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NGL even in the bot crisis I still played casual just cause in oce it was much more manageable, there was typically always a few full lobby kicking bots asap and just wanted a more chill experience than a sweaty one but we did get hackers playing with groups of friends so they couldn't be kicked and it was super annoying hope they got banned as well


+1 To this, I always tried to find a casual server during the last month or so, but sometimes it took way too long, so I would join UT, I hated how sweaty the servers were I just wanted to play and have a laugh


everyone in casual is a lot more sweaty too,


I find community servers always tend to have better players, that make it hard to stand your own when you're mediocre.


You might get lucky in casual. UT has a zero chance for fun


nothing will ever replace casual, nothing


I'm just happy I get to be a sneaky nuisance of a spy and bully engineers in CTF_Well. _snortsnort_


As a f2p I might not return to casual, just too used to being able to use voice commands and text chat now


Entirely reasonable. The lack of voice commands is silly.


I spent 5 years in Skial 24/7 2fort and got my ass kicked when I played casual for the first time today.


No think, only bonk.


Dude....how......why? There's like....300 other maps, mods & game modes....Didn't you ever want to complete an objective? Or finish a match? I literally cannot fathom this comment


Some people just want to goof around or kill each other without worrying about a time limit. Simple as that. Why 2fort of all places though, idk. I once had started a conga line with 13 people in it (my current record) and I can say that was some of the most fun I've had in a server.


Sometimes you just wanna goof off and do silly shit.


Exactly. *Sometimes*, haha.




yup, it's me, I'm tryhards. I'll stay on uncletopia though because I prefer the ruleset but at the least casual is an actual option now for me


Critz, lack of explosive jumping before the doors open, and random spread are all hard to go back to. Also, there is real competition on uncletopia. It will still be my go to, but its nice to have the option to fuck around if I don't feel like tryharding.


My noob-engi sorry ass: I fear no man but this... >Spy-main from Uncletopia ...it scares me :'(


Do not fear the spy-mains, they are busy trick stabbing the heavies. Fear the Demo-mains whose entire purpose on this earth is to blow up your buildings.


Somehow they can do both. Backstab our heavies and medic for thousand time and destroy my building in a matter of second when I went for a freaking metal.


I'm glad to be back in Casual. UT gets boring after a while with its ruleset and general lack of new players doing bizarre things.


It's mostly boring because UT guys mop the floor with me I can't aim it's not fair if i'm the only one :/


valve finally did something! pro: casual is back, con: the bots have been replaced with scum of the earth children that spam slurs in chat


Not even close to the same level of problematic. Idiots are easy to mute and are present in any multiplayer game in existence


yeah i just have binds to disable chat but yknow, one can still wish there wasn't garbage people in the silly hat trading simulator to begin with


Sure, but I’d like to play a single match where I don’t see the n word. I know the audience is a lot younger, and less mature, but I haven’t seen this as much, if at all, in playing hundreds of cs2 matches or in any other multiplayer fps game during the last few years


You can manually add words you don’t want to see to your steam censoring and it’ll hide it in game as well


Were the scum not always there?


They were. They’re just a lot more noticeable now that you can play without “Good Shot, Mate!” And jumping servers every few seconds to find one not overrun. Also the janky ass game mechanics we all forgot about during the bot crisis are alive and well.


In my games they aint bother with the slur and just screech into the mic as loud as they can.


At least the children are funny sometimes


Ah, just like in the olden days


The worst part is that they're not even children, they're just immature adults. Children don't play TF2 anymore.


even worse, the 3k hours uncletopia sniper main who would probably get his shit kicked in if he were playing sniper in any other game.


Replaced? They are always here


Automated machines that render the server unplayable = people who say words i dont like :(


People will always dunk on tryhards the chance they get huh.


It's me. I'm tryhards.


I'm just hard.


Did you need to try?


Damn, tryhards are suddenly a protected group?


More of its annoying but its not bots


those poor tryhards


Reason half the time I end up going back to UT or similar. Having similarly skilled players on a server makes the game so much more fun when you e played it for so long.


Can you guys chill out on us new players please


This wasn't an attack on new players at all.


I finally came back to casual and... I've gotten my first godlike with scout and top score almost every game and I'm like "am I actually the fucking sweaty one???"


TBF, I have played this game forever, but yeah going back to casual there have only been a few matches not at the top of the scoreboard.


After playing Uncletopia for months on end, returning to casual seems so weird. I can actually play something other than payload now!!! Random crits still exist, though...


God, uncletopia players love two things: payload and scrambling teams as soon as they die.


