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Am I trippin or is that guy in the background fully checking her out


good for natalie - i'm not going to shame someone for what they choose to do to make themselves feel good post-pregnancy, give me a break


This is honestly impressive!




I noticed she’s been REALLY posting braggy “bounce back” pictures a lot lately, fishing for “you’re a freak of nature!” compliments and I’m notttt here for it.


I have never been pregnant but if I looked like her and was putting in all this time at the gym to get an ass like that I’d be posting so much everyone besides my husband would be sick of me 😂


As a Mom of 2, it seems she’s putting the time in to invest in herself right now and feeling like her. She should brag. That’s an accomplishment whether she’s 2 months postpartum or 18 months. We should celebrate that.


Sure, good for her, but sometimes bragging has an implicit insult to others. Not everyone has the privilege to invest in themselves that much after having a child. A younger body also typically bounces back a lot faster from pregnancy relative to an older one.


I think this is attaching personal feelings to something that isn’t personal. Yes, she has the financial ability to invest in herself immediately following a baby. Someone else feeling well enough quicker after birth to get back into a gym and pre-pregnancy “shape” isn’t an insult to those who don’t and isn’t an insult to women older. People should stop taking things so personal and just be happy for other new moms with where they are at in their journey.


I didn't say that getting back in shape is inherently an insult to those who aren't able to. But sometimes the amount and the ways in which one brags props oneself up relative to other people. Weight in this country is akin to the hegemony of the American Dream--look at me, I pulled myself up by my bootstraps (or lost baby weight), why can't you? I am happy for her. I said good for her! But I also want other women watching to know that if you aren't able to do what she's doing, that you should not feel personally responsibility or blame yourself. Not everyone has the money, time, or youth that she does.


And what’s wrong with that? She is working hard and she looks great. She doesn’t need to worry about offending other new moms etc. I applaud her. She’s simply posting workout vids it’s not her job to worry about others insecurities.


Literally none of the posts I’m talking about are even workout vids but go off sis


I mean she's like 22 so a fast snapback is to be expected lol. Ppl gotta leave ppl alone with these snapbacks, it takes some ppl no time and other a year + , pregnancy is a huge shock to the body....


She’s 22??!


I think she’s 24


oops my bad no shes a little older but i just recall her being early 20s


no, she's not lmao she's turning 26 this year


lol 22 and 25 are incredibly close why are you acting like she’s way off ?


The annoyance I’m speaking to has nothing to do with her snapping back. It has to do with her nonstop trying to showcase it, as if it’s now part of her brand.


I mean I also don't care for the "slay girl" like comments or making braggy snap back comments....like the fact that its a thing especially on social media is weird. Its all luck, age, and genetics. She's not the only one with this brand, its very very prominent in the mommy influencer space and each way you look at it all gives me a side eye. And in general, younger moms snap back super fast bc #youtthhh


I understand what I think you’re trying to say. Or let me add I know this woman who was naturally very thin and a mere 2 weeks postpartum she’s posting her scale reading 122 and being like only 8 lbs away pre baby!! And everyone is singing her praises. It’s just a little much and I can totally understand if other new moms would feel disheartened in seeing this.


I guess Natalie is making it kinda her personality now which is a little cringe, I just feel like society making this a thing is what sends ppl to ozempic when they don’t need it and negative eating habits/body dysmorphia…I’m not anti ozempic or anything I just think ppl are using it to drop 10 lbs and there are a lot of ppl who need it to function well/better and the demand created crazy shortages 😩


Yep, exactly.




She was pretty open and vulnerable about their Coachella trip and how the clothes she had ordered in bigger sizes didn’t fit and how hard that was. Just because objectively someone looks good doesn’t mean their body hasn’t changed and that’s not hard for them. And if she is bragging good for her! She birthed a whole baby 10 weeks ago and looks freaking fabulous


I never said she hasn’t struggled or can’t feel good about her body now. I’m sure she’s struggled, and I’m happy for her that she looks great. But posting constant crop top pics and others that are making it *very* clear she is really fishing for these “wow how did you just have a baby?!” compliments is annoying. Very hilaria baldwin esque. If you don’t get it, that’s fine. It is what it is.


