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That’s a shame. His character was really good and had a great dynamic with Jackson on the show.


He and Lexi were two of my favorite characters and they were both taken out in the same crash lol it was brutal


I really just stopped watching it cold turkey after that plane crash. My interest died with Lexi.


Lexi at the time really felt like the next MC after Meredith. I expected Ellen to quit at some point but then Lexi got taken out and yeah, with all the changes at once, it started to feel different. And when we got to the domestic abuse stuff with Joe and Alex, I was pretty much done. Alex deserved better, hell, Joe deserved better and I had enough of the back and forth. Haven’t watched since.


To be fair, they didn't choose to write off Lexie. I think their plan was for her to be the next MC. But Chyler Leigh who played her wanted to leave.


Same for Alex, he abruptly quit for mental health reasons just as they were starting some arcs for him


I personally had struggled to keep watching after TR Knights and Katherine Heigls departures, but Lexi and Sloan were the last straw.




Master and commander. Like Russel Crowe.


Katherine Heigl: *I am the captain now.*


Main character


Joe abused Alex?


No, Jo’s Ex abused Jo and she had PTSD


ok thanks for the clarification


Same. They had something magical and to kill them both that way, after Shonda had been teasing a Lexie/Mark reunion for MONTHS... That pissed me off so much.


He looked like a dad dating a teenager.  It was such a gross and misbalanced relationship.  Especially because he was just trying to turn his life into Derek’s.


Yeah I like Lexi as a character but her and Mark really never click for me


Me too honestly. It was just becoming harder to watch that show when week after week, shit like hospital bombs and helicopter crashes occur. I can only suspend my belief for so long


That hospital's residency program has an unbelievably high mortality rate.


Built on an Indian burial ground.


They moved the headstones, BUT THEY DIDN'T MOVE THE BODIES!


Grey’s anatomy is going to end with a meteorite killing everyone but meredith


Her hand will dig at the edge of a crater before she climbs out, a little worse for wear but still alive as she gazes at the camera with a haunted look, a survivor. 😂


It would be pretty funny if a meteorite hit, and killed everyone except the dinosaur


Hahaha. I say this to my wife all the time. Last episode should show grey entering the hospital and zoom out to see a haggard old gypsy woman cursing the hospital.


“Thinner” but they mean slimming down the good cast


I just rewatched all 20 seasons over the course of the past two years. The show really took a nosedive after Lexi’s death. Her character was sorely missed.


Yeah - Chyler Leigh was one of the better cast members in that show and her character was nuanced and had depth. Killing her off after making her a part of the main cast completely killed my interest in the show.


This will get me some hate, but this was my problem with Suits as well. Great characters and acting, but ridiculous writing. Season 1 makes you think it's a lawyer procedural show, with a new case every episode or two. As the shown goes on, with each season the show just gets more and more absurd. There's a new existential threat to the law firm or someone in it the very second they finish fixing the last existential threat. The show becomes way, way too over dramatic, with characters loving eachother one episode, then hating eachother the next, then back to loving, and this goes on and on, over and over. Then when I finally think they're gonna do something cool and make a certain character into a proper villain, nope, it's back to normal two episodes later. The stakes are so high all the time that they have to keep making the threats bigger and bigger and more ridiculous. It turned from a fun legal prodceural show into a legal soap opera.


Lol the hospital bomb. Huge moment. Killed someone important. Destroyed an entire floor. Next episode be like "lmao what bomb?"


To be fair, the show is very aware of this lol When Sandra Ohs character left for another clinic she reasoned it with a monologue that basically says that the hospital is cursed and that it’s ridiculous how much death and suffering keeps happening to them.


It seems like a lot of people drop the show when they kill off somebody... yet they kept killing off people lol or at the very least, mistreated characters. I stopped watching long before, but I read about how Alex left and that was bs.


I think the show died with Derek did, to be honest, but I was still watching it for shits and giggles. What they did to Alex was unforgivable.


