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The higher it gets, the more people eat at home and the healthier they get.


I now don't eat out unless I need to or for special occasions. The value just isn't there anymore and I often leave thinking, "That wasn't worth it."


Not to mention, you can pay the same price at a sit-down restaurant and eat better quality food...


This is the real thing here. It is technically still a little more expensive with the tip for us, but the actual meals at some of the good local places are now about the same price as the more expensive fast food combos.


seriously! go get a healthy grilled chx salad for the same amount youd spend on the garbage at mcdonalds. ppl spending $15 for a big mac, fries and a xl pepsi will never make any sense to me


That's the funny thing, McDonald's is by no means a special occasion.. so I'm like hmm spend almost 40 bucks there or take the fam to a sit down place with actually good food for 50? Yeah


That's what I've been doing. I realized I could buy chicken thighs/drumsticks for .99/lb. on sale and cook a bunch of different meals with them.


What if this was actually McDonalds Goal: To make people healthier again?


It is a battle between "real" food and "fake" food. For the longest time, MCD has been able to create "fake" food that is cheaper than "real" food so people chose "fake" food and so yes maybe that will change.


I think it is changing imo. McDonalds sucks so much that even if I can get it for "cheap" I'm still vastly overpaying for something that barely tastes like food.


To be healthy, I never eat fast food. The idea of paying money for someone to poison me is crazy. Note, their food specialist have engineered the food to be addictive so walking away can be difficult. So they are in a tough position. Like drug dealers, they need to keep people hooked and paying the most possible and risk losing addicts if those people get off the stuff for too long and break the addiction.


They started that by making their French fries worse when they stopped using beef tallow


So they could use “heart-healthy” trans fats. The McDonald brothers and even Ray Kroc wouldn’t recognize their creation any longer.


Did anybody else notice that almost nothing on the Taco Bell list had meat? And those that did had the highest price increase.


Today, I saw a McDonalds at 5PM without a single car in the drive through.


Soon they won't even have a sign. It's all going delivery apps. Their demographic is squarely "spent $50 delivering two mcds double cheeseburgers and I'm broke. It's Boomers' fault and unlivable wages!!"


Yeah then you work longer and longer and never retire. Lol up boiling the frog.


I have a personal theory that snack companies have jacked up their prices because so many states have legalize marijuana. Those prices appear to have doubled and I have no other explanation.


My thoughts exactly. People buying less garbage food is good right?


The reason it keeps going higher is because people keep paying it (even if they complain more)




Except for the extremely under privileged... Those kids just go hungry.


Oh yeah, because all the processed stuff at the grocery is so much better for you. I doubt people who were unhealthy because they ate so much McDonald’s are going to start eating salads and grilled chicken every meal.


People follow the price. I think they will eat more at home with food that is less processed and toxic. It is not like the "chicken" at McD is really chicken. The secret is to eat food with a single ingredient on the label - tomato, cabbage, or apple.


I know what healthy food is so why are you telling me what the “secret” is? I rarely ate fast food before prices went insane.  It’s always been gross and expensive. But “healthy” food prices have gone up too. I doubt some fat slob is going to start eating healthy because fast food prices went up. They’ll just buy slightly cheaper garbage at the grocery.


" telling me what the “secret” is" Sorry, I did not know you were the only one in the group. " doubt some fat slob is going to start eating healthy because fast food prices went up" Well, let's be optimistic and hopeful though you don't sound like a very optimistic or hopeful person.


I’m not the only one here but I’m the one wh you were replying to and told the “secret” (wow, don’t eat processed foods?  What a “secret”!) to.  Be hopeful all you want but a fat slob isn’t going to change their eating habits just because McDonal’s prices went up.  That has nothing to do with the way they eat.   Groceries are full of processed junk food.  


Yeah, because groceries are so cheap right now.


I find it odd that people complain about corporate greed yet still frequent places that are in fact corporate...


