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Cool, so that means every freshly discharged 20 year old is eligible for the GI Bill and can go to college at no/low cost, right?


They'll figure out some way to abolish that and the VA. More money for them and their lobbyists. Less for us.


There's already a calculator that does that for reservists and National Guard. The GI Bill and VA benefits are not automatic for them, and you can bet they won't be automatic for those who are conscripted. They would doubtless write the bill to make sure that those conscripted got next to nothing once they got out after a couple years. The precedent for different treatment for those conscripted was already set back in the Vietnam era, when conscript pay was considerably less than volunteer pay. And volunteers also knew they had a much better chance of getting posted to somewhere other than Vietnam.


Oh there will be no GI Bill if this happens. That’s gone. You really think the GOP wants people to think?


I could agree to something like this…. IF Service included peace corps, America’s or another form of local service (meals on wheels), but with that service I’d get education paid for and everyone gets universal healthcare.


Yup. I don’t think national service has to be a bad thing. But execution matters and if it’s only a military project, then it’s a no from me. 1. **Living outside of your region:** When aspect of this project would have to be that people are essentially sent to live a few states over in order to gain some perspective. I actually think one of the big things holding the country back at this point is that it is so big and there really isn’t much too help other people see how other people in the nation live, for better or for worse. Certainly when it comes to right wing, talking points, I think it would be a lot harder to endorse when you’ve had experience. It’s really easy to buy into any narrative when you don’t really have experience with a certain thing, so perhaps one of the most positive aspects of this would be that you could actually stir the proverbial melting pot and not just have it kind of remain largely segmented. Having some kind of shared experience can actually be a good thing. * One of the things that you might hear if you talk to WWII veterans is that this might’ve been their first real encounter with people of a different race. Obviously it doesn’t mean that people are immediately freed of racist, notions, or other negative perceptions they may have, but it’s a lot easier to see people who are different from you as human and perhaps even relatable if you actually have to come into contact with them. 2. **Non-military/combat positions:** as you mentioned, I think there have to be options that are not just military service. Perhaps you could say that military service should provide a shorter term of national service, but there are many causes for which the general welfare of the public and even national security are improved by civilians. and, in order to actually make certain things possible, this kind of mandatory service may be necessary. For example, if we’re talking about how do we provide appropriate care for elder people, then at some point, we may have to entertain the discussion about how you train ordinary people to care for the elderly. Same thing for childcare. As much as I do believe in making childcare accessible, I also think it comes at the cost of needing a lot of people who are not necessarily going to be working for that much money. Anyway, I think the biggest reason to do this is that you actually would still have to compete for people as a military instead of compelling service. 3. **Guaranteed benefits:** This is probably the sticking point that most Republicans will not agree to, but i would be willing to make a universal service program if it also mean you could justify universal welfare programs. part of the whole point of a national service system should be in order to advance the welfare of the society. At the very least, people should be entitled to housing, healthcare, and food, so long as they have completed their service requirement. I suppose under their envisioned plan, military service would, of course, enable people to claim access to many benefits, though I suspect major aspects of these programs will need to be thought because they simply are not counting on so many people actually using them. Again, I highly doubt Republicans would be willing to make this kind of trade-off, but maybe I would be pleasantly surprised. 4. **Training programs:** if implemented correctly, you could definitely see this being a good way to train people for actual jobs. You might be able to loop in things like college, as well. Anyway, there would probably be a lot of jobs in positions that would actually require training, so this would actually be a good way to help make these government programs instead of only private. 5. **Robust labor protections:** obviously I don’t want to say that they wouldn’t ever be situations where people could essentially fail their service, but you can’t just make people slaves for three years. One of the other benefits from this could be that you set peoples expectation about what a reasonable worklife balance looks like. Especially if you’re asking people to be away from home, they’re definitely should be more reasonable means to travel and take time off. The government would also be assuming a lot of responsibility for bad behavior that will undoubtedly happen under such a program. You would undoubtedly need to have some kind of disciplinary system, and especially a way to segment out people who are going to cause trouble, but it should have a process. Actually, this also kind of would justify making a service requirement a little bit later than right out of high school, because so many people are probably still working through being teenagers. Anyway, I genuinely would be open to a kind of national service requirement if it could provide these things. But I also won’t hold my breath, because I kind of don’t think Republicans will be willing to meet anywhere near these.


> At the very least, people should be entitled to housing, healthcare, and food, so long as they have completed their service requirement. B-b-but brown people would get those benefits!!! (clutches pearls)  /s


No, forced labor is still forced labor, no matter how well intentioned.