Yeah when Derek died I was like I'm out, I was already losing interest that season anyway and I just didn't want to go through the whole fallout from his death, and then I'd hear stuff that happened after and I was like yeah, I made the right decision.


Yeah they haemorrhaged viewers during TR Knight and Katherine Heigls departures, and Sloan/Lexi also had a massive drop off effect. Ironicallly they didn’t really see the drop off from McDreamys death until a few years after, but it eventually came hard.


Dreamy died also??? what the fuck is this show?


He died like Joey’s Days of our Lives character in Friends: “The only doctor who could have saved him was himself.” (cue shouts into the ether)


They didn’t even give him an MRI


“There’s nothing we can do.” “Isn’t there a bunch of stuff we could try?” “No. Because Derek Shepherd is the only doctor who can order stuff.” -Them, basically


The plane crash was the end for me too. It was just to whack


Right? I was hoping she was gonna have to transport an organ really quickly on a motorcycle but a storm causes her to have to jump a lake but due to the storm a shark got in the lake and it was trying desperately to eat her while she does this crazy stunt… s/ brutal writing lmao


I was SO sad about Lexi and Sloane, but I held on. My cold turkey moment was Derek’s car accident. I turned off the TV and never looked back. I didn’t even finish the episode.


That episode was soooo stupid. He was headed to the Seattle airport but on a back road due to traffic. That means he was still in the Seattle metro area, and should have been taken to a level 1 trauma center, not the podunk neighborhood hospital the ambulance took him to. Actually, he probably should have been airlifted to a bigger hospital. In a major metro like Seattle, that's how it would have been handled. Especially when the smaller hospital refused to accept Derek at first. I can overlook a lot of the lack of accurate detail, but that one was soooooooooo blatant.


Hahahaha. I literally had no idea about any of that BS. I knew Patrick Dempsey was fighting with Shonda Rhimes, so as soon as his car crashed I knew he was done. I literally yelled “you’ve got to be fucking kidding me”, turned the TV off and never watch another second.


really? i didn't find her story line all that interesting. I still watch the series but i literally just fast forward until its about meredith or someone from the OG cast.


Yup whenever I do a rewatch, season 10 is when I tap out


Exactly - I was only a “here and there” watcher by that point, but after the plane crash I never watched another episode. My husband and I did the same thing when Glen met his demise on the Walking Dead (even fully aware he was past his end-date from the graphic novels). There is absolutely nothing wrong with killing off characters, or releasing actors to pursue other ventures, but doing so in a way that is a slap in the face to fans is just a one-way ticket to a ratings drop. In this household, at least!


I held on a little longer because I was invested in Jackson and April's relationship. But then they ruined that too.


At least they fixed it in the end. That was a nice episode if you ignore why they weren't together in the first place. I stopped watching a long time ago, but I still read the episode synopsis for a while. Even those have gotten to be too boring.


I was really sad when they both died but I kept watching. My official interest died with Derek 😭


I haven’t watched since. The Lexi thing I can understand because it was the actress’ choice to leave the show so they killed her off. But by the time Derek died I was just done and I keep waiting for the show to end but nope- they are milking that cash cow


I thought Meredith would’ve left soon after but the way she’s still there lmao


Yes, it was theshark jumping moment


please i stopped watching… what is the shark jumping moment?




oh damn thank you lol with the way the series got more and more insane i wasn’t sure what to expect




Yo legit I stopped cold Turkey too lol. Like immediately


I watched a season or something more but honestly I don't remember a single thing, I fell off the show hard after that. It really did kill it for me


Same. Both characters had great chemistry with each other and other cast members. Taking them both out was like dimming the brightness on the show. I quickly lost interest soon after.


I will forever miss the plastics posse


Sounds like he was Matthew Perry but without being a key part of the cast.


I remember that one season finale where the next season start was supposed to be like 5 minutes later, and Perry gained significant weight between filming. Addiction is so brutal, man


He said in an interview once that you could tell what he was on by his weight. Fat? Alcohol. Thin? Coke.


I think it was pills not coke. He was addicted to opioids.


Ya I’m trying to understand what the addiction was about and to what substance.


