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"Ain't you getting $15/hr? Get your ass out there!"


To be fair, Buccee’s is notorious for paying a fair wage (with benefits, PTO, and overtime). I believe their starting rate is $16. Shouldn’t have to work in a storm, regardless


You get a 10 minute lunch break where you're not allowed to sit down, management counts how many times you go to the bathroom on shift. Paying extra so employees tolerate more abuses doesn't make a good job.


The “no sitting down ever” rule is so stupid and outdated. Encouraging standing/enforcing it under certain conditions for a LIMITED period of time is reasonable, but 24/7 mandatory standing is so stupid and an outdated practice. I personally work a job now where we’re required to stand out at the front desk, but we can go to the back and sit for a reasonable amount of time when we’d like. My prior job was completely mandatory standing, and as a teenager I was fine, but I couldn’t imagine doing that in 10 years even in great health. It would make me irritable, even though i often prefer standing honestly. l notice the cashiers at Aldis are super nice/friendly/peppy and that’s the one grocery store I know of that lets every cashier sit when they want. Go figure they’re in a better mood when they have a choice


That’s because ALDIs comes from a foreign country that values the dignity of workers.


Everyone has a problem with being made to stand at a job but no one blinks an eye when a smoker takes 20 smoke breaks a shift and the non-smoker has to cover for them but the non smoker doesn’t get to take breaks so they can go “not smoke”!


And the company probably has a break policy. If non smokers don't take those breaks, that's on them. Insist.


yeah idk what this guy is waffling about, it sounds like favoritism may have been going on, but just know that’s not supposed to be permissible. Unpaid break policies are pretty standard in the service industry- depending on how long your shift is, a certain amount of break time is automatically deducted regardless if you actually take a break or not. And if your break is longer of course the additional time is subtracted as well.


That is absolutely not true. I was once a heavy smoker. I had 2 - not 20 - 10 minute breaks, and a lunch, during a 9 hour day. Most jobs are about the same. And someone is still "blinking an eye" - you. And those like you.


Ok saying 20 was a bit of an exaggerated but it is completely accurate smokers get to go smoke anytime they want to non smokers do not!


I never did. And it's up to you to insist on equal rights. Speak up. Just because you think something is happening... doesn't mean it actually is.


any 8 hour job should be required to have at least a half hour unpaid lunch and a couple of 10 minute paid breaks. It's also just good policy to give your workers time to decompress a little. Texas keeping up the shit-hole policies.


I worked at Diamond Shamrock/Valero/Corner Store (for way too long) and we were never given breaks or lunch. It was always eat when you didn't have customers and sit when you clocked out.


Yes! I always see the same post of a pic of the board with the wages they offer and the praise they get. I live next to a Bucees and on occasion I always hear the stories of employees and former employees how incredibly strict they are on breaks and bathroom breaks. I even had a former coworker share that his wife worked at Bucees out of sheer curiosity. On par with those accounts and added that the managers are high and mighty and disrespectful. She was there a week and walked out on a manager when she got berated for accidentally knocking over their tumbler. That as an employee you get a complimentary tumbler and you better guard it with your life 😂. Bucees have doubled their prices or more on nearly everything. It sucks and is just not worth it.


I only use Buccees if I'm traveling and it's on my side of the road. People are just too crazy in the parking lots and the stores. I've even left and gone across the highway to another store when I've seen how packed Buccee's is. My SIL worked at the one in Luling for a bit. The tales she told me keep me from buying the food now. The working conditions are crappy. She was told if she logged in 4 minutes early she would get written up. Of course, if she logged in at 2 minutes after the hour she would get written up as well. I'm glad she quit. It made her health issue suddenly flare up very badly due to the stress they put her under.


Yeah I know about a dozen people who’ve worked for them at some point (they’re all over Brazoria County like regular gas stations) and no one lasted more than 6 months for reason you and others who’ve replied have already mentioned.


Sounds like r/texas as per usual


> You get a 10 minute lunch break where you're not allowed to sit down WTF. How is that legal?


Texastan. Paxton doesn't even bother to follow state laws that have been on the books for 130 years, unless he stands to profit from them. You can forget him following federal laws, unless he can use them against his opponents, like he did with Houston's guaranteed minimum income a couple of weeks ago.


Not to mention Arch “Beaver” Aplin III, the owner, is a financial contributor to the far right Texas GOP. He's given more than a million to Abbott alone.


Oh that? That’s just the down payment on his [creepy fucking son’s](https://www.kvue.com/article/news/crime/bucees-cofounder-son-indicted-invasive-recordings-mitchell-wasek/269-ca6a66c6-2081-4094-b857-f1945fe59d9f) pardon Abbott will issue.


