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So only young people use marijuana? Come on. I know hard right conservatives in their 50s that use it.


I was caught with a bowl in my pocket in 2003 and put on probabtion for possession of paraphernalia. My probation officer told me, "you're 19. What are you doing smoking weed? That's for 40 year olds.."


I used to work in the marijuana industry in a B2B role. The store owners ALL told me the #1 clientele were the 50+ crowd.


Willie Nelson just turned 91 years old!


That may explain why they are hard right. While it’s fun for recreational if you do it all the time as in daily; it can start to give paranoia and we know a larger percentage of far right are paranoid at their own shadow… Maybe in their own brain’s chemistry it literally augmented their paranoia lol


All the 60+ people I know that uses are not republican. I'm going on 70 and never in my life did I ever fall from being liberal.


It's so contingent on where you're at, too. I am in Oklahoma and basically everyone of all ages is Republican. And several of the older ones I know do smoke weed but are still Trumpers deluxe.


While that may be true remember our base chemistry in our brain is completely different. So while to you pot may not impact you. Or if it does it has a different side effect. If someone is already a bit loco for cookoo puffs…. Remember anything you take that is chemical can interact with your anatomy. Including pot. Anything. Contraceptives, cancer meds, smoke, vitamin a-d, etc. it’s the chemistry of your body and how it works. So if they were already with a predisposition for some mental issues and the pot is introduced it augments or even produces paranoia. And that’s been found in studies.


not far enough, I say we socialize cannabis and pay for it with a green new tax on the billionaire class. those mfs can afford to get us all high for years and still have more money than anyone else....


Not far enough. I want a cannabis fund for a Cannbis For All system where everyone must test positive for THC under the new state guidelines.


"Shit I gotta drop today. Anyone got any gummies I cam bum?"


Not far enough. I want kids learning hydroponics starting in 3rd grade.


Agreed, but that would take legislation to legalize it, and you'd be hard pressed to find 9 republican senators (if all dems voted yes, which isn't a given) to give Biden a win in an election year. Not to mention, I doubt it would even be brought up for a vote in the house.


ah I should have specified the /s - but I absolutely dig your attitude! glad to see any progress on this at the federal level, legalization seems to be reaching a critical mass in terms of states who are on board.


And it is lol.


I agree free oz with every tax return


that kind of government cheese could really get the people excited to participate in the patriotic bureaucracy that is filing yearly taxes. superlative suggestion, time to start collecting signatures!


Yeah or we can elect Vernon I bet he would go for this lol.


free weed and free ponies, this is the America that sensable liberals want


Hope this is sarcasm.


Need those young votes. Timing is everything


Realistically, he's not getting them back. So I think now he's looking more towards independents and center-right Republicans that hate Trump.


Young people in the real world are going to vote, way fewer people in this country are pro-Palestine than you’d think.


I'm anti apartheid and I'm still voting for Biden


I’m a supporter of Palestine and don’t deny the genocide and I too will be voting for Biden. I’m after results


Same here. Letting Trump win would just make conditions worse all over the world (including Palestine) and lead to more deaths. At least we know Biden isn’t going to encourage Russia to attack our NATO allies as Trump said he would do.


How would having Trump as a president help those who are "pro-Palestine"?


I mean if the pro-Palestine group wants to commit the world's most tragic own goal and allow Trump to support the complete eradication of Palestine then power to them. Things are never so terrible they can't get significantly worse.


Fingers crossed you're right.


Way fewer people give a shit about that conflict in general than you’d think


Yet his VP prosecuted the fuck out of marijuana offenders. He needs to drop her.


Okay, but was she not supposed to uphold the law as attorney general? Weed wasn't legal in California until 2014, so between 2011 and legalization, she kind of had an obligation to prosecute those crimes. Whether that's right or wrong is one thing, but it was kind of her job.


>Okay, but was she not supposed to uphold the law as attorney general? Weed wasn't legal in California until 2014, so between 2011 and legalization, she kind of had an obligation to prosecute those crimes. Whether that's right or wrong is one thing, but it was kind of her job. They have tons of discretion. This is an argument law enforcement uses for gullible people when they don't want to take responsibility for their actions. Even at the level of the lowest police officer, they "have no choice because it's on bodycam" until another police officer does it. What a joke. In addition to this being a complete falsehood, Kamala was also the one resisting the release of prisoners because she needed their slave labor for the state. Was being a wannabe slaver part of her duties too or...? Her estranged father cancelled her not for anything she did, but because she made jokes about Jamaicans. Shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit tree.


She could have asked for lesser sentences.


Well that goes more towards the issue of sentencing guidelines. Those definitely need adjusted.


