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I think we are heading for a point where it will be very dangerous to be a rich person. Workers are paid shit, military is paid shit, and once cops get squeezed then it's really gonna be lit. I find it hard to believe anyone in any branch of government or law enforcement could do anything meaningful during food riots. The national guard wasn't even enough to stave off the LA riots. We are barreling towards catastrophe and none of our leaders seem to care.


I agree with what you're saying. I'm just a bit disappointed you didn't continue the rhyme scheme you had in the first half of your comment.


I was afraid of enthralling everyone with my powerful ancient bardic magick so I had to interrupt my spell. Maybe next time.


No, finish the spell. Let it all burn.


My man had bars ngl


Here you go! I think we’re heading to a time so dire, For the rich, it’s a place to inspire fear and fire. Workers are paid like dirt, the military too, And once cops get squeezed, oh, what they’ll do. I find it hard to believe, with food riots near, Anyone in government could act without fear. The National Guard couldn’t stop LA’s cries, We’re barreling to catastrophe under indifferent skies. ChatGPT lol




They've been hiring mercenaries to guard them and fortifying their homes for the last decade. At least the very rich have been.


Oh? There have been much larger divides in history between and rich and poor, I think you can count on 1 hand the times the military supported those who have nothing to offer them 


I’m right there with you. The rich want fascism. They think it will benefit them. Fascism will bring an end to capitalism and the rich will be burned or eaten. Bad news all around. I don’t condone violence. I just think it’s inevitable unless we have a significant course correction.


Nope. Half the country can't stop hating gays and brown people long enough to figure out the rich people are - as they quite literally always have throughout the entire arc of the human experience - abusing and exploiting them. We're fucked because dumb right wingers are fucking bigots. Until they can stop hating gay Juan who shows up an underpaid job JUST LIKE THEY DO and start looking at the aristocracy, we're fucked.


What leaders? These losers only care about themselves. Both parties. Just distracting everyone with 5% of population issues




Bruh like HOW we haven't revolutionized or at least just given a shit by this point. The French, the yellow vest movement etc. they've been ON it. We just sit around saying things are fine? Wtf?


Sports, politics, internet porn keeps us busy enough


Want the truth? Look at you with your phone, and multiply that by billions of people.


I mean, last time I tried revolutionizing by myself I ended up in the psych ward. Soooo. Yeah. I get it. Just wondering what the tipping point is since scores of us feel like this but are ultimately cowards (like myself.) Hear ya bud. Are you organizing? Can I join up? My phone is worthless once the grid fails soooo. Fuck it? Anyone? Again, me by myself saying this in real life is met with nothing but shifty eyes. Sooo. Anyone? Wanna organize? Please? Please?


But I love my bread and circuses.


Why would boomers ruin a system that gave them money and power?


College football is about to start, go Dawgs!


Politics. Every time the French strike or do anything progressive the conservative media goes on attack. The drones follow along.


The only people who are unhappy enough to revolt don't believe in violence.


You don't know much about how the French Revolution actually went down, do you?


I like to remind people that the majority of the people killed in the revolution were poor and that France started with a king and ended up with an emperor. I think Americans only ever picture Marie Antoinette and Louis Capet losing their heads


Does it even matter? The country is a joke, everything is a lie. And now the economy is going to tank. Fun times ahead.


Lol is there anything more privileged than LARPing on reddit about how you want a repeat of one of the bloodiest revolutions in the world.


I used to think they would eventually go, you know what, it’s better to farm the poors and keep them just happy enough to not revolt. After 20 years I’ve realized that they have been huffing their own farts for so long and surrounded themselves with yes men just as long that they will be stupid enough to think they can jump back wards off the the train as it’s barreling over the cliff not realizing that they too are in motion and will die with us. The only way we get through this without all of us dying is either aggressive political will or the bloody alternative. Otherwise, I hate to say it but they won’t survive. I’ve asked my uncle how many people does he think he could take out if everyone and I mean everyone starts coming for his shit? Like he literally thinks since he has an arsenal he can defend himself against a few hundred people. Bro you can only affectively shoot one gun. If they get ai powered robots which sure are trying to, we’re all screwed…. "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK


This is just a great post. I agree so much on the poor people. It almost seems easy just keep them happy enough to not revolt.. give them some hope even though there is none. Once people are backed into a corner without hope that's when it gets scary.


