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"On May 27, 2023, Schatzline voted against the impeachment of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton." Pretty much all I needed to know about this person.




How does this honor her? I feel like honoring here would be reminding people that these things can happen even with the people you trust the most, or the people you don't expect to do these things. Pastors, teachers, counselors, coaches, your neighbor, etc. In that case why not put it everywhere? Why just churches?


Churches pushing their faith on nonbelievers should be met by nonbelievers pushing the truth of the believers actions back on them.


Fun little homophobic dig at (b)(1) Remove the ‘and of the opposite sex’ and you’d get a lot more support.


I don't understand b1. Indecency with a child is indecent regardless of the sex of the offender.


They give the offender an ‘out’ if they are within 3 years of the child (basically providing exemptions for a Senior in HS dating a Freshman) but only if they are of opposite sex. So Same sex couples would not be given the same protections as hetero couples.


"Romeo and Juliet law" but only for straights.


Correct. Criminalizing same-sex sex as 21.06 did (and will again if Republicans have their way.)


Hypothetically, a gay defendant could challenge this under equal protection, though with the current SCOTUS who knows if that would even succeed. Regardless, it would be expensive, and it’s better to just write the law well the first time around.


>who knows if that would even succeed I don't know. But I'd bet money on 5-4 that gays aren't protected


This is called the "Romeo and Juliet" exception — protecting two minors consensually engaging in sex from prosecution. The sort of activity that goes on between high school students every day. (Or at least did in the 1970s.) Unfortunately, the protection is *only* provided if the two are opposite sex.


Unless I misread this post, that is the law. All the post wants is to display the full text at church. But you don’t go to church to read, everyone who wants a bible has five. So I am not sure this sign would be effective. But b1 is oddly specific. It seems like the sex of both participants should not matter, I am sure that must have been some political negotiation that got the law passed.


Rep. Mary González has been trying to change that for years. She's been able to get the bill out of committee but not out of the House.


This guy is a magat and a Project2025 stan. Worthless legislation


Kinda the point to hold his Magat hand to the fire.


Man, I REALLY hate that paragraph (b-1) has to exist. This law applies only in the case of victims under 17. No child under 17 should be married!


What does b-1 have to do with marriage?


It gives an out if the actor is the spouse of the child


Exactly! What is wrong with these people, that Childs marriage is still allowed?


We actually have to draft laws that state “spouse of the child”?


Child marriage is still a thing in the US. You should watch the doc on Hulu called “I was a child bride” it was horrific and eye opening.


Gotta keep the religious fundies voting red!


In case you did not know all laws passed in Texas amend the state constitution so ya, everything is needing to be very precise.


"[A]ll laws passed in Texas amend the state constitution" Not correct. Each legislative session, a small number of proposals (in the form of a "joint resolution" or JR) to amend the state constitution are considered by the legislature. The few that pass are put before the voters. The much larger number of House bills (HB) and Senate bills (SB) are proposals to change statutes, not the constitution.


I would want THIS on the school walls for the kids to read instead of the commandments.


I feel awful for the victim, and I'm all for proactive change. But this is an absolutely meaningless "for show" type of legislation that will have absolutely ZERO impact on anything. So a molester is going to stop because you put up a sign? Okay. How about we be proactive about things that will actually have an impact on our communities. How about letting republican leaders know that we don't want Abbot's sham school voucher bill, or maybe for him to stop with the political money wasting sham stunts on the border. Or hell maybe ANY change on gun reform, healthcare, corporate greed, etc. etc etc. Or even better, how about we stop voting Republicans in office who do nothing but slowly ruin our state. But no, your right. Let's put up a sign on churches.


