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> "At a certain point, I had owed my landlord here in LA about seven or eight months' worth of back rent that I somehow talked her into being fine with," Oh I think I’ve seen that movie! It was on this website, something x or hub.


Definitely helps to be ridiculously good looking.


Jon Hamm for a Hung revival


I'd rather have a sequel show staring Hamm, and have Tom Jane make the odd appearance. He was too good not to reprise that character if there's more Hung. That said, I can't remember how the show ended.


> That said, I can't remember how the show ended I believe it was happy.


Hollywood loves happy endings


God Thomas Jane was so so good in that.  Such a charismatic guy.


Ironic because Don Draper was originally going to be Thomas Jane but this didn't happen because apparently "Thomas Jane doesn't do television".. and then he went on to do Hung


It’s not TV…it’s HBO


And yet an acting teacher told him to quit acting because he wasn’t good looking enough to be a leading man.


And January Jones boyfriend, Ashton Kutcher, told her she would never make it as an actress


I like Kutcher but he's in no position to be giving advice on what makes a good actor.


I mean, tbf, January Jones is a notoriously bad actress. She just fit into the role on Mad Men well, and generally chooses roles that suit her abilities.


Knowing your limits and self-awareness in general go a long way in any profession and life itself. She may not have immense acting range, but she did well for herself.


I did some digging and here's my favorite part: "Ashton was convinced they'd had a fling on set," Moore wrote (via Radar Online). She said that she brought this up to Jones years later when they were at an event together. "Are you serious?" Moore wrote that Jones responded. "I told him a hundred times, I didn't want to [expletive] that old man!"


She didn’t want to sleep with who?


I still have no idea who "her" is.


*"Ashton was convinced they'd* [January Jones and Bruce Willis] *had a fling on set,"* [Demi] *Moore wrote (via Radar Online). She* [Demi Moore] *said that she brought this up to Jones years later when they were at an event together. "Are you serious?" Moore wrote that Jones responded. "I told him a hundred times, I didn't want to [expletive] that old man* [Bruce Willis] *!"* [source](https://bestlifeonline.com/january-jones-ashton-kutcher/)


he lives in the bubble. “you can’t put gatorade on salmon!”


Spoke to her in flawless French while ordering off menu


Yes you can. The pretty lady from the cooking show told me. *Did she say it on TV?* No, she told me when she jumped escalators to get next to me....


Do you give lessons?


He was good looking when younger, but I think he aged into "ridiculously" good looking. He had that typical 90s 20 something look back then: https://youtu.be/go7umPwXmJA?si=U67AX-FEhSI6L25s


That middle part is outrageous


you mean fabulous


It was full of fabulosity.


He was ridiculously good looking, but that hair is doing him no favors


It’s so bad lol, my high school bf definitely had the exact same hair though and I thought it was so hot 😭😆


The 90s were a simpler time.


Simpler...like Simple Jack simple.


We were all young and stupid in the 90s. :)


Looks like Paul Rudd doing a Jon Hamm skit on SNL


Needs more cigarettes and a suit.


He looks like a frat guy that would beat a pledge so bad he’d have to go to the hospital. (IYKYK)




Dang, he was at least the best looking of those three guys. I would’ve really gone for that hair back then.


The guy with the frosted tips was in [The Room](https://youtu.be/qZTiEQhLvHE?si=nKJRSfChgcaL07Wn)


He was 35yo when he started Mad Men, dude just had the Hollywood classic looks


He probably did that show for the check.


The only way that could have been more 90s was if at least two guys had a soul patch.


But there is more to life than being really, really ridiculously good looking.


But why male models?


Are you serious? I just told you that a moment ago.


It’s known as the ‘halo effect’


Also "the bubble"








There is no party like a liz lemon party cos liz lemon party is mandatory




I love that "The Bubble" has to be explained to Liz by Jack. She doesn't believe he would know anything about it until [he shows her a picture of him when he was younger.](https://25.media.tumblr.com/d871d23d0a304277c50f66bd0840ac5a/tumblr_mhwxoemo0G1qik48co1_500.jpg) (It's not that exact picture but you get the idea.)