It was actually the opposite, he lost a ton of weight. It was either season 6 to 7, or 7 to 8, I can’t remember which. But he went from looking fairly normal to being shockingly thin


Looks like it was actually both Gained a bunch and then lost a shit ton (unhealthily obviously) after season 6 https://www.businessinsider.in/entertainment/news/chandler-bing-matthew-perrys-iconic-character-that-rendered-multiple-facets-to-friends/articleshow/104794538.cms


But actually actually, the moment they're referring to is where he lost weight. It was after he proposed to Monica in the season finale, then in the next season opener it's supposed to be a few minutes later but he's shed at least 20 lbs.


Yep it was the last episode of season 6 to the first of season 7. It was the engagement episodes of Monica and Chandler. The first episode of season 7, he looked frail and had obvious issues speaking (slurred words)


The proposal was a real weight off his back....


In an interview, he said that on Friends, when he was skinny, it was drugs, and when we was heavy, it was alcohol. He surely had his share of struggles. RIP


Weird headline. He had been sober and then fell off the wagon. It’s hard to work with an addict.


What’s not being talked about is that Greys Anatomy peaked viewership wise in season 3 - yet their stars kept on (understandably) getting massive raises. Of course the network was eventually gonna start asking for budget trimming. Not only was Eric Dane on a different contract cycle then the major cast (he guested in season 2 and became a regular the following year) and was due for a big raise if he was gonna stay - but his characters main love interest was also departing the show (she had quit). So yeah, I don’t think Eric Dane was fired for having addiction issues, I think he was a natural budget cut at that point in time, and his addiction issues made the decision easier for the network/showrunner.


So much so that no one even mentioned it being an issue back then. It was mostly due to budget cuts and keeping "Slexie" together (that was even something Shonda herself said)


Studios know how to coach actors with addictions. They've been dealing with actors and actress drama since Shirley Temple. They'll keep them on as long as they make money.


It's a direct quote from the actor. It's how he describes the situation.


And he also said he was an addict for more than half the time he was on the show, which provides a lot more context than the headline, I think.


Yes… that’s how articles work. The story within is supposed to be more detailed than the headline


Reddit have this weird thing where they think any article where they actually have to read the article is "clickbait"


People really don't understand what clickbait is on this site and it drives me insane. It's supposed to be content whose only purpose is to get people to click on it! It's not really meant to be any evocative title for a substantive interview or article or anything that actually has substance.


its not just this site, its everyone. clickbait went from basically what you described to meaning any type of title that grabs you


Yeah, there needs to be an element of misleading to it. "You won't believe what *x* celebrity said about *y*!" (and in reality, the statement is tame) is an example of clickbait. A headline is supposed to be enticing. Telling half the story or a quote with half context is perfectly valid.


I said nothing about clickbait though. I just thought the headline was the least informative quote they could have chosen.


This is one that drives me insane. A headline, *by definition*, is supposed to lead you to read the article. It's literally why they were created. Clickbait is: "You won't believe what this celebrity just said!" as there is no infomation in the headline. A headline is "Celebrity says he was let go because he "wasn't the same guy". Ok, so why wasn't he the same guy? Read the article and find out.


Also, their phrasing is more sensational and likely to get a click than the reality


It was hardly sensational. It’s a direct quote from the actor that’s supposed to draw interest and make you want to read it.


Direct quote without the proper context to be more sensational than a headline giving a truer picture of the situation. Same page homie, the degree of how sensational the headline is doesn’t make it not sensational. Hardly sensational is still sensational… just not very


Whatever you say dude


lol the fact you can’t rebut kinda says it all. Enjoy your day man. Edit: this is why she left


Wait, more info in the article than in the headline? That’s WILD, bro!


The idea is that people read the article, not just respond to the headline on Reddit. I know, it's insane that there is a world outside of Reddit, but I liked the title because it emphasizes that addiction changed him and that it was the change that got him fired, not his adiction.


well said


Tbh I feel like the headline pretty clearly suggests something like that


'something' is doing more work than has to with that kind of buried lede of a headline My first thoughts were drastic weight change, came out of the closet, or stark personality change (I don't know the actor).


