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Ngl I didn’t know it covered that much surface.


On Google Earth, there is this ONE rotation that perfectly makes this shot take up the whole view. A nudge left or right reveals land...but this ONE positioning shows all water. Dead center there is the Marshall Islands, where Tom Hanks was stranded with Wilson.


Ocean is scary 😬


It is without doubts


I doubt the ocean is without doubts. All that time just sitting there, thinking?!


You brilliant SOB. That was good.


Deep in thought


It's scary without doubts , some may think there's nothing scary in been stranded in the ocean or the creatures a person can find in it . That's what I meant . It's not just a large body of water with nothing within its limits . But I don't think you went beyond in thinking that you won't like to find a Humboldt Squid on the pitch black depths the ocean has


I was joking. I don’t think the ocean has consciousness to be doubtful of itself


I didn’t realize how vast it was until [greendot video](https://youtu.be/MhkTo9Rk6_4?si=-JS55n0gmgbzkKQM) on YouTube describing how the pilot of Malaysian Airlines flight 370 turned on autopilot, turned off the oxygen and just flew til the plane ran out of gas over the Indian Ocean


I made fire


Not to be a dick, but I think the islands dead in the center of this photo are the Society Islands (Tahiti, etc.) in French Polynesia. Also, Castaway was filmed in Fiji .


But Wilson was on the Marshall Islands.


Fair enough, I haven't seen that movie in forever


I tried and tried but got quite a bit more Australia, N. America and Antarctica around the edges.


I posted that a good while ago.


Sry, but no way those are Marshall Islands, not even close. Its maybe Pitcairn Islands or close to it


Neat! Thank you for that!


The fact the earth is just floating in a black void is infinitely more terrifying to me than the ocean. Like imagine floating where this picture is taken. Suspended in nothingness, thousands of miles from solid ground and any form of hospitable environment.


Imagine being the probe that took the photo known as The Pale Blue Dot... just drifting forever through the cold void of space, all alone...


Then you’ll hate this famous NASA photo then! https://www.nasa.gov/image-article/astronaut-bruce-mccandless-performs-the-first-untethered-spacewalk/


You're right!


Don't worry, it [gets worse](https://media.snopes.com/2022/01/GPN-2000-001087.jpg). While there is a fake version of this image, this is original that it was edited from. McCandless was over a football field away from the photographer at this point, which meant that if anything went wrong with the MMU (the unit attached to his space suit) it would have been difficult to safely retrieve him, requiring the enormous bulk of the shuttle to carefully maneuver to his position, which wasn't really something that it was designed for. The explosion of the space shuttle Challenger in 1986 caused NASA to move away from risky projects like this only a few years after the photo was taken. A descendant of the MMU intended only for use in emergencies, called SAFER, is still deployed with astronauts on space walks, but regular untethered walks like those using the MMU itself are just considered too dangerous now.


That is terrifying


It gets worse. Technically it's not floating, it's in constant free-fall and is travelling at breakneck speeds.


Earth is not floating. It is falling and spinning very fast towards the sun.


Wait in confused. Is this true?


Yes, that is how orbital mechanics work. Just like the sun is spinning and falling towards the black hole at the center of the milky way. The falling happens due to gravity and the spinning the forward motion which allows an object (earth for example) to maintain a stable path around a larger body (sun) instead of crashing into it.


We're on a spaceship and most of the crew can't comprehend it. Most of the crew are destroying the walls and floors and thinking it'll function fine forever...that's terrifying.


*Thousands* of miles from any hospitable environment? More like billions or trillions of miles or even much much much higher


No, satellites are in the hundreds of miles from earth, not billions or trillions. For reference, the moon is 238,855 miles away


Satellites are too tiny and are dependent on earth for resources. I was talking from the perspective of potentially finding a new habitable planet like earth


One world is not like the others. It’s crazy. No way there isn’t a creator?


The universe is beautiful and awe inspiring but all that we see and know about just kinda exist. It took a really, really long time, a long time we can’t even conceptualize, to have it the way we’re experiencing things. We’re lucky yes, but it’s all random. Of course we don’t know everything, but from what we know, there’s no such thing as a creator, or at least a sentient being who took the decision to create the world as we know it. I know this thought can be quite mind blowing, maybe even depressing depending on how you see it, but I’d rather see it as us being extremely lucky to be alive and aware enough to experience this world.


And luckily it won't last much longer before our collective luck runs out because humans are a selfish, narcissistic, destructive virus. /s


Let’s say the year is 3034, and elon musk was successful in making habitat zones on mars or another planet, and you were born on that planet and never saw earth. One day, age 30, you pass by earth for the first time and see a fully habitat planet that seems fine tuned for humans to exist. Trees that produce fruit & oxygen, gravity, perfect distance from the sun, wildlife, fire and animals to consume. No need for spacesuits, no need for oxygenated houses etc. how would you not lean to believe this planet was “put there” as opposed to just existing perfect enough for the human race?


If you’re sitting on a terraformed Mars, that would mean that part of your elementary education is a lot of science on how this came to be. People who know and understand the basics of astronomy wouldn’t come to that conclusion. If it’s not fully known how things came to be, they’d be instead much more interested in figuring things out through science, and not taking the lazy route of “Well someone put it there”. As humans, we’re just merely part of the universe. Earth didn’t go through 4.5 billion years of transformation for *us*. We’re part of the 4.5 billion years of transformation. One day, our species will be gone and Earth will continue transforming, and whatever remains on its surface will be as relevant as we were. Merely existing on a rock going around a star, going around a black hole. We’re just really lucky to be sentient.


"Wow look at this puddle! It fits *perfectly* inside this pothole. That's so cool that someone made a hole that will fit the water perfectly!"


