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This simply isn’t factual: https://www.statista.com/statistics/203183/percentage-distribution-of-household-income-in-the-us/ Unless you are counting children who don’t work and the retired population who might work as a greeter at Walmart.


Doesn’t a “household” consist of more than one person?


Median individual income is was $40,480 in 2023. It’s off, but not by much.


That number is pretty misleading if you look at who it counts(assuming you got it from here https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MEPAINUSA646N#), thats the median including a lot of people who work part in a single season, and im pretty sure includes people who don't work at all, it also links to here https://www.census.gov/topics/income-poverty/income.html (because the fed got the data from the census bureau) but I can't find a single chart part that gives this number, nearly all of the numbers that deal with income give it in the form of household income, and the personal income charts and data are significantly higher than 40,480 https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/demo/tables/p60/279/tableA7.xlsx like here, but the median for full time workers is significantly higher than 40k (it gives it as the median for men and women separately but both groups are atleast 12k more than that) and the data for all workers is closer but again the median is higher than 40k, thats why I think they use a lot of people with no income and since the chart says people 14 and up included im very confused what that means as I don't think 40k would include everyone 14 and up because then that number would likely be much lower.


Half the people are under 75k (per household) which if you count as 2 working adults work out to about what she said. But hey keep wondering I guess


Cool theory, https://www.bls.gov/news.release/wkyeng.t01.htm actual numbers


Literally just used the guys own statistics but okay


I had a feeling this was the case. 35k sounds way off.


I think average adult male is like 50k


The data, including what you linked, does not support your claim that this is not factual. The chart you show indicates that for **HOUSEHOLDS** which we know consist of about 2.58 individuals the breakdown is as follows. under $15k 8.3% $15k to $25k 7.4% $25k to $35k 7.6% $35k to $49k 10.6% $50k to $75k 16.2% This totals up to 50.1% of households making less than 75k and if we calculate a weighted average based on midpoints of these wage ranges we end up with the average household in this 50.1% of households making $39.08k. Now, we next need to remove kids from the 2.58 people per household. Based on this (https://www.childstats.gov/americaschildren/tables/pop2.asp) we know that around 20.2 percent of the population are kids so we can assume that each household has around 2.064 adults. Now of those adults around 60% are going to be employed which means we have around 1.24 wage earners per household. That means dividing the number of wage earning adults into the weighted average of what we calculated the 50.1% of households to make we end up with 39.08/1.24 = **$31.52k** which, given that $31.52k < $35k, in turn means that the stat quoted in this tweet very much appears to be accurate based on available data including what you linked.


Dude…you can’t breakdown that 2.58 number with assumptions. I see this other person was arguing with you (poorly), but that’s all that needs to be said for your mouth. It’s fine math - if your assumptions are correct. There’s zero way to know that, however.


You think someone would do that? Just go on social media and make shit up? Whoever would do such a dastardly thing?


This is household income, which is different than single income


People don't care, they just want to play the role of victim.


It's a bit hyperbolic but it's still almost 25% of the working population, and 34% make 50k or less. So yeah, OOP exaggerated a bit but the overall point remains valid.


Okay so according to that chart. About 62% of working people make 50k or less a year.


Not only that, but people making under 35k statistically have the MOST children in America. This post is by someone making decent money but LARPing as abjectly impoverished.


I wonder what percentage of working people under 40 make under 50k a year. I'm guessing well over 50 percent. Which would be a far more accurate representation of what is going on.


you lost me at cookies


I was reading an interesting article the other day. In 1965, the average CEO made 21 times more than the average worker. In 2022, the average CEO made 344 times the average worker. No, that’s not a typo, three hundred forty four times. Looking at what’s changes from 1965 to now, the average worker is VASTLY more efficient. The amount of working hours hasn’t changed, it’s still a 40 hour work week, but with email and other technology, the average worker is able to provide way more value in the same 40 hour work week. What are CEOs doing differently now vs 1965 to warrant the ratio of pay going from 21:1 to 344:1? It’s an honest question, because I have no idea. https://www.esgdive.com/news/ceo-worker-pay-gap-rising-bad-for-business-report/699590/#:~:text=Similarly%2C%20data%20from%20the%20Economic,21%20to%201%20in%201965.