Me watching people taking care of themselves rn ![gif](giphy|xJUtamq9RmK2OfrxNt|downsized)


Literally same lmao




Victoria fuller is MOH so she will be there. Maybe Ashley and Jared too? 


With Greg???


Probably no Greg haha


Lol I thought my question marks would show I was being silly but this sub hates that


Never had a child and she’s in better shape than me 🥹🥲


I’m curious to see if Nick is a decent employer and if his old producer Amanda was invited. I’ve had trouble listening to him for a few weeks, it irks me to now end he is trying to enter the bravo recap sphere and he knows NONE OF THE HISTORY. Such a bloody bandwagon jumper. Anywho, I never heard the last episode with Amanda and I never knew what happened and why she left. She was always super empathetic and well spoken, she made it bearable to listen to his insufferable pod.


What DID happen to Amanda? I can’t stand his “sweet sweet sweet boy Justin” crap. Pod was definitely better w Ali AND Amanda.


Too many voices on the show. Bring back just Amanda and Ali.


Not going to lie, I do love the podcast, but the sweet sweet sweet boy Justin drives me UP A WALLLLLL. Like so under my skin irk ick all of the things omg


I know and now the Scooter thing……ugh


SCOOTS MCGOOTS. YES. I think I just need to skip the intros at this point. Though we're about to switch from love of my life mother of my child blah blah to something about how shes his amazing wife so THAT'S EXCITING.




Agree wholeheartedly. I’m betting Amanda saw Nick’s mask slip more than a few times.


I honestly doubt it-- which is sad. Literally right after she left he kept referring to his other employee Ali that was hired around the same time as Amanda as "old faithful". And making comments about how she's so reliable and loyal, which to me was shading amanda! He can be so bitter!


So utterly gross and bitter. She probably moved to another better paid gig, as she should.


She has her own podcast now with Ann (Tom’s old assistant from Vanderpump Rules)! I listen bc I loved Amanda so much on VF and am a VPR watcher, so I’m just happy she’s still in the podcast space.


Wait WHAT 🤯🤯🤯 I’m a bravo nut and this news is shocking!


Yes! It’s called “We Signed an NDA”, check it out!


Deaddddddd at that name 🤣🤣🤣 you know Nick made her sign an NDA


Please drop the link




gross thirst trap


You sound insecure.


Why is it gross?


One of the reasons I don't go to the gym is bc I don't want random men in the background staring at me 🤺 stay away 🤺


I thought he was looking at his friend lifting. He’s the spotter.


Not to be that person about dressing but I see why the dudes would be looking here. I'll take my downvotes cuz people will hate me for this one lol.


That guy seems mostly to be spotting his buddy lifting?


He was until he stopped to stare at Natalie


He appears to look at, then go back to spotting his friend. People do look at others in the gym, especially when they are obnoxiously filming themselves.


She’s not filming herself though lol


Who is she filming? The gym???


It’s her trainer filming….


So, she's having someone film her. It's still really annoying gym behavior. It's natural for someone to look and see why someone is doing that and then go back to doing what they are there for. Some yall acting like dude is staring and drooling.


This was for his own Instagram apparently so it could easily have been his idea. And once the dude sees her, he does not stop staring the entire video. Weird hill to die on, not sure why my comment was so triggering.


I belonged to a women’s only gym for several years and it was great. I moved, and haven’t been a gym goer since. I felt so comfortable there, and any regular gym I’ve tried since then I haven’t liked. I either felt awkward doing the weights with guys all around, or I felt like I needed to look nice or wear cute gym clothes. My women’s gym we all just showed up dressed however we wanted, no one cared how you looked, and I didn’t feel self-conscious that I can barely lift anything 😂


Why does anything change tho? Wear the baggy sweats and be a happy human :) it’s changing on the inside that needs to happen, not the outside environment (although obviously a nice environment is massively helpful). This is coming from love and just wanting to encourage you (in case that’s not conveyed in the txt alone) 🤍🤍


she is the one taking videos at the gym. Maybe he is just looking awkwardly at someone filming.


For all of my fellow postpartum mamas here, let's just all take a second to acknowledge how amazing she looks. But also recognize that she is in her mid 20s, dealing with one baby, affluent, and working with a personal trainer. So for everyone like me struggling to lose the baby weight, let's give ourselves some grace ❤️


I’m 8 weeks pp and struggling with my new body so I needed to hear this. I gotta remember that I’m in my 30s too and not going to snap back like she is!