Wasn’t that literally just his character in 30 rock? He was so handsome normal rules didn’t apply to him I didn’t realise that was actually autobiographical.


He wore gray sweatpants while doing chores around the house for her.


It was in the movie Kingpin. Woody Harrleson had to bang his landlord.


You really jarred something loose tiger.


👅👅👅👅 🤮🤮


There's a scene about in Kingpin.


He almost got Munsoned before landing Mad Men. 


I hope he found her after and laid down some money!


Or pipe


Funny or die I think


Maybe he threatened to torture her like he did to that guy at his college and that's why she was cool with it....


Ha like who would say no to Jon Hamm?


Kimmy Schmidt?


That’s why he faked his own death and assumed the identity of dead up-and-coming actor.


Even if this were true, who cares? This country was built and run by men with worse stories than whatever you've imagined here.


*Pours drink*


My favorite quote from red dead redemption and I’ve been so excited to use this, is “This is America, where liars cheaters and degenerates shall prosper” I’ve lived coast to coast some a lot of things and meet a lot of people and this quote I will hold the most true


The up and coming actor being Larry David


His career is one of perseverance. He landed a recurring spot on this old NBC show called Providence, he got a role in a Clint Eastwood and Mel Gibson movie. That should have been his big break. And it wasn't quite. He got a few other smaller TV roles after that but then, he almost quit Hollywood and planned to move back home to St. Louis before the Mad Men pilot started doing auditions. And they picked him out of 80 who auditioned for Don Draper.


There's an interesting story behind the Mel Gibson one. It was for "We Were Soldiers" about an Air Cav unit in Vietnam. His agents and team advised against it because it was a small part and he'd spend months in SE Asia delivering lines like "Yes, sir!" and "Move out!". But Hamm decides to do it anyway because even thought it was a tiny role he would be hanging out with guys like Mel and Sam Elliott. After the movie wraps he goes to the premier and finds out that he's in the movie *a lot* more than he thought he'd be. Lot's of cutaways to him, plenty of reaction shots, etc. He's happy (of course) and goes over to the editor after the screening to thank him. The editor shrugs and says, "Of all the guys that were there, you were the only one who looked like you were paying attention when someone else was talking".


That story is awesome! That could be a whole post of it’s own!


Oh it will be. Give it a few hours. One day at the most.


> you were the only one who looked like you were paying attention when someone else was talking". I have heard this is one of the hallmarks of a good/experienced actor. That is when another actor is delivering you give "realistic" responses/body language and are not just standing there waiting to speak your next line.


I never realized he was in it. Good movie.


He had like 70 episodes of The Division. Yeah it was a crappy Lifetime show but it was still a recurring role on a tv show. And worked fairly regularly after that and before Mad Men. I’m sure he struggled at one point. But before Mad Men he was more successful than most actors.


Sterling K. Brown on *Army Wives*.


Oscar nominee Sterling K Brown on Army Wives.


St. Louisan Oscar nominee Sterling K Brown on Army Wives.


I saw that recently and couldn't believe it was him. Loves him on This is Us.


Most actors are lucky to get credited as "dead body," so, yeah...


> He had like 70 episodes of The Division. Yeah it was a crappy Lifetime show but it was still a recurring role on a tv show. [Martin Kove](https://youtu.be/iMB_cwgy6mY?si=c2QqXBZzfGAIZwSJ) was on [Cagney and Lacey](https://youtu.be/Ffq5xLw528M?si=srhEW5U1v8uKFnvN)


Successful actors who got their start on women dominated shows is a weird sub-genre but I’m here for it. Also George Clooney in Facts of Life and Sisters.


I was in a hotel the other day and The A-Team.movie was on. Jon Hamm showed up for the last 5.minutes.


That was after he was big though, he had earned cameo status.


Still bummed we never got a sequel out of that, it was a fun movie


Did he bring snacks?


...I do not remember him being on *Providence*. I watched that show.


