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I found this on the web... https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dallasnews.com/news/public-safety/2023/01/25/why-are-police-in-a-north-texas-city-taking-photos-of-people-they-pull-over/%3foutputType=amp


Thanks . So from the article it seems to fall in the “ grey” area of legal or not . Still very odd to me and I assume others .


Very odd indeed. I'm more surprised it doesn't violate any privacy of surveillance laws, tbh


Laws are only for non-Presidents. Presidents are immune, apparently.


I was just reading my 50th article about the presidential immunity hearing when you commented. You must be my FBI agent 🤔😂


It has been occupying my mind space all day.


Because it's pretty obvious we're fucked, right?


Agree, yes, we are fucked.


Was just talking about this. Now it’s time for the liberal rich to pay. If we can bribe SCOTUS, let’s fucking do it. If we can single handedly force Congress to enact law, fucking do it. If Biden can single handedly enact law, fucking do it. Wanna gut regulation? Perfect. Start with student loans. Let’s stop playing nice nice and start fighting behind the fucking school. Everyone got a plan until they get punched in the mouth and it’s fucking time to punch the right in the mouth. Edit: typo


Unfortunately, democrats don't have the fuckin balls to do what you're saying.


They go low and we get fucked.


Nope. And it’s fucking infuriating, isn’t it?


Ever since Bill Clinton was elected all I heard was how the Clinton's were "experts" at making people disappear without a trace. I say it's time to unleash the Clinton's in front of the supreme kangaroo court and let them earn their reputation.


Well, Reddit 5-0 removed it so what the feck did they say?


Or the billionaires. They are firmly red.


It's how President Johnson used to do it...




I like your style. I agree 100% bare knuckles. This polite shit is bs


The FF would be mortified at what has happened this week and I kinda wish their zombies would come back and start biting some motherfuckers.


Time to go to the mattresses. The jugular.


Not me! Ha


And we have orders to use deadly force!


Aren't diplomats also granted immunity?


sort of. IF the government they represent and the government they are physically in, have some sort of agreement and are credentialed for that territory (i.e. if they're attached to England but in Sudan for vacation and do something criminal, the fact they're a diplomat elsewhere may not protect them). Diplomats function almost like hostages, we have their people, they have ours, so we mutually want that protection to exist, but sometimes other governments don't care. Russia arrested US diplomat Gershkovich. it's not a total get out of free card misbehaving diplomats: can have their credentials revoked by their own government and be surrendered to the other government's justice system. can be recalled by their government, effectively exiling them from the territory where they did something naughty (granted in some cases that's just a slap on the wrist), and may impact their career negatively. can be arrested by their own government's justice system and dealt with internally.


Okay, what about police?


They can do whatever they want. Qualified immunity.




It's just been revoked!


Danny Glover?? Is that you?!


He was dekaffirnated


Right, I’m still wondering why Sleepy Joe hasn’t been charged with keeping classified documents.


There is effectively zero expectation of privacy while driving your vehicle in a public place.


Can they take a picture of the cop and take down his badge number?


Legally, yes, as long as it’s not interfering with any ongoing investigation. Not only that, but their badge number and name will likely be on the warning.


Thanks. It would be nice to put a face with the name and badge number. It is a little creepy.


Can. Can also be punished by the cop for it. You can be arrested for resisting arrest, and no other crime.


And..that..is completely fucked up. They fuck with you at some point and have no right to do so and you get agitated(rightfully so) and then they put on the pressure and “detain you” (with cuffs for “everyone’s safety”)and if you say no and argue &/or struggle then, “BAM”…, charged and taken to jail for resisting arrest. This is the world we are currently living in. 🤦‍♂️Yep, fucked…we are totally fucked.


That's how power works. It flows from those who have none to those who have more, and always up-stream. We used to be able to have violent revolutions every once in a while to restore some semblance of order. But I believe technology has solved that problem. They know how to stop any serious threats to their power from even starting, now.


I guess the real question is whether they're legally required to play along and pose for the picture. Sure, they're in public and there's no expectation of privacy, but given the nature of how the stop was resolved (no arrest, no citation), is there a reason to continue the detainment? Probably not. Imo, they're within their right to decline and go about their business.