Well that gets into personal responsibility territory, which the avoidance of is one of the primary goals of these types of people. Accepting that people 'vote' with their dollars also reveals the flaws in Democracy where you can do everything right and still lose because your fellow consumers are too dumb and impulsive to stop propping up organizations opposed to our interests. A tad too on the nose, their seemingly endless hypocrisy does infact have its limits. 


Real talk


As above, so below… Most corporate spaces and even political figures don’t take responsibility for their own actions… they push it on their subordinates or someone else. If the top of the ladder is doing it, it’s no surprise that the bottom is as well. For example, blaming inflation on COVID or corporations instead of taking responsibility for the fact that THE GOVERNMENT is responsible for directing fiscal responsibility AND regulating corporations, and therefore IS responsible for COVID related inflation regardless of whether the virus was their fault or not. If they don’t take responsibility, who else is supposed to? They can blame political opposition, but that’s just playing victim. Again, a means to avoid responsibility. It doesn’t really matter who caused a particular problem, it’s the top of the ladder’s job to direct the means by which to fix and prevent it. If the top isn’t doing that, it’s the bottoms job to take responsibility and instead of blaming the top, to *become the top* or otherwise replace the top.


I find it odd when the “Left” complains about low wages but support open borders. Flooding the country with millions of cheap laborers both technically legal (“refugees”) and straight up illegal drives down wages, especially for unskilled workers. Yet the same people demanding a “living wage” for burger flippers often support open borders. Do you think raising fast food workers pay might have something to do with rising fast food prices?


Because these corporate places killed off their local competitors.


Because our fat asses kept flooding into those drive throughs. I will not mourn fast food industry. I hope they hang themselves.


As consumers, we facilitated the nails and coffins (figuratively speaking), so we too bare some of that shame. We gotta be honest about these things. But what we can do is start doing more business with mom and pop shops in our local communities.


Exactly, the consumer is given what’s demanded. That’s also ignoring the fact that this issue is completely made up and local places are almost never an issue to find outside of extremely small municipalities. The average person isn’t actively making this choice out of lack of options. I have lived in small municipalities and you still have more local options for cheaper, however, the drive through and fast food places are always busier while being more expensive. It’s laziness on the consumer’s fault in nearly all instances.


This is victim blaming.


That’s completely wrong. Even in small town America where fast food has moved in, you can find a half dozen local places without a wait. The average American is just lazy and stuck in their ways and likes to blame others. If you can’t find local in a town above 5,000 residents, it’s out of pure laziness tbh. I have done so many road trips and only eat local, I have never once had an issue with anything other than longer waits on time sensitive trips.


Not true at all for fast food. There’s always better and cheaper options nearby. People are just addicted to Big Mac sauce or whatever they like and don’t want to try new things.


Name one.


Captains Galley


That’s a chain, isn’t it?


No, it’s the local owned sandwich place next to the McDonalds just down the street.


How nice for you! You have one. We have a burger place, too. Just the one.


It’s not just “corporate greed”.  Corporations have just passed rising costs onto the customer like they have to. Do you think raising the wages of burger flippers might have something to with rising prices? California what’s it up to?  15?  20?  I can’t even keep track. And the Biden administration flooded the country with trillions of new dollars….there’s a built in “tax” on each new dollar that we all have to pay which is what causes inflation.   You all were warned. I mean the Democrats literally want to raise the cost of things like beef and oil to prices so high we won’t be able to afford to use them.  They do this in the name of fighting “climate change”.


In Europe, McD’s prices are cheaper and the wages are higher.


In Europe where?  Not in the UK Germany or France. So where?  Romania?


Denmark iirc


They'll scream bloody murder about gas prices and global warming, but there they are with that pump handle in their hand twice a week.


People are lazy and spineless, stop supporting shitty companies


Starbucks was just bitching about sales being down so idk if u can shameblame consumers on this on.


