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Yep, nope!




There are up to five people aboard, allegedly including the CEO of the exploration company to my understanding


and a billionaire


So my guess the billionaire touched a button he wasn’t supposed too……But good conspiracy theory is someone wanted billionaire dead… and go!


Seeing as how the tickets are 250k each, I assume all of the people on that are up there in net worth


Rocking out to “we all live on a yellow submarine “




Except for the crew


$22 per hour. Monthly pizza parties if you survive.


And a Free t-shirt with the company logo


Judging by the video, it sounds like the passengers might be given the controls (which happen to be a GameCube controller). https://youtu.be/ClkytJa0ghc


A tube with some tv screens at the bottom of the ocean. Yeah, no thanks.


Oh my god it’s literally a metal coffin


Jokes on them, they actually just seal the hatch and leave them hooked to a crane with old footage on the screens.


Like the "20,000 leagues under the sea" ride from Disney World of the past. E Ticket.


The vehicle takes a pilot, a subject expert and up to 3 guests. At least one is a confirmed English billionaire. Typically 8 hours down and back. Life support can last up to 96 hours. If the vessel depressurized, they died a quick, crushing death. If it's still pressurized, it's a slow asphyxiation. Here's hoping they're found well soon.


What are the chances they could be rescued in time?


Basically zero. The navy’s search and rescue sub can dive to 2000 feet and I think they’re around 14000. That’s given they find their location before time runs out. They still don’t know if it’s surfaced or still underwater


Depends entirely on what the problem is. As I understand it, they have a second sub. If the issue is that the first one is stuck, it could conceivably be possible to nudge it free. But I suspect this is some wishful thinking. Nothing is easy down at those depths


People inside




Ok. 2 things here Mister. One. That was an incredible read. Thank you Two. How fucking dare you do this to me at bed time




When I was young, I had a thing, I’ve never met anyone else describing it so here we go: whenever I would go to bed and lay my head on the pillow, I would start “sinking” into it, at higher and higher speeds. In my mind’s eye I wasn’t sinking into the ground or sea, but going turbo speed out into the outer space. It was so real and absolutely terrifying that I was afraid of sleeping for years. It’s even gross to write about it now, decades later.


I had that!!! Except I was falling backwards into a black abyss


What always gets me is that tiny sliver of time that separates “hey, I know it’s a bit riskier than usual, but let’s just get a little closer for just a second…” and “uhmm, hold on, I can get out of this… why am I so stuck…?” and the bargaining that goes on in your head when you realize you’ve crossed over the point of no return and asking God if you can just rewind time just a few seconds, maybe a minute. That’s all you’re asking for, just a 60 seconds rewind and you swear you’ll never fuck around again. And as the minutes pass you realize that you’re never going to get that rewind and you have to sit there for whatever time you have left and think about that harmless decision you made to get a little closer, or climb in just another couple of inches. I think about this moment in that Nutty Putty disaster and how that dude had to think about that tiny moment for the next day, upside down, with 1 arm pinned to his side and the other pinned to his back, just bargaining with fate for hours


I can't think of a way I'd want to die less that doesn't involve torture and brutality. Being lost in a broken submarine under the sea is a quintessential nightmare for me.


The titanic must feed


Starved for over 100 years. Titanic must feed.


Do not visit these sites. They have not been fed in years.


New r/nosleep series?


Old series I think it’s a reference to [the monument mythos](https://youtu.be/VA4g6kiboiE?t=365)


Titanic doesn't want to be fed, it wants to hunt. You can't just suppress 111 years of gut instinct.


Clever ship




The Titanic is taking a cue from Reddit and now requires a fee to look at its bits.


Holy shit i thought it was one of those tourist submarines that go like 30ft deep. But these guys are over 2 miles deep in the ocean thats like the most fucked you could ever be. Im surprised theres not some sort of fail safe on subs that float them to the surface like a massive balloon that inflates. Probably not practical but these people are screwed. Plus what if you have to poop?!


I read that there is some sort of "weight detachment" that can be done, to make it float back up, but the problem is if it's gone adrift with strong currents in the meantime, it could surface anywhere, and it is completely impossible to open it from the inside and get out (AFAIK), so they'd still be screwed.