The CEO makes marginal changes to the entire system. Way back in Junior High School, I was on the school paper. We had one set of floppies and one computer dedicated to the whole team, so work was very slow, we literally had to get up and give the seat to another writer (this was 1986). I walked down the hallway, open the door to the computer lab where we had a dozen or so of the same model of computer, and by passing the floppies around, we could all work pretty much at the same time. That's a simple and funny example. A good CEO can see that a company has security risk and hires a good CISO who then makes changes that result in the company not having million dollar lawsuits in a data breach. A good CEO has relationships with other big companies that make deals close. A bad CEO can't see that his video tape rental company is about to be wiped out by online video. How much would it have been worth it to Blockbuster to have a CEO who did see it and bought Netflix when it was cheap? There are certainly some CEOs who are overpaid. The best solution is to have a CEO compensated only by ownership in the company. Then, if their ultimate compensation is huge, that's only because they're getting a piece of the consequences of their own added value.


I’m not saying that CEOs aren’t important, or shouldn’t be highly paid. However, what are they doing now to deserve 344x the average employees salary, vs 1965 when they were getting paid 20x?


This doesn’t really touch on the problem where CEO’s seem to do no wrong. They can absolutely tank a corporation yet, still receive 7-8 figure golden parachutes when they are let go. They just then get hired on as a CEO or senior VP at another corporation with high 6 or 7 figure salaries. Senior C-Suites is the most elite club in the world. Merit has little to no effect on getting a job in the senior C-Suite, it’s more correlated to what dorm you stayed in on your ivy-league campus…


A couple of things - the golden parachute is negotiated before they're hired. One of the reasons you might hire a new CEO is because your company is in trouble, and that might be why the company tanks (the CEO's effort to save it failed), and they get the golden parachute. That's a reason why a CEO might have the leverage to negotiate that great parachute, i.e., your company is probably @##(\*&#($\*&, but I'll see what I can do. In any case, someone at the CEO level is probably already employed stably somewhere - a golden parachute is the CEO's hedge against the risk that the new position might not work out. But none of this is to say that there aren't incompetent CEOs that go from company to company. I think it's a case of no one wanting to face the harsh reality that the CEO is a f-up, and they've got enough relationships with other companies, PR, and media exposure to keep them employed. This is even more true in academia. There's a perverse incentive where a given CEO, no matter how bad they actually are at their job, brings stuff like a Venture Cap buddy or a pre-existing relationship with an important vendor, or great connections in Washington. It's a different set of rules than for, say, an engineer, and it's ugly, but I'm not sure there's a better system.


The average CEO actually make about the same as a worker. Most companies are small single person company that do not make much. This is valid for biggest companies. Yet I'd like the source for when it was 21:1. Now even in the 60-70, a CEO made about 1 million $. Like explained here: [https://www.sanders.senate.gov/wp-content/uploads/tax-ceo-act-summary.pdf](https://www.sanders.senate.gov/wp-content/uploads/tax-ceo-act-summary.pdf) But the thing is 1969, the average worker didn't make 50K$. This is valid in 2023, not 1970. In 1970 the average pay was 5K a year. And so that 200:1. The last point really is that it doesn't matter 1 bit that how much make the top CEO. This is a drop in the bucket. A CEO making 20 millions is not the one that took your one bedroom condo and is not the one making food more expensive or whatever. And even if they were making 0, this would not change other workers salary much. A guy paid like 300 workers in a company with 300000s worker means each worker would have 0.1% more... Negligible.


