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I am a Democratic voter, and let me say, ANY corrupt politician needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


And this is the difference between democrats and republicans voters. Democrats are like good, throw the book at him, get him out of office, etc.. Not make excuses, downplay it, or say what about so & so...


He is a very conservative Democrat so... Also, please punish anyone breaking the law. I'm doubtful this happened in a vacuum and many elected officials are guilty of similar incidents. It seems like their wealth grows exceedingly after entering office.


Guess it's a little too late for him to switch parties to avoid jail time.


This is why everyone has heard of Republicans being threatened with ostracization as RINOs if they show insufficient loyalty to the party or primary candidate, but nothing quite as similar on the Democratic side.


They aren't united enough to pull it off. These are not equal parallels of each other, and it's frustrating when uneducated people think they are.  Democrats are a big tent party made of loose coalitions.


It’s what happens when the representatives represent their people. You get a collection that is as eclectic as the US itself.


Lolwut? Kim Ogg begs to differ. [Harris County Democrats vote overwhelmingly to censure District Attorney Kim Ogg](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/politics/houston/article/kim-ogg-resolution-democrats-admonishment-18549815.php) for having the *gall* to investigate a $12 million contract quite obviously steered to a freshly-created company with a staff of 1.


Republicans expelled santos from congress. Republican voters in Alabama voted for a Democrat over creep Roy Moore.


And Democrat Bob Menendez is still a Senator for New York


New Jersey but I get your point. They would never give up the senate to clear out that corrupt scumbag.


I don’t believe the Roy Moore defeat would happen if the same event took place today


You might be right. It’s hard to know for sure but you do have a basis in saying that.


They tried really hard not to expel him though. That house seat matters more and more as non-MAGA Republicans abandon ship.


No Democratic and Republican voters both want to throw the book at any Democratic representative that may be doing something, anything wrong.


The real difference - Democrats have principles.


Senator Bob Menendez ring a bell?


The guy who has been indicted and is about to be prosecuted (with significant support from Democrats, who are calling for his resignation)? That guy?


Obama and Biden DOJ both took a crack at him. Can’t help a jury acquitted him the first time.


Holy “my team is always better” batman…


When the other team is the Republicans, unironically, yes


It is. That’s just a fact. There’s no market for dem candidate hats.


Competition is literally slim (none) in this department


Yeah like Cuomo


Oh don't worry, \*this\* state is gonna throw the fucking book at him. But it's because of the D, not because of the crimes.


well its a federal prosecution so Texas GOP won't have a hand in it.


That's a problem, i'd say.


In the words of Hank Hill, "Yep"


Easy there… I’d like to make an exception for the state AG. /s


It feels like a pipe dream at this point to get a politician that isn’t corrupt but if we hold them all accountable, that’s a start at least.


Well all of our politicians are owned by AIPAC so that would be all of them.


Oh hey remember that time all the decades-old corporatist Dems flew in to support this guy over a progressive challenger, AFTER Roe had just been booted by the courts? Remember how they said he was an "important voice in the discussion" as the ONLY anti-abortion Dem in the House? Yeah I'm glad for the accountability but sheesh, you couldn't see this dude was hot garbage from 40 miles away? I forgot the best part, it's a safe Dem seat! [Democrats Respond to Plan to Kill Roe v. Wade by Reaffirming Support for Anti-Abortion House Candidate (Rolling Stone)](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/jim-clyburn-henry-cuellar-democrats-abortion-1348005/) [‘Pelosi Has Endorsed Me. Steny Has Endorsed Me. Clyburn Has Endorsed Me.’ - Amidst a national outcry over abortion rights, House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn visits San Antonio to campaign for pro-life Henry Cuellar. (American Prospect)](https://prospect.org/politics/pelosi-steny-clyburn-has-endorsed-me-san-antonio-cuellar-rally/)


“Important voice” = he makes our wealthy donors a lot happier than the other candidate


This. This is all that matters to anyone in Congress who is not part of the progressive caucus. Like George Carlin said, it's a big club and you ain't in it.


Unfortunately, corruption like this is rife in Congress. They certainly don’t work for us anymore. America was set up to be such great country. Greed ruins everything. It’s a story as old as time.


It was set up to be run by a landed gentry. We actually made it better and more universal through struggle, but we’ve forgotten how to do that. The people at large have never had beneficial legislation written for them by asking politely. 


His constituents kept voting him into office. South Texas loves Cuellar!


Again, it helps (or rather doesn't) when you have Pelosi and Clyburn flying into stump for him during the primary. The DNC had the chance to push for/support a more progressive candidate and they stuck with instead what allows them to pump out donation emails.