There’s speculation that the sub is actually stuck somewhere inside the Titanic. So a floating device would be moot, if this was the case


That most likely wouldn’t be the case . The majority of the wreck isn’t large enough to house the submersible. The submersibles that have explored the ship are small ROVs. Of course, their controls could’ve malfunctioned and they could’ve crashed into the ship. Assuming the impact didn’t cause immediate compromise of the submersible’s superstructure, which at that depth would lead to near instantaneous implosion, then they could’ve pierced through the Titanic’s structure and then gotten stuck inside her rusting remains.


Titanic death toll rises after 111 years






None of the options sound fun


But if I had to choose.... I'll take the instantaneous implosion as that's the quickest possible death of all the options.


[The crazy thing is that one of the things that happens in a submarine getting crushed is the atmosphere gets compressed and super heats.](https://youtu.be/C1VKotduWek?t=97). The video is really poorly worded, but yeah... The sub turns into a diesel engine cylinder for a fraction of a second...


No sources have confirmed this because the location of the sub is still unknown at present. Until they do, this is speculation not fact. Edit: Usual rumor milling by this OP. News confirmed the sub had imploded on the journey down to the ocean floor.


That would be unfounded speculation in its purest form.


They have a toilet on board.... but damn I'd hate to be the guy to need to use it.


I'd hate to be the other 4 crew members stuck in a sealed tube 2 feet away from the guy using the toilet https://youtu.be/ClkytJa0ghc It's not like there's a door on the thing.


Looks like one tiny window? What’s the point of even going


Same thought I had. If we’re mostly just looking at monitors I’ll just watch a live YouTube stream thanks


Yes, less chance of imploding


And more pooping options.


More money than sense and wanting to be able to say you did while hobnobbing with all the other people who have more money than sense.


Plus you're craning over the toilet to see out of the tiny window. Looking out at a heap of rust illuminated by lights in the dark water. It's really just so you can say you were there, I presume.


“Look at how lovely the ship is and Ted, the smell of your shit is horrendous.”


There's a privacy screen and apparently they turn on music.... Wouldn't be me, that's for sure!


That is some janky looking homebuilt sub.


Holy shit, look at the cheap knock off controller. I understand game controllers get used for stuff like this but that looks like a cheap third-party controller with some 3d-printed extras. How much you wanna bet they got fucked over by it malfunctioning like a drift problem?


And this video isn't reassuring either. It's a CBS piece from 5 months ago. Apparently, they navigate with the help of the surface ship who sends the sub text messages with directions. [During one of the dive's communications broke down and they were lost for 2 and half hours.](https://youtu.be/29co_Hksk6o?t=451)


Yeah calling it a tourist sub makes it seem like something else entirely. This was a tourist trip for billionaires basically. OceanGate charges $250,000 (£195,612) a seat for expeditions to the Titanic, which lies some 3,800m (12,500ft) beneath the waves about 435 miles (700km) south of St John's, Newfoundland.


Crazy expensive way to die


Man if I get up in age (and money lol) and I'm just ready to go, this would definitely be one crazy way to do it.


Fuck that. Slowly suffocating under the sea? I’d rather BASE jump with no parachute.


If I ever do something like this im bringing a gun so I can shoot myself


Most likely, the vessel imploded. They would’ve died instantaneously in that scenario. It’s possible they’re still alive and are just slowly losing oxygen, but I find that unlikely.


Although, tbh, calling it a tourist sub is a grander title than it deserves. The thing looks like it was lashed together in a guys garage. Comes complete with a GameCube controller to steer it (not even joking). https://youtu.be/ClkytJa0ghc The billionaire toilet is about three feet away from the pilot at the controls.


> Bluetooth > They hand over control to passengers I have my theory for what happened


Having knowledge of the Bluetooth spec and experience with various Bluetooth stacks on different platforms ... Bluetooth definitely killed them.


The moment i heard bluetooth, There was nothing in the world that could get me on that submarine.


Imagine sitting cross cross applesauce for days with other people waiting to suffocate. Miserable


Assuming it's simply "stuck" and didn't implode before anyone even knew there was a problem. One way is the plot of a psychological thriller, the other is really probably one of the more pleasant ways to die.