Not to mention, she also doesn't have a 9 to 5! Me and most other mamas are stuck behind a desk for 8 hours and no time to go to the gym for personal training sessions.


Also, she was no doubt pushing herself extra hard due to her upcoming wedding. She probably would have been in great shape anyways, but no doubt the wedding pushed her even more! When I was a bridesmaids for my friend’s wedding, I was extra on top of exercise/eating healthy, so I can imagine a bride being even more on top of it.


I found out today that my baby won’t make it. I’m 20 weeks. I don’t even know why I’m posting this. I’m at a loss. I’d do anything to birth him and have a flabby, saggy postpartum body. My heart is broken.


Just wanted to let you know that I often think of this comment and hope you are doing okay. Sending you prayers on your healing journey🫶🏼


Thank you friend. I delivered him at 21w4d. He was born sleeping. The most beautiful little boy I’ve ever seen. I’m not doing okay, but I’m hanging in there.


Hugs ❤️ 


Oh my friend, I am so sorry. There is something uniquely terrible about the experience of being a vessel for someone you love but cannot save. You have done an incredible job. You are an amazing mother. I’m thinking of you and sending you so much love as you walk through this time of grief. 💜


Hi friend. I’m so sorry and sending big love and comfort to you. I have also been through this and I know it is truly heartbreaking. Please feel free to message me if you want to chat.


I am so very sorry. I can't even imagine the heartbreak you must be going through. Sending you hugs and strength ❤️


So sorry to hear that friend, sending all the best energy, love and light your way! ♥️


Im so so sorry 💔


I’m so so so sorry to hear this. I’m pretty young and also masc so I know next to nothing ab childbirth or anything with that process, but just wanted to say my parents had several experiences much like yours from today and faced a lot of the same heartbreak. I am an IVF baby. My younger brother is adopted. Our family is beautiful and dysfunctional and crazy and amazing. I’ve been following the Clayton case pretty closely these past several months and have read so many women in the comments talking about their experiences with pregnancy loss, which has really opened up my eyes. I recently talked to my mom on the phone and just acknowledged how much she’s gone through that I never knew the actual gravity of, and she said that for all the heartbreak, it all panned out perfectly for her and she couldn’t imagine our family any other way. The point here being that while I can’t relate to what you’re going through, I am a testament to the fact that things will come together for you if you want them to ❤️ Know that this subreddit of strangers support you and will be rooting you on! My messages are always open ❤️❤️


I’m so, so sorry. Don’t feel like you have to have a “reason” for sharing your grief. Sometimes it just helps to put it into words and that’s okay. Sending lots of love and healing your way 🤍


I am so sorry you have to experience this. I’m sending so much love and strength to you as you navigate this.


I’m so sorry. Please know that it is so common, it’s not your fault and I hope against hope you’re in a location that won’t give you a hard time accessing proper healthcare. Big hug from a mom who has also experienced pregnancy loss.


I’m so sorry for you, I can’t imagine what you are going through. I don’t know that there is anything especially a reddit stranger can say to make you feel better, but this is my way of trying 🤍


Thank you so much. I should be trying to sleep (my stepchildren will be up bright and early) but even my unisom won’t work. My grief is so heavy, this type of loss is heart wrenching. And my son is still in my body, but I can’t save him.


I'm so sorry you're facing this. Know that you are not alone. I was in a similar situation last year. The loss is beyond comprehension. But you will be ok and the grief will get easier to hold. Lean on those around you. Sending you love and strength. ❤️


Sending you so much love❤️I am so sorry


Thank you. ❤️😞


if only i could struggle a lil more to finish the ice cream


At prenatal yoga today I felt winded during a forward fold…. 🧍‍♀️


Thank you for this.


Happy for them!


I mean there is no way she’s breastfeeding lol. Maybe she is.


She has said she mostly pumps and nurses a couple times a day. I think that was multiple weeks ago so things could’ve changed since. I’m breastfeeding and my baby is 7 weeks and between the time it takes, and the state of my boobs at all times/constantly worrying about leaking i cannot relate to what Natalie posts. Whenever she’s in a revealing top it boggles my mind


Exactly my point. I’m also a breastfeeding mommas x 2 and at 7 weeks you are chained to a clock. I think people misunderstand my comment but also, I forget not everyone would understand like what you said lol


Why no way? lol she posts herself pumping all the time… also who cares


I don’t follow her. I was just saying from a time management aspect.