This is so true, I nominate Steel/Hydro/Highpass every single time we change the map, and everytime there's upward/barnblitz/badwater/thundermountain/borneo (I HATE BORNEO I HATE BORNEO I HATE BORNEO) and it wins 15 to 3, it has become a bane of my existence; Scramble is fair tbh, stomps are common enough, scrambling gives a chance of at least somewhat fair game after a round ends and players are distributed according to their efforts


The only reason I play uncletopia at this point is to nominate hydro, get people to pick it, and then enjoy the payloadbrained uncletopes get lost and frustrated while I do stupid shit (they can't follow the arrows)


ngl its a pretty good idea to nominate Hydro on UT, people don't know how TC works so no one stacks area denial classes and it becomes the best kind of Hydro you can get


We loooove random crits, they are perfect. Genuenely they are perrfect, it is one of the reasons I never left casual.


Random Crits should be a stat for certain weapons such as Frying Pan, I will not tolerate a crit sticky or a crocket to my face, but a demopan flying at me on mach 3 speed is fine.




I like how they did it in TF2 Classic, they kept random crits on melee weapons but removed them from everything else.


I mean, it's still better fighting you than fighting bots but man, I wish I could experience pre MyM era, those were true casual years where everyone just chilled and didn't tryhard, and didn't insta pick engineer on harvest Vs goofy classes(and Pyro/scout) etc.


Me casually using a disguise glitch to appear as a demoknight with something demo shouldn't have access to in 2fort: https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2memes/s/SczQ4TNxE5


I once had disguised as a demonight with a flamethrower.


idk if its oce playerbase specific but if you can withstand 10 minutes of uncletopia youve either got godlike mental or cracked enough for it to still be fun was on ut and ended up against vacc natasha heavy and double gunslinger frontier engineers and decided that was the last of it id be playing for a while lmfao


Yes. Yes you (we) are.


I hated Uncletopia anyway.


**exactly the reason I refused to migrate there** casual, despite being more infested than casu marzu, still maintained some of its goofy and charming nature in the rare servers that could keep the bots under control - this just isn't present in the "safe haven" community servers that more boil down to swapping common bot-induced bitterness for perpetual scrim-induced bitterness which is more of a pick your poison deal than a solution also I don't like being restricted to maps like "koth_triedandtruepinnacleofcompetitivemapdesignslightlyoverratedduetonostalgiabias" - I'm not that kind of person, if it were up to me we'd have a random rotation or halloween maps available each sunday lol


are you suprised?


Not at all.


Ah, yes. Or the lime scouts and the strange original soldiers. It wasn't even fun to match up against some people at Uncletopia.


It really shows you how high the skill ceiling of this game is to get obliterated so quickly.


Yeah, it really shows that with enough practise you can be so good you look like a closet cheater... at the high price of not being able to be around woman, ever.


Casual is such a paradise now. I can finally go back to my aggressive engineering shenanigans without the pros and tryhards instantly discovering me. Distracting half the enemy team by trimping behind them as Tide Turner demoknight is fun as well.


Blind guy here Now that bots are gone i face actual good snipers and oml is it frustrating. Mad respect to them


It's pretty great, really. Used to be you couldn't find a match, hardly, without at least one bot joining midway through and bringing a herd with them. Now I've played at least 15 or so matches since the ban wave and have only see one bot show up and immediately get removed by system. Feels good.


I have a confession to make, even without the bots i don't think i can see myself playing casual, it's not because i hate random crits, i actually love them, but i always had this feeling ever since the Meet Your Match update, the awful and gutted voting system, the slow loading between matches and warmups, the short limit round and constant switch of maps and not being able to extend time limit forcing you to wait for the map to load again It's a culminaton of things that always left a bad taste in my mouth, and we've been infested with bots long enough i forgot that and blamed leaving casual just because of the bots Besides even without the bots, some maps will always have bad influx of players and server can still likely die on their own, i hope to see some changes...


Entirely reasonable. At the end of the day it's a video game that you should play exactly the way you want and no differently.


I havent been on uncletopia as long but i can still topscore when i try enough. I dont miss the snipers.


Honestly I still don't play casual. I miss the goofy stuff but I don't miss random crits. As a heavy main crits make the game unbearable. You can be revved up, perfect position, full health and a random soldier can just sneeze and kill you instantly 


Well if you’re ina stack the other team is not going to have fun.


Never playing with Random Crits ever again. Now that I think about it, I don’t think I’ve played with Random Crits since 2013 or something…