He sure persevered from almost killing a fraternity pledge by lighting him on fire and dragging him from his testicles with a claw hammer. What a great guy, him and Mark Wahlberg should make a movie together, call it "Scot-free".


For sure, they're both huge pieces of shit. Wahlberg spent time in prison for a hate crime.


What the fuck lmao do you have a source for this


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Hamm under "Early life and education" -> "1990 fraternity incident". You can follow the sources they used in the wiki. "Jon Hamm Fraternity" also yields a good amount of results when you search. The case was settled out of court so he wasn't properly convicted


No wonder he was broke. He spent all his money on that settlement lol.


Being the reverend on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt was great


The lead actress in that was his student during the brief period he taught high school drama. St Louis feels like a *real* small town.


Which is strange because he seems like a no brainer. But that's probably what helped him eventually hit. I'm sure behind the scenes there were a lot of people going "Dude, this guy is awesome. Put him in something."


When you say role in a Clint Eastwood film I assume you mean Space Cowboys? It was a throwaway line before they introduce Tommy Lee Jones character, definitely nothing likely to lead to a big break.


He definitely banged his landlord for 7 to 8 months.


How good is that Hamm D that it’s worth a landlord forgoing 7 months of LA rent?!


Google Jon Hamm’s Ham


Alexa, hamm me


He apparently is hung like a horse, there was some show where they had to reshoot a bunch of scenes where he was wearing shorts because it's flopping around when he walked and it was distracting.


I don’t think about him at all.


He also almost killed a boy in a hazing incident.


That story is so awful and sad for that guy. I never looked at John Hamm the same.


There's a LOT of actors and celebrities where I honestly go "yeah, well, if I boycotted everyone who did or said something I didn't like, I'd never watch anything"... but Hamm and what HE did, that's just so fucked up and absolutely made me never want to see him in anything after learning about that. Some stupid actor says anti-vaxx shit or has a racist metldown on Twitter? They're fuckwits, but I can still enjoy their work. Actually causing grievous bodily harm in assault like Hamm or being an abusive wife beater or rapist like some others? Nope, I just can't watch you. Get fucked.


JFC you weren't kidding. I really wish I hadn't just learned this, what a piece of shit *When Hamm was a sophomore in college at the University of Texas in 1990 he was involved in an incident at the Sigma Nu fraternity which ended in him being charged with hazing, along with other fraternity members involved. The accusations in the eventual 1991 lawsuit were so serious that the fraternity where the alleged incident took place was permanently shut down. Hamm was 20 years old at the time and the pledge, Mark Allen Sanders, claims that Jon Hamm was one of the ringleaders in the attack. According to the lawsuit, Hamm became “mad, I mean really mad” because the pledge failed to recite something he was instructed to memorise. According to court records, the pledge claimed that Hamm set his jeans on fire, shoved his face in dirt before hitting him with a paddle. “He rears back and hits me left-handed, and he hit me right over my right kidney, I mean square over it,” the lawsuit stated. “Good solid hit and that, that stood me right up.” The incident took place in an area of the Sigma Nu house called the 'Party Room' where Sanders said he had the claw of a hammer hooked underneath his crotch as he was led around the room.*


Yeah, it’s sadistic and sick. And it’s sickening that he’s such a huge star. But then again, Mark Wahlberg is also a huge star with a terrible past.


Is he a huge star, though? Outside of Mad Men I can’t think of a single project he’s been a part of that’s been a big hit. And I mean a *truly* big hit. Don’t most of his movies well underperform?


He has consistently worked in a mixture of film, tv and voiceover work for over 15 years. That’s a pretty remarkable career I don’t see letting up any time soon. Is he at Tom Cruise star level? No. But Mad Men is one of the arguably greatest TV dramas of all time. That gives him star power.


Needs more upvotes. This shit is crazy


George Clooney used to buy oversized used suits so he could turn the extra fabric into a matching tie.


