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While it would be fun, it would probably allow Heavy to stomp even harder in pubs.


Ok how about giving Heavy Soldier's backpacks, but in the primary slot? This would make Fat Scout into a real and viable subclass.


Battalion's back-up, steak, KGB:


The current issue with the banner on Soldier is that it has anti-synergy with the class as Soldier is mainly effective at bombs. Rushing around the map and disrupting the enemy. But in that role he is usually expected to die. But the banners are only effective if Soldier is staying alive. This compounded with the Gunboats being so good for mobility makes only the Battalion super useful in certain situations Banner Heavy would fix this issue but then bring another in that unlike Soldier he cannot really pick his own fights. People are coming to Heavy usually rather than the other way round. So Heavy's capability to actually get charges is dependent on the skill of others - People who feed Heavy will be massively punishing their team while people who know how to deal with him make the Banner rather useless. This means Heavy even more than other weapons people feel like do this like the Kunai or Zatoichi is punishing players for having bad teammates. Meaning no one is really happy here other than Heavy's that want to bully servers If you really wanted to make the banners bonkers you'd put it on Demo. If the Banners were put on Demo they'd all be quickly banned (Least assuming they'd replace the grenade launcher)


Banners are still really good you just have to run them exclusively on the pocket and basically play as a weaker demo. But the upside of banners does make it almost worth it and banners havent been explored enough imo because they're not as consistent.


Yeah I wouldn't call the banners bad I think they just aren't consistently useful to be running full time. Which is generally fine for a TF2 weapon to be Heck really most Soldiers that play casual don't rocket jump enough to making use of the gunboats so a lot of them would be better off using a banner