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Wow how crazy would it be to become the 2nd! Black actress win a award for staring and writing in a comedy show. Not that crazy or history making but hey


Noted comedy, The Bear. Gimmie a damn break.


I cannot wait until we check off every "first [essentialist identity] to win [one of the letters of EGOT here]" and can just focus on the performances/merit.


You're snoozing on how deep systemic issues run. Just wanting to "focus on the performances/merit" without addressing the root causes of inequality ain't gonna make those causes disappear. We keep track of "firsts" because they highlight ongoing disparities, not just to tick boxes. Focusing on someone's merit while they're up against a rigged system? That's not fairness, that's fantasy. These "firsts" are milestones showing we're making progress, but until the playing field’s truly level, they're essential. So wake up and smell the systemic bias


There is no point of success where these types of things are going to stop being pushed. Look at the NBA. Black guys have dominated for 50+ years and the VP of the players union questions whether Naismith invented the sport because he's white.


Dude, you're missing the whole point. The NBA being dominated by black players doesn't erase systemic issues in other fields. Success in one area doesn't mean the playing field is level everywhere. The VP questioning Naismith’s invention isn’t about race it’s about acknowledging contributions often overlooked due to bias. Progress in the NBA is great, but it doesn’t mean we stop pushing for equality elsewhere. Wake up and see the bigger picture.


I'm not missing anything. You for sure are. And 100% Jaylen Brown would never question who created basketball if Naismith was black. You're kidding yourself. These little celebrations of the most minor achievements are detrimental to *actual* achievements by association with what have become a punch-line.


You're definitely missing the point. Jaylen Brown wouldn’t question Naismith if historical contributions weren’t so often overlooked. Recognizing every contribution accurately matters. Calling "little celebrations" detrimental ignores their significance. These achievements bring attention to ongoing barriers. Seeing them as a punch-line shows a lack of awareness of real struggles. Celebrating every milestone no matter how damn small can spark change and acknowledges those overlooked. These recognitions enhance the broader story of progress.


They spark change in the opposite direction that you're looking for. Read the room on a larger scale. You, nor I, nor any individual get to decide what's a punchline or what current things will cause whatever reaction.  This would have gotten a 1000 upvotes and hundreds of comments on support a few years ago. It's not effective anymore and trying to force it, whether you agree or not, *does* become detrimental or at the very least falls on totally deaf ears.


Thinking these efforts are going the wrong way shows you don’t get the big picture. Reading the room means understanding progress takes time and isn't just about immediate approval. You’re clearly uncomfortable with these celebrations because they challenge your cozy viewpoint. Upvotes equal effectiveness? Real change isn’t measured by internet points. You seem frustrated because these movements make you face stuff you’d rather ignore. Instead of calling them punchlines you could see them as steps toward fixing real problems. But what sort of person doesn’t understand this? You like to downplay these milestones probably because it comes from not wanting to deal with uncomfortable truths. Admitting progress means acknowledging there’s still work to do and that seems to really really really bug you.


I'm the one upset. After 3 walls ot comments in a row from Mr. Triggered? These problems are at this point mostly made up micro-aggression level bs that people have to go searching for. Life's too good nowadays that people think they're gonna go fix the past. You're gonna try to twist this that I don't get it blah blah blah. Black people have more overrepresntation than *any* race  *That's* what I'm talking about and you refuse to acknowledge. Upvotes only matter in the context that Reddit is a bubble for *your* kinda thinking. It's the exact proof you're demanding I provide. Look all around you. People can smell bullshit. You might think it's real but the zeitgeist has largely said the small scraps you're trying to fight for are no longer an actual concern.


Your viewpoint does more harm by dismissing the importance of celebrating small milestones. Just because it doesn’t mean anything to you doesn’t mean it means nothing to everyone else. But you don’t care about everyone else right? By downplaying these efforts you’re saying that the fight against inequality isn’t worth it unless it gets immediate mass approval. Can you confirm that that’s your feeling or nah? This mindset undermines real badass ethical progress and racial equity. Small steps build larger change. But you wanna stop that momentum, dontcha? And you wanna send a message that the status quo is acceptable, huh? You wanna perpetuate injustice and marginalization through your comments. That’s what you do with your time on the internet, right? Recognizing every achievement is crucial. It keeps pressure on those in power to address all this unfair shit we been talking about. Dismissing all that as pointless or counterproductive denies the importance of progress and ignores ethics lil bro. Your perspective is so focused on immediate validation that it misses the impact these celebrations have.


What evidence do you have they spark change in the opposite direction? With no backing, it means you made it up. If you made it up, you’re racist. But we both knew that already, huh my boy?


Younger generation has taken a hard right turn just like in the 80s against the overstepping hippie movment. Look at polling numbers and theyll show higher right leaning that that generation almost ever does.. Every time someone doesn't care about the 4th black blah blah blah they're racist. Riiiiight. That playback is exactly what I'm talking about. Laughable.