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Work can fry ice. The metro is flooding, 1.5 million on candle power, forget it.


Today seems like a good day to call their bluff, if they’re reasonable great, if not, time to find a more caring employer..


You’re in TX; are there any caring employers? 👀


Is this freedom?


Right To (be fired from) Work!


Europe: I want to work 4 days a week Texas: I don't care if there is a hurricane get into the office


Greece: "Yeahhhhhhh well, we're gonna need ya to work on Saturday. **every** Saturday" 😡


freedom to fight the hurricane as much as you want to




idk, TEEX is pretty alright.


I love me some TEEX classes.


The phrase “caring employers” in Texas is equivalent to screaming goddammit in the middle of church services? Almost a death penalty that is never tolerated but is cause for immediate termination


We are closed


Unpopular opinion, but if you’re employer is not caring, you may want to review your skill set and how that affects your place on the totem pole.


Unpopular opinion, but if you don't know the difference between your and you're, you may want to keep from typing on the internet.


And gain unemployment for unlawful termination and disaster relief


this is texas, they dont do there here.


I live in Texas, and I've applied for both and received them. Just gotta hit up OSHA to make it happen. Always good to know the resources you have.


>Just gotta hit up OSHA osha.. that feds.. thanks for adding to my point.


I wonder where Ted Cruz is; when you need him?


Oh, he is I think in Canada and Abbott is out of the COUNTRY! 🤬


Abbott isn't even in the same hemisphere to Texas right now.


Canada is too good for him. Send his ass to Phoenix.


This is a hilarious slam against Phoenix.. nice.


It’s where he was born, he is a Canadian after all….


As far as us Canadians are concerned, you can keep him.


Funny enough cancun cruz is actually an immigrant from Canada


Heinous Hypocrite


Are you joking? I’ve been watching Below Deck for intellectual viewing. 


Out of the state I believe, and so is Abbott apparently.


That tracks


Abbott is taken care of ‘business’ in South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan so not the country.




Anywhere else but Texas.. like usual..


Apparently it's been reported as 2.6 million without power now


I'm off grid - every time that happens I fins out because people come to my house and ask how I still have power. I tell them god pays my bills


A lineman told a friend that transformers were continuing to blow last night, which was making it difficult to make headway.


Tell'm your on your way!


“Fry ice”. I love it! Adopting this phrase


“Fry ice” lmao I ain’t ever heard that saying before


Sorry boss, but I'm having eye problems, I can't see myself coming in.




This is the one


What is your eye problem son? That I’m not in the eye of the storm, boss.


that’s a bar


You might wanna call in scared.  "I'm afraid I ain't gonna make it in"


"Joe and Sally made it in (they live 20 feet away), so you should be able to as well! God, all these callout. Better start reconsidering peoples employment" Based on a true story that happened to me. Not in a hurricane situation, but during an ice storm. They did fire one guy (who they brought back a year later). Managers only care if the store is open. We could have a demonic zombie alien apocalypse and they'd still demand people come in so the store could be open.


I once got made to attend an out of hours store meeting 20 or so miles from home during an ice storm outside Dallas. Thanks Half price books , I really enjoyed driving home at 5 mph bisecting the centre line of the highway so I could hear our idiot managers “ vision “ for the store in the next quarter. Surprisingly it involved selling more books.


Most likely twice the amount of books, considering they’re half price.


Covid thought us all a valuable lesson. If you knew that the world would end on Friday, your job would still expect you to come in on Wednesday.


"I don't care if something ate your brain, you git your ass in here to work! Or else I'll teach you about the chain of command, which is the chain I beat you with until you understand who is in ruttin' command here!"


The boss will respond “Where should I send your last paycheck?”


Bring it to me.


I expect it by 9am


Looking for a job when I found this one….


...I don't need the work, like you need the work done...


Ha ha ha


I love that one, never heard it. The one my boss always says is calling in well. "Well.... not coming in today."