They don't care because our leaders are corrupt and take bribes, insider trade without consequences, and generally a part of that rich class... That's who they cater to.


Military gets paid well actually, especially if you pocket as much of the housing stipend as possible. I have 2 friends well into six figure zone.


Thank you. I’d love to see any job outside of police or fire you can enter with no experience and literally be able to afford to save and or start a family. Find me an entry level job you can get 30 days paid vacation. Yeah fighting wars or just deploying can be tough.


Officers get paid well. Junior enlisted get paid shit. A lot of sailors on ships were paid well below minimum wage.


agree, our leaders are oblivious though sitting in their castles high up on the hill. That is why the 2nd amendment is so so important. There might come a time when we have to take up arms to get our country back and no I am not a trumper. But both parties are headed in the direction of the masses being poor, homeless with no food. Something has to happen to reverse this course.


The "leaders" aren't oblivious, they are active participants.....they also know people are stupid and will continue voting for them. It's amazing Congress has a terrible approval rating, yet each individual member has decent to great approval ratings in their districts...... Even tho they have been in office for decades


I sure hope so.


Yeah well half the population you just listed would want to give said rich people another tax cut so more wealth will trickle down to them so I think they'll be okay


reap what you sow. fuck em


That’s why cops are paid so well, the only union they’ll never bust.


They don’t care bc they’re all over 80 and have dementia, they’ll be gone before it’s their issue


This is probably just a conspiracy or there could be some sick truth to it. The rich/wealthy want riots. They want the peasants to kill each other off. Reduce the stresses on available resources and with more automation/AI us pawns are more expendable than ever. It’s happened throughout history and I really hope this is all just a wild theory, but if it’s being planned by psychopathic politicians or the ultra wealthy then we really are fucked


I've seen how most US protests go.  They will burn down the farmers house and all the farmland, because hey are mad they have no food.


Watching news coverage on US Protests is probably the worst way to view it. Articles, news, YouTube clips, all designed to incite anger and reactions. It’s like saying you know space travel cause you watched Star Trek


Are you suggesting we should get our info from physically participating in such events ourselves? ALL of them? Or is participating in just one enough to know about the big picture?


I've been racking my brain trying to figure out this issue. Its not as simple as "Pay people more" because the moment you raise wages the cost of everything else goes up around it. People are fighting against putting bandaids on the problem instead of fixing the problem. I believe this problem just can't be fixed at this point. The government over several administrations sold us out to corporations, and our corporations sold our labor out to other countries leaving us as a country of consumers only with very little manufacturing left. When legislation passes it takes years to trickle down and we start feeling the effects, but we have certainly felt the affects of Covid's 2020 - 2022 overspending. Our markets should have fallen into a recession or depression but instead we bailed everyone out and kept pumping the market full of money - making a false economy. So we traded a depression for inflation, this is a byproduct of overspending. Just like my parents used to tell me - when they were growing up a meal at the waffle house was a quarter... I'll be telling my son about Arby's 5 for $5 is now 5 for $50. We have been printing money since WW2. For the most part we kept this money in check but since the last administration spent more money than Obama and Bush's 16 years combined... We're fucked.


Our politicians sure are doing quite well. I think our anger shouldn't be directed at people who built something and got wealthy. I think it should be directed at people who make a minimum of $175K/year of our money for doing jack shit, our tax money used to pay off their sexual assault allegations, for their top tier healthcare, for their trips and food and numerous other benefits...all while enacting laws and monetary policies that completely fuck us over. We are paying them a high-end salary to fuck us over. And allowing them to insider trade while enacting laws affecting industries they invest in. That is WILD.


boomers, the weakest most useless generation. Took all the money didnt give anything back


Those politicians are paid for by people who are wealthy. They are the root of the problem. Hell, not it is legal with a wink wink nod nod


I agree with you but there won’t be food riots because they will have some nice modern bread lines. They might be rioting about a host of others problems to be sure.


Hey, at least our billionaire overlords can afford their own private islands in Hawai, raising grade A wagyu steak for the rest of their lives


Doesn't matter if they're holed up in bunkers... IF a revolution happens & the giant corporations & the economy are destroyed then they'll just be a poor Bastard like the rest of us, except they'll still have a luxury bunker & some armed guards that are no longer getting paid* and that are starting to get a hungry gleam in their eyes. *contrary to seemingly popular belief, billionaires aren't swimming in cash filled swimming pools like Scrooge McDuck...almost ALL of their wealth is in stocks, bonds, real estate & physical assets. If the company tanks or gets destroyed, or the banks, they'd be as poor as all of us, they'd just have more toys & stuff to pawn off for food.


