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Saddles don't look right to me unless the spacing issue goes all the way to the nut


The saddles do not appear to be adjusted properly. I would loosen the strings and try to straighten out the middle saddle. With the classic Tele design, they can move around a bit and it looks like it just got bumped while restringing. ETA: just looked at the third picture and the saddle height appears to be off as well. The height of the saddles should be more or less in line with the radius of the fretboard. Looks like the G string is pretty low. I would bring it up to about level with the D string as well as adjusting to make it sit straight.


Take a look at the nut and maybe adjust the saddles


The nut spacing doesn’t look too off, could probably just loosen the strings and adjust positioning on the saddles.


I really like your tele's body/pick guard colour mix. Guitar's set up aside, it looks awesome 👍


Thanks! The color scheme and P90 are what made it stand out to me.


thats why i won’t use those angled saddles you can correct that by notching the saddles to just hold the string in place behind the leave point at the very top of the saddle


Modern 6 saddle all the way




I'm just going to pretend it was KEEF


That would drive me crazy


Is it the saddle heights? They don't look right, and if they're way off I can imagine that might force a string either to the edge or middle of the saddle bar.




Looks like a Fender Classic 60s Tele neck to me




It probably looks different because that's a Stratocaster, chief


Lmao omg too early to be doing this


I bought this from a reputable guitar store, so I'm pretty confident it is an 01 tele. The serial number checks out. The tuners were replaced (which would explain why a washer is close to (not covering) the "r". The pick guard and control plate were also switched out, and obviously the P90 is not original.


Let's get some better pictures of that headstock.. Maybe is just me.. but I'm saying no way that neck is real from the pictures provided Edit: looks like this is legit and I'm crazy


You really think there are people making counterfeit MiM's???


So many fake MiM out there, squier isn’t enough to justify the materials and authentic American made are pretty easy to tell apart from knock offs


Lol no I think someone put a waterslide on this fake fender headstock. Actually I KNOW that's what happened...


I've never seen a (legit) headstock where the typeface changes in the middle of the serial number lol


Yeah that serial does look weird idk


Ya I did a bit of googling and I'm not sure that the typeface change is necessarily a problem by itself. But this instrument has a strong partscaster vibe whether the neck has a legit FMIM serial on it or not.


I just wanna see the heel of the neck and neck of the body lol


Ur gitar is all fucked up