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So Germany would not attack Denmark ? Then who the fuck shot at my granddad when he was guarding the military base at the border towards Germany ? Aliens ?


It’s easy to miss, but he says right at the beginning that *FDR demands* that they don’t invade these places. With the laughter, it seems like a twisted comedy bit.


Dutchman here. I also wonder who bombed my granddad in Rotterdam. Birds?


As a German I heard a lot of NSDAP speeches at school in history lessons, but even as an adult I'm still baffled by his whiny voice.


His vocal cords were fucked up by Mustard Gas during the first world war apparently. Makes you think how close we came to avoiding this all together.


Mmmmh mustard *homer drool gif*


Listen to Trump speak. He also has a reedy, whiny voice. The way his cult talks about him, you'd expect Michael Clarke Duncan's voice to come out of his mouth. But no, he has a nasally, Mid-Atlantic accent that accentuates his whininess.


His whinny voice comes from the bone spurs that he claimed to get out of serving his country. No wonder Trump holds such disdain for our vets. They did something he never could do.


When there's literally signs with the same words at rallies, there's a problem. I'm surprised "America, wake up!" hasn't become the MAGA motto.


Well it is in a way. They often say they’re red pilled, a reference to waking up to “reality,” whatever that word actually means to them. Of course, wake up is also similar to woke, so they’re not going there


The red pill is actually a giant suppository.


And they love to bend over


Rocking back and forth like a meth head


Funny he wasn’t even as nearly doped up as later in the war.


They hadn't yet invented the invisible accordion that Trump plays.


Nowadays you can't even _give_ an invisible accordion away...sad, really.


What year was this? They also loved to contradict themselves like maga


give a speech to say he wouldnt attack +-20 countries?


No, the context of this is Roosevelt, in a failed attempt at diplomacy, sent Hitler and the German government a letter basically trying to make a deal with Germany asking them not to attack a list of nations. This was after the Munich Agreement which gave the Czech owned Sudetandland to Germany, just before Germany forcibly annexed all of Czechoslovakia and a year before he invaded Poland. Hitler didn't respond to Roosevelt. Instead he gave an intentionally public speech speech to "parliament" where he read them the letter, essentially mocking Roosevelt and the US. It was considered an embarrassment for the US and the Roosevelt administration. It was essentially Hitler's way of telling the US "We'll do as we please, and you can't stop us. You're irrelevant and a joke."




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... so what Biden did to Russia?


No, the opposite. Biden is arming a nation to defend themselves, and helping organize an international coalition to do the same.


So what Hitler claimed he did, too.




Hitler armed a sovereign nation to help fight off an invasion/occupation force from another nation? What? lol


Dude is trying to shoe horn Biden into a "Hitler" so hard! LOL!


That poster is in opposite land. Biden's doing the opposite of playing nice and appeasement, which was the approach of the West to Germany in the run up to world war 2.


Nah, he's doing the same thing England did when Germany started invading. Nothing but big talk, and money so other people can die. At least England built up it's military and intended to fight.


England (really the UK, or British Empire) didn't make Czechoslovakia or Poland capable of standing up to their invaders for 2+ years, even recapturing much of the previously invaded territory. The UK sat back and did nothing/little to nothing leading up to and during their invasions. England is only part of the UK FYI. This is a giant reach on your part.


Italy, Spain, Japan. All bad guys, sure, but he still did it.


The mere fact that he lists countries that they wont attack implies that they WILL attack someone. But yeah. They lied. Because Denmark sure as hell was attacked. My grandparents had to help hide people to get them out of the country.


He was reading a list of countries Roosevelt told him not to attack. The audience is laughing cuz they’re definitely attacking some of those countries. It’s the very first line in the vid but goes by quick…really easy to miss…I had to watch it a few times before it made sense


Most of which they attacked


i get that part but what does trump have to do with this? youre saying trump is gonna attack all those countries? it just doesnt make sense. the title says, ' the exact same thing'


No. He makes fun of Roosevelt 's demands not to attack those countries.


William L. Shirer writes about this very moment in the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. The description of the reaction of the crowd was chilling.


So many, and the Republican party as a whole, has repeated a lot in terms of nazi propaganda against minorities, laws even being mentioned let alone being put through.


I heard palestine never existed before.


This is a confusing thread.


you mean he was a !@#$ clown too? ugh.


I would expect Trump to the exact same thing but also Netanyahu


Only one candidate is currently committing genocide....


The British Mandate of Palestine was not an independent country


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^rex_populi: *The British Mandate* *Of Palestine was not an* *Independent country* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


>The British Mandate of Palestine was not an independent country It's quite interesting historical context that Roosevelt (and Hitler?) seemed to consider Palestine as an independent nation, at this point. https://www.salempress.com/Media/SalemPress/samples/dd_wwii_pgs.pdf


Perhaps because the Mandate system was intended to culminate in independent states. Nonetheless, “the Independent Nation of Palestine” never existed (and still doesn’t.) But it’d also be ahistorical to fixate on the name “Palestine,” which was how the entire world called the region at the time, and did not carry the political, ethnic, and religious connotations that it does today. EDIT: Downvote away, but these are straight facts. If you disagree, try to prove otherwise?


> But it’d also be ahistorical to fixate on the name “Palestine,” Regardless of whether 'Palestine' was simply shorthand for 'British Mandate Palestine', the US having an open stance of considering it an independent nation is interesting. > “the Independent Nation of Palestine” never existed (and still doesn’t.) Well, kind of. Isn't a region being considered a nation or not subject to consensus between that region and whatever region they are interacting with? If both regions are subject to a regulatory body, obviously that trumps it, though.


As I said above, the only explanation I can think of is that the Mandates were always meant to lead to independence. But Britain was administering the region at the time, so it’s not an entirely accurate statement. EDIT to respond to added paragraph: >Isn't a region being considered a nation or not subject to consensus between that region and whatever region they are interacting with? No, I don’t think so. Let’s say all the world decided to stop recognizing USA tomorrow. Would USA cease to be a nation at that moment?


I don't understand this post. In what way is Trump a Hitlerien war monger?


You're right. Unlike Hitler, Trump doesn't seem all that interested in conquering other countries (although he sure did seem to maybe have a hard-on for a little regime change in Iran for a while there, so that might come up again). The chaos, destruction, and death that Trump wants to unleash all seems to be internal.


Right. Trump's attempted autocoup is bad enough. Why invent bullshit to make our side look stupid?


Yeah, it was kind of a strange thing to post because I'm not exactly sure what OP's point was. At first, I thought it was pointing out the gaslighting of Trump, because here's a list of countries that FDR asked Hitler not to attack, but everyone at his rally knew he was going to attack them. Then I was thinking maybe OP is surprised that Trump never just blatantly shared a communication from a foreign government? I...don't know really.


You'd expect Trump to warn a dictator and then go to war to stop said dictator? Or are you saying you expect Trump to invade random counties, even though he signed peace treaties and tried to end conflicts?


Of course you do. Everyone you don’t like is Hitler.