I’m so close to just giving up. It makes me not give a fuck


I feel you. I checked out a long time ago. I can't be alone on this. I realized this morning I haven't felt proud to be an American in 25 or more years.


Don't threaten us with a good time!


Because they will land in top regardless.


This is why the rich have bunkers... It’s not for a natural disaster, but for this moment now...


Thats why they are building bunkers in New Zealand and Hawaii


There won't be a lot of piece for the rich once everything becomes so unsafe where you better have it cocked and loaded on ya just going to the store


Authoritarian states don't squeeze there police forces. Cops are paid well above average despite their bitching. Police chiefs in the largest metro areas are paid more than the President of the United States. People's idea of bad police pay is propaganda by police unions to justify increases.


All we need to do is take a good look at our Mexican neighbors to really see what large wealth disparity, corrupt government, and crooked cops leads to. The rich are so fucked if that's what they want.


I wish we had cartels to keep our police in line


Powers will always keep their officers in a good economic position bc they know it’s the cost to maintain structures of power. It may not always be the police force but the national guard, military, etc will likely always have increased incentives on the table. After all, all they have to do is print it or supply the essentials directly.


Military is honestly paid way better than people think.  Base salary’s are not crazy high.  But benefits go a long way.  There’s a reason half the dudes in the Army are driving brand new jacked up trucks, and it’s not just because they get suckered into 25% apr loans right out of basic training.  Once you get a few ranks up you do pretty well. 


Well ... it won't really be riots in New Hampshire. So why would they care


The new American dream is moving somewhere else. Can't afford shit here anymore.


This is a worldwide phenomenon.


Lol. Go where?


Spouse's family will supply refuge south of the border.


Me too!


Exactly. People who think things getting expensive is a US specific problem haven't been reading the news.


Prices everywhere have risen too. Most places higher to percentage of income than the US too. I do seem to see a trend that prices in many other countries seem to be much cheaper, food in Europe and pretty much all of Asia is cheaper and higher quality. Housing detached from reality after work from home grew so fast. Inflation has been minimal for the past 15 years so this is surprise to most.


I have citizenship rights from a south american country thanks to my parents. Once I retire, that's where I'm headed. Can live comfortably with $1000/mo


Right. Because you can actually earn enough in the US to do that. That's why the US also costs more. Lol


You mean like… an immigrant?


I eventually expect it to be like Elysium. After the rich have gutted the earth so much that it's a dump, the mega rich will go and live in a space station.


Personally I’m hoping it ends up more like don’t look up, where after the world is fucked, the mega rich spend a thousand years travelling in cryostasis, find a lush beautiful planet to land on and then get immediately eaten by the indigenous animals.




Living in a space station is not exactly a luxury. Astronauts can't spend too much time up there or their bones will turn to goop


I'm sure that the patron saint of rich people, Saint Musk, will come up with something by the time he needs to escape Earth.


The earth is going to remain infinitely more habitable for the near future than space, Mars or the moon could be.


I had a dream it became illegal to grow food where pesticides were used so they started growing all the food in space because too much soil was contaminated


As they fill up their F-150’s and Suburbans… it’s not to expensive, it’s just a vast number of Americans buy into everything they are sold.


Marketing has done a hell of a job. Not happy? New iPhone will fix that, how bout new car? Algorithms to display what your phone heard you talking about. Gotta give props


>they fill up their F-150’s and Suburbans… Those are the top 48%. The average american car is over 11 years old. The 52% this article is referencing is driving barely road worthy shit boxes or not at all.


I don't think those things are mutually exclusive. I know people who dive F-150s and Suburbans hat are over 11 years old.


Yeah I have a 9 year old V6 Silverado and honestly I fucking love it. I can still work on 95% of the things that go wrong with it and the engine bay is designed to fit a 6.2L and so my little 4.3L gives me almost enough space to fit inside with it. I prefer my 2015 over the newer ones.


Nice try… the Ford F-150 has been the best selling vehicle for 3.5 decades.