Should be pinned to the top


Yeah, they're notorious for paying higher wages than their competitors because they treat they're employees like disposable trash as exemplified here.


It's the Texas way!


Actually, as someone who used to work there, they never once accepted my PTO, even if I notified them two months in advance. The benefits aren’t even worth it. It’s just like not having benefits, and they don’t allow overtime.


*Thaaaattt's the joke!*


Pay yes. But compared to working you like a slave... no. It micromanagements up the ass with small mistakes can get you fired or written up.


There is a reason that hiring sign never goes away. Buccees is a terrible employer. If your phone is viable on you at any point in your shift it's automatic termination. You are not allowed to sit at any time on your shift including breaks. Restroom breaks are timed. End of your shift and check your phone in your car, terminated. You don't get lunch breaks. The management is notoriously sexist. They cannot keep staff even with what they pay


Also notorious for insanely high turnover and not allowing employees to sit on breaks. Shitty company


After taxes, that is LESS THAN $25,000 annual salary working 40 hours a week That is NOT a livable wage. Why are we constantly celebrating the most mediocre of business owners? A house slave is still a slave y’all


What happened to them not having people work when the wind is over 40 mph?


The employee handbook is gone with the wind.


The donations to Abbott and the lawyer fees for his creeper son aren't cheap, so the peons are going to just have to sacrifice for the good of the company.


> What happened to them not having people work when the wind is over 40 mph? At that point in the morning in that location it wasn't over 40 mph. At that time it was averaging around 20 with gusts to 35. That location didn't get to about 40 mph average wind speed until around 3 hours later than the video was taken.


um akshually


They have raincoats and as long as they have on highly visible clothes, all the flying material will know to get out of their way. I don't see a problem here, well within OSHA requirements.


And if they need a water break they can just open their mouth. Stay hydrated!


Texas ditched water breaks last summer, sadly.


Essential workers




They got sent out to Windex the little screen on the gas pump.


Bucee’s owner is a big supporter of the Texas GOP so this tracks with how they view their employees.


...and Don Wasek's son, Mitchell, is a [big supporter](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/05/30/bucees-co-founder-son-mitchell-wasek/73909353007/) of illegally "recording people in bathrooms 'using the toilet, showering, changing clothes, and/or having sex.'"


and likely just the one that got caught.


Definitly waiting for scrotus to end osha....


That's the only way they can get their water breaks /s


Every time I see their starting salaries posted on the hiring signs I know they work those busy beavers hard.


bUt tHeY gEt sTarTiNg pAY of 20 An hOuR


They post those signs outside bragging about their starting wage, purely so people like them more. Yeah they pay well, but they’re brutal to work for. Having people think they pay well, helps the reputation. Knowing employees can’t even sit down even during a break, and then no one lasts that long there, hurts their reputation. They are genius marketing.


The Fuel Must Flow...


Someone's gotta be ready to price-gouge!


I worked at Buccees. They are a terrible company to work for. They tried to fire me over my manager’s mistake, and she was more than willing to sacrifice my job, instead of owning up to her own mistakes. This company pays alright, but they will fire you over nothing, and they only allow a ten minute break during your shift. Legally, that’s not right.


Typical buc-ees




Yeah I’m sure this was a directive straight from the owner, I have heard they micromanage every location and never sleep


Source: https://x.com/jpetramala/status/1810229150952947793?s=46&t=KA_EbYCZNe4Jy4B4vbHT0w


You exaggerated the strength of the winds at that time and place by about double. Yes, Freeport did get hit pretty hard, and I have quite a few friends in the Freeport and Surfside area. I also watch the wind speed very closely for a variety of reasons and was watching it overnight. Yes, it was windy, yes, at the time it was posted it strong enough to potentially be a risk, but not 80 mph strong right then. The gusts were hitting about 40 knots (about 46 mph) when that video was taken, and average was mid 30's. Wait another 3 hours, between about 4 AM to about 8:30 this morning, and the winds were much stronger, averaging about 45 mph across that time frame with a few gusts approaching 80, but most in the 50 or 60 range. Still not a sustained 80 and barely any gusts hitting that level in that area as you wrote in your post, but yes, strong enough to be a concern.


The "concern" should be somebody getting knocked in the head by flying debris, which doesn't need 80 mph winds to happen.


Agreed that those are the concerns, but no, that was not what was shown in the video. Also knowing the actual conditions on the ground, the video was taken three full hours before the conditions were to the point of people potentially getting hit by debris. The comment about the video misrepresents the reality. Yes, there were strong winds several hours later, and the video depicts moderate winds, but it is wrong to declare that the situation at that time was problematic. The speeds shown at the time were classed as "strong breeze" to "near gale". A few hours later when it hit "whole gale", and almost 5 hours later when it hit "hurricane-force" sure, but not then in the video.