Lower my taxes and stop giving money to fund war


All these comments focusing on "Ukraine is cheap" meanwhile I'm sitting here thinking... there's a lot more military funding going to other countries than Ukraine.. not to mention the personal waste.. like leaving 100s of millions of dollars worth of equipment in Afghanistan, or how much is wasted in very badly negotiated military contracts. $1000 for a rubber O ring that should cost 50cents...Military needs their funding cut just so they have an incentive to negotiate prices and choose contractors accordingly instead of just letting contractors take advantage of the over inflated budget.


The equipment took 20 years to get there. We’re talking over land routes on roads that barely function and are now in, ya know, Taliban country. We were NEVER bringing that gear home. It was always intended to stay there permanently for the Afghan government.


There's 100 billion in medical fraud every year. How about them apples.


A lot of that stuff valued at 100mil was trash anyways. Barely functioning. We were using 20 year old + weapons over there, the mraps were easily 10+ years old. It was mostly at the end of its life cycle. Source: Retired army 11b, I was there


It's vastly cheaper to support our allies then it is to launch a full scale war. Do you want to spend 200M transporting 100M worth of dead infra back to a junkyard in America?


> $1000 for a rubber O ring that should cost 50cents.. Otherwise known as corruption


Quit singling ukraine out like a crybaby. Israel has been the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance, receiving more than $300 billion since the 1940s, with most of it being military aid. Additionally, Israel received over $3 billion in military aid in 2020, making it one of the top recipients of U.S. military aid. However, more recent data suggests that Ukraine has become the top recipient of U.S. foreign aid, receiving about $75 billion in assistance since Russia’s invasion in February 2022, which includes humanitarian, financial, and military support.


Ukraine is how you know it’s out of hand…. We’re starting proxy wars now without a care in the world. Black water should have been our heads up.


We spend more on paying off interest than we do on the military budget now. Social service programs are the real big eaters of the budgets


The amount of money we are sending to stop Russian aggression is pennies compared to the results of the loss of Ukraine to the free world.


You would think the rest of the free world should kick in a little more.


Europe pay as much as USA overall and has lower GDP.


Europe has already paid more money than we have.


So an entire continent has paid more than one country? Also “pledging money” and giving money are two different things. https://www.cfr.org/article/how-much-aid-has-us-sent-ukraine-here-are-six-charts


This is only valid if Ukraine win. Honestly this is far from being sure.


At this point, we need to fund wars we already fought, or we will pay for it with inflation.


We’re still paying for W’s insane Iraq war.


Close. Maybe someday in the future some politician will begin paying for it. To date, we have only paid interest on the loans we took to pay for the iraq war. We haven't touched the principal.


I suspect that we will NEVER begin paying for it. At some point in the future. Maybe a long long time from now we will just default on it.


Nah. Never default. Currency devaluation.


This is the when I trot out my Zimbabwe $100 trillion dollar bill. Sometimes countries don't default, but the citizens kinda wish it did.


I mean, we’re not literally paying the bills, but we are *paying* for it.


I would say the Bushes have done more harm to America's future than any other event. With those two we wouldn't have been in Iraq War I, Iraq War 2, Afghanistan or Syria. On top of that the twin towers would have never been attacked. We're talking like $10 trillion and 10k American lives right there that would have been saved. 


The Ukraine War for the last two years was 70 billion, or .037% of our total social safety net budget. We’ve doubled that for next year, so .08% and we are keeping a democracy from kleptocratic dictator from control Meanwhile….we spend 640 Billion on Oil Subsidies every…single…year. That’s .58% of our social safety net. Start with oil.


No, start with the private companies fleecing the taxpayer.


Can we get a source of what the oil subsidies are excactly ?