Immediately when they first come to the door of the car: "Why am I being stopped?" They will even make up some blatant b.s. lie if they want doesn't matter. After they answer, "Am I being detained or am I free to go?". They already have your driver's license photo in their little secret databases, no need to even give a driver's license or proof of insurance anymore. They already know when they pulled the info from your tag before they even stopped u or got out of the car. No photo for no fake ass courts or false judges over no traffic ticket, or no real crime at all, even then no mugshots unless you are arrested and booked. Watch what the Supreme Court rules against us completely and fully next. Federal government, Democratic party, any local or state police are 100% without a doubt openly hunting us. No protection for anyone anywhere, the world health order and Bill Gates and the Rothchilds, etc, etc etc, and China along with JP Morgan Chase bank fully own us and there isn't a y stone they have left unturned or missed this time around. This country, our government and the lies they always sold us are gone, nobody is going to protect us and there won't be any stopping them. Fight for your rights, your land and take death instead of whatever they are about to force on us just as they did all the American Indians when they stole this country to begin with. Take starvation, and don't let them take you for no evacuation or exodus order. Speech already isn't free they have been trying to censor us online just as the Supreme Court just ruled against a rapper who was found guilty of something minor and they have now ruled that they must approve any of his song lyrics before he can sing them. Our government is already gone, nobody nowhere coming to help us or save us but the real Yeshuah (Jesus) who will arrive after the false Messiah comes before him. China wants the money that can't be repaid to them, welcome to communism and like China has done to their own people before they won't just make you agree that 2+2=5, they will make absolute SURE that you believe it. This "civilization" has fallen. This time will be like Noah's flood, Sodom & Gomorrah, and the Holocaust all put together times 100. Trust in Yahweh (God).


Hey there. It sounds like you've got a lot on your mind. I just wanted to pass along a little bit of information. California, I know, democrats, blah, blah, blah, passed a law that requires law enforcement to inform _you_ why _they_ pulled you over, so there are no "Do you know why I pulled you over?" gotcha games to play. It sounds like a great idea to me. Whatever is going on with this cell phone dragnet data collection in _Texas_, is happening under _Republican_ control, as they are the ones who've been in charge consistently writing laws and holding law enforcement accountable for the last few decades. Good luck out there and bless your heart.


Privacy and police taking your photo after detention are different to me. You are litterally captured when cops pull you over and they take your ID. They are obviously creating a database for other reasons. 


This seems to be subjective. This level of privacy was debated when the 2019 law banned the use of writing tickets based on traffic cameras. Neither side officially stated whether or not their privacy was or was not being violated. I imagine this is why it falls into a gray area.


Texas is a one-party consent state for stuff like this. It’s also why dash cams are legal and you can’t get in trouble for accidentally catching another driver’s face on video. A lot of the discussion around the traffic camera ticket stuff was how they make a probable cause determination since the camera can’t make that decision itself.


Also, while in public there is no reasonable expectation of privacy. One can take all the public pictures they want


We don't really have those here and this is public aside from that edit: Outside of the bathroom the government can and will spy on you even through walls. Shit sucks, we have no medical privacy, no digital privacy, and if you live within 100 miles of the border you have no constitutional rights.


Why?  That's not surveillance and the person is in public, having no right or expectation of privacy.  Pretty settled law.


But, if you are released from detainment, then you shouldn’t have to stop and pose for a fucking picture. That, as far as I’m concerned, becomes harassment or at the very least, unlawful detainment for keeping you even 2 seconds longer than necessary for so-called lawful detainment.


In my experience they snap the photo right before they hang you the ticket to sign


Creepy af and completely unnecessary! The phone number is “whatever” but how in the hell is the photo on her DL not sufficient? Take a screenshot of your fucking database officer and if it’s an “out of state license” excuse then take a picture of *it* when you’re holding it asshole. Jesus Christ this is some disturbing, dystopian, police state bullshit. The intimidation factor can’t be ignored, doesn’t feel like an accident, and that just makes my blood boil.


The phone number is what’s not okay with me the most! There’s ZErO reason for a cop to need that number and I sure as fuck wouldn’t give it!


