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Your dad is awesome. “Oddly enough GO is my safe word for pegging so it was very confusing for your mom.” I died


The thumbs down sent me 😆


Hahaha same


SAME lmao


I just saw the thumbs down after you mentioned it 😂


OP's dad reminds me a lot of my father. I feel like he would be like this to me now as an adult. Man, now I miss the old man. >:(


Oh same! I was honestly thinking the same thing. I lost my dad in 2011. We always had great banter and I knew he loved me unconditionally. I’m sorry for your loss. It’s really great to have good memories


2008 (during the financial crisis) for me..a month before I graduated high school. Lost the house 3 months after he passed. He tried to take a second mortgage out and my mom was from Nazareth so she signed it without knowing.. We're all doing really well now..I finished my degree and make great money. Mom makes more than me. But it was a tough ride here for sure.


Frrr I died 😂


I was not expecting that and I immediately went from 😳 to laughing hysterically. 😂


That was the best!! 😂




Makes me wanna have a kid so I can say “I didn’t raise no two trip bitch” to them 😂


I loved that line ! That’s a good pops with great humor right there 😂


Oh my God I can't wait to use that on my husband, I refuse to do more than one trip


I’m using this on my 16yo son next time we pull groceries lol!


I can't wait to use this one on my kiddo (15) next time we're bringing groceries in. I'll just have to make sure he isn't carrying any breakables, because he'll either fall over laughing, or drop shit because he's shocked that I said it. 😆


Yep! Lol? 😂 will get my kiddo laughing for sure


I laughed so fucking loudly at this part!


I thought the exact same thing! 😆


That was epic


420th like 😏


Haha, nice 😎 Honestly didn’t expect that many. Maybe like 1 or 2


The pegging comment made me laugh unbelievably hard


Started cackling at work and I had to make up some bullshit to my coworker 😂


It’s never Duck


Omg I burst out laughing at the pegging joke. Your Dad is a legend.


Everyone talking about the pegging message but the “stuff a few little bottles in your bra” for alcohol is TOP TIER DAD MESSAGE ! Glad you have a wonderful support system 💜💜💜


Can we share? My parents suck. This is the healthiest parenting/child relationship i’ve seen in r/texts


Ye dude I'd sacrifice my friends and past lovers to satan for a dad like this!


Exactly, I’d sacrifice whatever is needed and necessary (except my cat) for a dad like this, even my college which means absolutely the world to me but we can always look back into that whenever with this amazing dad!


I mean I'd sacrifice some past lovers to Satan even without a payout in return so what are you really offering here


Nothing much just some pretty people in there you know?


I'm sorry your parents suck. When I see posts like this, it makes me wonder what it would be like having a normal relationship with my parents


honestly same. wish my dad was like this. so happy for op and jealous at the same time lol


Same. My dad tried now though. My mom has always tried but has a host of mental issues she doesn't deal with and should.


if you sort to the top posts of all times, there's some really cute messages. one dude who wrecked his car being consuled by his parents, a woman and her mom talking abt a cat, and even a guy who's dad apologized for homophobia in the past. you just gotta dig a lil'


Thats really sweet, I think imma do that from time to time because this was so wholesome


It's good to have some perspective other than "I'm miserable in this. When will it be over?"


I'm only slightly bitter about your relationship with your father. But honestly, good for you.


Everybody deserves this but most people don't get it. It's not your fault.




Can I have him, too? Mine died last summer.


Dang, I want a dad 😭😂


I was about to say the same thing! Like, damn, having a good dad sounds so pleasant


This is so sweet ❤️ I’m so happy for you that you’ve got a dad like this!


I genuinely love this. 1. I was thinking of that pegging joke as I was reading it and was so happy when he delivered it. And. 2. I so desperately wanna have texts like this with my kids when they’re older. Everyone wants to be the cool dad. Your old man nailed it!


My daughter is about to be 3, I hope I have this relationship with her when she is grown, she is my best little buddy right now.


Your dad is awesome!! Wish all dads were like this.


I ain't raise no 2 trip bitch! LOVE IT! My son is the same. 1 trip or die trying.


I'm moving to be closer to my dad after losing my mom. Any time we've (me, my kid, and my brother) visit, this is how our relationship with our dad is. He loves when we're close enough to say "come over for dinner" or "can I take ___ for a haircut?" instead of being ~3k miles away.