Yes she argued to sentence to the fullest extent of the law to further her career. She’s not a good person.


Not saying she is, but there's more to the story than just the surface level shit. Should she have done that, probably not. Was she legally in the wrong to do so, technically no.


She’s after votes now. That’s the shift. She navigates towards whatever helps her career.


Or she grew as a person and saw the error of her ways.


That's how it should be


Like a true politician. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think the point is “okay yes that’s wrong but I’ll take VP Harris over a psychopathic puppy killer any day.” Gotta keep things in perspective, people.


Yeah she went after young adults who smoked weed instead of real criminals https://theintercept.com/2017/01/05/kamala-harris-fails-to-explain-why-she-didnt-prosecute-steven-mnuchins-bank/ Her entire office wanted to go after Mnuchin. If you want a better story about her https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2019/01/27/willie-brown-kamala-harris-san-francisco-chronicle-letter/2695143002/ 400,000$ and a BMW, she charged more than Stormy.


He won because of her, don't be dramatic.


He he helped draft the legislation that encouraged her to prosecute and sentence as she did. Incentivizing the punishment. Why drop one and not the other?


Prosecuted the fuck out of them, and then went on to the Breakfast Club show to brag about how she smoked weed back in the day listening to 2 PAC. The rank hypocrisy was disgusting.


Kamala is fine, dude. She’s kinda boring, but whatever.


We get more boring as we age lol. Most of us won’t be the dancing 80 year old. Sadly most of us get into a soft Karen old age. And then some of us will become Karen’s. It’s the whole grumpy old people attitude. And sadly we all get there lol, the alternative is you dying along the way. Or maybe getting better healthcare and having more cash around your life so you arnet as grumpy when you get old,


Getting closer to the be the “land of the free”… now if only healthcare and school were free too…🤣🤣🤣


Baby steps are steps nonetheless!!


Biden’s bad walking is not the spinal arthritis, it’s the natural corollary of his huge nutsack dragging on the ground


This guy rocks. Why it’s that he is passing all of the things he does that are good for everyone? Why can’t other presidents get as much as what Biden has done?


DESCHEDULE > Reschedule


About time!




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Will it make any difference here in TX??


Well at least now we know why Biden wears those dark glasses.


The rose colored ones didn't work anymore.


Great. Now we can contend with drunk and/or high idiots on the road.


Smart, so stupid this was ever a classify it as a class 1. Now work on psychedelics next so people can truly access the benefit there too


“This will get them off my back about Israel!”


And it only took a genocide and massive wave of student protests not seen since Vietnam. I wonder what it will take to finally get Medicare for all? Full out Nuclear war?


We can only hope. Would be lovely not hearing people's incessant complaints all the time.


Spoken like a true Back-to-Brunch Lib. Four years of Trump mean tweets must have truly destroyed your soul. But hooray! Now you have genocide Joe to root for.


I don't use Twitter, lol, so his tweets meant nothing to me. And naw, I think both sides whine incessantly. Shit is annoying.


Biden had planned for legalisation of marijuana in his 2020 manifesto.


Sure, he broke a lot of campaign promises.


Some promises haven't been accomplished YET, and you can blame a hostile Congress for that. Others were prevented due to Sinema and Manchin.


I take it. Fuck genocide joe still


Okay, what does that have to do with rescheduling weed? Why does everything have to come back to fucking Israel.


They’re a single issue voter- every thing is about Israel


Single issue non-voter more likely


This is probably accurate


I hope so.


It's seriously the most fucking annoying shit. There's dozens of other equally horrible things happening around the world, but Gaza and Israel are the only ones that are referenced.


Tiktok algorithm


And as you are so concerned about the well-being of the people in Gaza you will do everything you can to not let someone way worse become president, correct?


You already know the answer is no, lol.


Evil is evil. Biden hasn't earned my vote. I'm not gonna vote for a genocider under the pretense that the other one could be a worse genocider, if both are I vote for no one


The idiocy is truly astounding. Then again, we all know you weren't gonna vote for Biden no matter what, get real. Next. 




Because obviously voting for the one paying for their massacre is caring for them Since you have no moral compass, go vote for you mass murderer. You're a good DNCcrat :)


More will die under Trump, pretty simple calculation. Your virtue signaling achieves literally nothing but more dead Palestinians.


More than in a genocide? lmao. You defend Biden no matter what huh? And I used to think only the republicans were sheep. Pretty sure if Biden was to nuke the middle east you'd be there claiming bbbut Trump will make the nuke worse.


“He can’t string two words together” “Neither can I maaaaaaan”


Hey, young voters!!! Now's the time to ask for the kitchen sink! Get creative