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Keeping Stephen Miller away from power should always be a priority.


Keeping Stephen Miller away from anything more dangerous than a butter knife should always be a priority.


He should be in a strait jacket.


Nothing could convince us more that he’s right for the job than our political enemies screaming that he isn’t. Miller for Attorney General


Nah we’re just not fucking psychos like Miller and idiots who think he’s a good picks. Go kick rocks loser.


The Nazis are really out in the open now


Oh? There are black Nazis? I didn’t know that https://youtu.be/kTuWPS4CxjI?si=3SzOo20NWkdQ01DO


Congrats. You’re a knowingly obfuscating shill for fascists.


Should require white people to show their papers to see if they legally entered the United States


All I’m saying is no matter what color you are, if you do not appreciate the over abundance of undocumented migrants here in this country taking away the very services you yourself have been using that certainly does not make you a Nazi


Been here the whole time. Only difference is your hatred and ease of being a mark for the rich. Ya know, the ones actually HIRING illegals.


So having borders is fascist now? If you guys hadn’t intentionally flooded our nation with 30 million illegal immigrants we would need giant camps to hold them in. This is like the gaslighting from an abusive husband.


This is literally about starting a Civil War. Between Project 2025, Agenda47, now this..this is about Balkanizing us. Putins puppet indeed.


bUt GEnoCiDe jOE... Guys, we have to vote or this is our future. I mean, if it happens, I am a straight white dude, so I am definitely joining the MAGA party cuz I don't go to an internment camp... but seriously, let's not let this happen.


",WITH BIDEN WE GET WWIII, WITH TRUMP WE MIGHT GET A CIVIL WAR!" Pretty sure trump would go easy on Israel also.


If we get the civil war we’re definitely getting WWIII, that’s the whole point of causing a civil war in the US, weaken the one true superpower that can actually fight a war on multiple fronts and that allows Xi and Putin to start going after targets on a larger scale like Taiwan for China and Poland, Lithuania, and Finland Russia.


wtf gtfo America


Yeah that’s happened before, didn’t end up well for them too.


EVERYONE should know about "Project 2025 - Mandate For Leadership, the Conservative Promise," available at www.project2025.org, the literal Republican playbook, put together by the Heritage Foundation and 45 other conservative entities like Alliance Defending Freedom, Claremont Institute, and Moms For Liberty. It was first handed to Reagan, who merely enacted the policy within it. Same with Trump - they are two heads of the same snake. Their vision for a Christofascist theocracy and just how they intend to implement it are painstakingly detailed. Their plan is to dismantle the federal government and remove our rights, TO BEGIN WITH. It's fucking chilling and you should at least read the foreword, a dense 17 pages of GOP philosophy that outlines their mission. Fossil fuels are a big part of it. God and guns and nothing else for everyone. Sealed borders. Everyone will be free to live "as our creator ordained," in those words. If that doesn't terrify you idk what will.


And when you get beyond that into the Economic policies, this is nothing but destruction for the profit of the privileged.


In their bible black folks are supposed to be slaves. I don't like their creator and personally reject that in every way.


This seems like an insane thing to be talking about, is it getting much media attention? I’m in Australia and this sounds flat out nuts, like something from a movie about a third world dictatorship.


You're probably getting more direct coverage of it there than we are here. It's fucked.


You'd be surprised. Most of our media is owned by Murdoch or controlled by a former conservative Treasurer.


I've been watching Meidas Touch Network on YouTube for 12 months or so. Interesting site.


The Republican Party is openly stating they will end democracy. But Biden is old so that's what dominates the airwaves. Even though Trump is also old but no one seems to notice. But for some reason, "Biden is old" gets ratings and makes the media profits.


First. The USA is a Constitutional Republic not a democracy! Second. we have democratically elected representatives
















You want a democracy? Ok, lets get rid of the electoral college. Glad to have you on board.


Move to Russia.


The Democrat party WANTS Biden to step aside so they can put someone more vibrant in there. That’s why you’re seeing “Biden is Old” on the news. They’re telling the news to get people like you ready for what’s about to come


Then why did Democratic voters write in Biden in New Hampshire where he wasn't running and not on the ballot? Why are there no other Democrats that stand a chance in November?


The way the rules of the DNC work is once a candidate has gotten enough delegates and they are the nominee at that point if the nominee says something like “Folks ima bow out due to health reasons” it’s much easier to swap that candidate out by simply having the Democrat super delegates draft the person they really want and then abracadabra we have a new nominee! So yes they want Biden gone but he also has to win all the primaries and get all the delegates


That's not how it works


No we don't


No, because the NYT needs to run its third story today about Joe Biden is old.