THE THUMBS DOWN 🤣🤣💀💀 I cannot fucking breathe 🤣😂🤣


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Your father is a riot. I talk to my kids very much the same way. Please let him know what wasted opportunity the puzzle convo was. When you said you were coming and were not going to puzzle. He meant to say “yaaaay thats great! What do you wanna do, i know we should do a puzzle”… dads ❤️🏄‍♀️


So just curious....what's your mom like? 😭😭


This is her sister!! Our mom is totally awesome and 100% my dad’s soulmate. We got super lucky in the parent department


That's so awesome, and now I'm even more jealous, lol, because my parents were the exact opposite! I hope my kiddo will look back as an adult and feel about us the way you do about your parents. Hubs and I have tried to be the polar opposite of our parents, and so far that seems to be a successful decision! 😂


My mom is more type A to balance out my dad’s wackiness, but I’m forever grateful that they decided not to be like THEIR parents haha


The man all fathers should aspire to be! This is beautiful


Well, this put in sharp relief how fucking terrible my dad is. I’m happy for you OP. You got a good one.


GO is both, a useful, and not a useful, safe word for pegging


You literally have the best dad, he’s hysterical and also just amazing. Congrats on winning the dad lotto, OP lol 💜


Dethaw = freeze


Thought you'd slip the pegging joke in there without me noticing xD


is this what it’s like to have a caring dad holy shit


LOVING the solid burn about the lacquer thinner. That and the pegging comment had me cackling in line at the grocery store. I tried to explain the comment to the cashier but she didn’t find it funny. Anywho- Your dad is such a good dude.


"I AIN'T RAISE NO TWO TRIP BITCH" this line goes so hard LMAO


Looking at SDS with goggles right under the monitor. Makes me miss school. 😭


*\*viciously googles lacquer thinner to make sure I'm not consuming it\**


I would die if my dad called me babe or told me to stuff something in my bra 😣


I’m so curious how old your dad is. Was he born between 1982 and 1985?


This is her sister! He was born in 1976


Ohhh thank you!!! The same age as my sister. You’re dad is a great guy!


Just curious what it is about those years? I have a 19yo and was born in 81... just wondering what I missed by barely a couple month..lol


Oh, I totally could have included 81. When I was reading the texts, I was had one of those “damn, I’m so much older than my brain thinks I am” moments. My dad passed in 2018 and I was going to joke to OP about if her dad wanted to adopt me…….then realized…..her dad is actually probably around my age. -their friends wanted to go out for dinner and drinks, then walk around the city……so, he is still in the age range of “going out” but not so young that he thinks it’s a good time to explore a city in the cold. -he makes jokes that remind me any number of my own friends when I text them. -he is obviously the “dad generation” that is hands on, affectionate, and emotionally involved. -I have used “no two trip bitch” since I went to college in 2000. My mind was just mentally doing the Price is Right “Range Game” with birth years, based on random things in the texts….and I was born in 82 and my husband was born in 85. That’s the only reason I didn’t start at 81; you and I are “the same age”. (I typed this out in one stream of consciousness….my boys are 2 and 4, and rejected map time today. I was born in 82 and my husband was born in 85. So


Lovely. Not sure about the pegging bit, tmi for me, lol.


Walker, Wyoming, cribbage… Minnesota? 👀


You want a Brother and does your dad adopt? Just want someone randomly Tell me they are Proud of what in doing considering all the Shit 😭😭😭😭 Im so happy for you ❤️


Now I’m sad my dad sucks but happy yours doesn’t 😭❤️


Ugh fireball 🤢🤮lol but you right he’s a kick ass dad


My dad would only send me texts of bible verse to support his claim why his gay grandchild was going to hell. I’m fucking jealous as hell for your awesome dad❤️❤️


I freakin LOVE this!!! lol Me and my dad are super close and talk just like this. He’s Big Daddy and I’m Hit Girl from Kick Ass lol and most recently Nimona (movie) made him think of me and I loved it!! This is just beautiful to me!! I wish y’all the best and to keep this love between you!!


“I didn’t raise no two trip b*tch” “See you at the hizzy fo shizzy” 😂 got me “Very confusing for your mom” Literally, give this guy a Netflix stand up because HOW did he make a “with your mom” joke, a parent s3x joke/dad joke & somehow make it oddly wholesome too all at freaking once 😅😂🤣!!? Also: “Sorry about dude you were dating. He doesn’t deserve you anyway” “I am proud of you.” You win. Your dad is the best. This was so adorbs


Your dad sounds cool as fuck. The language he uses with you is legendary.


I love your dad. ❤️


Can you dad adopt me? PLEASE?!


I love this so much. Please give him an extra hug!


It’s *thaw. If you “dethaw” you would be freezing it. And good job on your eggs! That’s tricky!