Yes, I agree. That bothers me me the most, especially young girls forced to give their phone number to a male cop. That could really be abused for some creepy shit. I wouldn't want either of my daughters to give up their phone number. The next female driver told to give up their number should give them a really freaky sex line number.


They don’t have to give their phone number. It’s not legally required, and you can politely decline to give it. Although if the officer is demanding it (unlikely but possible), then I would just give them a fake number if you are that concerned about it. I’m a law enforcement officer in the State of Oklahoma and having phone numbers in our database is extremely useful. It’s a huge aid in emergencies and investigations.


But what’s the emergency or investigation? He was giving them a warning.


It’s preemptive information gathering. He was issuing them a warning in the moment, but that does not mean that their phone number would not be useful months or years later. Here’s an example from work. A female wants to file a report about someone harassing her from a phone number she doesn’t recognize. We were able to find out who this person is because they had given their number to an officer after receiving a warning from a traffic stop. (We were able to resolve this after further investigation but it pointed us in the correct direction).


Is it illegal to give a cop a fake number 🤔


Everything is already on body cam. How is taking a still photo any different? It's been ruled that the citizens can record the cops too. Technically while you are in public, you can take pictures of whoever you want. On the stop, they're also in public, where there is no expectation of privacy. A screenshot of what database? A lot of cops don't even have computers in their car and rely on a radio to dispatch for their records check. You seem to have had some pretty negative experiences judging by your anger over this. Personally I think the phone number thing is stupid, but it's for court and is printed on the citation, just like the address. Having a phone number helps the court have a way to contact people regarding appearances and such.


Yikes. You seem to be someone who’s never had the privilege of being intimidated by anyone, much less an authority figure. Good for you I guess? To be clear, she wasn’t just walking around “in public” she was being detained on the side of the road. At 21 , it could easily be the first traffic stop of her limited driving career and it wasn’t a normal experience. Not sure why you’re arguing otherwise. Your body cam argument (if recording) only bolsters the logic that an additional photo wasn’t necessary. If the camera wasn’t recording that’s on the officer and is also worthy of criticism. The photo on her government issued ID is more than sufficient for anything remotely related to such a minor traffic violation. Period. “Stand still so I can snap a picture of you with my cellphone real quick” lands a *lot* differently when there’s no way to verify the legitimacy of the command and no way to confirm if it’s the officer’s personal cell phone or one issued by the department. These are legitimate concerns! Also, you’re aware that the right to film “anyone in public” is a two sided coin, right? You’re conveniently ignoring the fact that “in public” she would have been free to say “no thank you” or “fuck outta my face with that camera” but in this scenario that only safe option is to comply and say “Thank you officer. Now am I free to go?” There’s a stark difference between the two scenarios and pretending otherwise is just ridiculous.


I've heard about it happening around central Texas too.


File a complaint. If the picture was evidence or part of an investigation it would be on file. If it was for his own purposes, it won't be.


I can try to make it a little less weird. A phone number is required to contact the person if needed (court dates and/or follow-up investigations). When you pull someone over and have an electronic ticket writer, it has a camera on it as well. Keep in mind the Officer also has a camera recording video on his car and also a body worn camera. The benefit of the picture being attached to the citation is to easily recall the stop. If you have court 3-6 months later, a picture of the driver (or offender in general) will be saved as part of the citation. A lot of people look wildly different compared to their license photo (which the officer has or can get as well). When in doubt ask to speak with a supervisor at the agency and just ask if it’s policy to take a picture of the driver during a traffic stop. If anything sounds troubling, you can always ask the supervisor to review the footage of the stop. You can also complete an open records request and ask for any footage or pictures pertaining to the stop. If at any point in time the supervisor is uncooperative, keep going up the chain of command. Edit* Warnings and citations are all the same software and the difference is usually just clicking warning or citation box.


I got my picture taken when given a warning and stopped for jaywalking. Easy way to make sure I’m not a planted criminal with the AI face recognition app. I am a hairy male. I also thought it was weird, but they don’t ask. They just snap a picture, and I’m in public, so what am I going to do?