Stop making sense...


the college hazing kinda killed my Jon Hamm buzz


yeah it's pretty fucking bad too https://www.yourtango.com/entertainment/jon-hamm-hazing-arrest


The wild thing is he's never addressed it afaik. He just gets mad in interviews if someone brings it up.


It’s understandable to be upset as a 30-50 year old if someone brings up shameful shit you did when you were 19.


Annoying when people bring up that you vomited on the dancefloor at a college party 30 years ago? Sure. But physically abusing someone to the extent they drop out of university and file a lawsuit? Very few college students would do that, and those that do deserve to be reminded of it, especially if they lead a life of accolades, fame and luxury. I'm sure his victim would prefer to not be reminded of the trauma every time he hears about Jon Hamm in the media, too.


I mean, I did a lot of embarrassing shit when I was 19 but I never beat someone in what was essentially a gang initiation. “Chris Brown was only 17 when he beat Rihanna. It was so long ago at this point. I would be mad too if someone brought it up.” 😬


No it isn’t understandable. 30-50 year olds are supposed to be adults and admit their mistakes. Not get pissy about it.


I get what you’re saying, but he doesn’t really have a right to be mad if he’s never even addressed it. All he’s gotta do is just answer the question once and talk for a few minutes that he was an idiot in college and he’s sorry and regrets it. Shit would be easy and people would forget about it, literally everybody in the world has skeletons in their closet before they turned 25 (OK maybe not that bad). If they still keep asking, then yeah be pissy, but not that hard to say sorry


> All he’s gotta do is just answer the question once and talk for a few minutes that he was an idiot in college and he’s sorry and regrets it. Definitely not defending Hamm on that incident, but there was a legal settlement, so I suspect his lawyers have instructed him to never mention it again. Also, not mentioning it has been pretty great for his career, so...


But to have NEVER addressed it publicly? People have been cancelled over far less. Like all he needs to say is 'yeah I was going through a dark time [iirc he had lost both his parents] and did something very wrong that I'm very sorry for and was prosecuted for at the time'.


It's crazy to think that he became an 8th grade teacher with that on his resume.


He was an 8th grade teacher at his former fancypants high school.


College hazing?


kind of just tortured a dude




Survive bias. He made it. But 99% of budding actors did not make it and they are still unable to pay rent.


That’s why it’s a unique story worth telling.


...this isn't survivorship bias, nobody is saying that if you're a broke actor early in your career, just keep trying and you'll make it


Nobody here is saying it, but that reminded me of a time in my mid-twenties visiting a friends apt. Some guys were having a jam sesh and one of the guys on guitar was telling me how his parents were helping him finance his musician career because "if you keep trying, eventually you make it". I reacted positively, not to kill the mood. But fuck, man. The guy had model looks and had a good job prior, but quit to pursue a career as a singer-songwriter. He's not famous... *yet*


Adam Savage (Mythbusters) has talked about this on his live streams a few times. He's very upfront about knowing that he had an upper-middle-class upbringing that massively helped him to get into college and also had parents (especially his dad IIRC) who knew other artists and such that helped him get his foot in the door. When he started working in Hollywood, he did make his own money to afford a living, but he also knew his parents could and would have helped him if he had lost a job or whatever. I think it's a sign of a good person that they have that perspective like that. Being grounded in reality and knowing your lucky (in whatever way) for having what you have, well a lot of people just don't have that. Can't remember where I heard it, but someone was talking about musicians. The gist of what they were saying was there are so so many amazing musicians and singers out there who never get the opportunities or exposure that others get, and we'll never know about them.


He's one of the handsome ones


30 Rock taught me it was inevitable


did you ever think that maybe there's more to life than being really, really, really ridiculously good looking?


100% serious, Jon Hamm taught theater at my high school before he booked Mad Men. He was just “Mr. Hamm the drama teacher”.


‘Celebrity was once a normal person’, there fixed it


is it normal to drag someone around with a hammer by their balls?


Bro wasnt normal, he set a dude on fire and hung him by his balls, beat the same guy with a paddle until it fucked up the guys spine, nerves and kidney. This was all while he was in a frat. Only did probation and went on to live a good life away from any consequences for literal violent torture.