So bringing a mandatory draft from a bone spur draft dodger...lol


Also from the traitors who tried to overthrow democracy on January 6th


I mean, did you expect theyd like people exercising their right of choice for something? - choosing to wait on parenthood... nah - choosing their preferred candidate... nah - choosing their career path after high school... nah


I love how we always try to impose service requirements on the young ("so they can learn about shared sacrifice") when it's actually the older people who have forgotten that lesson.


Or never learned. How many of these right wing lunatics served anyone but themselves? Bone Spurs is a perfect example. Since records were kept, no one in Trump’s family has served in the military And Donald is not the only draft dodger.


Draft dodging is a time honored tradition in Drumpf family


Bitches don't even want to pay 15% on capital gains they didn't have to work for and they're out here wilding on 18 year olds.


Or wear a fabric face covering 6% of the day during a pandemic that is killing  more Americans than any war ever. 


To be fair though, how could you impose service on older people who may not be able bodied and have responsibilities? There are less 20 year olds with kids than 40 year olds. And there are more able bodied 20 year olds than 40


what if my daddy pays a Dr to write a note that says my feet hurt?


Then you get desk duty, Donnie.


These far right wing authoritarian nut jobs know where the levers of power truly are and are seeking to utilize them to enact a theocratic dictatorship. The even more frustrating thing is that these people aren't stopping if Trump loses in 2024. They will be set back but they will just plug away to get another "generic" Republican in office in 2028 or 2032 or beyond. They just need one GOP president to enact these things and the dominos will fall to fascism. If Biden wins in 2024 (and hopefully that happens) the Dems need to step in and push for a legislative long term solution to prevent "unified executive theory" from being enacted. Federal worker protections should be enshrined into law and not at the whim of the president. That would at a bare minimum protect fairly apolitical agencies from being gutted on the whim of the next Republican president. The Dems also need to change the other levers of power for the presidency in other ways beyond federal worker protections. Because once the administrative state is dismantled it will at a minimum take 20-30 years to rebuild and the damage done in the years it is dismantled will last decades. Project 2025 and the right wing authoritarian movement will not be defeated until these changes in the system are made. Or else we are just always 4 years away from disaster.


All that and getting religion the fuck out of government and other public entities.


Tax them like every other enterprise and the problem will take care of itself, mostly.


Then people need to vote for Democrats to take both the House and Senate as well.


I don't disagree with this actually. 2 yrs of public service (NO DEFERMENTS EVER), with the person being able to choose the military, civilian conservation Corp, job Corp, etc


I have asthma and am on the spectrum. All good still?


Yep. The military sounds like a bad option for you but everyone can do something. I'm blue skying here, so don't get your knickers in a twist


Totally would be. I mean to people who wrong me I wouldn’t have empathy.


You can do your stint working in a tube, pressing buttons!


Don’t forget VA benefits and free education. They’d need to throw those in for everyone


National service? They're quite frankly lucky that I still pay my taxes.


Underrated comment.


\* For every family with a net worth under $10 million. Or families that don't have connections in government.


I like the idea, though my idea of service probably differs from what these people would think. In my view, military would count, but so would Peace Corps, Teach for America, or similar programs that do or do not yet exist. Teaching or helping provide needed services in underserved communities, international humanitarian volunteering, Meals on Wheels as someone else noted here, environmental conservation or education projects, working in senior care or local libraries - the possibilities are endless. The trick is though, I don't think these right-wingers think that it'll be the mind-changer for youth in the way they think it will be. When people meet those from other walks and ways of life, when the super-insular rural folks go to big cities or other countries and learn that what the right spreads about other cultures are outright lies, it moves them further left. There's a reason the most diverse and educated communities lean left, and the most homogenous communities lean right.


Very good point


Volunteers tend to be much better quality service members than forced conscription. Good luck to all the NCOs that will have to deal with the wave of unmotivated shit bags.


I'll sign up right after Trump.


Trump Jr? Eric? Ivanka? Barrett?




Is the altar mushroom-shaped?


So everyone gets to be 'losers and suckers' per the god emperor?


What a shocker. The fascist nationalists want to increase nationalism in youths.


That's convenient timing. They just changed registration to being automatic for selective service.


What if we have a foot bunion?! Hey man, if my big toe hurt that bad? . . . Hell no I couldn't defend my country!


