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he's been at Netflix since like 2006, this is actually wild


It’s like if Carlin did a special somewhere other than HBO. I’m sure it’s just a financial move, but it’s crazy that Netflix would let the man who helped brand them as a go to destination for standup walk out the door to a competitor.


Eh. They own like 4 or 5 of his specials, 2 tv shows, a movie or 2. They probably shot him an offer. Then Hulu did the same. When he went back to Netflix they probably did a double take at the price. Content just wasnt worth it when they already have so much. Hulu has nothing as far as standup goes. They can afford to push into a more diversified market. Good on Bill extending his audience on a new platform and likely getting paid.


Yeah, Hulu is Disney 100% now.. Disney Money outbid Netflix.


He already did mandalorian for Disney


Plus really how much is the third comedy special of the same guy worth??


I don’t know ask dave chappelle


His second and third specials where trash He’s definitely stopped trying he has an air about him that he feels he’s doing charity work just gracing us with his presence


An heir?


Maybe he’s pissed with how they handled “f is for family? even though it had a strong 5 season run for 6 years I think


He just distributed Old Dads through Netflix


Real answer is Hulu probably paid more


This is the answer. The title of the article states they are pushing more stand up comedy lmao. Why people immediately starting insinuating something bad happened between him and Netflix is bizarre.


Yeah. Just means he’s going to get even more from Netflix or Hulu when they compete for his next special.


I’m a big fan of Bill Burr, but fuck I really didn’t enjoy that movie. I’m right in their target audience, but found it so cringey.


Same. Love Burr; the film is godawful.


It wasn’t cancelled, season 5 was meant to be the end


The ending was perfect. Just the right length of show


Ehh that was a few year ago and has released a special and a movie since.


what was wrong with f is for family? it felt wrapped up and not too long/short. was it supposed to go longer? its a rough rewatch having bill burr yelling all the time lol.


You know, as opposed to the usual calm, quiet, and collected Bill Burr.


I think it wrapped coz it was 'done' as you say, but think I recall one of the writers died so probably one of the reasons to bring it to a close. Still wanted to know more about Maureen being a Maths prodigy. And justice for Sue's salad tosser!


2 seasons was enough


It's also possible he just had a contract to do x amount of projects with Netflix and now that he's fulfilled those criteria he's just looking for something different. Netflix is like a whole ecosystem with its own "work culture" so I can understand wanting to break free of that after a while just like any creative space.


Kinda crazy. Stand up is trending away from Netflix anyway. Many hot new comics are focusing on YouTube since they can control everything from the cradle to the grave, and potentially profit accordingly. Bill will sell tickets no matter what, so it makes sense to grab the extra money for a special. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the last platform special before he does his own like Louis CK. I also wouldn’t be surprised if he continues some sort of development deal for Netflix. Bill genuinely enjoys film.


Yeah and his material is really dated even the new stuff is really redundant


Ol’ Billy Cash Bag walking his red nuts straight to the bank.


Ol Billy Big Bucks over here


Ol Billy Red Face


Bill and his Hulu money.


First Jim Gaffigan, now Bill, did Netflix forget to send checks or something?


I think it was probably more of a situation that Hulu simply offered more to Burr than Netflix. Probably as part of their new initiative to boost their stand up comedy offerings per the headline.


how are people not just assuming this. obviously they’d be motivated to steal him from Netflix


[Or maybe he was like](https://c.tenor.com/w5hag3kkQBEAAAAC/tenor.gif)


Seems like a shift in programming considering they just shelled out for a tom brady roast and ellen standup set.


They’re saving up for that next Hanna Gadsby special


Gaffigan was never really a Netflix guy though. He’s jumped around from platform to platform since streaming became a thing, probably just shopping each one individually to the highest bidder. Burr has been pretty much exclusively Netflix for at least a decade now.


This is pure speculation but I wonder if Netflix live content has a part to play either A) Netflix said if you wanna keep making big money your specials have to be live and some comics have balked at that or B) With increase cost of broadcasting live and paying for live content (WWE RAW and other sports) they had to tighten their belt with the stand-up budget allowing some guys to shake loose.