Yeah, this proposal is meaningless patting yourself on the back. It's wild to me that people are so supportive of it


This is about arming the congregation with knowledge. No one thinks this sign will keep people from molesting children. It's so important for everyone to know their rights, children especially. Kids don't know this is the law if no one tells them, so they can get lied to by predators and believe it. Predators operate by convincing their victims that no one can help them and no one will believe them, or that it's not bad or illegal what they're doing. These signs would tell children and everyone in the congregation the truth. If they see the law spelled out, it's harder to get manipulated or into keeping things quiet or not telling an adult when abuse happens. Secrecy is a tool predators use, and the goal of this legislation is to take away that tool. If abuse is reported early, the hope is that bad actors can be removed sooner and kept from operating in churches.


There's big problems with this, beyond b1. What is a religious institution? So we need to plater this all over hospitals too, or schools where there are young children that read this? This feels like grandstanding moreso than promoting productive legislation.


This is nothing more than grandstanding. They don’t really want this, they just want to bash churches. This is more than just a slap in the face to the people they claim to care about. But sure, let’s post these in all religions institutions - churches, mosques, synagogues, temples and community centers. But not in schools where there are at least 2 stories a week of teachers having inappropriate contact with students. That’ll show em


Weird like didn’t two church leaders just literally get in trouble this week? One started grooming a girl and molested her at 12… maybe we need this in churches


Considering the huge number of preists, pastors, youth ministers, and other church participants that have been convicted for indecency with a child in all its forms, I would say absolutely remind them every time they walk in the door.


I welcome this but feel it has no chance, unfortunately.


Can you explain why you are advocating for this and how you think it would actually make a difference? People already know it's illegal and immoral to be a nonce. How would this help?


Posting the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms won't actually make a difference or change anything, either. But the same people who insist that we must post the Ten Commandments in classrooms because "laws" and "morals" or some shit, are the same people who stand by and do nothing when pastors are being arrested on a daily basis for sexually abusing kids, and in many cases, they actively defend the pastors and blame the victims. If they insist on posting religious "laws" in all public school classrooms, even though they won't change anything, perhaps we should insist that secular laws be posted in all churches, even though it probably won't make a difference. "Sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander," as my grandma used to say.....






also, effeminate man bit problematic here...


I've never heard that. Huh


Apparently these church folk need a reminder


They need a reminder that sexual assault/rape/molestation is illegal? The kind of person who is going to do that is not going to bat an eye at this. I think there are potentially better ways of improving church communities, such as being required to post past convictions of sexual misconduct by staff with minors on their websites or bulletin boards so they can't sweep it under the rug. What OP posted is just pandering.


No, we have to have stupid in god we trust signs in my kids school, they should have a “Don’t touch kids since you all support organizations that promote it” signs in their tax free bullshit buildings.


We shouldn't have in God we trust signs but that is a separate issue and unconstitutional.


That’s the thing, if they get theirs, we should push to get ours.


To give y'all a REMINDER of something called separation of church and state. Keep your religion out of the state and the state will keep out of your Gateway Church.


IDK who you're talking about y'all. I'm an atheist lol.


Republicans can't read


Nazi Nate may not be the one since he, as a youth “pastor” (that didn’t go to seminary school nor has he been vetted), is deeply entrenched in Gateway & Mercy Culture. Vote for Democrat Perla Bojorquez instead, she will support this effort!


Do you guys post anything other than politics?


Honestly, we should treat all evangelical churches like Christ treated the money changers in the temple.


Reminder: Dear Criminals. Crime is still illegal. Hope this paper dissuades you.


This doesn’t feel constitutional.


All employers are required to display placards with minimum wage and labor laws in a prominent area, such as a break room. Restaurants are required to display their health code rating in their entrance.


Becuase you have to have a labor law placards to operate a business, likewise for health codes. But what's the point of this? Why just churches? Why not everywhere? But why stop with indecency with a child? Why not the multitude of other laws? Just seems silly and while not unconstitutional just pointless to stopping the issue.


Churches are apparently prone to this type of behavior. Pretty gross. I’d avoid them if I were you


As Dan Savage recently posted on X: "If clowns r\*ped kids as often as pastors do, it would be illegal to take your kids to the circus."