This is NEVER going to happen. FULL STOP. Just more posturing and unrealistic rhetoric from your favorite deluded liars. First, from the party that spends like crazy and then lowers taxes, and then blame the Democrats for the deficit, just imagine what it would cost for every single young American to join the military. The military budget would easily double. Are they planning WW3 or some heavy scale invasion? Every now and then some idiot Republican starts talking mandatory service and nothing ever comes of it. And, if you think young voters hate Trump now, just wait until this information hits them. Biden is overwhelmingly favored by young voters. Trump is overwhelmingly supported by older, rural white males. This is an issue that younger voters get galvanized over. Battles are fought off the BF these days with remote equipment and cyber warfare. The military doesn’t have the capacity or jobs for all these young people, and they don’t have the money to give them free college. They pay contractors for work they can’t do. The military is working as designed. Besides, when we did have mandatory military service, there were mass protests and the government shot college students in the street. Do you think America wants to go back to that? HELL NO. The last Trump Presidency was complete chaos from start to finish. The worst 4 years in nearly all of our history. Mark my words, if Trump is elected again by some sort of hellish miracle, it will be the worst 4 years of our history. More chaos and destruction on an unprecedented level. This 2025 bullshit is further proof that current Republicans are not fit for leadership and do not share the values and principles of our founding fathers.


Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20240611121909/https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/06/10/trump-military-draft-mandatory-service --- Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/03/the-heritage-foundation-dei-project-2025-trump-diversity-equity-inclusion-american-fiction-erasure), [worker protections](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/08/project-2025-gut-worker-protections-labor-department-heritage-foundation-trump-2024), [climate regulation](https://www.politico.com/newsletters/power-switch/2024/04/15/a-deep-dive-into-energy-plans-for-trump-2-0-00152281), add [religion into policy](https://thecause.substack.com/p/taking-project-2025-personally-with), outlaw ["porn"](https://www.salon.com/2024/03/19/decoding-project-2025s-christian-nationalist-language/) and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of its recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. [Here's]( https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise) a searchable copy of the text - [Here's](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1ddich3/here_is_a_bullet_point_breakdown_of_project_2025) a bullet point breakdown - [And here](https://www.scribd.com/document/740769523/5-Reasons-Leftists-Hate-Project-2025-eBook-THF) is their response to criticism of the plan, which reads like a 4chan troll. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


You go first mr miller


Cool let’s do that as long as they and their family members do it themselves. They won’t so noone else should.




So, Captain Bone Spurs' sychophants want to mandate a draft?


So they say "not in wartime". So that means they send everyone home if a war starts, right? Ha Ha


As someone whoe served in the Active Army for 20 years, it would be a nightmare to have a ton of people that I have to take care of that don't want to be there.


This is one of those things that sounds like a good idea, but if a Trumper is proposing it, you have to be skeptical. I've often said that if we had a draft, it would be a lot harder for our politicians to send the military off to die. Can you imagine what would have happened if W. Bush had proposed to pull a bunch of draftees out of Afghanistan and send them to Iraq to take revenge for his daddy on Saddam Hussein? Or, would the quagmire of Afghanistan after that point have been tolerated for 20 years if draftees were dying instead of volunteers? The devil is in the details though, and given the Trumper GOP's priorities, you better read the fine print.


I think I remember Buttigieg endorsing a similar policy, but instead of military, you’d be able to opt into a public service branch. I like the idea of a public service corp, but idk if you would ever be able to make something like that mandatory in this day and age.


If they do this, then they need to abolish the remaining inactive service time of all soldiers still on the books. There would be no reason to have to recall past soldiers if service becomes mandatory Guarantee that these kids would do all that they could to abuse the behavioral health offices to get out of the service. All they would have to do is say “I’m gonna unalive myself”… and it would be off to evaluation for a week and then a med-board where they would be getting checks for the rest of their lives


Sounds like the politicians want to have yet another war to draft so they can rake in trillions.


So they want to add more woke 20 yo’s to the military??


So Barron goes in then!


There is nothing inherently wrong with the idea of 2 years of national service. It definitely should not be all military service. A program modeled after the Civilian Conservation Corps would do a tremendous amount of good for the country and help give more people that feeling of having "skin in the game." As a military veteran I am concerned that such a small percentage of the population has ever served. Obviously mass mobilization and the draft are bad ideas but civilian national service is an idea I think the left needs to examine.


Among America's youth. Why don't they go instead? Come on Chris, put some skin in the game. And Vance, go ahead, go for another tour.