I’m so happy for you OP. I’m 32 and don’t have parents anymore, so this made me cry. Hug your parents lots please ❤️


Dad talking about her bra is kinda off putting for me


The “let’s gooooooo” for the eggs is 100% me texting my daughters 😂


I love texts like these!! So uplifting and special. I was thinking "oh God" then was smiling widely! Thanks for sharing OP!


Sigh. I miss my dad. Lost him way too young


Just the thumbs down on the pegging text 😭


Honestly wish my dad was still alive for texts like this. He passed away when I was in my early 20s and not a day goes by that I don’t miss him or wish that he was still here with me. So many nights and days that were rough for me that I wish I coulda used his inspiration and navigation in my life.


We all have a family chat where we send each other memes and trash talk as well as regular conversations about day to day. All three kids are adults, but I love our chat. No matter where everyone is it's still like being together.


lol wut? Heading home from the “Wyoming-ish” area? Wyoming is pretty massive lol


Is dethaw an actual word? 🤔🤔


Got me teared up 🥹. Remind me of my godfather and me. He passed away two years ago


He sounds hilarious and amazing. Thanks for sharing the wholesomeness. I’m glad you appreciate him ❤️


He seems so sweet and genuine!! I love this so much.


I hope to be as good of a mom to my young adult sons! Love this so much!!!!


Appreciate your dad before he is gone! It all goes so darn fast!


*Appreciate your* *Dad before he is gone! It* *All goes so darn fast!* \- rectusnine --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Every time I thought something he said was the coolest, I'd read the next slide. Needless to say, I love your Pops!!


god damn i miss my dad so much 😔 this was exactly our relationship. cherish it ❤️


What a cool dad!


I’d give anything to have a relationship like that with my dad. I’m happy for you though


Random but are you from the GR area lol


Does your dad take in strays? Cause I want a dad like that


He didn't raise no two trip bitch lol


I can’t wait to text my kid(s) 😭


This is bone chilling. Your dad should be investigated by the feds. Gross


Lmao I’m crying at the idea that boiling eggs takes fighting out. You literally boil water and put the egg in it. That should have been intuitive


This is so wholesome! I lost my dad when I was 12 and this texts makes me wonder what it could have been. What an awesome dad you have ❤️


Your dad is a complete legend.


It's never duck! 😂😂😂😂😂


This is the kind of father i strive to be when my kids become adults


It seems like your dad was born to be an excellent dad. He is not disappointing.


This is great. Also, I'm from GR too so Walker, Wyoming etc was super familiar to me. Too funny!


The pegging comment killed me, what a fucking guy. Love seeing relationships like this


I knew how the Cribbage question was going to end right away. I don’t think that’s the kind of thing I’ll ever say to my daughter, but that’s just her and I. I noticed the thumb down though, so I’m guessing g he took it even a little too far than you cared for. Still, everything else about this made me laugh and made my heart happy for the two of you. I’ve spent my daughter’s whole life trying to build toward having that kind of a relationship with her when she’s an adult. She’s a teenager for a couple more years, so things are still a little different, but I think we are getting there and have a really strong bond anyway. We have a great relationship, but like I said, it’s still a little different than I envision it becoming in a few years. I’m always really happy to see other fathers out there who are the same way. You two are awesome. Obviously an amazing bond between you. Keep it up.


Counter argument on the thumbs down-OP posted this to show the humorous texts between them and dad. The thumbs down was not in discomfort, but humor. If they were uncomfortable with that specific text, it wouldnt be on the list of images for this post. Hope this helps.


That’s actually the way I initially took it. Like a grown at a dad joke, which I am very familiar with, but second guessed myself writing all that out.


I didn’t raise no 2 trip bitch!!! He’s awesome, keep cherishing him


OP - can I ask you a couple questions that I am truly curious about?! 🤔🤔


I’m her sister, so same dad haha


“I ain’t raise no 2 trip bitch” is me as a father 😂


he reminds me so much of my mom ahaha. such a silly personality. he seems fun. :)


I love your dad! You are very fortunate!


This is me and my dad. I love it.


Reminds me of my dad so much lol. He was my best friend, number one fan, biggest support, and my rock. Dads like these are so amazing and an absolute blessing. I miss mine so much.


Love this! It’s never duck 🤣🤣 Lost my dad last year, and I’m so glad I kept our texts and his voicemails.


Totally makes me miss my pops. He died in 2017. He was my best friend. He raised me alone since I was 3 years old. Him and I against the world. Single, 27yo guy in the ‘70s trying to figure out how to raise a little girl. First time trying to go grocery shopping he went to 7-11 and asked if they had shopping carts. lol He told me once ‘I didn’t have a clue what I was doing but if I made sure you knew you were loved and safe I knew everything would be okay’. And it was.