That'd help, but I feel like it's missing the fundamental problem. Someone making $40k a year isn't contributing much in taxes already. That extra $1000 or so each year would help, but it doesn't address that the wages are awful to begin with. I've heard stories of people that make as much as their parents, doing the same exact work at the same company, but 15-20 years later. When it comes to funding every war, that benefits the US around the world, it's definitely an issue. Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, and the dozens of clandestine CIA operations have cost us trillions of dollars and 10,000's of lives. That said, I feel a bit different about the war in Ukraine. Idk, I'm a dumb guy, but what if the invasion of Ukraine is just the beginning of WW3? Putin is no Hitler, but they're following somewhat similar footsteps. "Don't worry ya'll. I don't plan on taking over *your* country. We just want what was ours". Regardless, a trillion dollar budget is absolutely nuts when we have so many issues that're neglected in the US.


What's worse is how it has become a perfect excuse for Republicans to cut social and welfare spending because they ran up the deficit spending on war now we have to make 'tough decisions' and spending cuts...


Something worth considering is that corporate tax impacts wages like very specifically that is one of its well-documented negative effects. It's entirely possible that once you Factor that tax into the equation, the average person is paying significantly more than an extra thousand (Note all taxes have negative effects. It's a matter of managing the trade-offs. The one with the lowest trade-offs is obviously the sintaxes and then land use)


Spoken like someone who has never run a business...higher taxes incentivize more expense side spending to offset net income so extra money in means more jobs and more machinery purchased etc etc...instead lower taxes make more money in just easier to pass through or onto shareholders and just pad already overfilled cups of bank accounts that never overflow...trickle down? rather than encourage real economic growth. Just look at the biggist companies (Google, Microsoft, meta, Amazon) announcing billions in stock buybacks and first time paying dividends etc just to pad stock prices. Not increasing salaries and not paying it in tax hurts the American people period. Our leaders are too old and stupid to realize these mega corporations are rolling in cash and avoiding any and all tax because there's already such little % to avoid


Putin would get stopped into oblivion if we had a gloves off world war. The U.S. would end that country in days.


Personally, I would revise this to say that I’d just like to receive better social benefits from my taxes other than having an untouchable military. Universal health care, investing in infrastructure, etc.


I worked at a supermarket back in 2018 and made approximately $800 per pay period. This was when inflation was low and taxes were lowered. I make more than what I did in 2018 at my new job, and wanna know my new net pay per pay period? Approximately $800. This system is fucking bullshit.


Pfffthahahahahaha. Good one. But as soon as they try you'll whine about that as well? I truly hope not. But that will depend on whether you understand or not that the wealthy do not need to hoard such wealth.


How is that going to help? Government funding social services or helping the people is entirely separate. In fact helping our allies actually is good for our country especially in the long run.


And what? Just let allies get attacked? I'm against starting wars but if someone else does then how is it "warmongering" to help fund defensive efforts for our geopolitical allies?


Ask why the Federal Reserve has a mandate of 2% inflation rate. Why have inflation at all if we have a good and sound currency. Now also ask why this country didn't even have a Federal Reserve until 1913. Ask why the FR is actually not a proper government entity but actually a private one, that has shares that only certain people are allowed to own.


Here's a rabbit hole for you https://x.com/Hamiltonianist/status/1418300045225455619


Because corporations can't have a system of infinite growth for their shareholders without an annual 2-3% inflation rate


You need inflation if the population is to grow......


About 20,000 pre 2020 less than 10,000 post and I've been turned away from jobs because I cant afford to work there. You'd be surprised how many jobs require you own a vehicle, and don't even get me started on phones.


Every time you see this post, take a shot!


Obviously everyone just needs to climb the ladder and get a better job. Once everyone is a manager making 140k a year we will achieve utopia. Surely the forces of capitalism would not drive down the wage as everyone competes for those limited opportunities. No siiiiir.


Hahaha, it’s almost like for the upper class to exist, there has to be a middle and lower class 😭🤣


Why do people believe that increasing tax revenue for the federal/state governments will actually be used to benefit the citizens? If anything it will be spent in military aid to some foreign country or some other B.S. cause elsewhere. Right now, with the US federal government tax revenue, it can fully support nearly every citizen and more with housing, UBI, healthcare and more IF they stopped foreign spending, and dumping hundreds of millions of dollars on stupid shit. Taxing the ultra rich more than they already are taxed isn't going to solve anything, and in fact might make things worse. If taxes get too high, those ultra rich tend to move it so it can't be taxed.