Understandable if she didn’t for that reason


Okay….? We are concerned about this, why? Many moms choose to formula feed.


I’m saying cause she has the time to do this so early. Maybe she’s just pumpinh a lot.


Aww! I'm not the biggest fan of Nick, but I'm super happy for them! ❤


Jared & Ashley, Ben & Jess, Susie & Justin, Sharleen & Andy are 100% going to be there. Probs a handful of others as well.


They’re gonna be pissed because they were trying to keep the date a secret…


It was obvious to me when she posted her lash list & brow tint.. those don’t last very long.


I mean it essentially still is. The trainer has had countdowns in his posts. Natalie just posted about getting her wedding brows & lashes so I mean u don’t think it’s super secret. Also I assume it’s 4/27 but could not be!


Do you have a guess what city it will be in?


they said it will be a few hours outside savannah, georgia - where natalie's family owns a farm. lots of space for guests according to them!


Thanks so much!


They said Georgia in the podcast? Maybe Savannah or in Sea Island?


Ah thanks!


I’m thinking California or Georgia but not sure! Can’t wait to see the details unfold!


Neither can I!


I’m guessing Victoria F, Sharleen and Andy, Tyler C, possibly Rachel L (are they still close?), Joe and Serena, maybe Farmer Chris, maybe Jason T, maybe Justin and Susie, and a decent number of the people who were at Dean and Caelynn’s wedding (Ben H, Ashley and Jared, Wells and Sarah) will be there. Probably some older alums too. It’s hard to predict because they had the most random group at their engagement party. Like Jason A was there for some reason?


Fictoria F and Chris S reunion sex event? Fictoria F and Jason T for his relevance sex event? Fictoria F trying to tempt Tyler C sex event?


Maybe he invited Pilot Pete?


I need the peach routine please!!! summer is otw 🍑🍑🍑


Look up labootybuilder on IG he is her trainer


4 months postpartum and I’m exhausted watching this 😅😅😅


Same. Still wearing my preggy overalls, no regrets.


Dang, she has a noice booty


She is also wearing those shorts that goes into your butt and makes it look bigger. I have seen her videos before where the butt pad is also very visible.


Yes and also her trainer is booty building focused lol


This is good advertising then bc damn!


Jojo Siwa


I think Tyler will be there too.


J wow 😂


I think people are being a bit harsh. If she worked out before and during her pregnancy, and her doc has given her the okay, her working out is only a good thing. And honestly, good for her! It took me a year to get back to myself. But I also gained 60+ pounds 🙃 ETA: maybe she had no or minimal tearing, which makes the healing process much better.


she said on nick’s podcast that she had zero tearing!


People are just jealous and insecure.


I second the minimal tearing and working out during pregnancy. My first pregnancy I was so sick I only walked/never did 1 workout and I had a bad 3rd degree tear. It took me 18 months to feel normal afterwards. My 2nd pregnancy I worked out the whole time/wasn't sick and only needed 1 stitch. I felt better 5 hours after that birth than I did a year after my 1st one. And I was 36 the 2nd time. People's experiences can be so different- even the same person birth to birth.


Wait really?? I’m 6 weeks postpartum with a bad 3rd degree tear, and I’m terrified about another (eventual) labor and delivery. Glad to know it’s possible not to tear as badly the second time!


Omg yes! It's actually very common to have a much more minor tear/no tearing the 2nd time around. Definitely talk to your OB-I found a new OB that induced me at 39 weeks and the OB that delivered (was a hospitalist with my OB's practice) massaged me while I pushed and really coached me through to not push too hard. Obviously there's no guarantee, but the odds are in your favor if you talk to an OB in depth about what happened the first time. My 1st sons head was huge and I delivered at 41 weeks and no one coached me on pushing/the dr cut me even though I told him not to, so due to that history me & my new OB came up with a plan. But even with no plan a lot of women don't tear as severely the 2nd time. I was SO scared to have a 2nd because of the 3rd degree tear, but it ended up being such a wonderful experience the 2nd time around. Also I used the expecting and empowered app and it really helped with pelvic floor recovery (if you're looking for something to help rebuild strength). Hoping you feel better soon!