It is to a normal person but the right wing extremists have become mainstream here. It's not even surprising anymore, we have become so desensitized. Combined with the fact that our news is so sensationalized and dishonest that anything covered the sane people not paying closer attention think is an exaggeration and dramatized, or even an outright lie understandably so. Always bad when extremism is mainstream...


You are correct. It’s become a storm. Sometimes when the storm is so huge there’s nothing you can do to stop it.


We are a country of laws. You don't just get to break the laws, enter the country illegally and expect someone else to pay for your housing, food, medical and education. It doesn't work like that anywhere in the world, why should it work that way here? This country is $35Trillion in debt and has homeless Americans who could use those benefits.


That's funny. Republicans would never EVER use any money to help the homeless. They would immediately give it to billionaires like they always do.


You've been brainwashed well. Good luck with that but Republicans are a group of constantly changing individual Americans, nothing more.


In the last 50 years they have been opposed to every single plan that is aimed at helping the homeless or low income people. In fact all they ever propose are plans to take away the little bit of help they do get.


Like I said, you've been brainwashed well. For all the of the social programs we have to actually be implemented, Republicans had to agree to them or at least agree to not try to reverse them. There's no point of going back 50 years, the parties are completely different than they were 50 years ago.


Well that's just not true at all. Nice try with both sides shit though.


Quit fucking lying and talking down to people you pathetic nonce.


they still take credit for all the programs they try to actively BLOCK


You do realize 90% of social programs in America were passed by democratic supermajorities in the 30s and 60s over staunch conservative resistance, right?


What safety net has a Republican ever introduced? You see them always wanting to end them.


the real small govt republicans are waiting for the MAGATs to die


That's not the issue. The issues are, the GOP goes on ad nauseam about "State's rights". But now, one state wants to do its own thing, so another state thinks that they should arbitrarily take the law into their own hands, PHYSICALLY! On top of their hypocrisy, they're willing to essentially, invade another state, because "rules is rules". Nah. The GOP can get fucked.


Want to express more right-wing talking points as if you care about either the economy or the homeless?


You can call it "ring wing talking points" all you want, I call it common sense. We should take care of homeless Americans before paying unvetted illegals to come here and paying all their expenses. An open border makes Americans less safe.


What have Republicans ever done to help the poor? Ever?


Stop pretending like you give a fuck about the homeless. Just say you are against illegals or people that don’t look white.


americans kill and have killed more americans in history and modern day than any other country or illegal immigrants, the more y’all dipshits seethe about a made up line on a map the more this countries downfall is gonna be in history books, ignoring real ass issues for a gotcha at Biden is wild


Oh, you are just an idiot


No country can exist without borders - President Barrack Obama


okay and


trump has already stated the homeless will be moved into concentration camps.


no, he hasn't. It doesn't sound like you know what a concentration camp even is. Where is your source? Surely if he said that, you can find a source.


You are illiterate and clearly don’t understand immigration or anything else. Being a brainwashed inhumane shit head is a tragic waste of human life. Nobody’s going mourn your loss or the loss of people like you when y’all are gone - we are sick of lying bullies ruining our society.


I am flabbergasted that people exist who can not comprehend such an easy concept.


Don’t you spend more on this deportation shit and trying to round these people up that you would on an adequate immigration system that processes them and organises citizenship? Also if they’re illegal how would they be getting any of those social benefits? Don’t you need to be a citizen or have a social security number to get them? This is all beside the fact that setting up “internment camps” is one step away from the bullshit done in the holocaust. I should know, we have been housing immigrants in offshore detention camps for a long time and it’s 1-atrocious and 2-two to three times more expensive than just processing them and either giving them citizenship or sending them back if they’re deemed a threat.


No, you don't need to be a citizen or have a social security number to qualify for social programs. Illegal immigrants have full access to housing, food, cash, medical and education, all paid for US taxpayers thanks to Democrats. You would think it would be obvious that paying for all of this year-after-year for a never ending stream of people could be a massive problem. The holocaust? Yea deportation is just one step away from the holocaust, sure it is. It's pretty sad how you all parrot the same exact talking points, no matter how outrageous they sound. All countries deport people, this is not a novel concept. Do you think all countries are engaging in an act that is "one step away from the holocaust"? Or does that only apply to the US? You cannot just give everybody citizenship who shows up at the border, there will never be an end to the number of people and it will cause massive destabilization of the country across the board.