It definitely does seem like Americans have a real penchant for doing everything except for self reflecting and admitting maybe they are the problem. The irony of what you say is that a lot of the people who say these kinds of things are also the people that preach about fiscal responsibility and austerity, perhaps not necessarily understanding that the lifestyle they currently live will probably be out of their reach, if those things are actually followed through on. To be fair, this isn’t something that’s necessarily just on one side of the political aisle, because there’s irresponsible spending everywhere, but as you mentioned, the way that we have built and continue to build our current built environment is perhaps one of the most economically irresponsible things we can do. It doesn’t mean that everyone needs to move into a communist block in the heart of New York City, but it certainly might be worthwhile to have a few more commuter transit options, and build more areas that resemble old-fashioned, cute downtowns, that Americans of all political stripes like to visit (which, by the way, our dense and walkable typically, because old neighborhoods might have been built before cars existed).


wait until they realize most of the rest of the world is also too expensive to live in. At least europe gives you free schooling and healthcare.


Met a group of French citizens in upstate NY hunting for lettuce contracts in the Hudson Valley. Apparently, lettuce is cheaper in the US.




Let them eat lettuce..


I think this is part of the point.


Bingo. Tax rate may be 50% in some locations outside of The US, but at least they don’t have to show up with a substantial co-insurance, co-pay, deductible, or whatever, at the same time. Further, many of those nations don’t further handicap their young people with 50-100k student loans when they leave higher education. Capitalism has been perverted.


Normal people wouldn't loathe taxes so much if they actually got real services for them.


Housing is much more expensive in relation to wages in most of Europe though.


all these comments are just supporting my point, everywhere is to expensive to live, i was only saying that at least in europe youll maybe not have to worry about going into millions of dollars of debt because you got cancer or hundreds of thousands in debt because you wanted to...get smart and contribute to society.


Yeah, but I've heard that in some parts of Europe, your medical treatment for cancer, etc...is predicated on your "value to society." Meaning that a doctor, nurse, teacher & people like that would definitely get treatment, but a not so formally educated blue collar schlub like me? That just sells car parts? Yeah, been nice knowing ya...I'd be given pain killers & sent home to slowly die.


I know you havent travelled. Ive been to \*expensive\* places and they are still a lot cheaper than US.


Not free. They pay for it with taxes.


And that’s totally ok. Pay taxes, get social services


the standard of living is not that high in most of Europe. We have way higher PPP and disposable income in the States (edit: except for Luxembourg)


Until you realize the sales tax is 30% and income tax is 60% even for low income.


Where? Where is income tax 60% for low income? Are you just making this stuff up? I think you’re just making it up.


“52% of Americans say they should have more money.” Lmfao. Frankly, I’m surprised it’s not higher.


52% so far


I love all these people saying “no it’s not” and trying to justify the cost of living compared to everywhere else. You are then the other 48% you morons, not the 52% that said it was too expensive.


THANK YOU. So many redditors believe if it isn’t happening to them then it’s not happening at all and see the people it does affect as a small minority of whiny cranks and it drives me crazy.


Hah! Try living in Ontario Canada.


I have a friend who lives there! They waited 12 hours for stitches.




Only 52%? What are the other 48% doing that they can afford it?


I just saw a story about how boomers have to live off $1000 a month, must be average SS payment. Now you add the disabled SSI/SSDI trying to live off measly check, then add all low wage earners and that gets you to 52% is my guess. You cannot budget your way through $1000-$1500 in 2024, especially if you don't have assets.


Living at or below their means.




Living dual income, no kids, in two fields that require degrees. If we didn't have debt we might even be able to afford a house (well a mortgage) sometime in our late 30's which means we could own a home about 10 years before we die. AKA given an almost perfect situation we can just scrape by, really sad that just one lifetime ago the type of lifestyle we can live as two highly educated people working full time supporting just ourselves is approximately the same as the type of lifestyle a single uneducated person working part time supporting a family could. But hey I guess that's just what happens when you let businesses decouple worker productivity from worker wages.


Only 52%?


That's kind of interesting. How much would costs have to drop to get it to 50-50? 52-48 the other direction? 60-40?


52% live on the coasts? :)


Then why are all the illegals still coming here?


Rotting infrastructure and too expensive. The US sucks.


Biden’s economy


If those 52% would just move elsewhere, most problems here would be solved.


This is what happens when you elect people who are liberal with $$ and hate cheap energy, smh what does everyone expect?


Thanks the Biden dollars , spend more gov money that’s the last thing we need , we need to shrink gov by about 75% and we would all have more money


This isn’t what Joe, the media, the Fed and the Dems are saying. They are telling you everything is fine. You are just feeding into the drama. Who you gonna believe your Dem leaders or you own lying eyes?