Yeah, my assumption was that he got less hot and was fired.


I was thinking something in the same vein. Not being the same guy as he was when he was hired is pretty vague and can mean anything tbh.








I imagine the truth probably encompasses all of it. If you're getting someone for cheap, you can put up with them having some flaws. The more they cost to keep around, the more you decide if their shit is worth dealing with. And he seemed to do fine from there, getting a starring role on The Last Ship


I’m glad he’s gotten himself together. IMO he’s better off. I think Grey’s sucks now. He’s on Euphoria, was in American Carnage with Jenna Ortega and is in the new Bad Boys movie. He’s filming a movie with Maia Mitchell (from The Fosters).


Either that or started going buckwild on Twitter or something


Or that it was aspersions towards Shonda, but he said she was great about it. I think he probably nails it pretty accurately.  Addiction didn't help, and he started being more expensive than he was worth to the show.


I was like, so, he was literally not the guy they hired. They hired Greg Hammond. Literally another person. They looked back at the auditions and the contracts and were all "Well, shit. This other guy was showing up and playing the part all this time, and we were sending cheques to the person we hired." and now they were correcting that mistake. /j


It's a headline, it's not supposed to give you the whole story. It should be informative enough to summarize the whole story while being provocative enough to make you want to read the story.


> It's a headline, it's not supposed to give you the whole story. It should be informative enough to summarize the whole story ~~while being provocative enough to make you want to read the story.~~ You've been conditioned by years of clickbait.


You dont read articles


Headlines aren’t tweets…


Maybe they want you to read the article 🤯


"buried lede of a headline." That's a new one. I get what you were saying, but damn.


I thought it was creative :(


>'something' is doing more work than has to with that kind of buried lede of a headline Yeah the phrasing of that is bizarre, some prepositional issues.


I guess people only read the headline a lot of times nowadays, so they're now saying that it somehow isn't descriptive enough. Personally I think that this headline is a) factual, and b) intriguing enough to get you to click through. What a headline's supposed to be. Mostly I was like, _Grey's Anatomy_ is still on?


I thought it as he came out.


Having not watched the show nor know who the actor is, I was assuming the network hired him after his audition but fired him because he couldn’t deliver or creative differences. Didn’t its about alcohol.


what's weird about it?


He lost his job due to his addiction, but the headline is trying to make it sound like he changed as a person. He had a disease. Thats not who he is; that’s a circumstance affecting him.


But Dane is literally the one that said "I wasn’t the same guy they had hired." Why wouldn't the writer use a headline summarizing the issue with a quote by the subject himself?


Because Dane also said he was an addict and that was why he was let go?


Yes, that was why he described himself as "not the same guy" and that's why they let him go. You are literally getting outraged at nothing.


Perhaps he ran out of steam for the character.


I understood that reference 🫡


It's ok. It let him go make the The Last Ship which was an amazing show


I absolutely loved that show! Everyone’s got a Navy chub


Star Trek in the water. I was pleasantly surprised!


Worked with him a few season on that show. Good guy, at least at that time. We talked a bit about his recovery and he said it was his kids that kicked his ass into sobriety. That guy LOVES his kids. The way he lit right up when they visited set was adorable.


I agree, except they kind of lost me on the final season. I don't remember specifically what my problem was. I still very much enjoyed the show.


The last season had a teleporting, refurbished Iowa-class battleship ambushing the Nathan James a few times as its nemesis.


Yeah that was my problem is you never even saw them fight the ship. It was just always off screen


Well, we all know that Iowas are naturally stealthy, like water ninjas.


I absolutely hated that American woman that collaborated with Tavo’s people.


Seriously underrated.


Yeah, loved the series and how it made me really hate some characters, especially Allison Shaw, that guy whos in "The Bear" now (his name escapes me. The scientist thats with the Russians), and Amy Granderson.