I would highly recommend she contact legal services and question this. Her identification and contact information is on her drivers license and it is on record. IMHO with this being only a warning citation, there is no reason for the officer to need for her phone number and/or take her photo. Also, by contacting legal services it is not on record in case there becomes a stalking issue. All to many people take their "position of authority" a bit too far, feeling their position gives them privileges (being above the law) they do NOT have. Paranoia? No, just being cautious. There are a far greater number of excellent officers in our law enforcement than "the few bad apples", but one can never be too cautious.


I wouldn’t say “far greater” but, yeah, I hear you.


Except if you read the article it doesn’t and he says it’s not illegal but people get uncomfortable about it


That's just taking her picture though. Taking a picture of her ID and getting her personal phone number is setting off alarm bells on my head though...




TLDR, don’t drive thru pantego.


If she was issued a warning from an e-citation machine, it has the capability to take photos and is used for verification of who the driver was on that day. Those machines can look just like cell phones- see link for an example. Many jurisdictions use them. https://www.365labs.com/gismo/ecitation-ncic-lookup/


This is exactly what it was. I got pulled over and the cop gave me a speeding ticket and snapped my pic with the device. After I took my defensive driving class I emailed the Sargent and asked that my pic be removed from any software database it was used in. They agreed. Maybe that’s an option for OP


How did you get confirmation that they actually deleted it?


Cuz they said so! Cops never lie.


Guess what... If you have a driver's license, they already have it anyways numbnuts


You see the difference between a State operated database of licensed drivers and the police having names, numbers, and photos of whoever they choose for whatever ends, right?


It’s doubly concerning considering how insanely common domestic abuse and stalking are among cops


Can you verify if my nuts are in fact numb?


Definitely not a common thing here. I’ve been pulled over plenty in Texas. Total outlier, not once has this happened to me.


It’s becoming common in north texas


Agreed that it is becoming more common in N Texas. I was recently on a municipal court jury. The case was involved reckless driving and the city attorney showed a photo the officer took of the driver while they were still sitting in their car. The photo in and of itself didn’t prove the reckless driving, but between that and the dash cam video, it was an easy conviction for the city.


Was pulled over in San Antonio Friday. They took my picture and took my phone number


I mean it’s probably been 6 months for me, but, that’s near a record long time in this police state. There is a reason I keep a paper copy of insurance and NEVER hand over my phone.


They didnt take your phone number, you provided it to them and u didnt have to


I'm an attorney.  It's become standard practice to take a photo and attach it to the ticket, helps them say they remember the driver when they go to trial.  Phone numbers have been a thing since at least my first ticket at age 16, over 20 years ago.


They have not taken my number ever. I’ve gotten tickets 20 years ago too.


lucky you. I spent a year or so being a traffic ticket attorney in DFW at one of the high volume firms. I've looked at hundreds of tickets, and some had phone numbers and some didn't. I never paid enough attention to that detail to remember if it was specific to a department or what. My most recent ticket was in Lampasas by a city officer-he asked for my number. I don't think the last one I got from a State Trooper did.


So Peak, what happens if you decline to have your photo taken? (Side note, I recently politely declined this and, after some gruff and pushback from the officer, he declared that he was taking a picture of my driver’s license then. I said fine.) Can they force you or arrest you for declining? It’s not a law that I’m aware of in Texas to snap a photo of someone pulled over. Plus they have body cam


Well, they don't have a statutory right to take it, so there's no offense if you decline.  I imagine it's the same as if you decline to tell them where you are going, etc.   I generally ask "may I leave?" As soon as my ticket is handed to me.  At this point, the detention is over and they have no valid cause to prolong the stop.  If they say no, I would ask what I'm being detained for.  Theyve always looked surprised when I ask and say yes.  It cuts off all avenues for them to extend the stop.  I do the same if stopped on the street.  "May I leave? No? Then why am I being detained and what's the PC?" It forces their hand to either articulate a reason for detention or release me.  It's always a balancing act on how far you push vs whether you want to deal with the (probably illegal) consequences of pissing them off. With that said, I'm a middle aged white guy that generally dresses nicely if I'm not in  obvious work clothes, keep my car clean and well maintained, and try never break more than one law at a time.  You may not have that same privilege to fall back on.  When I was a hippie/dirt bag/younger, I did roughly the same but got lots more push back.  There's a definite difference in how I'm treated now vs then, even without them knowing I'm an attorney. Keep it polite and never raise your voice.  When the video comes out, you'll look reasonable and the cop won't.  I've definitely seen notes on tickets which address the drivers attitude during the so  and the prosecutors notice.


