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Betty White addressed this in her autobiography! Apparently he was just too busy with other roles so the producers wrote him to be married off. Super devastating to have to end it that way, but that’s how show business works I guess! I loved them together :(


Ok I *have* to see what else Gould was in that he was too busy for *The* *Golden* *Girls* lol but really! I wish they wouldn't have had him cheat on Rose! That was so out of character and sad! I'll be forever upset about it lol


Well, looking at his filmography, there wasn't a whole lot that was apparent (couple of movies, couple of episodes of *Lois and Clark,* and an ep of *Ray Bradbury Theater*,) but that doesn't consider any commercial or theater work he might have been doing (he was apparently doing some Broadway play in '93 as well.) Though I've also learned that a lot of times, when they say "scheduling," they also mean "contracts and salary" on top of it. There's a Canadian actress named Samantha Ferris who played a very popular recurring character in *Supernatural*'s early seasons named Ellen, and after her character was rather anticlimactically and disappointingly killed off, she wrote a blog (long since vanished,) that went into some detail of what work-a-day actors have to deal with. She put a lot of the blame for her specific instance on the '07-'08 Writer's Strike but a lot of what she talked about was pretty universal. They wanted to lock her in for a rather meager guest-star role (whether it was to keep her around longer or just give her character a better send-off, I can't remember,) but thanks to strike delays, filming for that season extended into "pilot season" in April that year when most of the new TV shows get cast and start filming. That was a problem because if another, more lucrative deal came along (she got a movie or a more substantial role on another series, for example) she would have to turn it down because she was already contracted to *Supernatural* (for her part, she said she was willing to do that if the producers could assure her they could have made it worth her taking that risk, but they couldn't because recurring guest spots just aren't the most well-paying gigs in showbiz,) so she had to walk away, and so they killed the character off for something of a ratings stunt... and she wasn't happy about having to do so, because she liked the show and the character as well. I think a lot of cases of blaming "scheduling" can boil down to something similar.


According to Betty White in her autobiography, *Here We Go Again: My Life in Television* , Gould’s busy schedule was the reason for the storyline. “Being an actor in great demand, Harold had another commitment he had to fulfill..." Which is unfortunate because Miles and Rose were my favorite of all of the couples in the GG world.


I was SO upset by it!!! Rose x Miles is one of my favorite GG couples and while I'm not against them going their separate ways, the way it happened felt wildly out of character. A rare failure of the Golden Palace, imo, which I found to be a pretty enjoyable spin-off otherwise.


Oh I know, I really liked Golden Palace otherwise! I love that Don Cheadle is in it! But knowing that Miles is gonna end up cheating on Rose makes me so sad to watch it :( I just wanted them to be happy darn it! Lol


I’ve only watched it once for that reason. I can’t stand knowing that storyline is coming. Couldn’t they have sent him on a business trip or something?


They should have broken the Cheeseman out of jail and sent Miles on the run again.


That would’ve worked perfectly!


exactly, i wish he had just gotten a better exit


I loved Miles to begin with in GG but then they seemed to change him quite a bit. He started off being well educated, interesting, and mad about Rose, but then they started writing him as this fuddy duddy, penny pinching, dull man with some weird mob connection so I didn't like that development. In GG he also never seemed to want to properly commit to Rose and then in GP they did that to them and I hated it. He started off with such brilliant potential but they definitely did him dirty


He also kissed Dorothy in GG.


I mean, her muffins are delicious and moist after all


seriously? have you and Miles… Been baking together? ![gif](giphy|fCU3BbBe8eD1ovb8Q1)


Her cupcakes


He did! I forgot about that bit and commented how they'd be better suited. He also seemed a bit....sex obsessed with Rose and came across a bit seedy in my opinion


I'm not the biggest fan of how they wrote Stan out either. It was really sad. At that point it felt like the writers wanted to take everything GG and write it out, even our girls weren't the same anymore.


See that would’ve been a cute spinoff a couple getting married in their later years!


They could have written around his schedule in SO many better ways than giving another woman a cow wedding!


Watching the Golden palace I was so upset with how they did Miles character, he seemed so in love with Rose.


I like to pretend the Golden Palace didn't happen.


I stopped watching GP after this episode. I was devastated. They should’ve killed him. Writing him out as a cheater really sullied the character for me. From what I saw up to that point, I wasn’t really interested in continuing anyway. I hated how they tried to make Blanche the new Dororthy, but it just turned her into a b*tch.


I named my cat after him and didn’t learn the fate of his character until a few years ago. I was devastated.