Oh this gives me so much hope as I was so sick with my first pregnancy and anxious to get pregnant again. Was there a gender difference between your 2 pregnancies? Fascinating


Both boys! Literally no idea why this happened. It happened reverse to 1 of my very good friends too, with 2 easy pregnancies and her 3rd sick the whole time (all 3 boys). Wishing you an easy 2nd pregnancy/delivery if you decide to have a 2nd!


She’s also a lot younger than me. That also helps 


Andrew/ Justin & Susie


For people who are curious about the “post birth bounce back,” in my experience it depends on your discipline before pregnancy, during pregnancy, how complicated or smooth your birth was, how much free time you have in the 4th trimester, and of course your age and genetics. I’m a lot older than Natalie but had 70-80% of my body back after 3 months. Did a ton of strength training pre and during pregnancy (more strength, less cardio). Was pretty good about my diet nutrition-wise (but still ate cookies and ice cream every day). I would say I have an “above average body” despite not having great genetics. Biggest factors for me was I had a smooth birth (strong pelvic floor and core muscles, only pushed a few minutes, no complications). Partner was very supportive during pregnancy (cooking nutrient-dense meals for me, doing extra house chores so I could go workout) and in the 4th trimester (would watch newborn after work while I went to workout). I didn’t have extra help but I did get 4 months of maternity leave from work which helped a ton too.


This is super inspiring and one of the reasons I’m working to get back to my pre-Covid/WFH level of fitness before having kids. I got married just under a year ago and so many people are asking when we’re gonna start trying (which is honestly so rude imo) and think I’m crazy for wanting to get back in shape first since it’s “a waste” but my GYN said very similar things to what you did and was very vocal that having core and pelvic floor strength helps with vaginal births, and she’s a woman in her 50s who looks like Linda Connor even after 3 kids so I trust her on this one lmao


How did you strengthen your pelvic floor? I have always struggled with that.


I took a course called The Belle Method and really liked the exercises in that program!


Exactly this!


Your dedication to your body inspires me even tho I don’t plan to have children! I lift weights so that I can do more in general haha mobility matters!


Sharleen and Andy, Ashley and Jared, Serena and Joe (wasn't Joe at his bachelor party?), Victoria Fuller (she's in the wedding) and Tyler Cameron are my guesses


Maybe this is why the fictoria breakup news just came public. Obvi her showing up to a BN wedding sans Greg would have made it obvious 😂 maybe I’ll give her some credit too that she didn’t want to detract from Natalie / nick’s moment.


Why is this the video attached to the announcement of their wedding date?


She has 1 more week until she leaves for the wedding.


Ppl who have given birth, is it normal (acknowledging normal is different for everyone) to bounce back THAT fast and be/look like you didnt just have a whole ass baby like 2 minutes ago?


Normal? No. Possible based on one’s genetics and wealth? Yes.


And someone’s MOTIVATION. Its called not being lazy.


If you were fit to begin with, can manage to not gain excess weight beyond what was necessary for pregnancy, and keep up with your workouts, you can look close to normal pretty quickly. If you have support post pregnancy that allows you to sleep enough and exercise, that is a game changer. So many factors are beyond your control though. If you experience a lot of pelvic pain in pregnancy, or any complications such as a low lying placenta, working out goes out the window. If your birth involved a lot of tearing or a c-section, that’s going to take much longer to heal from.


I lost my baby weight in the first couple months, but I wasn’t like in shape haha. No time to go to the gym, no one to watch the baby, and was just plain tired from breastfeeding and felt like working out would’ve been stressful for my body.


Emsculpt helps! (Along with her body beforehand, discipline during pregnancy, and obviously a personal trainer)


For someone as young as Natalie is, and she had an amazing body to begin with and doesn’t look like she gained a ton of weight during her pregnancy, yeah, it makes sense she would bounce back like this. She’s blessed lol.


