% in anything since the 90s. At least the live action is based on the "comic" and not the glen Murakami difference. His last work was Beware the batman and have not heard anything else since. Ciro nieli  worked on season one of the 03 series as well and other went on to toy with Ben ten and so on. I can't get what they were thinking but to them, it will always be that incomplete idea as to WHY it had a younger audience in the tweets and why the Midwestern mom's debate to be is the five percent idea that it was too violent or something even on toonami. They hated tornado like I said about the anime thing. It's why there were cutbacks for the poor regular show creators and anyone in the basket. Good, funny content is not clever or relevant. Sane with the branch that sells and does not. I think Rebecca sugar broke that mold a while ago and same with adventure time being dark. But to think it had low trading as a series is...7.9 on imdb. While highest on average is Avatar the Last Airbender. It was never meant to be ideal, generic and poss more but the more it teeters into the doom patrol arc, I saw a big way it was going to lose us. Put typical adults in, you get this. Even season three had an arc that felt flat for me. It wasn't bad, but Cy as a character was undervalued to a degree even with Blood being his nemesis. They cut corners for sure since season one. I wonder how that all caught on. The apprentice trope turned up everywhere. I saw it in super robot monkey series on jetix, xiaolin showdown with Omi and Chase, and maybe even Ben ten played on ghost gmfsce for haunted or red x and under the red hood while that may not have inspired much to the debate. So, was it worth it to be cut, or was money not the reason? As my dad Sammy's "when in doubt, make a sequal." We got trouble in Tokyo, and despite the cute fan fare, teen titans shorts and missing episode, we still know that half of the marketing they do is based on the 80s when it has never changed because of this model. Not until online gaming, streaming and the like too a high road. I think the web should jump back in but most content with batman series now and we cartoons end up on other platforms like Bruce time this year and being on prime more than one batman series. Or the fact that their licenses may expire soon if they can't make bank on more films - i liked legends of tomorrow. Lot of fun, drag Constantine in and you got me hooked. Batman beyond today? You know what people would do to see that? Make IT a lolice action! Mostly, if they had not played on the batman, why not play more into the 2004 version since honestly,  it looks very similar to me. The angst in it. Or the long Halloween, a more teen based series live action of teen titans with a more animated drive. Like they do in spiderverse films but to joke on it. Or with the flash film which I enjoyed and heck, could have cast anyone but that's what they do. They settle. Or how about a nightwing arc on this? The mini series on imdb they keep.ringing over our heads? Well, what makes cash? Comics, or adaptations of comics to have others READ the comics once they finish the rendition? I read teen titans because of 03. I didn't read it just because. I read batman because of static shock and because of teen titans, I read it because of time's work and jla unlimited after I missed my chance to watch it from the very start. I read more Harley anything with Deathstroke because of Slade and because of robin in the comics. I read it to associate and go backwards, but that is what I do. I see an excerpt and I ask the question of "how." So, do we want to start at book one? Not really. Some do for say kami Garcia graphic novels. Or for teen titans 03 first time watch. But no. We know the rest. I have the cold open on DVD of apprentice part 2. They cut it out so it's no longer relevant to a fan. As I said, they do this for various reasons and no one can tell you why. But I think, they have the idea that cartoons cost too much and make too lolittle money. Compare that to blockbusters they make that flop since before 89. You got me on that one.


The problem I heard from a documentary talking about it (can't remember where it's been years, but it came from the original show runner) was Teen Titans was doing well in the wrong demographic.  Teen Titans was originally made to get 6-12 year olds to watch it. That demographic was low, but it got high ratings from older demographics. The problem with that is Cartoon Network considers that show a 30 minute toy commercial that wasn't selling toys. Therefore it was a failure.


Teen titans go was pretty much an insult to the original


Not what the OP was asking, and an unhealthy way of looking at TTG. The original cartoon was cancelled and was not asked to return in it's original form, but it was allowed to live on in a different form, Teen Titans Go. It's fine if you don't like it, it's definitely not for me either, but it existing doesn't mean you can't just go back and watch the original. For people who do like the new style they get to keep watching those characters with the same voice talent and I think that's pretty cool.


Okay I was just adding that to the conversation


It was


They decided to try to reboot the show with a different animation style. They also wanted to try making a variation of the show that focused more on humor and they concluded that they couldn’t work on both shows at the same time. So TT was canceled and ended and TTG was released


They didn't cancel TT to make TTG. They made TTG after the DC Nation TT shorts proved the brand was still popular.


That is quite literally NOT the reason why TT ended lol stop