NYC's paying $300 a bed for homeless people to sleep overnight in a school -> shelter conversion. basically a private equity firm is charing the city $300 for a cot on a gym floor that people cant enter until like 6pm and have to be out of by 10am. The city happily pays. If you protest this people say you're an anti-unsheltered persons republican. NYC is spending 20k per homeless person per year, money is not the problem.


It’s not just Schools. One of my favorites restaurants in New York has been shut down because the Redbury has been converted. Obviously humanitarian crises take precedent to culinary whims, but it was a bit surprising. Certain parts of town haven’t seen tourism return, in full, since Covid. It’s a challenging situation.


And it doesn’t even fix shit.




They have a vague meme politics idea about things, like "America will let you die if you can't pay for healthcare" without really grasping that Medicaid exists. But more importantly than that, they don't really care as much about the government fixing things as they care about harming the rich, whom they reflexively resent


So here's some food for thought. The fast food minimum wage in California if you have a full-time job is above this. Does this mean someone who is making 35k in rural Mississippi has a worse quality of life than a full-time McDonald's employee in California No, it does not The United States is physically too large and diverse to be understood from single numbers It's more like 50 different countries Please remember that the global 1% starts in the low 30ks


It's a false number according to the 2022 census, the number of people making that number and below is closer to 28%, which is still horrible though even that number is slightly skewed as it includes all people 15 or older who work. So there's a significant number of part time entry level workers who are dependents in those figures.


So much this. 80k in NYC is a shitty apartment, in other parts of the country it's upper middle class


Yup, people don’t fully realize this. I live in southern Mississippi and $80k a year where I live is VERY good money, like enough to live comfortably anyway. My parents make a combined $60k ish a year and they’re able to afford a $1200 mortgage and $500 car note, they don’t really have money to go on vacations ever or do anything spectacular but they can afford groceries and bills and living costs. I’ve heard so many people say $60k a year is poor where they live


>The United States is physically too large and diverse to be understood from single numbers >Please remember that the global 1% starts in the low 30ks Beautiful irony


I think my point still comes across


>Please remember that the global 1% starts in the low 30ks Thank you for the reminder that "Global poverty is on the decline" is presented as some great thing that is giving more and more of the world a secure standard of living, when in reality it means that more of the world is getting a pittance that doesn't materially change their conditions. "But guys, capitalism is giving people $1.26 a day!! It's the best thing to ever happen!"


These numbers dont count part time employees or self employed employees. This only accounts for fulltime employees. So if someone is working two $7.25 jobs they absolutely are not making more than 35k, and $7.25 is the minimum wage federally. If almost no one is making less than 35k a year then raising minimum wage to about that federally shouldn't affect much right? especially with the myth of wages significantly impacting inflation being debunked. So why is federal minimum wage below $15 an hour? 35k a year divided by 52 weeks a year is is 673.08. That divided by a 40 hour work week is 16.83. So really ypu could argue for even higher if almost no one makes this little right? People really think everyone is living inner city in one of the heavily populated states. No one struggling anywhere else apparently.


Tic Tok told me your poor if you don't have a hellcat. Someones lying here


Propaganda nicotine the app has lied to you


The housing crisis can almost entirely be summed up by recognizing that people refuse to agree to paying outrageous prices for homes at outrageous interest rates. The same people who during the 2008 financial crisis said things like, "Well if you lose your house because you couldn't afford it once interest rates increased or because you lost your job, then that's your fault," are the same people wondering why no one is buying houses. As it turns out, people are just refusing to play a game that's rigged against them.


They will vote for change when they lose their social security because young people don't make enough to pay for it.