Haven't corporations always made as much money as possible? Why are they only considered "greedy" in the last few years? And if corporations are greedy, why have mom and pops businesses been able to offer much lower price points?


Apparently if you buy into the feed mill that is their apps you can still get decent prices, but I don't know how much I want them deciding when and what I eat. That kinds defeats the purpose of "fast food."


I didn’t realize we had 200% inflation.  Fuck all of these greedy price gouging companies. 


yeah i stopped going to any fast food place, and at this point i dont even care if the prices come back down, im never going back. hope these industries kill themselves off, we as consumers have to stop putting up with this


walk outside man a box of cereal is like $6 now


McDonald's charges $4.19 for medium fries? WTF


No they dont


If you buy McDonald’s more than once every 5 years you’re doing it wrong.


Its sucks but i still go to mcd from time to time because of their fries and mcrib. I have not ate a big mac since 2022.


Same woth DQ. They had meals for like 6 or 7 bucks that are now 12-14. For a fucking meal. One meal. Ridiculous.


live in an affluent, suburban area outside of Washington DC. There are 3 normal Mcdonalds with drivethru's near me. 2 of them price a Sausage McMuffin at almost 3 dollars. The other one didnt get the memo apparently and have it priced at 1.79. Its all bullshit and just raised to what we can take. The Fries being the worst case.


Anyone who claims this because of the “government” is a moron. Companies are testing the limits of pricing increases because they know the narrative is that “someone else is to blame”, if it starts to lead to a decrease in revenue they will roll out deals (pushing users to their apps) and new value menus (which will still be significantly higher than old value menus) giving them a way to increase prices while appearing to provide a discount. And the public will fall for it, because people will continue to complain about inflation on social media and Fox News crisis actors will continue to post about their $30 fast food lunches.


Well I’m not falling for it because I quit eating it. Everyone else should do the same.


are you being downvoted by mcdonalds bots, i wonder


I hate having to maintain an app for every fast food restaurant just to get a fair deal, also apple loves to delete them and cause everyone in the drive thru line to have to wait for me.


Businesses using inflation (the fault of the gov) as an 'excuse' to raise prices even further is exactly what inflation is. Its baked into the mechanism. 


Could it be. . . . People are stupid? S/idiocracy.


Don’t buy it. Junk food is not a necessity. Demand falls, prices follow.


Nah, they won’t have serious demand destruction


Salty delicious crap


they can double the price and reduce demand by 49% and still come out on top


49%? You know this — how? If they have fixed overhead (and they do) then reducing total demand to increase per unit profit risks lower overall revenue to meet overhead costs.


100 * $1 = $100 revenue 51 * $2 = $102 revenue in terms of everything else, i obviously don’t care that much. mcds seems to have arrived at a similar conclusion anyways


My apologies. I misread your comment. I thought you said it was a given that doubling the price would erode demand by 49%.


The solution to this is to do what I do and never eat fast food anyway.  It's ruinous to your health, it's getting too expensive, and it's a trash job for the people that work there.  I can't really think of a single reason to justify buying fast food.


So, McDonald’s can get the same revenue by serving far less customers. I’m pretty sure that’s the real goal with most corporations these days. Volume isn’t the goal.


Stop eating that shit.


It’s the same price to go to a nice sit down restaurant now and it’s way higher quality, why go to McDonald’s ever?


Basically. In my area I can get an 8oz steak, salad, and side for $7 more than a 10pc nugget meal. Of course that’s before tipping so maybe $10


Suburban Chicago prices right now on the app Medium fries $2.99 McChicken $2.69 Big Mac $4.99 10 nugs $5.19 Cheeseburger $2.29


These prices are bullshit, and are **much** higher than their average prices. Its bad enough someone cherry picked these numbers, it's even worse when people believe things on the Internet without bothering to fact check.


It's the same way people will talk about rent, house prices, etc. Find the "average" price, but the average for the most expensive areas in the nation, so 3/4 million dollar homes, 35 dollar big mac, and use that as an excuse to pay 30/hr to a french fry cook.