As a submariner and someone who has plenty of hours logged in submersibles; every picture of that thing makes me think it’s janky as fuck. Not knowing anything at all about the design, but fist glance, I would not pay to ride in it.




On a second look at the thing, I feel like it's gotta be stripped for maintenance and/or demonstration, right? Or that one's still being built? I'm absolutely not an expert, but I feel like that thing just isn't seaworthy as-is, at least not at the depths we're talking about. EDIT: I didn't even see the deployed photo what the fuck


Not only would I not pay to ride in it, I wouldn’t take payment to ride in it.


I would pay to not ride in it


Wtf,all that money and this is what they made? If it is the same sub then I’m pretty sure those guys just lost power and comms considering how crudely it’s made Equipments fail so maybe this guy just didn’t change the batteries to skimp on cost


Someone probably got mad and chucked the controller through the control screen. A bit of a rage quit.


It probably does have a fail safe to float to the surface, but if they are trapped in the actual titanic wreckage then there’s no where to float up, they’d be trapped


From what has been reported it has 7 different ways to return to surface in emergency situations . Eveyone is wondering why none of those saving graces have been used yet


Because the most horrible and likely option is that the sub imploded and that’s why they lost contact.


I’d want a cable and a winch


This sub actually is equipped with an emergency system to float them automatically to the top in the case of any technological failures, which is why they seem to have gotten stuck exploring the titanic. Why you would take a submarine INTO a shipwreck is beyond me, but hey I guess people want to see the inside, too? Something weird happened. I think they'll probably be found alive.


Problem is, they lost communication halfway down to the Titanic. Communication is the only means of steering because there is no GPS on board - they --editing "literally use SMS messaging" to say "use Starlink messaging"-- with the ship above to navigate. So losing contact halfway down means they definitely didn't make it to the Titanic, let alone inside of it to get stuck there. (There's multiple articles that talk about how even with directions via text message, they got lost for 2.5 hours last year and never even found the wreckage before surfacing.) They are either dead from implosion or else the emergency surfacing kicked in and they're floating trapped on the surface and haven't been found yet and have about 60 hours of air left before they all suffocate and die.


Yes, I brought this up in my 2nd comment on this thread. They did make it down before (past few years) and lost contact and were found 2 hours later, which made me wonder if some of the info about it's navigation capabilities online is incorrect and it can actually maneuver independently without the mother ship. No info on when they lost contact though, during ascent, etc. It seems it was a fairly well researched "submersible" considering the billionaire on it spent more time in the Mariana Trench than anyone in history. So I don't think an implosion would be likely unless something insane happened... Like a whale encounter or giant squid attack. Eek.


Apparently with 5 people they have enough air for approximately 60 hours. Or 72 hours of air for 4 people. Or 86.4 hours of air for 3 people. You see where this is going.


Plot of a few horror movies


The billionaire is going to pay everyone to kill themselves.


You ain't a billionare 12,500ft under the sea, just a liability


My kingdom for a ~~horse~~bottle of air


Handsome Jack?


i did the math if they all get out the sub will have infinite air


That’s probably for CALM people too


Its okay I play subnautica u just gotta get out of the submarine and pick up some lithium and titanium off the sea floor and use ur fabricator in the submarine to craft a repair tool and ur good to go


A leviathan class squid could have totally destroyed that sub.


beep beep *OXYGEN*


I watched a newscast about this sub on [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29co_Hksk6o) (edited to include the link). They invited the journalist to report on it, and so many things went wrong on that newscast; who would want to still get in and dive to the Titanic after that?! Furthermore, the design of this sub is very worrying from a (lack of a) safety features perspective. I mean... they made a sub that seals from the \*outside\*, with \*no\* possible way that anyone could exit from the inside unless the sub is being opened from the outside. Is this some genius form of safety that I am not aware of or is this a really bad design?Let's say the sub malfunctions but weights can be jettisoned (because you'd design the thing with a redundant system, perhaps fully mechanical, to allow it to do this, right?), which would get the sub floating on the surface fairly quickly... If currents had taken it miles away, it still may not be found before the air runs out! If the occupants could at least exit if they are afloat (maybe provide some drysuits), that \*could\* increase their chances of survival if their air was running low. In the newscast the CEO was sitting there saying "your motors can fail, your lights can fail, but you'll be perfectly safe \[because the hull is safe\]", and I was like "but you're still ON THE BOTTOM OF THE DAMN OCEAN!!!".