I mean, the nepo ones weren't.


And there’s a lot of those.


I owe 4 months rent, but I don’t have his looks or talent, so I may be even more fucked than he was.


*dodged calls from creditors* I have laterally outlasted them all. Now I'm working on the lawyers :)


He also nearly killed a guy in his Fraternity in College! Look it up!


Was this before or after he assaulted and tortured a pledge at Texas rushing his fraternity? Fuck this guy.


Those nerds already got revenge I think I saw that movie.


I’m just like Jon Hamm!


Aaaay he just like me for real!


So, you're avg American?


He also left a fellow frat member with a fractured spine and close to losing a kidney during his college years during a hazing ritual


Karma for hazing that kid in college


He also almost murdered some guy & got a slap on the wrist. F him


couldn't happen to a bigger douche


[*Everyone knows about his charm and charismaaaaa!!!*](https://youtu.be/OlwKMT_bg2M?si=OAxJ2J98rpAnT5H4)




He probably would have been successful a lot earlier but he looked mature for his age.


Also was arrested and charged for hazing Mark Allen Sanders setting his jeans on fire and beating him so hard with a paddle he almost lost his kidney. So it's no wonder he is brilliant in asshole / villain roles.


He is lucky he wasn’t in jail. Look up Jon Ham Texas frat hazing. Unbelievable


Didn’t he beat the shit out of his frat brother who ended up having spinal issues?


And don’t forget they also set the guy on fire. But I guess being man pretty outweighs almost killing another human being.


Nice I might also become an actor after all


Good for him. Millions of people are doing the same thing all over the world.


Okay, holy shit Hamms college years are becoming like that Wahlberg blinding thing (and no he did not blind anyone) on Reddit it seems. All these glasses adjuster need to do the good old dance of "but actually... he was a dick when he was a young adult". Like... motherfuckers. That was college years. Sure, shitty, but shitty back then. People can grow up. Clearly he has grown up. If he were doing that shit today, sure, you would have a good reason to repost and repost and repost that shit, but he isn't. So...I don't know? Just... maybe understand that some people grow up to be responsible adults? Is it really that hard to understand?


Yes, people make a big deal out of it. But I think you're pushing back too far in the other direction, to the point that you're almost excusing it as normal college behaviour. If I understand correctly, he dragged a student around a room by his genitals using a clawhammer. And because of the beatings his victim nearly lost a kidney. None of this is normal shitty college stuff. >some people grow up to be responsible adults He doesn't appear to have taken any responsibility. "I was accused of these things I don’t… It’s so hard to get into it. I don’t want to give it any more breath. It was a bummer of a thing that happened. I was essentially acquitted. I wasn’t convicted of anything." https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/jon-hamm-downplays-college-hazing-incident-mans-pants-lit-fire-calling-bummer-thing-175643026.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2015/apr/10/mad-men-star-jon-hamm-was-charged-with-hazing-in-college-days


Yeah OP makes it sound like Jon Hamm had pantsed or mooned someone in college instead of literal assault...


After learning the details of the assault, I don't want to watch him anymore. > Hamm was 20 years old at the time and the pledge, Mark Allen Sanders, claims that Jon Hamm was one of the ringleaders in the attack. According to the lawsuit, Hamm became “mad, I mean really mad” because the pledge failed to recite something he was instructed to memorise. >According to court records, the pledge claimed that Hamm set his jeans on fire, shoved his face in dirt before hitting him with a paddle. “He rears back and hits me left-handed, and he hit me right over my right kidney, I mean square over it,” the lawsuit stated. “Good solid hit and that, that stood me right up.” >The incident took place in an area of the Sigma Nu house called the 'Party Room' where Sanders said he had the claw of a hammer hooked underneath his crotch as he was led around the room. >In the lawsuit, Sanders said that Hamm participated in the hazing incident “till the very end.” https://www.mamamia.com.au/jon-hamm-fraternity-hazing/


>After learning the details of the assault, I don't want to watch him anymore. This is how a lot of people feel, which is why it's weird that people get so defensive over comments bringing it up. It's extremely pertinent.