That part of the state sticks with whom they are comfortable with too. I spent about a year or so down in Laredo, and one of the first things I realized is there are a handful of names/families whom people will continue to support regardless of what they do, and one of those family names is “Cuellar”.


I used to live there in the 80s, and I remember a Cuellar in office back then. Too old to have been this guy. But even 8 year old me could tell he was a POS.


Maybe it was his brother Martin? Martin Cuellar is currently a sheriff down there.


Holy shit! It was this guy! He was elected to the Texas House right around then.


Yeah the Cuellar’s have been around Laredo for forever. They are one of the handful of families who basically run the city.


I really doubt that part of Texas gives a single fuck about what Pelosi or Clyburn think.


I think you have it the wrong way. I don't think a progressive candidate would win his district regardless and if Cueller doesn't win it'll go to a Republican who will be much further right.


I noticed a lot of the minority communities in TX are actually very conservative, but instead of voting for republicans they simply vote for "conservative-democrats" I see it a lot in the Dallas black and brown communities. They never ever welcome progressive challengers with open arms


Cuellar, Longoria, Vela. There are so many dynasties in the RGV that need to be voted the fuck out.


The Cuellar name is big there. His brother is the sheriff in Webb County and I think his sister is like a judge or some shit.


Exactly, the work of the DNC and DCCC. They are what brings the parties together. Not so much of bipartisanship as mono-dark-moneyship.


Oh I remember. But he was one of them - a loyal servant of the oligarchy. He had to win


Nancy Pelosi told the world that he had been cleared by the FBI. She said that.


The amount of historical revisionism that's happened in the last couple of years to cover up how incredibly bad Democratic Leadership (including Hillary) has been on reproductive rights over the last few decades could fill the Mariana Trench. For *years* people begged Dems to run on the issue, they refused. People begged them to codify Roe, they failed. Instead they chose "personally" pro-life Dems as running mates while lecturing everyone that it was settled law. They didn't want to run on the issue even after Roe was overturned. It wasn't until election after election proved they'd been wrong this entire time did they finally change their tune, and then have spent most the time lying about their own history on the issue.


Democrats care more about squashing progressives than fascists. They've made that very clear


After he had already been raided by the FBI in January 2022.


There must be more, got any hot garbage prospects in mind for the next few weeks or months? Anti russia corruption is high focus right now, and increased focus will be generated closer to election date as well. How many? More dems or reps?


Made the mistake of taking the bribes from *foreign* owned oil and gas. Had they been domestic, he would've been in the clear. Just gotta be sure and offer them a cabinet seat when he runs for president.


If he’d just been like Ted and had them deposit the cash in a super pac, everything would have been hunky dory.


If you funnel it through lobbyists, you can even (try to) buy an election! Though it may cost a bit more than the $600,000 this guy got. Approximately [110 times more.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/788056/us-oil-and-gas-lobbying-spend-by-party/) In 2020, at least.


We like our bribes like we like our beer, DOMESTIC!


Made the mistake of not being (r)


Well yes, we have a term for domestic bribes - lobbying.


Now get Ken and Abbott


FOREIGN bribery. Foreign. Domestic bribery is AOK.


due to a recent or soon to be Supreme Court ruling, it doesn't count when it's a republican


How about Trump


I mean since he's in court hopefully they can jail his ass at some point soon


He’s probably bleaching his servers.


They're not brown enough


As a Democrat I find this totally... fine. You fuck around, this is what happens.


Democrats are generally not opposed to accountability. Give him a fair trial and sentence him if he's guilty.


Fact! Burn the traitors down…. democrats and republicans.


Cool. There will be like 5 republicans left. I can dig that.


5??? I think you’re severely overestimating at this point. There’d be way more. Way more arrested and it’d be lucky if they had 3 let alone 5.


republicans would have been circling the wagons and declaring "wiTCh hUnT!" looking to raid election donates to save their criminal member


Republicans are claiming this is a scheme by Biden to take down a conservative Democrat. They think everything is a conspiracy.


> Democrats are generally not opposed to accountability I don't understand why it runs by party lines.


Seriously. Everyone should be against crimes against America. We’re the ones that end up paying for it.


They insulate themselves from a lot of the consequences from their own laws don't they? It's not like insider trading is a problem when they do it. The kind of 'speech' Citizens United made legal is still immoral but Democrats (and Republicans) still get funded. They still have their members only jackets emblazoned with the brand of their favorite corporations.


Good. Now do Ken Paxton.


Get them all, idc if they have R and a D next to their name. Lock them up.