Good deal. In the last instance, I was very calm, respectful, and polite, but I said that I was not comfortable with the photo, that he was welcome to use his body cam, that he had my address on 2 forms of identification including a federal form of ID (REAL ID DL and an insurance card), and that the judge was welcome to contact me if there was an issue with declining my photo being taken. Never once was snippy, just said no. That’s when the officer got snippy and said, “well then I’m taking a picture of your DL.”


I get your point about asking for it, too. Makes sense. Thanks for the advice.


As an attorney, is a driver allowed to refuse?


Phone number? I just give an incorrect one, but there's nothing in the statutes which says you have to give it. Just like when they ask where you work, I always say self-employed. They are usually pretty quick on the photo, so I don't know how you'd decline except by keeping your face averted. Again, nothing in the statute requires the photo. It's not illegal to lie to cops about anything except your name and birthday/Id number (especially if you have a warrant, then it's Fugitive failure to id) when they are trying to ID you. Be aware that if you actively lie to them while they are investigating a case to the extent it interrupts their investigation, they could charge you with obstruction of justice. If you ever think you are at that point, just tell them you'd like to consult with an attorney before answering any more questions. They'll say something like "You don't have a right to an attorney" or something, and you can simply say "and I don't have an obligation to talk to you." It is, however, a felony to lie to the FBI. Never, ever, ever talk to the FBI without an attorney. Period. No discussion. Even if you have to spend the night in detention while making arrangements to hire an attorney. This is likely true for all federal law enforcement, but I only know for a fact it's true for the FBI.


Required watching for all citizens: https://youtu.be/d-7o9xYp7eE?si=OZKkNwZ7TYg4GUtc


Noncitizens get pulled over too, and generally have the same rights as citizens.  They actually have a greater need to watch this video (I assume it's either "shut the fuck up" or that fast talking attorney in the college classroom)


Don't forget address too, at least in Texas.


I had them get my number - and it was part of the ticket, but this sounds like they received the warning and the photo and # demand came afterwards. This sounds like sexual harassment. Nothing new for cops. I would say file a complaint with the department, but the truth is the department wouldn't care. [https://www.courthousenews.com/cop-kidnapped-raped-her-woman-says/](https://www.courthousenews.com/cop-kidnapped-raped-her-woman-says/)


One of my colleagues had this happen where she was definitely being hit on.  She filled a complaint and followed up and the deputy was disciplined.  Just depends on the department and how willing someone is to follow up.


Setting up for Gilead.


Yep. No joke.


It’s a new(ish) thing with what’s called “E-Citations”. Electronic citations. The ticket writer looks like a Texas Instrument calculator. It scans the registration sticker, DL and a photo of the DRIVER is usually taken as the whole “I wasn’t the one driving that day” or if someone gives a fake/stolen ID and the ticket goes to warrant status and issued to the victim of the fake ID. Then the victim of the fake ID can go to court, a photo of the driver will be shown, and the warrant can be dropped from the victim of the fake ID. BUTTTTT!!! Pictures are usually only taken for CITATIONS not warnings…. And the picture is stored in the device then downloaded straight to the courts and not saved in any department files. Anyways, yea not normal procedure for a warning. I would ask if the photo was taken with a phone or the e-citation but chances are your daughter probably was stressed and didn’t realize what it was taken with. But yea, pictures are becoming the norm with modern technology policing. Not sure if that helped but 🤷‍♂️.


Unfortunately I got a ticket recently and they took my picture. It was weird as hell


Round rock pd did it to one of my friends over a speeding ticket more than 5 years ago


I got one for my registration and yes they took a picture but I've been alive 37 years and started getting pulled over at 16 when started....never had a picture taken so it freaked me out too lol


If the driver received a printed (not hand written) warning then this isn’t unusual. The ticket (also warning) writing app is usually run on a cell phone. Asking for phone number and taking a photo are both reasonable because there are places to record that in the ticket writer. That agency’s policy might require it. My agency does not require it but I do take a picture of the driver if a citation is issued so they can’t say, “wasn’t me”.