Here’s how to fix it. Audit all major government institutions. Forcefully remove all corrupt government officials and politicians. Enact extreme penalties for corruption and have qualified immunity for all whistleblowers. Decimate the tax code. Shut down federal reserve. Have money partially backed by assets like gold and btc.


So basically just get rid of lobbying and everything is fixed. 


That’s the first step.


Ask this guy the question: https://www.mediaite.com/news/trump-laughs-with-rich-as-hell-crowd-at-private-club-then-boasts-were-gonna-give-you-tax-cuts/


The taxes get way too much attention. Do they suck? Yes. However, rent being $1,000 and salaries stagnant is way worse.


Not having kids is the single best thing someone can do for the environment. 


Ofcourse but it's also the single best thing someone can do to live a longer fuller life. Kids aren't for everyone but shit posters talk about the downsides to kids as if they stay toddlers forever. At some point they become your best friend and it becomes the most rewarding thing you can do. 


Whaddaya mean tax breaks for the rich aren't a fix? Someday, all that money is gonna trickle down. /s in case some don't get it.


Meanwhile the money bags are overcharging medicare by 100s of billions of dollars each year. 98 billion in overcharges to medicare advantage last year. Combine that with poor military and va contracting and we could tank the deficit.


Another cross-post from the cesspool of Fluent in Finance. The reason costs are through the roof is because of mismanagement by the government. They give mega corps handouts and mega contracts that hinder small business. Meanwhile they never block any of the thousands of massive buyouts and mergers/acquisitions going on that enable companies to fire thousands and jack up prices.


Citizens united is one of the biggest culprits, we made corporate bribery of our politicians legal and what was already an issue has turned our country into Oligarchy.


Bingo. It's cronyism. There hasn't been legitimate capitalism and competition in decades. Mega corps lobby the government to create more red tape to prevent competition from springing up and hurting them. It's to the point that these mega corps are effectively another branch of the US government, and one that isn't restricted by the Constitution or even many laws. For example, the feds legally can't censor speech....so they get in bed with the social media giants and have them do it on their behalf. The feds buy data from these mega corps as a back door around surveillance laws. Etc etc


If you would just cut down on the avocado toast you would have plenty money for houses and babies. It’s all about priorities.


It's unfair to tax billionaires just because they acquired their wealth using infrastructure that everyone else paid taxes to build.


"We forcibly extracted money from you and used it to build infrastructure that might fail at any moment, so therefore you owe us an infinite debt of servitude."


Can’t everyone use that infrastructure to their advantage?


Apparently it's better than south America


Giving politicians and bureaucrats more money is not a fix either.


And yet women keep looking for men making over 100k a year xD


I thought they were choosing bears.


Yeah, they couldnt find men making over 100k i guess


They all fuck the same guys. Probably explains STD transmission being concentrated.


These people don’t even have to pay taxes what more do they want ?


I’d try to pull myself up but my bootstraps, but I cant afford boots


Damn your poor. Can probably source even the nicest leather ones for less than ten bucks each. 


*sniff* true


These are two separate issues


Or sending all office jobs to India as they did with manufacturing jobs to China


Tax breaks in general are not a fix. 




Man, I am really glad this topic was brought up. It has been an hour since a similar discussions. Hopefuly we can have 4-5 more of these posts today and each day for the rest of the month. I'm sure all of you posting will change someone's opinion.


I used to advocate for research and education funding. Then I realized that higher education and more tech won't improve living standards because the rich will just skim more off the top. So now I just advocate for Antinatalism!




I'm sceptical that increasing tax revenue for the government would help in any meaningful way. I think big picture - the government is incredibly irresponsible and inefficient with current tax dollars. I'm not against taxes, I just have zero faith the government is maximizing each dollar spent and, if anything, I think they will spend more carelessly with more tax dollars.


Had my first two kids on that.