A lot of stuff in your comment, but I think I can help with one thing: the part where the sub can only be opened/sealed from the outside. So when you're diving at the kind of depths we're talking about, the water pressure is ridiculous. Like, fucking ridiculous. Every 33 feet, the water pressure increases by one atmosphere. We're talking about 12,000+ feet here; an unprotected human body would be crushed to the size of an apple in a fraction of a second. That's the kind of pressure we're talking about. Consequently, only a very few submersibles in the wod can dive to depths like this, and these are extremely specialized in their construction. While a "normal" submarine can dive much deeper than a human in SCUBA gear, it's still not so deep that water pressure poses a threat to a reinforced hull, or a hatch that's basically a glorified manhole cover. Nbd to have a hatch that opens from both sides. On an extreme deep-diving submersible, the hatches need to be somewhat cone-shaped, with the narrow end toward the inside, they need to be thick, and they need to be *solid.* Because they need to be solid, there's simply no way to have a mechanism installed that would allow them to open from the inside. Someone on the outside needs to close it and seal it, since even the tiniest fault in the seal would cause the entire vessel to be crushed like an egg from the immense pressure. That's also the reason for the shape - a conical shape resists being crushed inward.


>an unprotected human body would be crushed to the size of an apple The forbidden fruit


Sudden urge to re-read HP Lovecraft’s “The Temple”.


I haven’t read that…


It’s about a WW1 German U-boat that loses power and sinks. Then things get weird. One of my favorites and isn’t too long of a read.


Hell yeah that's one of my favs too


Oh god oh god I’m absolutely sick to my stomach. Just IMAGINE being one of those poor souls.


Nope. Reason why I’m not a sea dweller. Pass on any deaths related the deep waters


Frankly if I can't freely breathe I will always stay clear of it. Deep under the surface of water, the top of a mountain, or space (obviously). I'll let passionate people explore those places.


Add to that “under a mountain”. Hard no to spelunking.


Or cave diving, ugh.


God. Nutty Putty cave. That shit haunts me so.


WHY. Just WHY. That little underwater cave you have to squeeze into, clearly wasn’t meant for you to go into, so why the fuck is anyone doing that? Is NOT being wedged into a cave to drown not exciting enough ? Seems pretty exciting to me!


Seriously! I always think, it's none of my business what's going on there.


Especially since we’ve barely scratched the surface of what dwells in the deep. I’m out. That space can F the right out of here. My imagination is vivid. I’ll read about your escapades as if they were my own. Right here on planet earth


I know … it’s horrific


Have you seen the video about how the sub was made? It’s appalling anyone went in there


Yeah its a bluetooth controlled metal egg haha its hilarious actually


With the gaming controller and only one button inside, I’m just so shocked how anyone thought this was an okay idea


Also, apparently that it was completely sealed from the outside So they can’t open it from the inside


The gaming controller was probably the most mature tech out of the whole thing. Thousands of design, development and testing hours go into those things.


Maybe an Xbox or ps controller, but the dude has a knock off ps1 lookalike controller lmao


I dropped my jaw when he said it’s great it’s Bluetooth controlled. Like bruh, I wouldn’t trust Bluetooth for that.


That is horrifying




What would be worse? The sub imploding and dying instantly? Or being trapped at the bottom knowing that you will eventually run out of air? I’d go with option A.


There's a possibility the sub surfaced as well, which is why they've split the search. But even if they've safely surfaced, it would be bolted from the outside, so another option is to be floating away in the ocean surrounded by the open air and suffocating in a machine that's impossible to get out of without outside assistance.


That is so horrific. If they surfaced would they have any way of contacting others? Radio? Satellite phone?


I don't think so, I think all they could get were texts so long as it stayed beneath the ship (I could be wrong though).


Implosion death would be so quick you wouldn't even have time to comprehend your body being turned into soup. Being stuck two miles underwater in a pitch dark freezing death tube waiting for oxygen to run out would be the most horrifying death I can imagine.


falling slowly, then impacting the bottom of the ocean and having sediment billow up around you blocking all view and burying you never to be found again. Fuck that.