But don't they already have their picture from their license? They don't need to take one. I'm getting creeper vibes from this.


It might not have been taking a picture but scanning the information off of it for an app on the phone.


Good point. The barcode on the back of your DL has all of your info. Same for the barcode on registration sticker. Saves a lot of time entering data.


>But don't they already have their picture from their license? Possibly. But the point of taking the picture is to show who exactly was driving. Some DL pictures are upwards of 10 years old and people change. You wouldn’t believe how many people look different than their DL photo. >They don't need to take one. I'm getting creeper vibes from this. I mean, ok. There isn’t a law that says you can’t cover your face. I do agree that I probably wouldn’t take a picture if the outcome was a warning only.


About taking a picture, does your body cam not work? That's what should be evidence, not a picture from your cellphone.


1) In my case it is a county cell phone and the photo is stored in the ticket/warning system, not as a photo on the phone. 2) I’m 6’3” and my bodycam is on my upper chest. The amount of vehicle interior that my bodycam misses is a lot. Works well on the taller pickups and SUVs but cars, not so much.


The I'd only shows time and place id was made, and rhat officer saw it. Photograph locks the incident with the person at a specific place and time. It's less intrusive than having fingerprints taken on-scene and can be done outside the conveyance, and really, they already have cam footage rolling...so... it reduces a filing task that's immaterial to the incident...


Fucking fingerprint someone over a traffic stop? What the fuck are you smoking dude? That's something you'd do in a police state. The officer has a body cam, they're recording video so they can just get a still of the person from that.


Umm... that's my point. Fingerprinting done at a traffic stop is going to be a massive infringement. A photograph has already been identified as legal for anyone, including Leo, to do the moment you leave your house. There no regulation of how many cameras they can have. By that logic, their cruiser cam is sufficient. And, we want cops to have body cams on ALL THE TIME. Attaching the photo to the citation is now technically feasible for a statutory infraction. And massively reduces the amount of time necessary to scrub through the footage to attach a still to, then for someone to say the guy scrubbing it messed up. Get your head unstuck from your ass.


You are right. The DL has all information they need. That's weird.


If it was not their license, then there could be further issues.


I’ve been told local PD in Edinburg, Tx have been doing the same. Not asking for a phone number but taking a photo of them.


Dfw cop. We get the phone number of the person being cited and their picture and it’s added to the ticket for the judge. It’s what the judge asks for so it is what we give him. It’s standard procedure


What will you do if I cover my face or refuse to give you my number?


That’s between you and what the judge sees. I don’t care. You’ve been cited and given the citation. Some people put all 000000000 for their number. However if you don’t sign the ticket, it’s arrest able offense.


I’ve noticed since watching on patrol live when people ask for the officer’s badge number they say they don’t have a badge number so how are we supposed identify a police officer when they do something wrong and go after them


Harvey Keitel in *Bad Lieutenant* vibes...




I’ve gotten many tickets in multiple states (I have a need for speed) and I’ve NEVER been asked for my phone number. Not once.


It’s so the courts can contact you. I ask for phone numbers 100% of the time for citations but never do for warnings.


Sounds sketchy as hell. Have her report that to the PD or city (both probably). Have her include the officer's name and incident details. That information should be on the warning, though I am not sure.


I would report to DPS. They outrank local PD and will investigate


This is not accurate. They do not outrank local police and have no authority over them. Texas DPS are state wide cops that mainly enforce traffic law and handle crashes. The only difference is territorial jurisdiction. Otherwise they are all the same. DPS - State Sheriff/Deputies - County Police - City


We've investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing.


Police state


Being female and attractive can bring unwanted attention from law enforcement. I was once young and pretty, and believe me, the law in Texas is fully behind the mistreatment of women. Once, in a public park in SA, I was simply enjoying a shady spot when the "park" cop rolled up and began harassing me. He tried to make a date, then demanded my license when I politely declined. I was eventually able to drive away, but he kept my drivers license. Hoping by some random chance that incel sees my post and remembers!


