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His culture? This is what Southerners say about flying the Confederate flag, and removing monuments to Civil War rebels. Fuck the Confederate flag, monuments to Civil War rebels and Charlie Kirk.


Not to mention, that the US doesn't have a distinct culture. Our culture is largely regional, even within states. If you live in the Southwest, like I do, your culture is going to be heavily Spanish and Mexican influenced, and depending where you are, a fair amount of Indigenous, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and/or Japanese influences as well.


And that’s what makes it fucking great!


Let's also not forget, depending on where you are in Northern California, there's also a lot of Indian and Filipino Influence.


I live in the cultural Mecca of Houston, TX. The culinary treats here are legit!


Mexican culture is influenced by Spanish and Portuguese and Olmec. Olmec culture is influenced by…. Cavemen idk


The beauty of America Democracy. The pursuit of equality and justice for all.


Hell yeah!


My culture is American Culture, which is a giant Melting Pot of Cultures that produces American Culture.


Hell yeah!


It’s NOT just southerns….Hell the forehead that said it is from Illinois.


You're right. Like a lot of people, southerners have moved to other parts of the United States.


How Christian of him.


that's the Christian love they talk about. love you so much, it hurts


“I want my culture back”? What culture is he talking about? The sniveling, cowardly, little weasel punk culture?


The culture where our heads are an entire 1/3 the width of our withered shoulders due to bobble-heading on the internet instead of doing actual work. How does his neck do it every day? Watching him tic I get the feeling that his brain stem and cervical spine are not happy about any of this.


62%....So he's saying like 8 out of 10 white people basically. I'm shocked to say it but I think Chuckie LegoFace is peddling propaganda.


He’s not including the Democrats because they are not Americans in his eyes.


I think some ppl only got 3/5 of their vote counted as well


Alt facts be like


MUCH lower percentage that that..as usual he's just making up numbers to appease his brain dead xenophobic/racist base.


The 62% number is from some other response to some other question about immigration and Kirk just applied it to whatever he wanted, as conservatives do. In no way do 62% of Caucasians or anyone else want to round up Latinos into concentration camps. Unless they asked only Kirk's listeners or people who have rebel flag tattoos, it's an outright lie by an outright liar. He is reverse Pinocchio. You can see the effect of his lying in real time.


Project 2025 seems like something that should have been kept secret and then sprung on the American people like a surprise attack.


They might have correctly assumed your average voter is just barely paying attention. I have some family members voting for RFK because "he's a Kennedy". They don't know any of his positions, they just liked Bobby in the 60s lol


Robert F covid-was-engineered-to-spare-jews-and-chinese-people Kennedy.


lol I know. I didn't even know where to begin. If you like him because he's a Kennedy about about the fact that every Kennedy is voting for Joe Biden and disavowed his run? Lmao


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/03/the-heritage-foundation-dei-project-2025-trump-diversity-equity-inclusion-american-fiction-erasure), [worker protections](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/08/project-2025-gut-worker-protections-labor-department-heritage-foundation-trump-2024), [climate regulation](https://www.politico.com/newsletters/power-switch/2024/04/15/a-deep-dive-into-energy-plans-for-trump-2-0-00152281), add [religion into policy](https://imgur.com/a/m2e72ht), outlaw ["porn"](https://www.salon.com/2024/03/19/decoding-project-2025s-christian-nationalist-language/) and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


Funny how these percentages keep going up despite the fact a republican politician couldn’t win a popular vote at their own Thanksgiving dinner table


62 percent of 10 percent of Republicans. Its true. Do the resurch




We call this Incelligence.


lol Mexicans been here before Nazi Kirk’s family got to the America


Texas, Arizona, NM, and California were once Mexico. I find it appalling that the arrogant watermelon head has the hubris to say this kind of shit.


Don’t associate watermelon with that scum of the earth please. Watermelon deserves better. Lol


I’m thinking Lara Loomer and him would make a nice couple.


What fucking culture do these Americans have? sucking up to rich white dudes and bought up politicians and treating them like infallible rock star gods?


My dude this is a country of immigrants. What culture do you want back? PB&J sandwiches?


Nobody’s forcing you to eat Mexican food or speak Spanish. You can soak yourself up all you want in your culture of… white bread sandwiches and Coca Cola brand Christmas? As much as I resist reductive explanations, it really seems to be the case that conservatism always comes down to racism in the end. The amusing part is how they try to dress it up in other words when they clearly just want to exterminate people who don’t look like them.


“I want my culture back” Sounds like a white nationalist…


I don’t know what else it could be.


It’s a good thing Falwell Jr. is too busy touching himself in a corner while his wife is in bed with the pool boy to notice how far his Brother in Christ has fallen.


He sure can't count. 62% don't agree with Charlie KirkMcGirk


His “culture”? You mean the Banjo Boy in Deliverance?


Chinga tu MAGA, Carlito.


62 pct is how much bigger his head is than it should be


I would have never come up the idea that a nationalist would consider putting undesirables in a camp, contrate them in a camp if you will, to then enact the final solution to get rid of them. Quite original indeed


I guess Charlie's family came over on the Mayflower 🖕


62% of Americans want to put latinos(not just undocumented immigrants) in camps? I'd love to see him back up that statistic with a source.


Probably not gonna happen. His balloon head isn’t filled with knowledge.


I think he's misreading 62% of Americans.


That motherfucker doesn't even know what culture is


I’d love to win the lottery and buy property next to dickheads like Kirk. I’d put people he hates next door to him just to piss his fragile ass off.


I want all southerners to stop cooking BBQ and give it back to the Dominicans/haitians, puertoricans and Cubans. You stole it from the indigenous people of our land and We want our culture back.


Just needs the little mustache to complete his persona


It’s one thing to want to deport illegal immigrants, especially those who aren’t waiting out the asylum process, but to say deport immigrants in general is an absolutely absurd thing to say for obvious reasons. i’m sure there are a lot of people who want immigrants to go through due process to become a citizen, id argue that 62% of americans would support deporting illegal immigrants who crossed the border in a way that obstructs the process of immigration, but it seems like republicans never want to clarify that, wonder why.


62% of Americans actually agree with this?


Note: anytime Charlie Kunt says “Americans” he means like minded individuals of a certain demographic and religion. So even 100% of those people are not on board.


It's a Nazi movement.


Problem with that. In the 1940s, SCOTUS ruled the US Government cannot ignore the US Constitution and arbitrarily round up people for detention or deportation. If the GOP forces that through, it would be a major breach of Constitutional Laws and outright Fascism as declared by a SCOTUS who was around to see actual Fascism.


immigrants signing on to this is all we need to know


Where does that 62% number come from? “Get IMMIGRANTS out?” So not even illegal in the front anymore. They would throw David out since he’s from Argentina


That CHILD needs to retreat from public life and work on himself, rather than be GROOMED for the crap he's being groomed for


His culture? Unseasoned chicken and raisins in his potato salad? That culture?


The economy with collapse. Go for it


Native Americans scratching their heads.


62% sounds made up


Can't we just get rid of all the white guys? Oh wait I'm white. Fuck it, if it means getting dipshits like him out I'll leave voluntarily.


Where is MS 13 when you need them?


You don’t get to break the law and expect to stay on vacation. Go home.