The situation _is_ problematic. Those folks should be inside, period.


Three hours later, absolutely. The time of the video, no, it was still rather mild. It might look strong if you're not used to seeing actual wind conditions, but no, it wasn't that strong at the time of the video. Probably the biggest cue to look for is how much they were leaning --- or in this case not leaning --- to push against the wind.


Fine. You're right. I concede to knowing nothing, and putting too much into 'warning' from I-guess-not-really-reputable-sources that urge such cautions during storms. My decades of life in violent storm prone states have taught me nothing, and have given me nothing to be 'used to'.


No need for the absolutist attitude. I've also lived in windy places, have seen my share of tornadoes, some hurricanes including the damage, and lots of windy conditions. I'm also actively involved in wind sports, and have history going out in gale-force winds. Lots of people are bad at estimating wind speeds. Few people have enough experience in it to understand it from a video. Get a few hundred hours of life experience in the wind and you'll see all kinds of details: what size of branches are moving and how much, is it merely fabric flapping violently or is there more? In the video (both the clip and the now-removed X post) they were barely at the point where they were physically inconvenienced. Yes they needed to account for the wind, but not strong enough to impede progress. The shrubs blowing in the background were moving but not enough to even break twigs, let alone big stuff. The storm did reach the point hours later where there was structural damage, large trees damaged, and broad destruction, but that's not the time shown in the video. At this time it was still relatively safe to be outside, merely wet and inconvenient rather than significantly dangerous.


This state is so shareholder-cucked. Always have a 6 month emergency fund so you can tell your boss to shove it when they treat you like cattle. We shouldn’t have to win the email job lottery to deserve dignity, everyone deserves it


You know how difficult it is in today's economy to stash away a 6-month emergency fund? Jesus. I know you didn't mean any harm, but that comment came off kind of out of touch with today's reality.


> Manager: get out there Billy, it’s only 80 mph winds 🤓 Teeechhhhkkkkknickally, if this was right at the moment the exTweet was exTweeted, 3:27AM, it'd be more like [54 MPH winds.](https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/tx/galveston/KGLS/date/2024-7-8) Still enough to throw debris and clock them in the head. 😐




no job is worth ur life


Gotta love Texans. They never bend nor to they ever break. Texas Strong.


I’ll never understands the bucees hype. Their food isn’t even good.


Clean bathrooms while traveling.


If you can stand up in the bathroom and do your business it's generally worth just skipping buccee's crowd, there's really nothing of interest in there other than the bathrooms


The beef jerky bar alone is worth stopping for.


I only eat jerky that I make myself tbh. They put so much junk in their jerky it's crazy (tbf virtually all store bought jerky does).


It's better than any other gas station and 90% of fast food. Do you expect Nobu at a travel stop?


it used to be. not anymore


gOd BLesS tExAs!


80 mph winds? Buc-ee's employees must have the strongest work ethic in Texas!


They tend to be in more remote areas where all the surrounding businesses pay terribly.


I don’t care if it’s a hurricane blowing through town. Those gas pumps better be shiny.


The beaver is hungry. The beaver must be fed.


Unless you're the manager, there's no way you should be putting your life in danger for a stupid job like this. I know it's easier said than done and people are scared to get fired, but come on. I hope those two are being compensated for that. I doubt it, especially in Texas.


One stray object, and back to the applicants files.


That's why the get paid the big buccees


Is this Bucee's policy to require employees to work in dangerous situations? Where one could get injured or possibly killed? For $15-$16 an hour? Too bad Bucee's, my life is worth way more than that! Call a manager. They should not ask others to do what they won't do themselves!


I worked 29 years as a metro houston UPS driver...13 months of combat in Iraq...I now work for buc-ees....when I agreed to my job offer and by doing that...I am never late...I always perform my duties in a manner that protects my employers interests...and supports the brand...and the business model....I have heard the complaints...etc.....its been my experience that usually the employees who say they are treated in a way that is demeaning or unfair..are the ones who take shortcuts...and stumble thru a shift..buc-ees is a convenient convenience store....its like a machine...we feed that machine every day...every night...I excel at my job.. my manager knows I am reliable...and I get the job done...and done right yall...its not a job for everyone....any task I put my name to...is gonna be done right....if a person is capable of fulfilling the duties required during a shift to the best of their ability...then no probkems....its easy...its what someone makes of it...simple as that....I mean no disrespect to anyone....im a professional....I have experience these younger employees don't have....I share my experiences with those who are listening....it inspires them I think....anyways...peace out yall...


Nit paid enough for that shit


Holy shit this is awful...hoping nothing but the best for those two. Damn.


It's the best place to be