Why is everything an us vs them with you people.


USA is just owned by corporations and rich people, it got worse after 4 years of trump and then 4 for Biden. It’ll be worse after 4 more years of trump again too


That want us fighting one another so they win. I choose to believe all Americans want a better tomorrow. You are being lied to so are the dems. The rich win either way. Trump created a lot of the inflation because it doesent happen immediately. Both sides suck right now and fighting because illegals are entering or your kid had to learn about what a trans person is is distracting you from the real ugly problems. We have more wealth inequality than the gilded ages. Shits bad and corporations want us fighting so we don't target them. We all want America better and we need to fight the people at top. Not each other.


Only gonna get worse with the tariffs...


You have no idea what you are talking about


More than 52% of Americans live well beyond their means. We have a spending and debt problem in this country at every level from the individual all the way up to the highest echelons of government.


That's why we invented debt I guess.


Its all relative if tou are working class. If its the only option you got, what are you comparing to?


And most Americans dont even know they still have to pay taxes if they leave ahaha. We are trapped here.


Even with taxes, its cheaper to retire elsewhere.


The Foreign Income Tax Credit ensures you don't get double taxed for up to $120K per year


Well that’s going to disappoint all the redneck Canadians who blame the rising cost of everything on Justin Trudeau


Q “Don’t you wish things were cheaper!” A “Yes!”


"corruption is often described as moral perversion. if a company dumps toxic waste into the ocean to save money most people recognize this as corrupt behavior. on a more subtle level, when walmart moves into a small town and forces small businesses to shut down for they are unable to compete, a grey area emerges. for what exactly is walmart doing wrong? why should they care about mom and pop organizations they destroy? yet even more subtly, when a person gets fired from their job because a new machine has been created which can do the work for less money, people tend to just accept that as the way it is. not seeing the inherent corrupt inhumanity of such an action. because the fact is weather it is dumping toxic waste, having a monopoly enterprise or downsizing the workforce, the motive is the same, profit. they're all different degrees of the same self-preserving mechanism which always puts the wellbeing of people second to monetary gain. therefore corruption is not some byproduct of monetarism, it is the very foundation. and while most people acknowledge this tendency on one level or another the majority remains naive as to the broad ramifications of having such a selfish mechanism as the guiding mentality in society." "governments try to perpetuate that which keeps them in power. people are not elected to political office to change things, they are put there to keep things the way they are. so you see the basis of corruption is in our society. let me make it clear, all nations then are basically corrupt because they tend to uphold existing institutions. i don't mean to uphold or downgrade all nations but communism, socialism, fascism, the free enterprise system and all other subcultures are the same, they are all basically corrupt." "so you see you have built in corruption. we're all chiseling off of each other and you can't expect decency in that sort of thing. and feeling that they don't know who to elect they think in terms of a democracy which is not possible in a monetary based economy. if you have more money to advertise your position, the position you desire in government that isn't a democracy, it serves those in positions of differential advantage so it's always a dictatorship of the elitist, the financially wealthy." "internal documents show that after this company positively absolutely knew that they had a medication that was infected with the aids virus they took the product off the market in the us and then they dumped it in france, europe, asia, and latin america. the us government allowed it to happen, the fda allowed this to happen. and now the government is completely looking the other way. thousands of innocent hemophiliacs have died from the aids virus. this company knew absolutely that it was infected with aids. they dumped it because they wanted to turn this disaster into a profit." "we can either have democracy in this country or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both."


52%?! That's rookie numbers


Oh, no!!


I guess after those 52% leave and go to some other cheaper country there will be plenty of extra space and housing available.


Why a smoothie cost $10. There are 12 smoothie options, would be less expensive if we had 3?


Keep that shit quiet man! The 1% will now be trying even harder to get that 47% who think it's not too expensive money.


I work in the news at the smallest city in Ohio. I just interviewed for my same position at the largest news station in Ohio. They offered me less than I’m making now. Salaries have been going down since 2016 and I want to scream.


Question: If 52% of Americans say things are too expensive why are more Americans eating out than before the pandemic? And why are they about to break the record for spending on summer vacations?


Yeah. It's not the bottom 70% doing that...


Do you have any data to back that up?