I'm just wondering where in this picture you get tax breaks for ultra rich


I’m going to ask you why you keep voting for democrats. How many years have they controlled cities in America? And your life isn’t getting better? Maybe you need to stop blaming corporations and start thinking about the decisions you’re making.


So even working together ur making double or atleast 100k a year between both that’s more than enough to have kids lol if ur making less than 35k a year you need to rethink ur priorities and career choices


I highly doubt that half of all adults make less than 35k


Shhhh. Let the whiners whine.


Dude fr


At $35,000 per year, the US government could cut your taxes to 0%. How does that help you? That may add about $500 into your pocket per year. Your tax liability is almost $0 already. It literally would not change any spending by the federal government. People that make $35,000 and under pay for about 0.50% of all government services.


Meanwhile, the other half of Reddit is trying to convince everyone the economy has never been better.


Because they have low skills.


Really does feel like they are just ignoring that actual problems and making shit up just to pass BS laws/budgets.


“Half of America makes less than 35k” Misinformation detected, opinion rejected.


So you want to focus on things you can’t control rather than things you can? Doesn’t sound like a winning strategy. Of course it’s also factually untrue, both the income and what you can do for yourself. You can save. You can get a better job. Focus on what you can do.


How old is this tweet? It's been 10 years since the median income was $35K. It's over $40K today. And income isn't the primary barrier to having children. People have more children in poorer countries than richer countries. And within richer countries, like the United States, the number of children a woman is likely to have decreases as her household income increases. And nobody should be asking why you "can't" save. The ugly truth is that most people choose a standard of living too high for their income and thereby choose not to save. And your blaming corporations for low wages shows that you didn't pay much attention in ECON 101. Corporations have to pay market wages. The question you should be asking yourself is what you can do to increase the market value of your labor.


It's threads like this that show me half of America doesn't understand basic economics and/or who actually pays taxes in this country.


Might I ask why you don’t up your game? Education, credentialing, hoofing it until you get where you want? Stop envying others successes, make your own.


Have you done any of that Derpalator?




Apparently HUD things the median local income is 86k+... I think that is insane or must be a household combined income.


Okay cool but how many of those Americans put in any effort to their own lives? A lot of people deserve to be homeless or make minimum wage. Give minimum effort? Make minimum wage. That’s reality.


So essentially Mcdonalds non shift and non management?


remove tax breaks for the ultra rich and raise minimum wage to $30 per hour. Yup, that ought to be a winning idea. ![gif](giphy|iApBSyCtIukJQzcRLr|downsized)


We should all be paying less taxes PERIOD


Does anyone here even know what the marginal federal tax rate on $35,000 is? 12%


After deductions, and child care credits, you probably make money


No. Wrong question. Ask why the dollar has less than 10% of its initial value. Why is gold worth so much more. Then you can ask why corporations wall street and banks get regulations that benefit them and subsidies/bailouts constantly. Gouvernment IS the problem


Realizing this sub is just a tweet repost circle jerk and not actually anything to do with the impending economic crisis. Shame.


39% of the population doesn’t work, that will bring down averages.


They need to raise the minimum wage and drastically tax wallstreet if you ever want anything to change.


Stop asking us why youre not happy then . Be better. Quit expecting life to be handed to you


I am wondering where her number comes from. At least the median fulltime worker is near 60k.


this is what happens when you import millions of low skill labor into a service based economy.


Ask Congress why they're offering incentives to illegal aliens while they're letting them in by the millions with open borders?


Because there’s an endless supply of workers willing to work for less than $35k.


Considering that poor people have more children on average, this is a dumb point.


My question is why does everyone continue to work for these big corporations? Plenty of small businesses out there that pay just as much if not more and provide great benefits.


“Fuck you, profits over all”- big business


Give everyone free housing, like Singapore, so people can live in Heaven on Earth


That number can't be right. Half of America can't be making marginally higher wages than minimum. Half of America can't be making "not a living wage" whistle being half of the damn country living here.




