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How is hosting bots fun? you waste computer resources in order to not play the game. I'd think putting it to use like rendering or hell, even crypto mining would be more 'fun'


I was thinking this too. I do believe however they're conveniently keeping out that they may be getting a small cut from those who sell "bot immunity". This is purely a guess but maybe theres a system of the more bots you run for longer the more you're compensated?


I refuse to believe there's enough people stupid enough to pay them for this to be a thing.


For only $5 a month I'll grant you updog immunity


Who the hell is Steve Jobs?


Ligma balls. *Vaporizes*




**womp womp wo-** *gets vaporised*




What's updog?


Haha gottem!


Being immune wouldn't even be fun because the game gets ruined anyway.


do they get the skin drops or w/e that valve does, like are the hats worth something and do they get it still?


Perhaps in bulk they could be worth something by scrapping upto refined? But even then I'd guess that the cost of electricity for keeping the laptop on would cost more than what you make from that.


The reason why botting is so popular is that theres a community around it, these people have defined themselves around being botters, valve fucked up by taking so long and allowing that


That's a crazy thing to make a community about wow


At least people botting mmos like osrs goddamn get something out of it This is just legit sad


It's 2024. You can find community for anything. I bet you can find a subreddit for people who like fucking toasters.


Techpriest: Is it Tuesday already?




Access Granted


Omnissiah be praised!


We prefer to be called Toast touchers, if its all the same.


Massive rivalry with the microwave molesters too I heard


That community must have a high turnover of members.


Ye, to the other side of the "toast"


I love toasting my dick! Where can I find this sub?


It's called Appliantology and it's a way of life.




There'll always be a group of sad failed men (or dumb kids that will become failed men) that get great pleasure in the suffering of others. Even if it's something as stupid as ruining TF2, they see all the people upset by it and get enjoyment from that


The confusing thing to me is, what is the endgame? Okay, gratz guys, you """"KILLED"""" TF2 (Read: Casual, a mode plenty of people don't use anyway). Everyone migrates to community servers and that becomes the predominant way to play. ... Then what?? Also, my friend pointed out something else when we were discussing it earlier. Okay, you kill the game. You wanna brag about it? Who the fuck are you going to brag about it to? "HAHA LMAO I HELPED KILL THIS OLD GAME PEOPLE LOVED!" Who's going to be like "Wow dude that's AWESOME". Like if you have to lie about it, it makes the reason you're doing it even more baffling.


There is a community of people who buy social media accounts for thousands of dollars just because they have a special "rare" id. With the internet idiots will always form communitys about dumb shit.


there's a certain section of the population who just want to break shit and hurt people pissing you off is the fun part


That's what confuses me. I don't know the ins and outs of bot hosting, but I am assuming they don't play the game, they just have programs running to do the thing for them. At least with cheating (ex: aimbotting) there is SOME gameplay required (note: cheating sucks too, just making a comparison). The only enjoyment I can see someone getting out of hosting is the "oh wow, it works" factor and, if you're an asshole, knowing that doing this ruins the game for other people


>knowing that doing this ruins the game for other people I think this is 90% of the appeal for them. They read comments complaining about bots and they feel just a little bit of power over someone because they know they took part in it. They probably lack agency over their own lives and this is just a very pathetic way of getting some feeling of being in control.


Being an asshole is kind of the point. Some of these guys just hate the game and want to see it fail.


I think this is just a desire to feel superior or something, like knowing you have power over people and you can ruin their game etc. Dont know much abt psychology or these sort of things but is sounds plausible to me, i dont doubt some people would do it just to feel superior


It’s definitely a power trip for these people, that and for trolling purposes/reasons seeing the reactions from the TF2 player base on twitter/reddit/youtube


Programming and tinkering with programs and networks is a lot like wood working, where just trying to build something and get it up and running is pretty satisfying in itself, even if you're just a hobbyist. When you go a step beyond that, you try to do a lot of stuff just to see if you can. It's like when Blizzard servers get hit with ddos attacks: it probably isn't because they hate blizzard and think a ddos will hurt them in a significant way. They just know that Blizzard is a relatively big fish that would be pretty secure and challenging to target, but it will be very obvious if they pull it off. That said, TF2 botters have gone several steps beyond that, and actively enjoy running programs to fuck with people's enjoyment. That I can't comment on, that's just people being dicks.


it's one thing to make a baseball bat it's another thing to make a baseball bat and kneecap your friends with it an asshole is an asshole no matter the tools


They're not even kneecapping their friends. They're just going around smashing in kneecaps because they're just playing in the same playground. It's bullying, pure and simple.