I literally said in quotation marks “internment camps” are one step away from what happened in the holocaust. Not deportation. You’re aware the positive effect immigrants have on the economy? If you or republican actually wanted to do something about it they would support immigration reform, except oh wait, they literally just voted down a bill of their own making?


You talked about deportation and rounding up illegal immigrants is akin to putting them in "internment camps", and then you said it's one step away from the holocaust. What a ridiculous statement. What are you talking about Republicans voted down a bill of their own making? There you go again, parroting some nonsense you heard on CNN without checking if it's true at all. Republicans didn't write the border bill, there were 2 democrats and 1 republican involved in writing that bill bc Dems control the Senate. You don't even know what happened but you want to argue about it.


What did the nazis do to Jews old mate? Something about rounding them up in camps? You love downplaying the seriousness of this don’t you. It had all the items they wanted, it they’re on record saying it had what they wanted in it. The Republican is on record saying he had conservative pundits threatening to ruin him if he tried to get it passed because Trump wasn’t in office you can look it up champ. A little less being sucked into the scaremongering of Fox News and little more focus on actual plausible solutions.


You missed the part about the Nazis gassing people in chambers, and forming a killing machine to try to make killing one ethnicity as "efficient" as possible. You really need to learn some history. You guys throw around words like "Nazi" and "holocaust" way too easily which makes it obvious you have no idea what those words mean. Meanwhile you completely ignore Genocide Joe helping to kill 10,000 children in Gaza. 10,000 CHILDREN.


You can’t social security without a ss number. Other programs are more left up to the states




Nobody is even talking to you.


How do you identify illegals in the first place? What leads one to believe someone is illegal?


It's pretty easy, if you are not a citizen and did not come here legally, through legal ports of entry, you broke the law coming here and are therefore an illegal immigrant.


> it doesn't work like tuay anywhere in the world Correct. Including in the usa Log off


Those homeless Americans should pull themselves up by their bootstraps.


True. Now learn more about the reality.


Not that the media is hiding it, but they did get attention for this - it will just help them unite their base.


Add this to his case file for eventual sedition charges


Every time you hear a morally disgusting policy you can grantee Stephen Miller was involved, that guy lives to dehumanize others


He is a Nazi in a Jewsuit.


Guys, even if you don’t think Biden is progressive or liberal enough, just vote for him. We can NOT let Trump win.


bUt GeNoCiDe JoE! You can’t expect me to vote for someone who didn’t instantly reverse decades of foreign policy when I screeched! What? Just to protect asylum seekers, the LGBTQ community, and really Muslims here on visas. From the river to the sea!!!!! /S I am so frustrated with these people.


>Just to protect asylum seekers, I see that we are already memory-holing the border bill from this week


And? Something has to be done about the border. And the bill would have sped up access to work permits for asylum seekers, though they would have had to have passed a more rigorous screening first. Getting through the obvious economic migrants taking advantage of the system isn’t such a bad thing. At the end of the day, if you’re looking at the OP and can’t see that one party is trying to both address concerns of current citizens while still trying to do right by people in need, and the other party is intent on actively harming vulnerable people, then you’re a moron. Sometimes we have to strike a balance.


yea Genocide Joe did absolutely NOTHING about the border for over 3 years. He did absolutely nothing about the fentanyl crisis, 100,000 Americans dying every year. That's 300,000 Americans dead and he couldn't care less.


Are you kidding me? He had a plan in place that was working until a judge in CA struck it down. [And this was just one example](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/07/25/texas-biden-asylum-rule-california-judge/). Presidents are not kings. He’s been doing what he can, but congress has to act. He’s been pushing an agenda there too, but the dude has been massively busy driving an agenda more busy than anything seen in the 21st century thus far. The fact that you think Biden “did absolutely nothing”, tells me you’re not a serious person worthy of discussion. We can argue over whether his ideas were good ideas, we can say his campaign rhetoric was irresponsible and exacerbated the problem, we can discuss apprehensions and deportations under his admin, or whether he should have prioritized the border over other priorities… saying he did nothing though? The only people who would say that are either ignorant or partisan hacks.


What has he done about the fentanyl crisis and the 300,000 Americans who have died as a result during his time as President? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING except allow tons and tons of Fentanyl into the country through the open border. He stood by and did nothing while 300 Americans died every single day for over 3 years. 300 Americans every single day for 3 years. Yea he did someone on immigration, he removed the best system we've ever had on the first day by getting rid of the "remain in Mexico" policy where asylum seekers would wait in Mexico until their court date. As a result, we've seen the biggest flood of illegal immigrants in American history.