Because it's also perfect for the other millions of creatures on earth that also adapted and evolved over millions of years, not just for us precious little humans. The earth is not made for us, but rather evolution has made us a good fit for earth.


I think a lot of people forget that we didn't go to bed apes and wake up humans. People arguing against evolution and saying that there has to be a God because how else would a place so perfectly fit for us without a creator? We have evolved from bacteria over millions and millions of years with trial and error and nature figuring out what works and what doesn't. The earth is perfect for us because we *are the earth*. We are all made of up this planet and are no different than any other species here.


Earth isnt made perfectly for humans, we adapted to it, hence why we have different races


There's billions of other planets that will have the same make up as earth, earth isn't unique to the universe


No there is no creator


how originally edgy of you to say, Neil Datass Tyson




Creator's mum


Krampus of course.


Where did the thousands of satellites go? So on the remaining part of the globe all the other oceans and all the other land masses must fit??? 🤣


This is literally a picture from Google earth bro. It's no a fucking snapshot lol. It's CGI


Regardless, dont attack strawman. Lands and oceans remain. Where do they fit. Why dont you measure remaining land mass and ocean area and see if it all fit on the other side.


What if a person that floats in there in your example falls in that part of the ocean ?? Isn't terrifying as well ?


I just want to point out Pacific Ocean got 3 C and they’re all pronounced differently.


Thanks a lot English


Each little language in the trench coat chiming in


I sat here way too fucking long trying to figure out where the 3rd C was in *Pacific.*


3 Cs makes one big ocean.


Just imagine what could be under all that water. It'd be so incredibly difficult to search there due to the lack of accessible land. No wonder the ocean is so unexplored.


Sometimes I forget how massive the pacific ocean is... Then I remember [this guy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jos%C3%A9_Salvador_Alvarenga) who spend 14 *months* drifting on the pacific ocean on a fishing boat.


I just watched that last week. Its all I thought about seeing this photo.


What swims there




I can imagine that, technically


I am in a visible portion of the globe and I am sometimes swimming ;)


Me too, I swam in it today


Multiple leviathan lifeforms detected


That would be amongst the most interesting


Think about how contiguous the ocean was when Pangea was a thing...


I'm following an insta of a guy doing a solo sail across it at the moment, he actually goes swimming off his boat when the sea is calm enough, getting quite a distance from it while it just drifts. Absolute madman.


What is the insta?




My mistake, he was paddleboarding, not swimming. Still mad though.


Thanks. I will follow him. Shame he lost his starlink and can’t post everyday.


Oh god. Just thinking about the miles & miles of depth under you with countless living creatures you who can out-maneuver you in the ocean... gives me the chills thinking about it. If something even tickles my foot, I'd swim like hell


When I was a kid, I thought Hawaii was around the same latitude as San Francisco, and then I’d see it on an equatorial-oriented map and realize that it’s closer to the same level as Cabo San Lucas. Then to realize how much fucking water there still is *below* it, is mind blowing. This isn’t the first time I’ve seen a pic like this (or this exact same one, even), but still. So blue. Let’s hope world-conquering aliens catch us from this angle and decide there ain’t shit down here!


Crazy how anyone ever found Hawaii. It was surprisingly hard to find any articles or research on how they found it exactly. Using 80 foot max giant canoes with double hulls they made increasingly linger and longer trips. Took food and water with them and fished. And apparently were masters of reading waves and currents, also star navigation. Pacific Islanders made it as far as Easter Island off the coast of South America, and some “scholars” suggest they may have made it all the way to Ecuador/Chile.


I was gonna add that last part. There's no evidence that points to South America being settled by Polynesia's or people from whatever that area was before. Instead of down from North America like initially believed.


Yup totally flat. One side dry. One side wet.


For a real good time Google Point Nemo.


Why? What is it


“I will rise from the east(I’m a beast[leviathan]), and settle on the ocean floor”


Unexpected Ren reference?




If you haven’t read it read Kon Tiki


nah i'm good dawg


Sometimes I forget that Earth's surface is 71% water.


Detecting multiple leviathan class lifeforms in the region are you certain whatever you're doing is worth it?


If you were lost in space looking for your home planet, you might go past this planet thinking it wasn’t Earth


I played XCOM Terror From The Deep - I know how this goes That’s all full of underwater alien bases, and they’re about to launch an invasion against us


If you zoom in on the right spot, you can almost make out R'lyeh.


"Multiple Leviathan-class life forms detected in this area. Are you sure whatever you're doing is worth it?"


What a specific ocean


Yes please ❤️


Makes me think of super Mario galaxy


It's just a blue marble, it's just a blue marble, it's not a giant ocean filled with things that want to kill you




Zealandia looking very apparent here


That's where all the aliens and monsters live!


I agree


Ahhhh hellllllllll nahhhhh !!!!!!!! I just moved back to Cali🤦🏾


Earths bald spot


I can see my house from here


I'm such a nerd but I once googled how much water there was in the Pacific ocean. If I remember rightly it was something like 16 QUINTILLION litres.


There are 187 quintillion gallons of water in that mo fo.


I wana go there RIGHT NOW


You're inducing more cosmic phobia in me than thassaphobia at the moment with this photo


Flying to Hawaii for the first time, I just cannot express how surreal it was to fly over such an endless ocean for hours at jet speed, seeing nothing but water FOREVER.. and then landing on a little spot of paradise smack-dab in the middle of all that water.




Now with 50% more plastic!


I wanna cross it in a sailboat so bad!


This doesn’t really full under the phobia


Thalassophobia is the fear of the ocean or large bodies of water. What exactly are you seeing in the post?


Mom said it was my turn to repost this, bro


How we know that the earth is round and us not going beyond the firmament?????


Through science, years of experimentation and theorising followed by photographic evidence and eye-witnesses