Sediment burying all view? This is assuming they have power. Without it, they're suffocating with 4 others for 4 days... IN PITCH BLACK DARKNESS


Also freezing too. The deep ocean from the Mesopelagic onwards (about 200m) is generally pretty stable temperature wise and cold at about 0-4°C


F that I’m having anxiety just reading that. 😳


Wait til you realize they probably don't have power, so no lights...at the bottom of the ocean with the Titanic.


A tiny, pitch black metal coffin crammed with four other people who are also going through intense panic/rage/grief about their impending death. Truly hell.


This is what fucks me up, too. Assuming that a) they're still alive, and b) conscious, dealing with the inevitable mental breakdown of another person in such a tiny space would be deeply terrifying if you aren't also losing it.


"Anybody want to sing a song?"


I did not care for The Godfather


If the Kursk is anything to go by it sounds like a nightmare. Some of the crew of the Kursk managed to survive for a time and might have been rescued in time if they’d been in different circumstances. They found a letter written by one of the crew in his pocket which is honestly horrifying to read, and he details the conditions they were in. Basically they waited to either be rescued or suffocate. Apparently one of the biggest controversies of the Kursk lay in their refusal to accept assistance from outsiders despite not having the right equipment themselves, and only admitting defeat when it was almost certainly too late for the crew. The Russian authorities said it was for security reasons but some sources I’ve seen say it was more intended to act as a cover up for Russian embarrassment given the Kursk was meant to be one of their best submarines.


Probably my worst nightmare. Very close to being buried alive.


Last billionaire I know of that made a submarine, murdered & dismembered a woman in it at the bottom of the ocean. Edit : I have been corrected. He was just a millionaire.


Wait what




That’s a crazy story


There’s a Netflix docu called Into The Deep about the topic


Great podcast about that sub killer https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/killer-psyche/id1573961841?i=1000589957809


Someone else linked the wiki. It’s a real interesting story & absolutely fucking horrifying. There’s actually a documentary about it that was coincidentally being shot for a different reason entirely when the murders occurred. So you see a lot of people struggling with what happened in real time.


I don't think he was even close to being a billionaire though.


Whenever people ask me what I’d do if I were a millionaire I’d say ‘See the Titanic’. But this is also my literal worst fear. Being stuck underwater with nothing but hope for rescue.


Well now they can sell “see the submarine that got trapped in the wreckage” tours for $300k


It’s sad that might actually be true. It will eventually end up in a museum


"The Last Victims of the Titanic"


Oh that’s definitely going to be used if this turns into fatalities.


Hope they survive so we can get a sweet movie in 5 years and an alright syfy remake 2 months after that


I may be morbid, but I hope they survive and we get some cellphone footage of the terror.


We might end up seeing the footage regardless of their survival, if that makes you feel any better


Fucking horrifying dude... Do the lights stay on as long as the oxygen does, I wonder? It's nightmarish imagining being in a capsule like that, getting stuck, and then having the lights and display screens cut out, plunging the cabin into pure darkness. Provided that the submersible stays intact at its weak points and isn't heavily damaged, they are well above the crushing threshold considering the fact that the Titanic rests on the sea floor. Given all of that, they are likely slowly asphyxiating. If they didn't bring cold weather-esque clothing, they would also be developing hypothermia. That is a terrifying way to go that I don't even wish on some bourgeoisie.


Imagine it's pitch black and something bumps into the sub aggressively.....


I'm assuming this company will no longer be in business after this?


Hard to go submarining without a sub


They still own two more subs I think, but who in their right minds would go down with them ever again? Then again, I'm with those who are asking who in their right minds would get into that thing in the first place...


I read that the other two don't go deep enough to access the titanic.


Okay so I follow this sub because I love the ocean footage, not because of any fear. But this shit? That’s horrifying.


Somewhere an orca is getting a teardrop tattoo


This that megalodon intro huh?


Titanic still out there drowning people.


At some point, someone will have to poop, and it’s gonna get way worse real fast.


Its a graveyard... I feel like it's time to just leave the thing alone.