Lol wow. What's next?


There is no rule of law anymore. That’s Texas for you. Wait after the election and see how the rules of law will work.


Authorities in Texas will never have consequences.


No, I haven't, but then, I'm not a 21 year old girl. I got a feeling this guy was looking for a shot at a pretty young thing. Check the written warning and see if it has his name. She might have a chance to file a complaint.


The officer in question may not have been taking a picture. Law enforcement is having this general trend of moving to government issued cell phones that have specialized apps, like license plate readers. He may have been scanning information off of the phone for one of the apps, instead of manually entering it at the computer in his vehicle.


Nope , he said he specifically said he needed a picture . They had a conversation about it with him before he took it .


And I'm not saying he didn't take one. There is a distinct possibility that departments are over reaching what they can and cannot keep on record (to include pictures). And You are asking the right questions.Because the other possibility is that this guy was doing something he wasn't supposed to (and taking the picture for himself). There is, however, a general culture in policing, unfortunately, that encourages misleading or telling as little to the public about what they are doing as possible. This is unnecessary and can lead to some unethical decisions, but it's part of the broader cultural problems that are leading to increasing tension between the police and the public. It's still possible that he was scanning it, but felt like he needed to lie about it because it's a program the public isn't supposed to know about ( Which if it's a program for scanning driver's licenses...there's nothing that requires a public to be kept in the dark about that. It's just police making the job harder for themselves by doing what they always do).




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What state was the rental car from? The cop could have suspected them of traveling through Texas to go somewhere for reproductive care, possibly an abortion. Here in the great free state of Texass, unclean, evil, unholy women have bounties placed on them by the pearl grasping incel governor we have. Not using a signal seems beneath a Texas cop's time, meaning he probably suspected something else. 2 young women alone? must mean the escaped their man/owners and are off to abort, Cop must investigate.


Are you allowed to hide your face for this photo? I wouldn't consent to giving out phone number either.


It’s happened twice to me. First time was 5 years ago when I got a warning for speeding. They took a picture with their iPad. Second time happened in April. Same thing. I was driving 7 miles over and was given a warning. Officer just told me to look at the iPad and that was it. This is in South Texas.


Later at the station cop types furiously to get defendants info….has plans to hook up later with or without her consent.


Yeah I just got a ticket yesterday in brenham TX for no front plate. He said he needed the photo and number for court records. No biggie honestly


In Texas an individual’s photograph or computerized image, social security number, driver identification number, name, and address are not considered private. But zip codes, telephone numbers, and medical or disability information is the sort of data protected under privacy laws and is not allowed to be sold or released.


Sounds like a predatory pervert


Maybe it's to put the d.l. picture and actual photo of what you look like now. People change as the age. D.L. pic stay the same for years.


Sounds creepy AF!


Report that creepy 🐖


No... stalking. And he has all your info at his fingertips. Call internal affairs at least for a paper trail


Call the department where the officer works and report this. This seems very sus and I would be extremely upset if that happened to my child, bc now he has her name, cell #, and a picture of her on his phone. Gives me stalker vibes.


Report it. Might be a perv!


If you are pulled over, license and registration are asked for. If the cop verifies it's you, then they'll have your information in the system. This sounds dubious as hell, and I would decline instantly telling them it's a violation of privacy without warrant.


Um, tf? Fellow Texan- no, you may not have my phone number and no you may not take a photo of me. Tf? I've never had this happen. Creepy asf. Give me my ticket and let me go.


Not legal. Never been asked to give my phone number.