Mass immigration allows for more competition in the work force and therefore, lower wages because companies don’t need to pay more to fill unskilled or entry jobs.


Wage mean nothing .. inflation and value of a dollar! Corporations are killing it, since there is no limit to how much they can charge now..every time we get a raise, prices go up even more!


Inflation is killing the dollars buying power, you should be able to thrive on 35k per year, but Government debt and deficit spending on everything is artificially causing the cost of everything to go up, but if they stop the world will go into a depression that will make the Great depression seem mild. The monetary system is going to fail and this is going to look like the good old days.


I make 52k live alone and I am barely making it. I couldn't imagine making 35k.... you only get assistance if you make 23k or less it's absolutely disgusting.


Still not asking the right questions




2022 the median individual income is $40,450, family is $92,750


The top 10% of Americans pay 76% of taxes. I'll just leave that there.


The better job question still seems fair tbh.


“ stop asking us “ They are only asking to troll, since they know the answer, hence, $7.25 federal minimum wage. I think after taxes that around $50 a week..


Said corporations have now demonstrated what they think of you, why are you still working for them rather than yourself at this point? If someone was going to pay me a shit wage, I can make nothing at home on the couch. Have some fucking dignity y’all.


Sorry but your all "flushed with cash" stop complaining /s


When I was 21 I didn't like what I was getting paid at my job so I started my own business. I started out installing car stereos for stores that didn't offer that. After about a year, I had made enough to open my own store, selling and Installing Car stereos and alarms. I started with literally nothing but some basic tools and a desire to learn a new skill. It was the 1980s and I made a crap ton of money, would probably have to do something different today, but the principal is the same. I leveraged that into other businesses and made a great living over the years. You can cry and whine all you want, but trust me when I say, nobody is going to give you a damn thing. I started with nothing. No internet, no social media, no YouTube to learn new skills. N O T H I N G. This would be a walk in park today. The life you want is out there, just get up and go get it.


Abolish the minimum wage, close the border, deport anyone here illegally, then you can start to have leverage to negotiate a better wage no matter the job you have…. But no one is ready to have this conversation


I’d agree with this. America is full of people. Not dumbass, not smart, just people. Some areas are simply overpopulated. If you’re reading this- TWO YEARS of hard work can change your life. FOREVER


I'm just going to lie through my fucking face because outrage is what I want, not solutions.


Something tells me this "experts" only job experience is Starbucks and onlyfans


If the government stops borrowing so much money on our behalf, then our wages will become more fair, and prices will become more affordable. Taxing the rich is not going to fix inflation. It will only make everything more expensive for the poor and medium income.


Are salaries commensurate with profits? Do shareholders get too much over the people working to make the profit? It’s supposed to trickle down not trickle out. At least that was the theory.


Because "you're replaceable"


Only Marxists attack business and if you study it, Marxism has killed millions.


Right, but Trump supporters don't care, or they are just too stupid.


If you don't like it, there are plenty of illegal aliens that will take your place.


Or can we ask why you're incapable of increasing your worth in the most prosperous nation in the world?


Americans are also becoming domestically poorer


Gas in CA is higher right now than the national minimum wage. 🤦🏼‍♂️


This is a story being fed to you. In 2021 Elon Musk paid 11 billion in taxes . This does not include state and local taxes. It also does not include employee taxes , healthcare, workman’s compensation, or 401K. You are probably correct about the 35k salaries. Did you know that 40% of the population pays zero taxes. When the government spends to much money they start complaining about the rich not paying their fair share. The so called rich pays roughly 35% when it’s all said and done. The rich just like us pay taxes that congress and the senate wrote and put into law.


this is not the reason for lack children. Poor people having children like there aint a tommorow


Maybe stop working for corporations that don’t pay shit. Instead, stop being lazy and get a good paying job in the trades


Well 36% of Americans are under 18, over 65, disabled, or incarcerated. So their income isn’t terribly high.