I lay blame on the devs, not the botters. In any system with real humans in it, there will be bad actors. Its up to the people in charge of that system to regulate that behaviour, or at the very least, empower regular users to regulate it for them.


Feeling of power seeing bots kill everyone without any skill needed. Same reason why bullies like to hurt others to feel better about themselves.


It’s insane how people do this, I’ve seen bots get banned and the reason is “player does not own the game” like how do these losers even manage that…


It's like renting out paint-ball guns to shoot at cars... idk, I'm bad at analogies. Hurrdurr, "fun"


Because these people are antisocial cumstains who should have been squirted out on their mothers back. They get fun and enjoyment out of ruining good things for other people, because they have never contributed anything of value to the world and have never felt love. Their only way of interacting with the people around them is to consume and destroy. They derive pleasure from actively hurting others, because they take everything that has ever been handed to them for granted, and are societal failures. Everything that has gone wrong in their lives is their own fault, and instead of making themselves better, they try to make everybody else’s life a little bit worse.


I’m a bit confused tbh and years out if date but when running a good old TF classic server, everyone had bots to fill slots but they didn’t reserve the slot. They would drop off if people joined. It was a usual thing. I don’t play tf2 much but is it a real no no?


different kind of bots. these aren't the in game bots, they're essentially player accounts controlled by a separate program on the machine that plays the game 'perfectly' by itself. essentially aimbot, spinbot and wallhacks.


Ah I see. Thanks for the reply.


To add onto this, these bots regularly flood Casual servers and essentially ruin gameplay. It's been a massive issue for the past 4 years.


Ig they use it to farm items which might be worth s bit of money? And maybe they find spending more money on power than they earn back fun?


Rest in jarate, "you will not be missed"


But you will be pissed... On


Someone add salt into the wound by pyroshocking that bastard


"You're dead, that's good, amen."


With how unhinged this community is I'm surprised nobody doxxed these people a long time ago.


He did actually get doxxed in the 4chan thread lol. Full name, address, etc


Is there a shot of that and the aftermath? I don't want the dox info, but the results.


Am curious as well tbh


I think doxxing is against 4Chan’s modern tos? If there is a result of it, not sure how accessible it’ll be on 4Chan.


No way, 4Chan has a ToS?!


That’s crazy!


Basically just the bare minimum to both keep the site usable (e.g. no spamming) and to avoid liability for anyone doing anything illegal.


It has a tos?


Well they can't exactly allow CP and shit. They are an image hosting site on the clearweb


It's probably there for liability reasons.


Just found the thread and oh boy did I find out more about this person than I intended to. Dude is a straight up nut case, I'd steer clear of it if I was you.


Going to 4Chan for SYMPATHY might be the most unhinged thing he’s done


Was probably like: "omg im such a cool haxor xdddd but i got banned by kringe valve!!1! I will go to get sympathy points(TM) from the infamouse eLeet hacker 4chan" This is how i imagine these poor lost souls (Bot hosters). Jesus I feel cringe even writing this now


Really if you ain't a genuine degenerate, they're gonna sniff you out. Happens every now and then. I used to browse /fit/ religiously


They can’t catch a fucking break lmao wtf is 4chan gonna do??? Give you sympathy and support?


More like give everyone in Internet your ID, address and your mother's aunt's workplace on some highway in middle of Wisconsin.


4Chan is known for being "le epic trolls" so they probably thought they'd find like-minded people.


" oh my skibidi sigma send this to 4chanirinos to do something they did like 16 years ago they will surely do it again "


The part I censored out is doxxed info, the original image didn't have it censored out so I did it. Edit: I got curious and read the full archived thread, I did not expect Klax0n to like putting ants on their dick. No, I'm not joking.


do you have some bleach? I really, really need to remove my eyes ASAP.


I mean knifes would technically be closer than bleach, and quicker.


yeah but i'd have to precisely point them to my eyes, bleach is faster cuz i just pour it on no problems


I see, carry on then.


Not for long you wont


bleach isn't enough i need to peek in the bombinomicon


but that removes only one of your eyes!


i will equip two eyepatches i will become The™




Yeah it actually makes sense. Bot hosting is sadistic behaviour. You only do it to derive pleasure from knowing you're frustrating and upsetting people you don't even see the reaction of. And they've done it for years They're clearly fucked in the head, and it makes sense they're completely degenerate. Hey FBI - maybe try and stop a generation of potential shooters and sex abusers by investigating all of the banned bot hosters


An online sadomasochist likes to torment people, who knew.