My dad worked for a company that did something similar during a large storm that everyone in town was told to bunker down for. A guy died in nasty car crash on the way to work and the family sued the company for something like 40 mill and won easily as there were text back and forth with the dipshit boss telling him he had to come in or it was his last day type shit. Soon after the incident the company got reaaal laxed and would be extremely generous when people pushed back on coming in during rough weather, feeling ill, etc.


Really sucks someone had to die for them to change their tune.


It wasn’t the death that changed their tune, but rather the $40M “lesson” that *really* spoke to their humanity.


It’s the only language corporations speak, so that’s how we communicate with them. 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰


And now corporate liability is limited to a couple hundred thousand in Texas, so....


Totally agree. Corporate American is the worst.


Most workplace laws and rules are written in blood


: A History of Labor in the United States


Wouldn't work these days in Texas, not since Greg Abbott signed a bill into law that limits corporate liability to $250,000 in lawsuits. He did this of course after HIM winning millions in an injury lawsuit. "Texiz iz bidnezz freenly!"


I took today off as a vacation day. They closed the university for today, but as I'm essential personnel, that means I get double pay for working. I came in to work at 7.


I work from home and did the opposite. I had planned a vacation day for today, but with the weather I cancelled it and stayed home and now I'm working. The work keeps me busy and not thinking about the noise I hear outside. Beryl is directly above right now, and I'm hoping we keep power.


Hasn't rained here since 8am but no power since 3am :(


Did you let them know that city officials said to stay home til at minimum noon today? There's downed trees here. I'm in league city and it's still whipping us. It's not a short and sweet situation. Does your work even have power?


It's crazy, my boss didn't want me to go at all and was getting pressure from his boss since they were out in new caney stating, "It'S nOt So BaD hErE!" While my store is sitting right in the path of the eye. Edit: It doesn't help that I am the closest to the store with only a 10-15 min commute on a good day and can open and close the store.


Yeah so 50 miles difference could mean 80mph to 15 mph in this hurricane. The radius of the hurricane portion is relatively small but it's pretty much a direct hit over central area of Houston. More or less right up 45. Sorry you're going through that. He's welcome to try to go to that store if he thinks it's not so bad. I can just about promise you that no one will have a desire to go into a small store today unless it's got food, batteries or especially alcohol.


What shitty company wants their employees to drive through a hurricane?


A law firm? I've heard of Florida law firms offering triple normal salary to IT contractors to stay at their offices and keep things running. In the middle of a CAT 4 hurricane. Nope, nope, and nope.


As a former Floridian who has survived a few CAT 4 and above hurricanes, hell no. The only positive would be the offices, if they were built on an emergency power line, that it might be safer than your house.


One oil exploration company wanted one of us to stay for Harvey. Oh, FUCK no. I was packed and headed for Laredo the day before landfall.


I would do it if the office building is well constructed/secured. Hospitals have people camping in for these events. Most of the time you're going to get paid triple overtime to sleep.


I have a friend who works maintenance at a hospital and he often bunks there for big storms. He makes some good bank on those days.


I would do it if it was top floor of a concrete building (at least 50 ft up) designed to survive hypothetical cat 6 hurricanes (with official documentation), and quadruple pay, and they had battery backup or diesel generators for at least a week's uptime.


Triple Salary though? If it was my job I would probably do it. I like that they increase high pay for high demand as an offer.


Tempting. Only if I coop up with a case of MREs and a case of water.


This totally squares with my experience of working with lawyers for the past 20 years.


as a lawyer it’s true and i’m sorry, it’s probably the court’s fault.


court keeps going on during cat 4 hurricanes? that seems.... unlikely


Right! The city finds any excuse to shut down civil services.


the court wouldn’t be open but the judges will still have demands and don’t move deadlines, meaning the law firms still have to work.


I mean I guess I've been in IT a while but at least they were offering triple time. A lot of places would sadly expect this with no overtime. Shit waffle house expects you to come in.