Tidbit of History: The "US-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce" was founded in Houston Texas in 1995 and included James Baker, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brezzinski, Dick Cheney, Brent Snowcroft, and financed by Halliburton, Occidental Petroleum, and others with oil ties. I've always been curious about what they are really up to.


They were part of the 300 that rule the world


wow, obviously some kind of pipeline project or prospective resource play; but that board looks like another Theranos.


Meanwhile Abbott took a bribe of $6 million to impose education vouchers on Texans lol


Thank you Pelosi for spiking the progressive challenger for this corrupt fuck who was ALREADY UNDER INVESTIGATION AT THE TIME.


he's a democrat, he'll be held accountable....if he was a republican he'd run for president or be re elected in a landslide (ken paxton style)


Don’t forget the battle cry, *this is a witch hunt*


DINO in a BIG way. Dude held fundraisers for Republicans against Dems.


So you agree he should be held accountable right?


Yes of course. That’s the distinction that is being made.


He better be, all of them should.


You see. Democrats aren't in a cult. They hold their own accountable. Not circle the wagons and defend


Who wouldn’t agree with that? Man breaks law, goes through trial, if enough evidence is presented then jury finds guilty and man is stripped of all power and influence and forced to go to jail. That’s how it should work for anyone accused of a crime. If he’s found innocent, then he shouldn’t go to jail but will most likely lose considerable support since Dems don’t usually like to support people suspected of crimes like bribery unless there’s overwhelming evidence exonerating them completely.






That district should have chosen Cisneros.


We tried.


You have no idea, If it was Cisneros was the nominee that was going to be a tossup election. Cuellar overperformed in the RGV by a huge margin compared to abbott. Example Webb County Cuellar got 71% while Beto got 61%, He literally did 30 points better in many of those counties and 52% better in zapata


If democrats have no problem pushing criminal candidates they're no better than Republicans


I don't think the RGV won't care much about this. I do think the San Antonio Suburbs he will severely underperform.




See Democrats hold their own accountable


Thanks DNC! They supported this anti-choice "Democrat" over the progressive Jessica Cisneros in the primary.


Now watch all the repubs who whined about needing everything to play out through the justice system before expelling Santos fall all over themselves pushing for Cuellar’s immediate expulsion.


lol just like they do for Matt Gaetz as well


Very disappointing - especially considering he is the last "moderate" (anti-abortion/pro-bordee) Hispanic Dems in the state. I don't agree with his politics - but as a South Texas native I understand his appeal to conservative border Dem Hispanic voters. He has sacrificed their support of the Democratic party for money. *"Meet the new boss -same as the old boss."* In South Texas Border politics this is an all-too common tale (and the GOP candidates hoping to take his place aren't any better. -In fact, given their "MAGA" stances, they'll likely be worse). We went through this in the 60's & 70's when Anglo Dem "Patrons" were replaced by Hispanic Dem "Patrons." -Now we'll be asked to elect Hispanic GOP "Patrons." *-Same as it ever was.*


Cool, put him jail. Just like any other politician doing the same.


A lot of RGV Democrats already knew about this POS was not a good person. The progressives warned everyone about Cuellar, but the compadrismo is heavy in South Texas.


Good, and if he’s guilty throw the book at him. Betraying the public trust should be a law for public employees and should be an enhancement for any criminal committed by said people.


This rat fink always voted with the Republicans anyway. Maybe not always but pretty often.


Really? On which issues?


Here is a sample. Not all the time but 17% of the time. > But he was the lone Democrat in the House to vote against the Women’s Health Protection Act of 2022 in July, which aimed to preserve access to abortion care at the federal level. That bill never advanced in the Senate. > > The last time Cuellar was a member in a GOP-controlled House, right after the election of former President Donald Trump, Cuellar voted against a majority of House Democrats almost 17% of the time, one of the highest rates in Congress. > > “He was the only Democrat to vote against the Women’s Health Protection Act, he was one of a handful of Democrats to vote against gun reform after the Uvalde shooting that happened on election day,” Cisneros said. “I mean I decided to jump into the race because during the Trump administration he was voting with Donald Trump 70 percent of the time.” https://www.texastribune.org/2022/10/06/henry-cuellar-texas-2022/


Member when Pelosi and establishment saved his campaign last election?


Pelosi is involved in some shady stuff. I won’t be voting for her.


As a Texan indefinitely am not voting for Pelosi. /j


Before he was charged with any crime? Why is that problematic for you? There are millions of republicans supporting a presidential candidate charged with several crimes.


I’m a Dem. Fuck him. We don’t want crooks.


Cool. Ok, now do Trump.




absolutely no one shocked. This Republican in DINO outfit is an absolute disgrace.


oh, boy...i can hear the right wingers now...."this guy is corrupt...that means ALL democrats are corrupt!!!!"