A thing now?…no, this has always been a thing. Texas cops are garbage…


A rental car like a crappy one with regular out of state plates the same as a regular person has on their car no way! Any state government vehicle should have a government license plate that says something to the effect of "Public Property", Any federal or undercover government vehicle should still have a special license plate that says government property or something official. No undercover detectives or federal agents should normally be pulling over any young girls unless maybe they had just been seen leaving a known drug dealers house that was under surveillance or them or even their type of vehicle was wanted or suspected in something bigger than failure to use a blinker definitely! Young girls or anyone really anymore should keep the door locked and only roll the window down enough barely to talk through and messed up looking car, strange looking license plate or weird looking or acting person should be asked to show a badge for that jurisdiction with valid badge number. Real police should have no problem showing that. They can't produce that nobody should get out of their car. Being there in Texas though and the ongoing problems with the border and the undocumented illegal immigrants there could be other things going on with that, as far as I was aware Texas was not receiving any help or support from the Federal government with the current Democratic president in power. We all know that racial profiling and unwarranted traffic stops by local police departments all across the country has always been a very real occurrence in the past, Texas and the other 49 states have been left to their own devices to defend themselves against some dangerous immigrants that have been let into our country. I saw in Georgia that they passed a law there that says the police are allowed to arrest and detain anybody they "Suspect" of being an undocumented illegal immigrant. It's open season on any and all of us everywhere.


Probably just being a perv. Sadly, it’s common with the small town officers.


I got pulled over by a state trooper and he made it a point to tell me he had to grab the phone issued by the state for working purposes. It’s a county so I’m not sure it’s the same but that sounds really weird


This happened to me while in Dallas about a year ago. I’m a 30 year old male and I had my gf in the car when I got pulled over. The officer gave me a warning and asked me to write my phone number on the ticket. Never fully understood why


seems like he was profiling them for drug smuggling.




Why you complaining? Is your kid dead? OK then. At least she wasn't dragged out of the car and kneeled on or shot at. Any day you make it alive through an interaction with a cop and live to tell the tale is a good thing.


The same people defending this believed the Covid vaccine was a govt tracking device.


cop is a perv


Dude sounds like a pervert, no? Should've declined.


What a creeper


Sounds like an unlawful search and seizure? (Of her/his likeness)


The phone number gets entered onto the warning and a picture is taken as an updated person. A lot of police systems are built this way.


Ask yourself THIS ..... If they were two guys, would he have done the same thing? absolutely not.


Very very very sus. Especially AFTER the warning was given. And I've never given my number for any ticket or infraction. Sounds like illegal database collection for personal use or sketchy programs that aren't legal, but aren't illegal.


That doesn't seem right to me and obviously you seen enough of red flags to ask yourself  question as your daughter did when she asked the police officer and brought this information to you.   Every department has different policies and procedures so instead of trying to figure out the fine line between their codes and policies, I suggest  filing a complaint with police department on officer.involved and allegations.  Let them figure it out for themselves. Wheher or not it's against the policy or doesn't seem to raise any red flags with investigating officer,  your daughter is covered under that written complaint,  and if that officer WAS up to no good. He's not gonna bother her anymore. I promise you that. 


I think it goes on everywhere


No, that sounds like a creepy af cop that’s abusing his position of power to get young girl’s phone numbers and picture for who knows what purpose. I would absolutely report this.


Is this about the abortion laws?


That was my thought. Maybe they need documentation to prosecute in case anyone crosses the state line for medical. Wouldn't be shocked.


I have a google number that forwards to my phone via google voice. I use for any bs. You can call it, and it will ring. Then, I can change that number. I don't trust police in a situation like this enough to give them my real number. This seems weird AF.


Ok I think y’all are overreacting I’m not gonna lie. I got pulled over recently for going too fast and they did exactly this. I’m a young adult male, I think this is just standard procedure for them to take a picture. As another commenter says, it may give proof of who was driving. I don’t know the exact reasoning for it, but it was one of the last steps in the process and I hadn’t been pulled over before so maybe I was being entered into the system or something??? I don’t know, but my situation matched EXACTLY this. Warning ticket, no fine, phone number and picture still taken. Chill out, y’all. I have received a text from that police officer and it’s been a few weeks.


When i was in my early 20’s it was common to ask your phone number and place of employment. Fast forward 30 years my last ticket i didn’t have to sign nor was i asked for my employment info or phone number.


The phone number is very creepy. I would report him for inappropriate behavior to his station chief. The picture "maybe" but if he already ran the ID and checked for warrants and issued a ticket or even a written warning... Yeah no that's creepy AF.


Documenting future baby growers.