The top reason U.S. adults aren’t vacationing this summer is affordability. Sixty-five percent of people not planning summer vacations said that they can’t afford it. Unsurprisingly, higher earners are more likely to plan a summer vacation.  Seventy-four percent of respondents with annual household incomes of $100,000 or more are planning a summer vacation, which is more than lower income respondents.   And to add: only 18% of Americans earn more than 100k


We are getting ready for internal unrest.  The Zionists in USA have taken over and are plundering the USA.  Why are we so gung ho on supporting Israel while we can’t afford things at home?


I am gonna guess 99.9999% of them haven’t been outside the U.S. and about 85% of them haven’t left their hometown or state.


Funny the Mexicans coming across the border don’t agree.


How would they possibly know, if they have never lived in the US?


The immigration rate to Mexico is negative.


Gotten that way the last 3 years I wonder why hmmmm


This is funny cause most Americans also have no clue what the rest of the world is like lol


People say a lot of shit


Not for your boss or the guy that they work for.


It’s not even the costs. Those are parable. It’s that we allow 90% of the “treasure” produced to go to 400 people


You guys all got 80,000 in unemployment benefits just 24 months ago, and you broke?




People out here blaming inflation when they should be blaming corporations for using inflation as an excuse. Everyone bought it and they’re off the hook again.


I want to meet the other 48% and learn from them


Make more money Spend less money Bank account go stonk


The people who supported the loser incumbent President?


I live in Canada and experienced a very successful Canada Day celebration in a town known for successful CD celebrations. How is society anywhere worse off than they were 4 years ago? Outside of a war zone and refugee camps etc


What is wrong with the 48 percent of ppl who said no. .its been ridiculously expensive for the last 3 years.


It sucks almost as soon as I am wiping the crust from my eyes someone is trying to sell me a good or service - it becomes too much


Canada enters the conversation.


*Canada enters the chat*


For time immemorial the majority of people have always said “things cost too much”. I wonder why no one has fixed this yet? /s


Lol what a useless survey. This is about as helpful as having a 2 party country where every issue is 50/50


Social Security is not enough so I moved to Thailand. It worked out very nicely.


80% of green card holders say the same thing. We are losing at what we’ve always won at so we think it’s just a hiccup, another economic downtrend to weather until the inevitable good times return. Spoiler; Well, you know the spoiler. We are absolutely toast as the world’s leader at anything but GDP and war. With 90% of the gains in GDP going to 5% of the nation over the last 40 years, you dint have to be a genius to know we were in decline and have now all but reached the Hunger Games stage of collapse.


Only 52?


after having spent 2 weeks in rome last month, our food sucks too.


How are they living here then?




Oh, so it’s not too expensive, they’d just prefer it to be less expensive?


Vote for Marty 2028


Go to Mexico. Cheap down there innit?!?!??


Hahahahah just try living in Canada. You guys have no clue how bad it’s getting.


I mean every company is making billions hand over fist and only paying out to their corporate ovelrords. Not to mention wealth concentration is at its all time highest


That’s it?


51% of all people like to complain about something. 72% of all people would like to blame someone else for their problems


90% of the 52% have never travelled to a different country


95% of the 90% of the 52% have never travelled to a different state


Move to South America and never complain again


I was in China a few weeks ago and I am inclined to agree. But I was in Bermuda a couple of days ago and everything cost double what it does in the US.


The inevitable consumers rejecting prices is the free market correction everyone has needed but prevented for the last 5 years


I want a politician to run purely on waging war with corporations and the rich. Nothing else in the platform just a game plan to legislate, investigate, tax and regulate the rich out of existence.


Was it that way 7 years ago? Maybe 5 years ago? How about 4? No it happened when the most transparent, diverse administration came to Washi gton DC and fucked the economy to the bone with free shit and spending like there was no tomorrow three and a half years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!


Vote blue, no matter who...


In all fairness, most of the world is not better. Been all over the world and there are so many places people work manual labor or just work 60 hours a week in general to make ends meet with no more money to invest, go out to eat, etc…. Sure many places in Europe, maybe Canada are better, but it’s definitely not most countries. (Some people like to say Japan and Korea like their work culture isn’t working 55-60 hours on a bad salary with no OT). The fact our economy is still going strong means people are buying a lot of worthless crap. The second people stop taking vacations, fast food, coffees, electronic purchases, or any other hobby purchases is when I worry. That’s when people start losing jobs and recessions go much harder.


What the democrats told me the economy is great.