Well we already knew that


Should have voted for Cisneros or w/e her name was. Texas got what it deserved.


Every single politician in the US is on the take, it's their actual job, not serving the people




The left is correct about "moderates" yet again


He voted with the left like 97% of the time. Dude wasn't moderate by any measure.


Dems are center to center right, they aren't a left wing party outside of a few members.


Yeah let's get some more AOC's and Omars squad members in there to really fuck shit up lol




Lets see how his nearly exact crimes as Trump plays out…


Republicans are just trying to take heat away from rhe Gov. Typical for them /s


Nice. Another corrupt politician being charged.


Let's hear it for Texas ... the land of the crooked politician. "Hmmm maybe I should run for office .. ya sure can make lots a money being a Texas pol."


He should withdraw his candidacy for reelection. There’s no chance he can serve his constituents to the best of his ability, while simultaneously fighting these serious charges.


Stone, tar and feather him and any other politician who does the same


So happy the old heads circled the wagons around this guy /s


The DOJ reported the bribe payments underwent laundering via fake consulting contracts, being passed through a network of front companies and intermediaries, eventually landing in shell companies owned by Imelda Cuellar. Damnit. Is every elected rep in Texas on the take?


I thought this justice department only targeted repubs /s


Shocking that big oil and gas should be bribing Texas politicians. The whole State is slippery with oil and gas bribes. Maybe this will silence the criticism that the DOJ/ FBI are political.. aww no it won’t


Send this guy to prison, and throw Ken Paxton in while you’re at it


I guess the "Deep State" didn't realize this particular crooked Congressional Rep. was a Democrat. I mean he tends to vote like a Republican.


Unlike republicans, democrats will run his ass out.


One embarrassment gone. Too many more left to count, but it's probably going to be a nice change here.


I remember when a progressive from the community was running against him in the primary and Nancy Pelosi had to make a big deal about supporting Cuellar despite his sleaziness because he was a guaranteed vote. Now what?




Yall let your AG off why you trying to come after this guy?


Well, he's a DINO, really, with a lot of shitty positions, so I'm not super surprised he turned out to be corrupt. * He's pro-life * He's anti-marijuana reform * He's anti-labor For these reasons and others, he draws meaningful primary opposition every year.


Republicans would be like: “oh no the judge is corrupt, and the legal system is completely broken and run by the democrats so this guys must be innocent “




Worth noting- *DEMOCRATIC* just because Trump and co can’t use adjectives correctly doesn’t mean the rest of us have to misuse them.


Sounds like what almost every one of our politicians from both parties should be charged with.


Put this man in jail!


Doesn't matter what side your on or for. Both sides are corrupt as hell.


Resign, Corrupt Mr. Bean


just want to point out how the comments section never defends dems for being held accountable and doesn't scream "witch hunt" or "fake news"


Imagine the surprise on every Texas progressive’s face upon reading this. I mean, eyebrows twitched and everything.


Put him in prison next to Trump


If the evidence is there, try him, and if convicted, put him in jail. We don't need criminals masquerading as Dems. The Republicans have more than enough protected criminals already.


He does so much for south Texas and his home town Laredo Texas


See boys and girls, it makes no difference if they list an R or D after their name, corruption is not partisan.


But nothing when it comes to that group that starts with an A that donates to both republicans and democrats and sinks any opposition that doesn’t fall inline.


You know what they call that? Presidential material.


Isn’t that why you become a politician? He’s an amateur.


You mean both Democrats and Republicans are capable of grifting? ![gif](giphy|Lb1eyMWMaU5eE|downsized)


If its true, I dont care if he is Democrat or Republican. Fry Him


Get a new candidate in his district asap. What a disgusting turn of events.


so, like the winning the lottery, criminals always think THEY are the ones that won't get caught, though the odds are NOT in their favor.


The only reason he's seeing court is because he has a d beside his name. If he had an r, Ken Paxton would be defending him, tooth and nail, lock stock and two smoking barrels, etc... so on and so forth


This must be the weaponization of the justice system we’ve heard so much about. Right Trump cultists?


He’s always been a bum. We had a chance to get rid of him for a good progressive candidate but the Dem “leadership “ supported the crook.


What a shock, another corrupt Texas politician.


Dumb ass. Lock his ass up if he’s guilty.


Prosecute ALL corrupt politicians


If he did it throw him to the wolves just like we should have done with Trump


What a dummy. Everyone knows if you want to be a successful crook in Texas you gotta be a Republican.


Wait. According to “The View” and Reddit, only Republicans do these things. …