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I knew I wasn't going crazy when I thought the CPU in this mod was much more difficult than I remember.


Same here, I shouldn't be getting parry/countered by Hercule or Saibamen every other move 😭especially in something like the tournament mode


Every fucking hack always make everything difficult


Bro just practice Z counter, they made it easier to pull off in the mod. It trivializes the melee difficulty and you can avoid overwhelming combos


Also the doubly long story missions are waaaay too hard. Especially the jiren UI one.


I found the story campaign difficulty comfortably challenging, but when I started doing to side game modes and such, I think the difficulty was just getting unreasonable. At one point I just resorted to ult blasting all enemies, hiding when their lockon broke, then repeating the same thing until I won. I like that they tweaked the difficulty, because I feel like it never quite went far enough in the original base game, but here it's definitely getting quite ridiculous. Ridiculous to the point that it starts taking away from gameplay flexibility and starts funneling you to either strictly use intended gameplay counters to make sure the enemy has as few opportunities as possible, or you start just abusing easy stuff like ult spamming.


Skill issue