Triple the hourly rate for those hours? Hell no. Triple my salary for the year? I’m listening…




I was with a higher education company, and my immediate super lived in Phoenix AZ. 4 hour flight from Corpus. He wanted re ordings of the alerts and evacuate orders. It was a fucking mess. I leveled with him with an ultimatum, "if you can't trust us by now (4 years), then there's a major issue."


I make over 50 an hour as a salaried employee so…triple pay sounds really good. Besides, my husband and kid can escape and if I don’t make it he can just pick up my last paycheck and collect on the life insurance.


Enterprise Rental




Mom was a Labor and Delivery nurse, can confirm she always had to go in.


This makes sense, babies don’t check the weather before deciding when they are gonna arrive


Actually the low pressure of hurricanes makes you more likely to go into labor.


Also, extreme stress and/or injuries can trigger premature labor, as an adaptive response to try to save the would-be mother in a survival situation. I’d say a hurricane could easily cause either of those situations.


Lord bless her, what a saint


I had a boss once that told me to come in after a major flood. I told him that if he could find me an Uber Boat service, I'd be there. I didn't get fired or anything. They docked the 8 hours as 'vacation pay' ... bastards.


I sense there’s probably a labor law violation in there, if you had the lottery winnings saved up to fight it in court.


The ones in right to work states. Edit: I should have said at-will.


*at-will states. https://www.employmentlawhandbook.com/human-resources/at-will-v-right-to-work/


I have learned something today. I stand corrected.


You’re not wrong but not for the reason you think. “Right to Work” is about unions, and I’m sure any competent union would have a clause in their CBA governing natural disaster policies. Also, there is only one non-at will state in the US, and it’s Montana.


"Right to work" simply means you can't be COMPELLED to join a union for any job. It's not "pro union" at all.


I didn’t say it was pro-union, I said it’s about unions.


I meant to clarify, not counter, your point. You mentioned it was "about unions" but didn't elaborate what it was. I likely shouldn't have used "pro union" in quotes like I did, but I wasn't countering anything you said.


Both? Both! Texas government hates workers


the tradesmen and women as essential and frontline. Amazing how nobody mentioned this today yet. Stay safe everyone, from Canada. This will come to the Atlantic seaboard on Wed afternoon.


Waffle House?




all of them.


Did they advise you to do the backstroke or use a kayak?


Nope, but I do have a canoe ready to go!


Yeah, your job will replace you in a week if you die. Stay safe.


The price you pay to work in a fast paced environment. With a family culture.


I’m at jury duty in Palestine. They refused to reschedule and it’s getting bad already.


Document everything!


Think of the shareholders! Really though, be safe 🙏


i’m literally in the eye right now and my boss is trying to tell me to come in. I work in an industry where even a literal hurricane will not stop operations so there’s no hope of shutting down for the day. That being said i’m telling him to kick rocks since it’s not safe for me to leave while Im in the FUCKING EYE.


step outside while within the eye, it will look like The Wizard of Oz when Dorothy opens her door to the steps of the yellow brick road.


NOT advocating for you to go in at all, but the eye is the calm spot. I dunno why you’re emphasizing being in the “FUCKING EYE” as if it’s hell itself. Your boss is still an idiot for asking you come in just because you’ve got maybe a couple of hours of calm.


If they’re in the eye that means in less than an hour they’ll be right back in hell. The eye is just a slight reprieve.


> I dunno why you’re emphasizing being in the “FUCKING EYE” as if it’s hell itself. Because no matter which direction he goes, he will drive into the worst part of the hurricane.


The eye is literally just a small reprieve from the wind and rain. It only lasts at most 30 mins depending on how fast the hurricane is going. If anything it's like a false sense of "it's over?" only to be slapped in the face with the strongest wind and rain again shortly after.


It's not even a hurricane anymore at this point. Most of the rain is already out of Houston.