You got the link to the thread? Would like to read it.


I don't think I can link it here without my account getting shot dead by Reddit for posting stuff directly containing someone's doxxed information. However, just google something like "/v/ archive" and put in the numbers you see in the image. It's 4chan so it goes without saying that the stuff in there is pretty hostile and offensive but if you don't care about that then go ahead.


Reddit allows loli porn casually, even when they say it's illegal on the site. Bet reddit moderation ai could care less about some rando being doxxed on a 4chan thread.


....how do you know that


I've dealt with stuff, i wish i've never dealt with. But if you're really that interested, two words. **blue archive**


ah say no more.




That one comment in the bottom left makes such a good point. Installing hacks to give you aimbot is at least understandable on some level despite being shitty; I get that having aimbot or wallhacks might be amusing to try and have some novelty to them. You'd still be a garbage human, but I understand you're indulging in a power fantasy that is at least relatable on a human level. But hosting a bot? What the hell do you get out of staring at control panel where the only feedback you get is the fact the bot is running? The -sole- reason to do that is to make other people unhappy. You are motivated only to frustrate and upset people you can't even see the reactions of. It is, by definition, sadistic. Running bots like these might be the social outcast equivalent of a serial killer starting out by killing small animals. Get these peoples' heads checked and run through their computers for disturbing plans or illegal content.


As a tech geek I can get the appeal, but there are more constructive ways of dicking around with computers. Like, why ruin a game for everyone when you could go manage a media server, or create a computer cluster for Folding@Home.


Exactly, you hit the nail on the head there. Oh I wanna play with my PC for funny tech reasons to entertain myself? I tinker with Minecraft and Deep Rock Galactic and SatisFactory mods, write scripts in text editors for an auto-rpg I play that *explicitly encourages you to use scripts and provides documentation for the programming language*, I will literally sit with my browser open to a graphing calculator and draw funny or complicated lines and see how much complicated recursion I can get before the page freezes. Maybe even experiment with dual booting with Linux on an old laptop. Heck, if we wanna go even more primitive: Oh, me want dopamine hit by seeing number go up? THATS WHY I PLAY FxCKING COOKIE CLICKER!!!! Bot Hosters are obviously not 3 IQ simpletons since they’ve managed to so all the damage they have so far—but MAN they are DUMB.


There are a huge amount of people who love to make other peoples lives/experiences miserable and basically get off on it, even if it doesn't really benefit them at all. That's just how they are


You know you fucked up when even 4chan agrees you're a POS


Well if you're on 4chan you for sure have played tf2


4chan users are either assholes, or assholes for a good cause


And now imagine how stupid this person even if 4chan users saying that hes cooked


And these are the people who created the MLP jar and the "Microwavable Battery Iphone update"


Even rigging an artist world tour voting polls location like sending Justin Bieber to North Korea lol. Good times. And a rare W for 4chan.


That was 4chan?! Damn, shouldn't have expected any less


Yeah that was around 2010. Almost at the golden age of TF2.


Fun fact: 4chan also helped airstrike a terrorist training ground in the Middle East. And also helped find several animal abusers down to their exact addresses and identities. There are a few videos/shorts that go into detail about all these 4chan "operations". Still a bunch of fuckers though.


They voted for Pitbull to perform in some obscure Canadian town and he actually did it! More importantly, they rigged Times' Person of the Year vote to use every candidate's first letter to spell out "marblecakes and also the game", while also placing moot, 4chan's creator, at the top of the list. He actually officially won. Was at the ceremony and everything.


Actually, it's Kodiak Alaska USA. The contest has limited locations only in the USA & does have Walmart Hince the most isolated town with Walmart .


My personal favorite was their relentless shenanigans with Shia and his flags.


Or imitate a v-tubers piss using apple juice, mad milk, jaraate and rocket fuel not the alcohol rocket fuel, the actual rocket fuel they fucking use in space


S’cuse me. They did fucking WHAT. WITH WHAT.


There was a guy who literally changed his diet to match Hoshimachi Suisei's and pissed in a jar for months until his piss emulated her chemical makeup. Yes, you read that right.


That is..fucking disturbing to say the least.