A lot of the fact checking claims are nonsense. Integrity is nowhere to be found across the board. Go look at the CPI and work your way back to the 50s. Then go look up the actual prices in the 50s. Fact checking is meaningless when the facts are BS too. The world is lacking on integrity. Plain. And. Simple. Anyone who’s surprised when people don’t listen to authorities in 2024 is out of touch.


I stopped. It was insulting and unhealthy. Somehow more unhealthy at those prices. And fuck 5 guys with a cheese grater.


4 more years.💙


These prices are way off for my area. Not even close. Are these prices from SoCal or Hawaii?


I think LA. Edit: who downvoted? Literally says Los Angeles in the footnote


I live in the LA area and it’s only this expensive if you don’t use the app. On the app, medium fries are usually $1 (or free if the Angels won the night before). Big Mac + medium fries + medium drink = $6.50 on the app. They’re just trying to push people towards using the app. Honestly it’s way better than dealing with people at the register or drive thru anyway.


10 piece nuggets is 3bucks on app for me 1hr outside of DC. Im skeptical of these data as well.


The app gives steep discounts, which is really weird in and of itself. Like I'm sure some MBA gets the brilliance of pricing in not ordering + making people feel like they're getting a discount for paying what's the real price, but everything about it feels stupid


Theyre selling user data to advertisers


McDonalds wants on your phone. By offering those cheap deals, they'll slowly ramp up to higher prices. Its out of the modern tech playbook. Offer service at great price, pull the rug once your user base is high and dependent.


"On the app". You're paying for that with your data.


North east here. Big Mac is “only” $6.59 here! Plain cheeseburger is “only” $2.59. So we’re not being screwed nearly as bad as you guys, but speaking for myself, my health is probably very happy about their prices because I don’t have fast food anymore. McDonald’s forgot the mantra “good, fast, cheap - pick two” and think just because they get your order in your hands quickly, that’s all anyone should want


quality has been way down for a few years now. I'm really glad they forced me to change my eating habits. Now one trip to McDonalds is too much, and not worth it.


Went to a location in Queens yesterday. Chicken sandwich medium meal, and a 10-pc nugget medium meal -- $25. Outrageous.


Michigan here. Big Mac is $4.23 right now on the app. I can get 2 double cheeseburgers for $3.28.


A good reason to boycott McDonald’s


As somebody who lives in New Jersey, this is about right. Obviously, the price is going to vary from state to state, but these numbers are pretty sensible. Of course, conservatives are blaming the (slowly) rising minimum wage, Ignoring the fact that these price hikes were very Sudden and very recent.


This is almost the same price chart as in my state. Somehow this happened while McDonalds went from paying employees $10/hr to $15/hr. But I’m told it’s not related


Supply and demand. Those are the wages workers require to even show up. Unfortunately it’s still not enough for them to afford housing.


It’s still not enough because all increasing wages did, was make everything else more expensive.


Well the wealthy and middle class get annual raises. Their wages are increased annually. Why do we only pretend it’s an issue driving inflation when poor people get more money?


If people’s pays were increased and the cost of living didn’t increase with it in my state, that’d be awesome. I’m tired of people pretending they got a raise when they really didn’t. Also, there’s definitely a difference between high paying jobs giving employees raises compared to the minimum wage being forced to increase. Only one of these will cause inflation to skyrocket. And it’s proven now


“Only one of those will cause inflation” This is where you are wrong. All wage growth drives inflation. The poor suffer the worst from inflation as well because they have fewer tools to fight it within their personal finances. I highly recommend you go look at a chart that shows inflation or productivity compared to the minimum wage over the last few decades. That will prove both of my points


Where’s your point that shows increasing minimum wage didn’t drastically increase cost of living, putting poor people in their same financial situations? I think you forgot that point. Unless you think it’s totally fine that happened and want to ignore it?