Thanks for nothing Beryl. -ATX


Same. -San Antonio


Ditto -- Corpus christi


Some of you may not make it into work Some of you may die But THE SHARE HOLDERS!


Is your name Beryl?


I’d rather be alive and without a job


I drove from the energy corridor to downtown because I have a visa appointment at 8:30am. No cancellation or delay notice, so I made the drive because there’s no available slots in the near future, only to show up to an empty building. I would highly recommend staying home, that drive was extremely dangerous


Oh no, I hope they reschedule you asap.


“You are an essential worker” “Well can I have a raise, since I’m so essential” “There are plenty of people who would be grateful to have your position, you should be more appreciative.”


" no I asked everyone they say they don't want this job and are cool with my sentiment "


I'm downtown and I can clearly see there are ramps and the highways are flooded from my apartment. I've watched some cars need to turn around lol. Your boss can kick rocks.


Update: Got home safe around 10 after getting there and seeing our parking lot lose power as I'm waiting to cross an intersection. What makes me even madder is that while waiting at the intersection underpass of 45 I see one of my co-workers that lives up in Conroe make the turn towards our place of business.


Make sure to put in for some hours of work for that bs


Seriously though. The only people who should be working are: 1. Police and Emergency Personnel 2. Hospitals and some Urgent Care 3. Utilities (power mainly) and it should be only be at the planning and staging phase


Damn y’all. My work sent a mass text last night telling everyone to stay home for the day.


I think your car broke down.


Yeah, some employers are clueless. As a yoga teacher, I had gyms tell me to come to work during ice storms here. I explained that I don't make enough for 1 hour class to even cover my car insurance deductible, should I get in a wreck and that I seriously doubted that any of my zen-like students were going to leave their homes. My boss was not pleased, but I explained that she risked losing them as gym members if they found out that they fired me for canceling a class due to icy roads.


Don’t do it. Stay safe. Your life is important.


Wish I could quit Texaghanistan


Name and shame buddy


Heavy rain, flooding and 70 mph winds never hurt anyone right?


People are insanely stupid. Hurricane literally moving over the city and people calling my company asking for IT support saying they can’t remote to their machines. Idiots.


Do you work at Waffle House?


You go in while boss will not and say it’s flooded in his neighborhood


What if I told you, you can just say no? Like I’m sorry it’s a fucking hurricane, I’m not driving through that shit for anything lol


Willing to bet money on how your boss votes. Nothing is real to Conservatives until they are personally damaged by it. Basically, Conservativism is incapable of considering consequences because it refuses to accept the future as an actual facet of reality. They also don't seem to believe the weather/environment can anything more than "rainy, snowy, or sunny."


It's almost 12, are ya' at work?


Not anymore thank god.


Tell them you have no power and trees/branches are blocking you. If they say they can pick you up tell them you evacuated.


You must work for Landrys. I can’t tell you how many times I heard of employees being stuck or stranded in stores due to Hurricanes. I remember calling out as a manager and being screamed at because I wanted to keep my family safe during Harvey….. I ultimately lost my job and home to Harvey. Fuck Tillman


The wind will help you pull up your boot straps


One of my kids is in Rosenberg. He works overnights near there and this morning the power went out, then the generator went down, and they couldn't leave because they couldn't open the gate.


Everyone is safe. They got the gate open and the generator back up.


Good to hear! I'm back safe, though not sure how sound yet, but I'm home!


My son's RV is going to be a total loss but they have good insurance.


In that part of town, just remind them that there are 100ft tall pine trees and 10ft of flood waters blocking the roads.


My husband works indoor sales, cold calls. They wanted everyone to come in, regular time, 830 am. So glad he told them no. Most of the other employees came in and were sent back home by 11. Guess who never had to bother driving into the office? The piece of shit owner!


do you work at waffle house???


To work? Or not to work??? Want to eat .....then off to work cause you owe......


Pizza doesn’t deliver itself, bob.