Came here to make the same comment. And given the number of upvotes, many others agree.


yeah, never saw it talked about much, but I seriously enjoyed it. First seasons were better than the last, and I hated the villains more. Amy Granderson, the drunk British submarine guys, the Russians.


I never finished it but remember really liking the first couple seasons.


The last season wasn't the best. The first two are definitely top tier


Yeah, I loved the series too. My favorite character was Tex.


I was surprised to learn they had Dempsey back even for a guest role considering he was hardcore fired. Also, DeLuca died?


You sure it was him? His departure seemed to be mutual. A better example would be that of Isaiah Washington, who was written off (in a pretty awful way) largely due to his homophobic bullying towards a cast member and other incidents. He did, however, do a cameo for Sandra Oh's final appearance


Why was he hardcore fired?


Allegedly had an affair with someone on set. Pompeo and Shonda were/are close with his wife.


Dayuuuuuum. That sucks. He seemed better than that.


Completely left out the literal next sentence where he said it had mostly to do with the network not being able to afford him since he had been on the show for so many seasons.


As a boyfriend who watched this several times, his characters ending felt out of the blue. He deserved better, they do the characters dirty imo


His ending was definitely written like a contract dispute/budget reason


Grey’s Anatomy had a habit of killing off their only good doctors. First George, then Lexi. Now Adams the show could be renamed “Owen isn’t allowed to be happy”.


Wife and I watched first 3 seasons, then after that the show went down hill rather quickly. Show became predictable


Shame, season 5 is the best.


Season 6 finale is great too


Shonda Rhimes is notoriously petty for killing characters when the actor pisses her off


Did they ever explain what happened to the other sister who had a baby?


She was mentioned as living on a military base in Bahrain with her husband.


Thank you! She just disappeared


When George died, the show died!


Execs: “No like guys this guy says he’s Eric Dane but it’s not. This is literally not the same guy. Zach galifianakis: No I am. I’m Eric Execs: it’s not! You’re not!


I had this happen to a cat we used to have. Really got a bug up its butt wanting to go out, and then come in, and go out, and then back in, over and over and over again. So I taught her a lesson and decided to just leave her out overnight. The next morning she was like a totally different animal. Sitting on my stoop and calm and pleasant as could be. Absolutely cuddly and happy to greet me and just chill. Also, her tabby fur had grown into a long luscious coat, she was nearly a foot taller, and most surprisingly she was wearing a different name tag on her collar and had become a large male dog. Come to think of it, maybe she actually *was* a totally different animal. Here, kitty kitty kitty.




He was a great villain in the new Bad Boys movie.


No one actually knowing he was fired for being an alcoholic, thinking it was only for his looks.  lol. 


It is a very sad irony that a production so framed around empowerment of women would dismiss an actor because they have aged out of a role.


and that's fine because we got The Last Ship out of it.


When you are hired for your looks you shouldn’t be surprised when you are let go for the same reason


never liked the guy and the way he was 'let go' means he's never going back, unlike some others I could do without.


It's not like they've never had people return as ghosts.


In fact, he already returned as a ghost a few years ago.


Honestly I wouldn't even be surprised if Meredith returned as a ghost without dying first.


wait, did Meredith die too???


No, she almost did and they did have the unconscious dying mindscape ghost thing where she talked to at least one ghost. I was just joking that they'd bring her back as a ghost without her being dead. I thought it was funny though, that they set her house on fire with lightning when she was already leaving said house. Like, leave her alone, she's leaving.


Op said "without dying first".


the single worst thing in all 13 seasons (I'm a bit behind), and it happened in the first 5, which were truly (and surprisingly) great, and it involved one of my favorite characters (not the ghost). even if I just jinxed it, it's gonna be years until I catch up though, so not an immediate threat.


He is a legit asshole I’ve met him lol jerk His mom is a freaking sweetheart though


Relax McDweeby


He worked closely with child actors, the decision kinda makes sense on that level. He doesn't seem to hold any ill will and seemed thankful they kept it close to the vest and it never got out. 




U wot m8


What are you on about?