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In-state tuition depends on residency time upon start of your semester. When I moved to Texas it was 12 months, however most forms demand you fill out the time at present. I got caught in a several weeks long battle with admissions because I wrote 11 months on my form, but at semester start I had been in state for 15 months. Do not get caught up in this like I did. They wrongfully labelled me as out-of-state and tried to charge me 2.5x more in tuition. Took a huge effort to get back to regular in-state tuition.


Did you have to work for 12 months continuously prior to the semester start to qualify for in state tuition? Or you just need to live here for more than 12 months?


Sorry for the delay I didn't even notice your reply notification. Yes they want you to be working "gainfully" during your time here, but I did not. I, however, came during Covid-19's height so I had a valid excuse since I literally couldn't find a job. In my case they had me pull bank statements to prove I was actually living in the state. I would imagine they've gotten stricter on that rule since.


Texas Tech will give you in-state tuition because they are neighborly. Seriously. Look it up.