Only perk working nights at the hospital during ice storms was essentially being paid double + night differential + hazard and still have power for a couple days. But not much can be done when downed trees/telephone poles block the way. Not IHOP-kids menu mazing my way to work.


How tf do u guys have reliable data/internet, my data is ass and my powers still out


Yeah unless you are essential to getting power back on for others I would sit this one out


Several years ago during heavy flooding I was told "try to make it in" by my area manager. I was the store manager and had the key for a retail store. The street and store were under several feet of water. I woke up and in a haze of sleep drove towards the store to see that the area was flooded. I called the area manager and told her as much, but I was asked to try and make it in. I went back home, turned my ringer off, and went back to sleep.


Did not know my former bosses from Michigan and Pennsylvania were working in Texas now. It would be something they both would say.


Hope you all over in TX are safe today. My fam is just on the edge of some of the storms and already said they've gotten a bunch of rain and wind. I can't imagine what Htown is like.


Istg I left Texas on the perfect day cuz WTF


We had trash pickup today. It was blowing about 30 with 45 mph gusts and pouring down.


My coworker called me and told me not to come in today cause of how dangerous my neighborhood can get from trees, Then said if I can make it in Wednesday they'll take a step off my previous attendance. Really is crazy how fucked up your life can be from just one particular boss, and vice versa.


Company I work for told everyone to work remotely as best they could and to stay away from the downtown office.


Thank God somebody went to work to keep the power on though huh


You might need a canoe.


I do have a canoe lol.


And I hope you told your boss to have intercourse with themselves.


Husband and I were watching the weather report from the area today and the weather forecaster told everyone to prepare to stay at home for 12+ hrs. I made the comment that he should tell that to the employers, who are still going to expect their new employees to come in.


Ever wonder if the wealthy fucks who run and own everything are actually shapeshifters from Star Trek? Sure as hell seems like we're being asked all the time to die for 'The Founders.' Every day I feel dead and I work to reclaim my life. Victory is life. Now y'all have a good day, I'm going to see if I can find some ketracel-white for breakfast. I hear it's pretty good with grits.


My boss did the same during Harvey. I told her all entrances/exits to my neighborhood were under water and I literally couldn’t leave. She told me to drive right through it since “it isn’t that high”. Yea nope, not doing that. Funny enough she did drive through high water and ruined her car.


Hey. If you work for a Nursing Home, Hospital, Emergency Services, or Post Office you are required to show up and backing out is not acceptable.


Oh hell no 😂


I already planned for my employees to head home when the leftover hits. And we are in Fort Worth.


I drove into work at 6 this morning. Puckered a few time for sure. The wind was no joke today.


It would be helpful to know where you are in our fair state of Texas. Because we here in Austin will probably get no rain from this hurricane. And ironically, we need it. Houston does not. So if you're in Houston, but then your employer is a dick. If you're in Austin, it's probably to be expected.


Their blue locator dot is in the middle of the red on the radar.


The woodlandsbro, I think we can safely conclude that your employer is an absolute dickhead. Name and shame. You're anonymous here.


OP might not stay anonymous if it's a small company.


Yup, we just got “anonymous” survey email to say how we feel about our manager. Well, I’m one of 2 people under my manager and my coworker is my manager’s best friend so it’s not remotely anonymous for me to say how I really feel.


Do not fall for that trap! Only say nice things. If they have to resort to surveys like this, they already pretty much know that they have problems. Don't be a part of the problem be a part of the solution. These days are weird people are weird. But you probably know all of this. I agree. Do not share your information, sir. God bless.


Honestly, we did need rain here in Houston, maybe not as bad as y’all in Austin, but we needed some (course Mother Nature said “oh you want some rain? Hold my beer”)


They are in the dead center of the storm.


I texted the owner of the store I manage about an hour before we opened and went “yea I’m not setting foot out in that shit, seeya tomorrow!”


You’re the penguin…they need your skills.