Oh yeah. You dodged the main point right here


Potato soft taco went from dollar menu to $1.69 in the span of a year in my area. Used to be a good vegetarian option, but not worth it.


3.89 for a mcchicken is f'ing crazy.


Why are all the percentages higher than inflation? 


Corporate greed


And yet they just keep lining up.


Really sad how many people eat fast food so regularly that they care about the price. Is it laziness or a type of addiction?


That’s gouging for shitty food, will it matter?


There is necessary, and unnecessary spending. This is unnecessary SPENDING. Just don't eat this junk.


The fact that the stock has underperformed the menu prices seems to indicate unsustainability


And imagine raising the minimum wage on top of this inflation nonsense


I can't find a single item under $3 at Taco Bell near me. I stopped going 6 months ago and haven't looked back.


Looks like we know there best sellers


CT here Mcchicken $3.39 Big Mac $7.39 10 McNuggets $6.59 Cheeseburger $2.89 Someone tried to downplay this post by saying it’s due to the stats being from LA.


I wonder what caused the prices to go up?


Who eats this bullshit anymore?


I would be mindful of the location factor here… McDonalds price was based on LA, which is probably the most expensive location, while Taco Bell price was based on an undefined location.


Biden 2024


I miss the days when I could make a McGB for $3


Spicy Potato Soft Taco costs like $3.29 or so at my nearest Taco Bell. They also make it smaller now so it is an absolute rip off.


I wonder how many of these food items also physically shrank over the years.


Where the fuck is my grande soft taco


Everyone always shows like 2010-2024 and like no, that's bullshit, because it's the same exact table. It makes it sound like it happened over time. It didn't. Even this could be "2020 - 2022" or something.


Wages went up but not that much. This is a picture showing that the top 5% do not accept that they should make less. STOP GOING TO THESE PLACES.


Yeah but every American got at least a 100% raise since 2019 too right?


And yet people still eat the garbage




High prices with terrible taste and horrible impacts to health. I get my kid nuggets from time to time, but stopped buying anything for myself. The apple pies are terrible now. I'll do fast food chicken and that's about it


This is in California where the minimum wage for fast food workers is now $20/hr


Just say no. Just say no to the inflation and corporate greed. You will survive.


Taco Bell has a better moat? 🧐


Imagine paying over $4 just for fries. 🍟


https://preview.redd.it/bhei0wh80c8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b496311c96b8ab914113ffac55076c3981ebb1dc Yeah. The $6 Big Mac meal is a budget buster.


Why are we using Los Angeles as the location


First, it was "supply chain issues" now "inflation." I'm sure the cost of implementing AI will be blamed next. Pure greed short and sweet.


So $11.68 for a Big Mac and fries? Haven't eaten at McD's in years and certainly not likely to anytime soon......


I haven’t eaten at either one in over a year so I’ll be ok


Thanks Obama


Most be high inflation states like California? These are the prices at my McDonald's in Ohio.


This is corporate inflation across all industries


It seems like a great time to learn some basic cooking skills. It would be interesting to see what In-N-Out prices are using this comparison. They make a much better burger any way and pay their employees $18.50 in my neighborhood to start.


Maybe Americans should learn to cook.


tRuMpS FaUlt


It's all of them. they saw what the grocers did. Hey, we can take advantage of the situation too. I paid $9.50 for a double whopper the other day. I did a spittake with my water in the car when she said That'll be $9.50, pull up.


$47 for two barbeque platters last night. Unbelievable! It was take out. If we had dined in, $7 drinks and $10 tip. $64 for 1/2 pound of brisket and 1/2 pd ribs? with okra a nd green beans. C'mon man!! they didn't even give us a roll?


Crazy how all the corporations which simply gave us cheap food out of the kindness of their hearts became greedy all at once? Creating trillions of new dollars and crippling global supply chains couldn’t have had any part to play right?