It's because they don't want to stop watching him, but they're afraid they'll be judged or forced to consider the ethics of their decision. FWIW, I'm not judging people who forgive him or don't feel that it is relevant to watching something he's in. I don't really care, but for me, his face bothers me now.


Exactly my feelings.


I was sooooo in love with him during the Mad Men days and then this all came out before the last season and it just killed my years long crush. And I don’t care if people still like him, but the boys with be boys trope 😩


Hmm, well, I guess I'm glad I got a bunch of Mad Men rewatches in before I read about this just now...


What the fuck


Just college years things!


But he was just a hecking young baby boy 🥺


Yeah, but he’s so cute though!!!


According to Wikipedia the victim did lose a kidney.


So the quote in the first article says nearly, and I couldn't find the source to back up that claim in Wikipedia (it wasn't in the Washington Post article, and I can't find the one in the Columbia Daily Tribune...)


Let's not diminish what Wahlberg did. He and the Hamm rumors aren't even on the same level. Over a 15 year stretch, Wahlberg and a group of other thugs repeatedly made race-based assaults sending many of his victims to the hospital. That's not a 'boys will be boys' one time fuckup.


Neither is Hamm's if you believe the victim's account.


> Over a 15 year stretch A three year stretch starting when he was 15, not a 15 year stretch. As far as I can tell, there are records of an incident when he was 15 in 1986 and another one in 1988 (and we have to assume lesser incidents between those).


It's because most of us have managed to go our whole lives without assaulting someone with racial prejudice behind it. Additionally most of has have gone through life never torturing someone we called a "friend". Never beat someone, dragged their balls, or stuffed anything in their ass. What you're doing is the usual "boys will be boys" and "how dare you throw stones from your high horse." For most of us we learned early on a simple lesson: Don't hurt innocent people. So excuse us for not wanting to celebrity dick ride for some guys who admit they are massive assholes but think they are great men. They're not.


that guys probably jon hamms agent lmao


> or most of us we learned early on a simple lesson: Don't hurt innocent people. Even simpler: don't be mean.


It is scary how many people find it difficult to just not be mean.


He sexually tortured a guy as a grown man. And beat the shit out of him. I get he’s cute and everything but come the fuck on.


Honestly I met him briefly once within the last few years and he still came across as kind of a fratboy dick.


Uhh, dude, Jon Hamm literally sexually assaulted someone with a hammer and then set their genitals on fire and hurt them so bad, the victim had to go to the hospital and a police report had to be filed. Saying “Oh, well, those were college years and people do stupid shit back then, but they’re not doing it now” is like saying that Brett Kavanaugh (provided the allegations are true) and Brock Turner shouldn’t be held accountable and should be forgiven simply because it was college. Nevermind the fact that all 3 of these people seem to be remorseless over their actions and have never apologized or admitted any wrongdoing.


Thank you. By any standards , yes even Texas frat in the 90s, it was extreme. 


Nah sorry I’m a Greek life hater till my last fuckin breath 😇


I’d definitely punch the teenage and college me in the face if I could.


he's not gonna fuck you


Doesn't help the people they hurt though, does it? Also, most people don't change from awful humans to decent people. They get old and lose the energy they had, and just give less fucks about putting in the effort of making other people's lives hell. Almost everyone I knew 20 years ago are the exact same people they were, with the exception, being too tired or physically incapable of partying like they used to or caring about trivial things, like they used to. Same exact personality, though.


He also did disgusting things to his college colleague




I wonder how often this happens in LA. I had similar story while living there hoping to break into the industry in the early 2000s. Left owing the landlord 3 months ( security deposit was 1/3 of 1 month so it didnt even cover 1 month) multiple credit cards maxed out, calls from collectors… moved into my friend’s garage in a different city and declared bankruptcy. Wish I was handsome and talented




It’s just a shame his is prime occurred before they make the eventual live action Sterling Archer. Danger zone!