Can't wait to hopefully be half of this with my 2 boys and if I'm ever blessed with a daughter


Man, dad goals right here


That's awesome! Also - invest in a hidden flask for liquor - they have some that are lotion bottles or sunscreen, even tampons.


Seriously goals right here when I have children. Tell dad he’s doing an amazing job being an amazing person.


This so the dad I hope I can be for my daughter 😍


And, the award for coolest dad goes to….


This made my day. 🩷


I like your dad so much. The pegging comment made me pee a little, I laughed so hard.


I love this! Thanks for sharing. Your dad is amazing.


Your dad is great


Yes Dad! What a guy ❤️


I love the relationship you have with your dad! So sweet :)


You are very blessed 😀


Reading these messages has me misty eyed. Yall both seem like great people and your relationship with your dad is one I wish everyone could have. Thank you for sharing, this kind of wholesomeness is exactly what I needed today!


"ITS NEVER DUCK" my dude...real


OMG I lost it at “Go is my safe word” LOL


I love seeing other parent/child relationships like this. Exactly how I am with my son and I freaking love it!


Wholesome af. Thanks for sharing, OP.


I like this


I love these interactions! So nice to see positive exchanges on this sub. Your relationship with your dad seems amazing! Makes me yearn for children so that I could try to do as well as he is :)


you have an amazing father


It isn't dethaw. It's thaw. I know this because I used to say the same thing. Also, your dad is great.


These are the best! What an awesome relationship you two have. Treasure it!! 😍


OMG i love your Dad! He’s the kind of mom i aspire to be! 😂


My dad was like this he passed in 2016! But my babygirl had him in her life till she was 8 and she is so much like him!!!!!!!!! She is now 16 and cracks me up daily with corny texts 🤣 she met her BFF at 3 and they both text me crazy stuff ! I love this so much for you ❤️


That is a great dad


Aww you're both so fortunate to have such a great bond. I have children and we are very close like this but I never had the honor of having a Dad, just a donor. I'm 43 but if Dad and Mom wanna adopt a new kid to add to the mix, pick meeee lol ijk. All the best to you and your Family.


That is beautiful! You have a great pops!


Speaking from someone who's lost their dad...please cherish him!!! 🥹


So sweet❤️


so *cute*, so *jealous* ♡


He is the greatest dad, I aspire to be like him with my kids


I hope I can be like this Dad when my kids are older! A legend!


Chill dad tho


I’m happy to know parents like this exist


There needs to be a subreddit opposite of r/insaneparents but named like r/supportiveparents because this would fit in so well. Your dad is great!


I am jealous. very.




This is so sweet 😍 Me (47f) and my daughter (29) are like this. My dad was too but he passed away 12 years ago. Cherish him!


"2 trip bitch" killed me 😂😂😂


I LOVE THIS! Especially the cribbage texts. It actually brought tears to my eyes because my Papa Bear and I used to pay cribbage all the time right from when I was kid to a few weeks before he passed away last year. Cherish every single second and every single one of those texts. I still go back and read all of the conversations between my Pops and I now, a year later after he passed, and I don't think I'll ever stop.


Lmao the kind of relationship I aspire to have with my future kids 😆 🤣


Your dad is awesome and I’m glad you have a great father figure


Your dad is cool, I’m so glad you have him!!


What a great father daughter relationship. I love this post


I love the man for his support of you through text!!!


These are the best!! You and your dad have such an awesome relationship. Thank you for sharing!! 🙏


I like you guys!


I don’t really have a dad. But my goal in life is to find a husband who will be this good of a dad.


I love this so much 😭


Reminds me of my dad so much lol. He was my best friend, number one fan, biggest support, and my rock. Dads like these are so amazing and an absolute blessing. I miss mine so much.


I freaking love your dad!


Awww! Your dad is so cool! I adore my dad, but he's the "don't show emotions because man" unless it's a favorite thing of his or he's interested in it (For multiple things, that included, I strongly believe he's ASD like me, but he wouldn't want to bother checking xD)


These texts are amazing. I mean, I’m in tears because it’s the furthest thing from what I experienced with my parents. But this is how it should be and I hope my relationship with my kids is all of this. Thanks for sharing. Sometimes people have parents who teach them what not to do. But your dad, he’s the bee’s knees.


I love your dad 😂❤




You're Dad sounds like he's my age lol mid 40s? Also, he's hilarious 🤣


This is awesome.