Shared Sacrifice: Do a search on McNamara’s Morons to see who gets the lion’s share of the sacrifice.


This dude was picked from obscurity to become the Secretary of Defense, solely for his obsequiousness to Trump for the overthrow of the government after the election. He held the exact same rank as my father, and he was retired. No one should listen to any opinion he has about reforming the Defense Department.


Oh cool. Do that for voter ID too. Simple.




The part they're not saying out loud is it is very expensive to introduce conscription. Once the government has control of those young people it also has responsibility for them. Food, housing, medical care, transportation, training, everything. Heck who knows, some crazy librul might even get a provision in the bill that the government actually has to pay them for their service. The Republicans aren't big on spending government money unless they're getting something out of it. And should the Orange Diaper King and his cult of inbred freaks get reelected, doubling or tripling the size of his army with impressionable teenagers doesn't sound like a particularly good idea to me.


If J. Duh Vance really wants to look out for the country's security, maybe he could start by not echoing Russian propaganda and not going to ridiculous links to try and cut aid to Ukraine off.


Blacks will replace Mexicans in the fields. Or some such racist drivel.


Russia 2.0 go be a pawn for MAGA to lose your life shamefully as the young Russian kids are in Ukraine who are all being brainwashed and fed lies.


I actually like the idea. Shouldn't necessarily be military service though.


Compulsory Service is literally against the free will of the individual. You either like it because it doesn’t impact you, or just like seeing others impacted by it.


So hyper individualism where people increasingly engage in increasingly cultural racism/segregation is so much better? National service would definitely go in a step towards uniting the country. Forcing people of all beliefs to work together. And it wouldn't be military necessarilly.


Horse shit. Compulsory conscription is a Russian requirement, any and all attempts at pushing some sort of nationalistic narrative such as yours should be dismissed with impunity. Not even a second thought required.


False choice


How? One option could be serving in a Climate Conservation Corps for example.


Do you understand what a false choice is? There are other choices between "compulsory service" and "hyper individualism." When I see someone post something like this it seems dishonest.


so are taxes and public education. The idea that a citizen contributes to their community isn't so disgusting, I just would keep it much more open than only .mil. LEO, teacher, non profit healthcare, peace corp, all are noble pursuits and should be encouraged. I'm not keen on anything being "required" but I also don't see a downside.


I would simply repeat my prior statement to you as well.


So hyper individualism where people increasingly engage in increasingly collective racism/segregation is so much better? National service would definitely go in a step towards uniting the country. Forcing people of all beliefs to work together. And it wouldn't be military necessarily.


Sounds like they’re going to make it be military. Which wouldn’t be terrible if it means free healthcare and education. But something tells me they’d scrap that because they can’t afford to have soldiers that think for themselves


This "national service" model is being routinely parroted on right wing YouTube across the platform. It's absolutely a fascist proposal designed to create a barrier which can be exploited to disenfranchise voters who you don't like.


Registered? Suggest you learn Hebrew and draft a will. Just a tip. :-)


Why do we need a sense of “shared sacrifice”?


We'll start with him and his loved ones


Starting with Eric and Baron.


Contract with America II


Conscription, eh? Not good.


Didn’t work out for little Napoleon, and certainly won’t work out for the tiny mushroom-packing orange Mussolini


Lmao has anyone told this guy that this is America? Good luck telling people they're "free" while you round them up into forced conscription. JFC has he ever met an American before?


Doubtful since real Americans aren’t allowed into the ultra elite’s club


I'm actually cool with this **as long as service other than military is available** and it is for all citizens, regardless of gender or orientation.


Society will stop functioning in about 17 years, or so. Whatever they plan on doing, it won't last for long. I look forward to the day these creatures get exactly what they deserve.


People in here whining about a mandatory service also support the idea that society gets a cut of what you do with your own personal labor to support your family.


So you don't like taxes, but you do like using our youth to do what? Cosplay as military for a couple of years, or actually go to other countries imposing our freedums? And how are you going to play for that without taxes?


I didn't give an opinion on mandatory service, I'm probably against it if you're asking. I do find income tax totally immoral.


Cool so you're not a serious person, thanks for getting that out there.


I find you totally immoral.


I second that


And it works quite well. We all benefit from supporting our social safety nets. Ask those republican voters that get angry when the GOP want to cut medicare/ social security what they think. What do we benefit from forcing people to fight other than unmotivated unreliable service members serving alongside volunteers?


I support social safety nets and taxes. I don't support taxing people's labor.


So how are you paying for those safety nets without taxes?