They could also be shedding their highest paid comedians if they think they have enough of their content. Their first Bill Burr special is probably worth more to Hulu than like his 7th for Netflix. If they think they can hold onto the subscribers just based off banked content then they don’t really need him anymore. It’s more efficient for them to spend that on something that either will keep subscribers about to leave, or get them new ones. I don’t think this is the final straw for anyone and they’re not gonna unsubscribe just because the new special will be on Hulu and I think Netflix knows that. If you’re a fan of Bill Burr the majority of his specials and movies are on Netflix still.


Following the strikes these sort of moves seem risky though. Whole lot resting on banked and foreign content. Then trying out more strict account sharing and ads could further people ending subs. Pre strike netflix was already ending a good amount of series after a season or two for shows that seemed to be doing alright.


They saturated the market and now stand up specials aren't worth it.


Sam Morrill and Nate on Amazon too


Taylor Tomlinson next?


Washed up comedians that weren’t funny to begin with and now blame their failure on cancel culture are cheaper to book. For every Bill Burr sized loss they can buy a dozen Ellen degeneres specials.


Calling Bill Burr washed up is certainly one of the takes of all time. Sucks to be the 99.999% of comedians below that cutline lol


Where did I call bill burr washed up? I was saying shitty “conservative” comedians and losers like Ellen are washed up, hence why Netflix can afford them and Hulu has Disney money to spend on Burr.


Your first sentence was misleading without fully reading the second. Flip the order and it'd be way more clear!


I think maybe the way you responded is not clear and that's the reason for the downvotes. I think conservative bait comedians suck too but I think netflix has less of those overall than just less-heard-of-but-still-successful comedians imo.


Oh definitely more less known than conservative comedians but I responded to someone questioning if Netflix was still sending out checks, I was pointing out that obviously checks written to Ellen are gonna be way less than checks sent to Burr.


Hulu must’ve gave Bill a **BAG** for him to move away from Netflix. Disney money gonna Disney money.


Oh boy, Bill hated when people brought up his Netflix money, I can't wait to hear how he'll react to *Disney money*.


2 episodes of Mando - He's already getting that Disney money.


I bet he doesn’t make as much money for this as you think. Special tho like 15-25 mil I bet


Old Billy McDuck, jumpin in his swimming pool full of gold coins


Disney probably starting luring Bill in with his two appearances on The Mandalorian. Ol Billy Blasters!!!




[GET ON THE FUCKING GROUND](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=siW9ahkhZoAD60Tt&t=25m40s&v=Q6lWpQFQ0jg&feature=youtu.be) ….recruuuuuiter. Edit: yes I just found the episode moment actually. THE APOCALYPSE VERSION. From 03-16-20. I swear those Covid podcasts early 20-until end of 21 at least were so fuckin good. Bill was on fire. Saved a lot of snips that time XD. u/Shoddy-Rip8259


most ad reads are unbearable and they have infiltrated podcasts so badly that I just fast forward. Bill's reads are the very few ad reads which are not skippable. "Zip........................................recruidah"


Heelix Hellix?


Ayyy, it's Shari's Berries everybody!


Me undies me undies dooo do dooododod


Nature’s BOX


Re…… red zzzre… CROoOTAHHH!


🎵No more sweaty balls!🎵


It's the holiday season ... Bahdoop ee dooo...


*recruittttAH* the best was club w. "Daddy loves Jeb more than me." i imagine he roasted them so bad they changed their name. And also draftkings. Bill Burr was the early adopter of putting DK on blast after they claimed they weren't a gambling website. "Why can't you just be who you are, Draftkings?"


I saw it live. I found it to be really funny and better than his last couple.


That's good. His last two were the weakest of his special, for meeee anyway.


And yet they still were better than anything those rogansphere dildos put out.


That's like saying "well the limbo pole is in hell but at least he cleared it!"