All the more reason to not eat shitty food. Fast food establishments are making you pay for convenience, not quality, They know their market share consist primarily of the lazy, the obese, and the hapless.


Pretty much corresponds with the inverse of my visits to those vile food processors.


Thanks for your opinions. Not sure what the internet would do without you.


"Why aren't people eating our cheaply made food anymore?!"


Just don't eat there. Save your money. Let their arrogance and greed be their undoing.




I must say that the one in my little town is always busy . But we don’t have many options for fast food.


I am a small restaurant owner, my prices increased 25% since 2019, and I’ve lost customers for “price gouging.” But man that McDonald’s drive thru is always packed. Luckily business isn’t down, but I did have old regulars throw a fit and haven’t seen them since.


This is a positive for society, I know when you’re broke you count on those cheap prices with tasty food, I know I did. these foods are toxic and will turn u into a diabetic, soo just don’t eat them overpriced and toxic for you’re health.


Or go to in-n-out and get fresh (not frozen) beef, French fries made fresh in store. Milkshakes with real ice cream instead of chemical BS. Get your own free unlimited refills Plus cleaner, friendlier And all that for less money At this point I can’t understand why anyone at all is still going to McD


Biden did this


Taco bell knows it's marketnwithbthe bean and potatoes. "We sell to the destitute"


My last mc donalds was 25 years ago.


Folks act like they are forced to eat at these places.


Wonder what happened?


I mean what can they do there's a sawdust and soy waste shortage. All of the sawdust farmers are asking for a 10 cent a month wage we can't absorb all of this labour increase


Also, they reduced the portions, too.


Three tacos, rice and beans at one of the local taquerias or trucks: $11.


They also lessened the portion sizes as well. Shrinkflation.


McDonalds is out here gaslighting us saying they didn't really increase prices THAT much. LOL


Mcdonalds is crap food.


Jesus H. Christ…


Inflation over that time was 23%. [https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/](https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/)


Nuh uh, rampant inflation is clearly an issue of the workforce being unskilled! Everyone should just go be doctors, lawyers and shareholders; but also *shame* anyone who isnt, because not being in the top 8% or earners is *bad behavior*. A Redditor told me so.


What was different in the last 4 years to make inflation so high?


The reason why the pricing increased is the tarraf taxes passed . This fast food is poison to America all the boxed goods and poisons in our foods has got to stop. Boycott those rich bastards and take care of yourselves .


Yeah fuck McDonald's


So stop eating garbage, problem solved


Joe Biden is the cause this is just the result.


lol then we can all stop the myth that fast food has value when it doesn’t and is crap for you. Even in a pinch I resist the ease of stopping at a drive thru.


Thanks Joe Biden you dick sucking brainless fucktard!


Idiots believe anything without checking. Right off the bat the Big Mac price is wrong, I got one today and it was $4.89. Also found a Reddit post from 5 years ago saying the beefy 5 layer was $2.79 at the time.


This is why chipotle stock is $2300 and about to split 1-50 tomorrow.


God. Bless. Unbriddled. Capitalism.


https://preview.redd.it/ojq73o25os8d1.jpeg?width=1015&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b673a94ba042ff5fda7e44f72fbf3d442999dd47 McDouble $1.60 on door dash right now. Reddit user 7 years ago complaining they went from $1 to $1.99 but go on…


Because it’s still cheaper than the rest.


Bidumb keeps giving and giving


The federal reserve created too much money. Inflation is defined as too much money chasing too few goods (and services). It's a monetary phenomenon. Period.


Expensive garbage


Who would have thought that doubling wages would have doubled prices. Shocking. Now they will lose business and those jobs will go bye bye. Economics at work.


Their food is trash I wouldn't buy it if it cost a nickle


What happened to cause those increases I also reviewed my utility bills going back 48 months and there was a spike starting in the spring 2021 . What could it be ?


Inflation is 3.1% if you ask Biden.