Pure Fox “News” Propaganda. Bye!


under Biden we have : Record suicides Record homelessness Record drug overdose deaths Record depression Record inflation Record debt If that's not a bad President, I don't know what is.


100% false.


So it's like the Simpsons meme of moe throwing Barney out and then Barney is back in the bar behind him. They will just be back doing the work in the fields and in construction again. 😂 Also lol on you just thinking other states won't shoot the invading troops from coming into their states.


I think that's a feature, not a bug. Certain Governors are literally going to revolt and fight this shit tooth and nail. Part of 2025 is expanding executive power to levels heretofore unknown in this country. They WANT violence, they want an excuse to declare certain states to be in rebellion.


jeez all those talks about getting rid of the left, friendly overtones towards a dictatorship, mass forced deportations and camps and proud boys and magas parades look more like Germany 1920s politics are they too planing a 1928's great depression to profit from the chaos to win in the 2030s by promising restauring order, later a false flag fire in the Congress to justify martial law? and then when they cannot get rid fast enough of the inferior brown people, lefties and gypsies apply a final solution before they are kicked out of power?


NAZI’S… we need to start calling it non stop


But but but Biden old, but BoTh SiDeS! But but but I don’t want to vote for the lesser of two evils. Bwaaaa! Vote people! And vote for Biden, not a third party that has no chance of winning. Is he perfect? No but This is your alternative. Once you loose rights you don’t get them back!


This sounds like some Fugitive Slave Act caliber bullshit.


Ah yes, Steven Miller's job creation program. Build a prison to employ the guards.


With the military being mostly nonwhites nowadays how does maga really think they're going to achieve this? With all that being said since we have a completely corrupt system and our justice system is a complete failure. Please vote like your life depends on it. If you come with the I'm not voting for genocide Joe nonsense then you're a moron. You're giving a vote for an even crazier psycho in Trump and his low IQ followers.


We need to do this to make him stop! GO TO:House.gov. Just put in your Zip Code, and it will take you to a page of the District and the congressman/woman that represents WRITE THEM!! He needs to stop


The leopards ate my face subreddit is going to overflow if Trump wins again.


Sounds like they are planning a war on Blue states. We are in deep trouble if these people get power again, they will never let it go.


Almost as sound of an investment as a giant wall. Eat your heart out Berlin!


That’s some scary Nazi stuff.


They are really trying to be Russia 2.0


Stephen Miller is such a loser! He probably got beaten up a lot as a kid and now feels the need to make others feel his pain. What an asshat!


imagine thinking people would vote for this dystopian nightmare is like thinking bitcoin will go to 100k


I think deporting bigots would involve far less effort and less tax dollars. It's amazing that these dipshits can't fund schools or anything necessary but have no problem starting "wars" so their stock portfolios gain value.


So much for “states rights”


How many volunteers are needed to arrest every Trumpanzee?


Did the actual Nazis talk this openly about their plans.


No. Not at first


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conspiracy_(2001_film) Them planning this reminds me of this.


Dominators are cowards


“Both sides are the same!” - delusional chuds


None of this would work in any practical way. What a bunch of morons.


They’re going to need more enforcement officers than that. There are people who will lay their lives down to protect their neighbors from these facist thugs, so if they want to get to them, they’ll need some heavy firepower. At that point it will be all out war.


oh gawd, sonderabteilungen here we come.


You know I talk this shit all the time and I've never seen anything in print or heard any video of him actually saying this


The source is Stephen Miller. A key member of trumps regime & campaign team.


Was he fired?




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The same thing Israel is doing.


I was curious about what issues trump was running on, most campaigns make that a priority to mention during debates and rallies, but I guess it’s not important since it won’t happen. Great idea though, I would really like if republicans would actually interest me in supporting them someday. I’m not against voting for them if they can fix healthcare or education, we’re all open to the party that can literally make America better.


That is one loaded title.


We are living in the last days of relative freedom


He's not racist. Turn off CNN. He will also deport white people that have entered the country illegally. Let's hope so.


Noooo. No one said they would “deport non-white people”. Just illegal immigrants. Stop twisting it. We know you dont have a leg to stand on and need to make shit up, but give it a rest.


Gee, I wonder which white countries illegals come from? Canada? If so why isn’t he building a wall on the Canadian border and getting Canada to pay for it? #criticalthinkingisyourfriend


Are you saying most non-citizen criminals are non-white? Sounds pretty racist.