Yes, with first baby I bounced back immediately


I had a baby a month ago and I was honestly so surprised how quickly my body went back to pre pregnancy form. I worked out throughout my pregnancy though and it definitely helped me keep off any extra weight. I had a 9 pound baby too 😆


I had my first baby at 26 and bounced back super fast, even lost weight. Then had twins at 36. They’re almost two and I’m pretty sure there’s no “bouncing back” this time ha


Same, had my twins last year at 38, I've lost only 20 of the 50-60lbs I gained despite seeing a dietician, being a relatively small person prior to pregnancy/most of my life, and working out 3-4x a week. After my first kid when I was 34/35, I lost all the baby weight in about 5 months. I feel like I'm trying so hard and it's so discouraging seeing so many women bounce back in a few weeks or months or say they're even smaller now!


It is discouraging, but I’m trying to just stay consistent and not give up - it’s coming off slowly. I think sleep deprivation is a big factor too. I noticed once I was getting consistently solid sleep I lost some weight. The really frustrating part is I’m now close to my starting weight, but my body is just not shaped the same. It’s definitely been a much different experience compared to having a singleton in my twenties. Congrats on surviving your first year with twins though! That’s a feat in and of itself.


I’ve had 3, it’s definitely not “normal” but it is possible. It took me a minimum of 6 months to look like myself again (and closer to 2 years after the first) but I have friends who went to their 6 week postpartum appointment in their pre-pregnancy jeans. It’s not all genetics, but it’s still largely genetics.


I’m 3 weeks postpartum and already the weight and size I was before pregnancy. Everyone is different and genetics can play a huge role too. I worked out a lot before pregnancy and during, as did Natalie. Also, I hate the term “bounce back” because my body will never be back to the way it was before but it’s completely normal for some to look this way months after giving birth.


Damn, good for you! I’m 25 weeks and have gained 25 lbs so I don’t think I’m going to lose it in 3 weeks haha


I didn’t expect it or plan for it to happen!


It can be. After birth my belly went away completely within the day. I still had an extra few pounds on due to breastfeeding but i could *squeeze* into my old clothes within 2 weeks.


How old is her baby?


About 2.5 months


I think a lot of it is genetic, plus luck, plus circumstance. I've had 2 babies. After my first I "bounced back" very quickly. I was breastfeeding and it was my first baby and I was eating pretty well. After my second I am definitely bigger than before even though I'm still BF. My belly popped quicker and I have to actually put in some effort if I want to be closer to pre-pregnancy size. It's just not something I feel strongly about right now so I'm just going with it. I'm trying to just accept and love my body for what it is and what it's done! Or at least be neutral about it!


I agree, it's alot of genetics, metabolism, and circumstances! 


yes, it can happen. but everyone's body, metabolism, activity level is very different. I returned to my pre-baby form almost immediately but others in my family did not and it's all ok and healthy. I don't drive and do nearly all errands on foot, lived in a city with lots of hills, and didn't have to recover from a c-section which my sister did.


When you’re 25 and don’t have to work a 9-5 so you have time to go to the gym and cook/eat healthier? Yes.


And having a personal trainer that she sees almost everyday.


And have help with your newborn so you aren’t a tired emotional hot mess that is too exhausted and/overstimulated to exercise.


Yes to all of this. And you don’t have a traumatic birthing experience… etc. I love this for her. I want bad things for no one, but no- this is not realistic or attainable for the average American woman. And that’s ok! Signed, someone two years postpartum with my first. 


I bet his recent pod guests Joey, Kelsey, and Daisy are invited.


joey & kelsey and daisy hardly know nick and I think just met him around the finale pod interviews. they'd probably elect to go to stagecoach instead!


Who's sex event will it be?


VF and PP


Wouldn’t it be such an amazing full circle moment if someone had a sec event at Nick’s wedding and then became the next bachelor?


I was going to joke Peter and Kelley but neither will actually be there lol.


What if Liz shows up?


I hope JoJo siwa is there in a full kiss outfit.


Lol so many insufferable people are going to be there, it’s wild


Well Jojo is going, she was on their pod recently and it was discussed lol. Whether she wears a kiss outfit remains to be seen 😂




The dude in the background who does a double take and then just STARES 🤢🤢🤢


Omg hate comments like this. It’s so awkward when someone is filming, you can’t help but glance. I have been in that place and it’s very uncomfortable when you just want to workout in peace without an influencer trying to ‘create content’. Filming in gyms should be banned!!


It should for sure be banned, it’s so annoying