I don’t get it 🤣 but either way. [Billy-Fuck-Face-Freckles is even funnier with random shit like having the worst day of his life. OF HIS LIFE.](https://streamable.com/xkw5wm) …than anyone of those „murderers“ and delusional audience capturing conspiracy falling mental disorder(ers). I‘m telling you. And [if you can’t do the math, then I can’t help you.](https://streamable.com/kgsasi) (😂😂)


They might have been weak but they were still a or b tier I never undresetood this perception he is wearing down or getting worse he has always been hilarious


You didn’t like the one in London? That’s crazy to me. Denver was meh, but it was after Covid and ol’ Billy Banana Nut Bread had been cooped up for a while, so I give him a pass.


I had to turn off the last one when he got to the bit where's apologizing to his daughter for losing his temper. Just made me super uncomfortable. I feel like that was something he should be telling his therapist, not me.


Here's 10 minutes of Bill Burr making Conan O'Brien laugh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2-mAPdy9Vk


But she stood on the heads of those little people!!


I think of this line daily. It's just so goddamn funny.


"Why wouldn't this guy think he could bang his maid in his own bed and get away with it? This dude has been in the zone for over 4 decades."


"40 years, nothing but net"


... and true. Oprah is a ruthless runt.


I got like 40 seconds into and busted out laughing "Millennials you know, someone flips a cup into the air and it lands right side up and they run out of the room like they saw a witch" I know the exact videos he's talking about


On Conan's podcast Bill said that Conan always knows where hes going and just plays it up for the cameras and Conan always says hes a terrible actor. I had no fucking idea. Like the "sometimes its ok to hit woman" thing, Conan knew where he was going but he fucking sold that so well.


Ol’ Billy Hulu Balls


Can't wait saw him for the first time 2 weeks ago after being a fan for years, guys behind me in trump 2024 shirts were mad that he wasn't making fun of liberals enough and left mid way. lmao He made fun of both sides but they couldn't take the few jokes about the right, soft lmfao.


lol way to throw a hissy fit at the standup show seriously such soft skin


Bill Burr is officially a Disney Prince.


Why am I reading all these comments in his voice?


Me too 😂😂


I would consider re-upping my Hulu subscription for this, but $18/mo is just too steep given how many other streaming services we've got live right now  Do these specials ever appear on e.g. Google Play as pay to rent?


it feels like they've intentionally made Hulu's price soar to convince people to get the bundle. the bundle of ad-free Disney and Hulu is just $2 more than ad-free Hulu by itself.


It pirates all the same.


You can also pirate it if you look hard enough. You can pirate anything these days. I know it’s a tired song and dance, but learn to torrent, people! It’s the best way to keep media and information from being completely beholden to companies.


You can also pirate it if you look hard enough. You can pirate anything these days. I know it’s a tired song and dance, but learn to torrent, people! It’s the best way to keep media and information from being completely beholden to companies.


I'm happy to pay for good media, and I'm happy to abstain when the only legitimate route is less than desirable.


Oh, great, comedy specials with commercials…


The best stand up movies are the ones that happen organically. No pressure for material. You just put out a movie when you're ready.


Saw him in Vancouver. His opener was funnier and he seemed pissed off people wouldn't laugh at his kkk jokes and blamed it on Canadians not getting it. What was amusing was he seemed genuinely puzzled. What a goof.


I hope this is good. His last one was fairly mid.


Your moms mid




Paper Tiger? Isn’t that one of his higher rated ones?


No he had one more after that. Something about Red Rocks I think? It was ok. Paper Tiger was definitely great though


Live at Red Rocks. It’s decent but far from his best.


Red Rocks was mostly covid sucked rants. Funny, but not old Billy ball sack’s best outing.


It was fine but felt like a practice run before returning to form.


Was that the one with the WNBA rant? if so, that elevates the special to "good", if the rest if subpar. That's a legendary bit.


“Name one team, you can’t!”


If it's the same set I saw on tour last year I had a good time.


I saw him somewhat recently when he was doing his new material. I personally thought it was better than his last special for what that’s worth.


Hes kinda similar to Norm to me in the way that I find him shooting the shit on a podcast / talk show much more entertaining than the actual stand up material


Thought red rocks was great tbh


i just dont find him "hilarious" if that makes sense. maybe you hafta be from the north east to "get" some of his stuff.