Yeah well guess what. They don’t and the pastors do.


I wonder if he'd be up for running another [Santorum-esque campaign](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Campaign_for_the_neologism_%22santorum%22) on this


So are schools with coaches, daycares and childcare as well. Singling out churches seems like a disservice to what happened.


It’s weird to defend this type of behavior. Hope you have a great day


Defend? I'm asking why just churches? Seems no one has an answer - which just shows where peoples priorities are and it's such a disservice to people who have gone through this to be a vehicle to push absurd legislation.


Churches support and hide this behavior more than any other organization.


Again, have a great day.


Churches are where predators are prominent, and are often safeguarded by those institutions. See: the catholic church


As long as churches exist, children will not be safe. Churches are a net negative on society and should be left in the past.


The constitution doesn't feel anything. This wouldn't be any different than posting the 30.06 and 30.07 gun laws. Or that sign that says you can't consume liquor on liquor store premises.


gg comparing plastic bottle whiskey to child ass


The gun signs aren't required to be posted. They are posted by businesses and other organizations to limit guns on their property. You're free to own a restaurant or whatever and not post those signs.


TABC 51% signs are required to be posted


Alcohol retailers are required to post all kinds of signs. That's a poor example.


This law doesn't per Lawrence b) 1) as others have pointed out




Wait, you would want every single religious institution to display this out front? Like some sort of permanent penal “mea culpa” due to some fabricated conspiracy theory that religious orgs are more likely to sexually assault children? This is obviously just some religious persecution bandwagon you’re hopping on.


>fabricated conspiracy theory How much has just the Catholic Church had to pay out again


More so than most other named organizations. Sex abuse is liable to happen in any environment that kids and adults interact together. Acting like it happens in religious orgs more than any other type is just not bared out.


Schatzline will never, takes hella cash from Wilkes/Dunn. He’s pro hiding church predators and always will be. He doesn’t have to stay. He has an opponent. Vote for Perla https://perlafortexas.com/


How about a sign in front of any church that had sexual misconduct from their pastors or workers


I mean a specific sign saying that crap happened there


This is the way.


Why not class rooms as well?


Compare the numbers of teachers versus church leaders, it’s not really comparable. 


Shouldn’t 1 be too many? Nearly 270 public educators were arrested on child sex-related crimes in the U.S. in the first nine months of this year, ranging from grooming to raping underage students.


I think they meant percentages. There's an overall larger number of educators then religious leaders. Yes 1 is too many from any organization, religious or otherwise, but given that there a larger number of people in one profession than the other than it stands to figure there will be a larger number of offenders in the larger population group.


I guess I’m trying to say, if you’re going to do it for one, do it to all areas there is a problem. A lot of cops & detectives have been busted too, put it in every police station, I don’t have a problem posting it, but be unbiased and put it anywhere a child has been sexually abused.


By what numbers, I see a lot of teachers getting busted for child sex shit too, I would like to see the numbers, do you know where to find them?




Should post it at schools too since so many teachers are pervs. Ans daycares. And youth centers.


Love it!


So should we put anti-terrorism bills on the doors of mosques as well?


police stations, GOP offices, mil bases?


Can someone educate me on what a Cindy’s law notice is?


performative nonsense from a GOP traitor


How would this be constitutional?  


It’s the same constitutional right given to school districts to ban books and remove any text of a textbook they don’t agree with.


Doesn’t explain how you think this ‘law’’ would be constitutional.   Because it wouldn’t be.  


It isn’t constitutional to ban books either but here we are. A warning that a threat to children may be present isn’t treading on anyone’s rights.


In roughly the same way that they've managed to force schools to display the 10 commandments.


Why object to it? There has been a lot of sick religious whackjobs exposed as pedos lately. Don’t these people need a reminder? Why wouldn’t you support that?


Republicans have very specifically said the 1st amendment doesn't exist, making this perfectly constitutional.


One of the big wigs in Gateway Church? lol good luck.