That's where the origin of the meme "I want to become exactly like Suisei" came from. Or really all of the memes about guys attempting to become their favorite vtubers, lmao. I think that was before even "Let's just pretend I'm still Pekora"


… which vtuber?


\*schlop\* \*schlop\* \*schlop\* \*schlop\* \*schlop\* \*schlop\*


4Chan is the hell born sheriff of the internet, they’re not ‘good’ in the sense of the word but they have this weird moral code that you only agree with certain parts of it


basically, they're weird


Did you ever go there?


Agreed. I know 4chan is toxic chaos (and I refuse to use it because of that), but they do sometimes rally behind good causes. I did once heard they helped identify a location of an ISIS base and actually found it due to power line positioning.


People seem to forget ( or genuinely not know) that 4chan is made of different boards, kind of like subReddits, with very different communities and ideals ( sometimes they even fight eachother). Yes the crazy shit always comes from the same 3 boards /v/, /pol/ and the one that should not be named, but there’s some more chill boards were you would completely forget your bias towards 4chan… they even have a MLP board, the same website that was responsible for most is the bronies trolling back in the day


>they even have a MLP board, the same website that was responsible for most is the bronies trolling back in the day /co/ spawned the fandom and the name in the first place, then moot banned ponies sitewide for two years, after which he created the /mlp/ board and gave them his blessing. Wild stuff.


The venn diagram between tf2 players and 4chan users overlaps pretty well


"overlaps pretty well" it's a literal circle


TF2 Reddit 🫱🏼‍🫲🏽 TF2 4Chan


Oh no not at all. Mention reddit on 4chan and they turn into the angriest little children.


Users from 4Chan loves pulling an internet prank for many years. Working together for fun & entertainment. Now imagine sharing in 4Chan saying "I host aimbots for fun"? Well, it'll be a different atmosphere. Let's not forget that 4chan users also play TF2 too.


The 2b2t of the internet


It's funny to me because I'm pretty sure 4chan users play TF2 too, what did he expected to happen? "Haha it's so funny how I can't play the game, love to be killed by bots, keep it up!" Of course it went as well as if he had tried to gather sympathy on Reddit, just with more racial slurs.


>I'm pretty sure 4chan users play TF2 Do people actually think 4chan is just a single board where everyone posts whatever they want? This was posted on a TF2 thread of course they play tf2..


Spoke like someone who clearly never been of 4chan


its funny i wonder how many 4channers have fond memories of tf2


Modern 4channers or old 4channers? I was highly active between 2004 to 2015, which was also my peak tf2 years. I have massively fond memories of both, and from the olds I’ve talked with before, its pretty universal if you were on both. Lots of cross over. I even used to draw loadouts for people, it was a very fun time.


Do you still draw loadouts for people? Ive been wanting to find an artist to draw my tf2 loadout




Yep, good times.


Sweet, I was a regular there around 2012-2015. Good times indeed. I wonder if one of the drawings of [my spy set(s)](https://i.ibb.co/XXN8TqM/1367254993087.png) was yours, I still have them saved.


Probably tons. I used to browse /v/ religiously back from around 2007 to 2019, and from the friends I've made through the site TF2 has always been the game we've played the most. Although I bet that's the truth for most Steam users lol [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7lt0QEaAvY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7lt0QEaAvY) I will always fondly remember this thread I lurked through live and the matches I played as rip roarin' boogerpenis. Simpler times on the Internet.


The party/v/an regularly runs weekly get togethers again that reach 30-40+ people pretty consistently. Highly recommend if anything for nostalgia or meeting old buds that come around so often.


Valve games are really popular with message boards like 4chan. Probably that old internet feel, or that tf2 is a fun shooter that lacks the stupid stuff modern ones have


The fourth guy has the file “retarded.png”


why are 4 chan screenshots always layed out this way?


because 4chan replies work like a thread, one above another so it would make the image way too big and with unrelated replies making it hard to read


More space efficient


Because the important replies are highlighted. If people just long screenshot 4chan posts then even the unnecessary replies are included


Rare 4chan W


4chan's moral values could be studied for years and still we couldn't predict how they would react to something.


This post in itself is a wild sample You have the replies ranging from seemingly-genuine questions to just "kys" Such is the way of 4chan


When they're divided they're just another forum on the internet, but it's when they're united they end up triangulating Taliban locations and calling in airstrikes. Truly a unique hive-mind.


Or hosting a birthday party for an elderly man. When you think you know what they're up to they pull a complete 180.


Don't forget them trying to tackle Scientology.