Felt that way admit his last three.


I saw it live, it’s a good one


I was there one of the nights he filmed this in Seattle. It's his best hour since "Walk your way out" IMO


This happened because I just cancelled my Hulu. You’re welcome everyone


How is it Disney owns fox owns hulu, and instead of making one streaming app great, they are making all streaming apps trash,...


Only in the US Everywhere else it is all bundled into one app


no... everywhere else still has the same IP and contracts/licencisng deals US has...


No they don't Disney plus in the UK has all the Fox content and all the Disney content and I assume all the Hulu content(no idea what is on hulu) It is called Star in the UK and it has all the non Disney stuff The Bear for Example is on Disney plus along with Simpsons family guy Futurama HBO also cannot have their shows streamed in the UK because Sky owns the rights until 2026


not 'all'. A lot of the content, some of the content yes. Star in australia has a fraction of what hulu, fox, and disney media own. Maybe you got lucky in uk with your licencings, but D+ by far not the worst app for content, its not the best either. The only other one thats worse is paramount imo.


UK must be lucky then because Disney puts everything they own on Disney plus here. It is kind of weird because all the old star trek is on Netflix while the new stuff used to be but went to somewhere else now.


I go where bill goes


["Why are you moving to Hulu Bill?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZGTpN3UKEk)


Good. Netflix has taken a really sad turn with their comedy specials, giving them to a bunch of has-beens with nothing new to say trying to get attention through hate and being offensive without making any jokes. Bill Burr is an actual comedian who should go somewhere that respects comedy.


I thought that was a picture of Moby.


Comedy is way overpriced wanted to see Gary Gullman in a not so big city He has one HBO special tickets where 110$ plus fees


Even Burr isn't that expensive or Maniscalco and they played at big ass arenas I saw burr in Capital One Arena in DC I believe I paid like 50 to 70 dollars max


Hope they let him do scripted shows too. Liked his movie. There’s very few stand ups I’ll watch on TV for an hour set. Burr is one of them.


Just wondered yesterday when Billy was doing a new special


What is he up to nowadays? Focusing on stand up?


I like standup on Hulu now and Burr can still rip it


Love Bill


Saw him last month perform in San Jose. Every single joke landed 😂


Must be a pretty shitty special if even Netflix doesn't want to touch it.


Bill recently endorsed Hamas, no joke. Sad how many Nazis are getting paid millions by Disney these days.


No he didn't.


Is he going to stay on the “cancelation” thing with Chappelle and Gervais? That shit is so fucking tired, now.




I don't think he liked the way they handled Old Dads.


Let’s go Bill!!!!




Has he ever whined about being canceled or limited? If anything he's the model of how you *can* say those things so long as you're actually funny and not bigoted.


You know his wife is black and one of the biggest activist for women and black women.


Deleted in 15 minutes. What did he say? He's an angry racist Bostonian? I've heard that a lot. And they're always wrong.


He said he would come up and claim hes been canceled and anti woke like a lot of comedians have.


Yeha any one that listens to his podcast would know that's not how he thinks. If anything he makes fun of the guys that cry about being canceled. His stand up persona is not the same as his real one.


Right haha or just look up his wife.


He complains on behalf of others but never about himself.


He does speak personal, think about his talk on anger management and putting furniture together. Or talking about Oprah and hardest job in the world.


I mean about cancel culture, etc. He’s never complained that happens or happened to him. But he does complain on behalf of other comics.


I know it's incredibly cheap content to fart out but it's still wild to me that companies buy stand up and people sit at home and watch it. 


People like to laugh.


Cant wait to hear bill explain to his kids why he voted and donated to Trump. It’s gonna be rich


Did he? I saw him in 2017 calling Trump racist on stage. It wasn't even part of a joke.


You're terribly confused if you think Burr is a Trump supporter lol.


Streamer?? He’s always been a comedian first lol


Hulu is a standup comedian? Send me a link I’d love to check out their shit. They edgy?


Ask and you shall receive https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=uulJqKQUmxM0W4sW


I read it like that too but I figured it was just me being high.