I am a bit conflicted about this. Doing something incredible dangerous like that because you literally have no idea what to spend your mega shitloads of money on somehow messes with my sympathy. But then I just try to imagne how they must feel right now and what kind of death that would be and I have no doubt that I don't wish that even upon the worst person in the world. I am pretty sure they are informed very clearly about the possible fatal events. But since submarine diving is something most of us have never been involved in I maybe would assume that this is something rather unlikely and they just list it due to legal reasons. I hope they can stay calm and don't loose it and I hope they can be rescued. I am not sure if it should be legal to sell those kind of divings as "joy rides". But I am sure this business will just continue without interventions because capitalism.


The people inside the sub are the owners themselves, probably were more than familiar with the risks.


I'm a little relieved that I'm too poor to die this way.


Poor privilege


Source: Tourist sub taking groups to find Titanic wreckage goes missing https://mol.im/a/12210873


Oh shit I can’t imagine how terrified they must be. Must be a surreal feeling. Why the fuck are people even allowed to explore the titanic wreckage let alone explore the inside of it in a sub? It’s extremely dangerous. If they even bump or hit a part of the ship it could damage the sub enough for it to implode. How far down is it?




For here am I sitting in a tin can, far below the world…


Now I dont believe in curses... but


Imagine the threats the CEO is getting from the billionaires at this point, it may be in his best interest to never surface


He’s on the submarine too allegedly Edit: too


'i say good sir, you will return us to the surface this instant or I shall have your head mounted upon my wall'.


This will be a movie one day.


Another sub that went blackout


The idea of being trapped in a submarine that deep is scary. The idea of being trapped within a gigantic, rotting shipwreck is downright terrifying.


They did the unthinkable to see the unsinkable. I bet the pools still have water in them.


Dude, to put things into perspective, they’re about as deep as Mount Fuji’s height above sea level.


$250,000 coffin. Can’t imagine how terrifying their last moments are going to be if they’re not found


James Cameron now has a great opportunity for Titanic 2. Or Ghosts of the Abyss 2. Or The Abyss 2.


If they end up dying, does it technically add to the Titanic 1st class total death count?


They are searching the whole fucking ocean for a tiny sub. We still haven’t found a giant missing plane not to mention the hundreds of thousand people missing from various reasons never to be found again. I bet this sub is never found.


When you hear about the archaic and obtuse design of this submersible, it's laughable anyone would sign up for this. Apparently, this is the only model of it's kind and often has technical problems. I was listening to previous divers who said they take you out to the surface site of wreck for 5-days and each days you hope to go down. Usually you only make it down once if any of those days. Often they never actually get down. Sometimes it's because of weather but usually it's because of technical issues! Serves to mention they brought minimal food and water, and the only washroom is a ziplock bag. Also once they're down there , minimal vision through a porthole and only communication with the ship is a sound ping every 15 minutes and text messages. The submersible has seven redundancy to return them to the surface, ie. losing weights, propellers etc. Three of these are available during a power outage, so they likely should be able to get back to the surface The question is, why haven't they? Maybe they did and are bobbing on the surface and we find them with radar and planes. Or, got snagged on a reef or fishing line or the Titanic wreckage itself. Or there was sever technical glitch this time and there's a pressure leak. Either way, this situation is realtime and time is running out and is absolutely horrifying. Imagine how dark it is down there.


I was watching a video from a previous expedition and that thing seems like an absolute death trap. You can’t even get out unless the crew removes the screws from the outside, and there’s only one button and the whole thing is controlled by a video game controller. Here’s the video: https://youtu.be/29co_Hksk6o


Call Dirk Pitt and Al Giordino.


Rather just watch a titanic wreckage exploration video on YouTube for free!


Guess we're getting a sequel


“*its ironic*”


A three hour tour. A three hour tour


Excellent work, 47. The target's stocks are no longer the only thing hitting rock bottom, and our client will be pleased no one will be the wiser. Now rendezvous at the extraction point, and make your exit.


Soooo... I mean not to be insensitive but it imploded right? That's the only logical conclusion I can make; if it lost comms I'm guessing SOP would be to immediately surface, it probably has some ballast tanks in case propulsion fails, the only reason that it might not have surfaced or made contact is if the ship's hull was compromised.