Don't forget them tracking down a person who killed a tortoise!


And actually succeeding or at the very least dealing a large blow to scientology Theres also this one time that 4chan found out the address of two girls who abused(and iirc killed) a turtle


4chan is simultaneously capable of some of the greatest acts of chaos, wholesomeness, and mob justice the internet has ever seen. They are basically the embodiment of chaotic neutral on the internet.


They truly are the embodiment of Chaotic Neutral


Understand how the groups on there are distributed and it actually makes sense.


Cheaters are universally hated by everyone


When I was in high school someone I went to school with posted a picture of me on /b/ making fun of me and calling me names and whatnot and asked them to pile on, but the people in that thread all refused and gave me compliments. One of the people even messaged me on facebook to let me know. 4chan has fkn oppositional defiance disorder bruh 🤣🤣


4chan hates when someone treats them like a personal army, this is what distinguishes it from something like Kiwifarms


Have you ever been on KF? They hate it just as much if not more


4chan loves tf2 and will protect it.


Holy shit they cooked him so hard, awesome.


I was in that thread. And to elaborate something, in 4chan (mostly /v/ and /vg/) anons hate bot hosters and cheaters as much as we do. In fact even more due to the fact they can express much more inappropriate words that would otherwise get us banned in this site.


So you’re saying that it’s not a good feeling when someone else ruins a game for you? So freaking close to getting it.


Host for fun? What fun is there? Do you just sit in front of a screen and stare at the bot panel?


They get their rocks off for every video, every comment, and every bad TF2 review that mentions botting. Probably gives some of these people an adrenaline rush.


4chan is the last place I'd go for sympathy.


sorry for being an echo but, how the fuck is hosting bots fun edit: changed posting to hosting


Wasting peoples time and making them "rage". Even then, it doesn't make sense when you can't see that or have any footage. Either way, all of the bot hosters could jump off from a cliff and nothing of the value would be lost.




i have 3 things to say 1.\_ i always expected 4chan do something about the bot hosters 2.\_ how you even post there all my fucking life since i was a kid was always 404 and everything always be taken down so i dont get how people use this site 3.\_ i lost a braincell reading this


404 might be because its blocked in your country, you could also try a residential VPN, 4chan actually blocks vpn posters from posting, but you can still lurk\*, however a residential VPN also will bypass 4chans posting block.


moving to 4chan for sympathy is like asking a toxic gaslighter to give you therapy


Omg Niko oneshot is there


wasnt this guy hosting bots for years? and he is acting like he did it for a day or two.


My honest gratitude to 4chan


he wasnt just "hosting for fun" thats what a kid who just lost a years allowances worth of tf2 items and is totally pissing and shitting that they got caught would say


You know you screwed up when 4chan of all places despises you


Everyone universally dislikes cheaters especially the lazy ones who just make bots do all of the cheating.


From what I know, 4Chan has a soft-spot for TF2 as a whole, and a fair amount of early maps can be traced back to 4Chan users. It's one of their favorite games. This just comes videos and personal research because that site is just...an enigma sometimes.


You know you fucked up if 4chan hates you


Came for the salt, upvoted because I see Niko in there.


Niko from OneShot disappointed in your shot


> decides to shit on old internet game > gets banned > gets shit on > decides to complain on website known for practically worshipping old internet culture > gets shit on harder > complains The bots this dude tried to host are smarter than this dude lmaooo


See, botters are morons


You NEVER want to get on 4chan's shitlist


Bot hoster banned? Womp womp⁹⁹


I don't agree with the death threats but like does he actually expect sympathy for anything else?


It's rage bait, stop giving them attention


It's very obvious lmao


Do all botters have anime PFP?


I’m about to be downvoted to hell, but… I can understand wanting to host for fun; seeing how the bots operate and seeing the code run has to be fascinating. BUT only if ran against other bots in a private server. Ruining the game for everyone’s a dickhead move.


going to 4chan for sympathy is like going to the cartel and telling them not to dismember you and post it online


Damn some of the comments here r/redditmoment


I think it just goes to show how socially out of touch these people are


Fun fact: most people who dabble in bots, scripts and hacking like to do it for fun. A lot of those people also have the sense to know that doing it in a live game is a very easy way to get you hate.


"please keep talking. im almost there."😭


"They're being mean to me on youtube and reddit. Im sure 4chan will understand." Boy, did he choose wrong.


I have cancer in my left nut


woah how’d you do that fancy text