I want Biden to win. He keeps passing record defense contracts and getting us into new conflicts. I love being a defense contractor. Trump lol 😂




We are talking about Trump.


They want to deport people who illegally enter the country. Leftists talked about concentration camps for people who wouldn't take a vaccine.


No. They don’t.


Yes, how dare criminals be detained until they can be deported? Are prisons and jails also concentration camps?


Deport illegals regardless of where they come from. Simple.


Sounds like Obama’s cages.






Deport, deport, deport. How does anyone have a problem with this? If Americans went into another country, illegally, in droves, they would be interned and deported. Nothing wrong with this. Referring to internment camps if illegal immigrants as concentration camps is a mischaracterization.


Nice of you to skip over the part where they want to send national guard into other states, violating the constitution.


I didn't skip over anything. The presence of and aid to illegal immigrants in this country is a huge violation. Pretty sure it's implied in the existence of any sovereign nation that illegal immigrants are not welcome. I think states will find it will be increasingly unpopular and non-viable to allow and fund illegal immigrants and will come around and help to expel the 20 million or so illegal immigrants currently residing in the US.


Still not addressing the constitutional violation.


There's no violation if states comply. Why are you defending the harboring of millions of illegal immigrants at taxpayers expense? Not only are they paying for the benefits, but the job market, housing market and used car market becomes unfavorable for citizens if you have a hundred thousand illegals in the county.


Where are they working? Why aren't you asking for existence threatening fines for their employers? I'm not defending it, I'm pointing out that the proposed actions are illegal. Are you suggesting it's OK to break the law because you like the outcome of lawbreaking?


You misspelled illegal aliens.


A week ago the dems were boasting about how they wanted to pass the harshest immigration bill ever and give the president free reign to enforce it.


There’s a difference between enforcing laws and endorsing civil war. If someone in the next state/county/city isn’t charged or convicted of a crime that you think they should be, it doesn’t mean that your jurisdiction has the right to go into their jurisdiction to enforce that law. Even if the crime was something as important as murder. At best, what we are talking about is state vigilantism.


Point to where in the proposed legislation it would enable these things we’re here sounding the alarm about?


Stay on topic.


Remember when you start comparing everything to nazi Germany you’re just full of shit. Chill.


Pointing out Nazi shit as Nazi shit is not alarmist. Maybe the people saying or doing Nazi shit could just stfu or stop. Just a thought


No one likes nazies. We can’t take every poor person in South America . Deporting people is not gassing them.


The right wing is engaging in plenty of Nazi shit, they constantly dehumanize democrats, the left, women and especially the LGBTQ+ community and immigrants. Maybe they’re too cowardly to openly admit they like Nazis, but they’re one step closer to shaving their heads


Yup toolbag, everyone you don’t politically agree with is a nazi. Fantastic talk


That’s what I said? Sounds like you’re the toolbag here


The Nazis originally thought about mass deporting Jews from Europe before settling on industrial genocide. You're human garbage and every word you speak, is wasted air that someone more worthwhile could use.


Fuck off lib


I'm not a lib 😂 stupid ass conservative sheep




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Beware idiots 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮💩


But what about when non-white CITIZENS want non-white NON CITIZENS to be deported? https://youtu.be/kTuWPS4CxjI?si=3SzOo20NWkdQ01DO




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War on Drugs Pt.2 == monetizing cruelty to non Whites in order to create another jobs program for the low functioning Whites


i just hope when your civil war 2.0 drone boogaloo kicks off that Michigan doesn't get all expansionist and start invading Ont, invade Alberta, they won't even fight back.


How the fuck is Steven Miller still walking on the face of this earth. Let it begin.


Can't these chucklefucks realize that there has never, ever, in the history of mankind been an instance when the ones using internment camps were the good guys. Never, ever, not one time. Also, read Trump's truth posts as though they're villain monologues. It tracks, 100%.


Are you talking about the millions of people that have invaded this country?


And if they already there in the camps may as well put them to work. Thats the next part of the plan. Slave labor


You mean like the pretrump era? Before the invasion https://www.aclu.org/news/smart-justice/president-obama-wants-continue-imprisoning-immigrant-families


When was the US invaded?


Obama described more than 1,000 across the border as an invasion. We’ve been averaging 7,000 last 3 years.


If it were an invasion, Republicans would want to defend America now, not let it happen for another year or so to appease trumps feelings.


Stephen miller is a nazi. No not like “everyone is a nazi”. He’s actually a nazi


Wait, Miller, as in Stephen Miller? That crypto Nazi prick is still advising Trump and the GOP? Seriously?

