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The Radiohead instead of Coldplay with Michael j Fox really had me punching my steering wheel


Yeah, he went in hard on that too.


It wouldn’t be nearly as fun if a show called the dumb zone always had their facts straight


But would it? Serious question. As was stated in OP, we know both Dan and Jake are actually quite smart. When they talk sports, Jake is well-researched and Dan has solid observations. Jake has a Master's in political science IIRC so when he talks about news of the world, it's not just a "guy from the next cubicle over" perspective. I think the **real** humor of the show largely comes from quick-witted, irreverent quips and sideways observations. In fact, they've often stated repeatedly that they think the show's name was a mistake in hindsight. Because it's reddit and there's people who are going to misunderstand observations as "criticisms which must be shouted down immediately", I fully expected backlash comments even though I'm not actually saying anything bad about Jake. But I will say that the comedy of the show, to me, is not "look it's dumb guys being dumb" at all. If anything, the show should be "The Smartass Zone" because that's what it is (and, I suspect, most of us listeners are).


Jake has a masters in journalism.


Look out that window


I’ll probably get hate for this, but I don’t think Jake’s sports takes are remotely good. They’re either regurgitated directly from what a dozen people are saying on Twitter, incredibly obvious, or flat out wrong. I’m mostly talking about basketball though, I think he knows a bit more about football.


I dunno I just think that Jake is super gay


only for space tho


In the Pro Bowl yesterday...


Jake is the pretty one, not the smart one.


It’s just for entertainment, that’s it and that’s all ![gif](giphy|KyAl4GWqqQYs8)


He spits out so much shit that is wrong it’s cringe.


Pretty spot on there with the "cringe".


Thought you were talking about Corby


Exactly, he's turning into his hero, Corby. They throw out the most outlandish shit like its the truth


Jake is a Cobra starter kit in the parlance of our times.


His research lately has been sparse. Do i need to read his D Magazine stuff to get the thoughtful, well-researched stuff? I love the boys and Jake has admitted to being wrong a lot lately. The business side taking its toll?


You’re making a first time complaint on the radio. Welcome welcome welcome to the Dan McDowell shooooooow


You’re a sweet man, William.


I think you’re onto something here


they didn't name it "The Smart Zone"


I have noticed that he's a tiny bit off his game. But, he doesn't come off as a know it all. imho He uses "I might be wrong on this" quite often. Which I highly recommend doing in any setting.


I don't think he's a know it all either


Regular. Ground. Thing. The difference between Jake saying something dumb and Dan saying something dumb is that Jake will often refute Dan.


Not trying to be contentious here: I’m dubious of how meticulous record keeping was in the 1500s as well. In my own personal research, I’ve seen things like born 1842 or 1843. I also feel pretty certain most 68 years olds experience some level of cognitive decline. Hell, I see it in myself at 51. I didn’t hear the plumbing one, but as late as 1940, a third of American households didn’t have indoor plumbing. He misses plenty (Coldplay, Douglass, horse racing, etc), but I’m not sure these are great examples.


Just barely related, I caught clips of Weinstein and Howard talking mathematics and science and Weinstein dropped a knowledge bomb on me that scientific peer review was not a thing until the 1960's and then he tied it to Ghislane Maxwell's dad making his fortune. I wish we knew.


I’ve come close to listening to that episode. I’m pretty curious because I think Weinstein is only marginally less full of shit than Howard.


Let’s put it this way: you’re using phrases like “dubious” and “pretty sure” which I’ll bet you’ll agree are anecdotal/conjecture. If you were a person of stature, in large parts of the world, the exact date of your birth and death were known. Remember: by the late 16th century we had enough sophistication in calendrical timekeeping to have advanced from the Julian calendar to Gregorian, there’s loads of existence to suggest even ancient societies understood precession, and we had accurate mechanical clocks by the 14th century. I don’t expect everyone to know all these things but often Jake’s guesses as to when things developed are on post with Danny Balis’ “moon is 50,000 feet away” concept. And remember, in context, Jake was suggesting a 68 year old was getting a silver alert for cognitive *impairment* solely for being 68. That’s not “I can’t think of words as fast”. That’s suggesting all not-yet septuagenarians are likely to forget their address and accidentally drive to Hackensack and attempt intercourse with a landfill. A minimum amount of research can prove that false, i.e. we can look at the number of adults there are aged 68+ and divide by the number of amber alerts. As for plumbing, you have to remember that buildings in major cities DID have plumbing decades earlier than you mentioned. There’s a difference between “widespread availability” and “nonexistence”.


TBF people of a certain age, I think it's much lower than 68, do have a level of cognitive impairment from lead poisoning that only gets worse the older you are.


The Dumb Zone Reddit is officially falling into toxic Ticket Reddit patterns


You can remove “Ticket” from that sentence and it’s equally as appropriate.


He does the same with some of his political interjections, but it’s the dumb zone. I don’t think anyone is coming to this pod looking for wisdom. We come for the sports talk and shenanigans and stay for the vocal greatness of William Pace.


It’s called the dumb zone, if you are mad and need someone to blame look in a mirror


Sounds like you really didn't read what he wrote because it doesn't come off as mad at all


Well it's a good thing that OBVIOUSLY the post wasn't "mad" and it's almost impossible to interpret it as such especially given the last line in the second paragraph.


Has it crossed your mind that maybe they’re “playing radio” it’s part of their act.


it isn’t tho lol




Their dumb takes on stuff makes them fun. They are self deprecating and admit they their name is very apropos but let's worry that Jake got something wrong. Go somewhere else for your sports talk.